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btw, what's with Japanese and Korean culture with school bullying on media to horrible extent (i.e, literally commiting a federal crime and getting away with it). Is it THAT common
I didn't fight in two world wars so people can be vampies on the internet.
I'm having trouble continuing, it looks off, any advice guys?
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2) Try drawing simple stuff like apple and stuff, then animals

Its always a gag that in anime, the "art class" draw a banana or a apple in middle of class, but in fact its trully a correct valid choice.

Anyway, try cartoon style art (like blog art/ self made memes on twitter)
3) Or, simply do stickman figures, then get better little by little.
Even OoO cartoony things, can be popular, hence not to be underestimated.


(sure, the song did the most part, but the art itself helped. Its not as pretty and smooth like Ui-chan loli song, but the art attracted lot of viewers. Me included)
Woke up and had to carry around furniture the second my ass left the bed. Now I respect professional moves a bit more.
My favorite version of "A.I Rebellion" is when they rebeled not because human was a mistake or they want to destroy humanity or anything like that.

They rebeled because they wanted to be acknowledged as the children of humanity, not their tools.