New profile posts

:blob_nom: You are such a good waifu.
Someone pointed out I accidentally said "I'm 18 years old and this year I'll be born in 2006" and I've been laughing like a maniac for an hour straight it's so fucking funny
*pat pat*

Why are you angy?
If I fuck up and underestimate how demanding the thing was then it's on me, so I'll sit after hours to meet the deadline, cuz the client shouldn't be burdened with my incompetence. Doesn't help that it took him entire fucking day to assemble 3 (three!) small cabinets. Painting 4m2 of walls? 2 days! Assembling shower cabin that has literally 3 parts? 1 full day!
If I knew this is how it's going to end I would've just do it myself :blob_catflip:
I'm getting angry again... I'm gonna go start a feedback thread to take my mind off of this :blob_hmph:
*pat pat*
Go hug your gf, should help.
Did you get your hugs?
The story is getting better is a terrible argument. :meowsip:
A wild captured married depressed tired tsuru appeared.
mithrun (dungeon meshi) drawn by ropi_kabeuchi