Feedback + suggestions (Closed)


Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
Just that. Post if you're interested. I'm bored and unwilling to do anything else.


Due to me having irl stuff coming up, I won't be able work on any new requests in the foreseeable future. I'll continue until the end of the week, but anyone who hasn't received feedback by then likely won't in a long time.

It was great fun reading and critiquing all of your works and I hope I'll be able to continue once my schedule clears up!


  • At the unreasonably high rate of "do-I-want-to"/word (ie for free)
  • My feedback is aimed towards pointing out flaws. I'll try to keep advice, criticism and praise (strengths that you can focus on) balanced, but that not being the case does not necessarily reflect my opinion of overall quality
  • No guarantee regarding quality or speed
  • Feel free to ask again if you have further questions


  • No word limit as of yet. I'll read as far as I feel I need to.
  • No content restrictions either, but I might ignore your work at my own discretion (I'm fine with most everything and asking is always free)
  • No monetized works. (Exclusive Artwork or bonus/advance chapters on Patreon or similar platforms. Tips without benefits are excluded)

Optional Request Stuff​

  • Mention whether you want a DM response
  • If you tell me you main concerns, I can get them done faster and more in depth
  • Put additional info into spoiler tags so I can give unbiased reading feedback and adjust suggestions in the final stage


Total: 20/26
Current: Saint01
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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2021
It's long, I'm a couple months into writing it, still ongoing. I'm looking for not only feedback, but helpful tips on where I could improve the story. Since it's long you can't do line editing, but it would help if you could point out things you like and don't like about the style of writing (there actually really isn't any).



Semicolon Enjoyer
Feb 24, 2020
Huh, cool, would be nice if you can go over the story in my signature. Would appreciate if you DMed/commented the light edits.


Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
This goes for all reviews, but I'll put it here explicitly: My feedback is aimed towards pointing out flaws. I'll try to keep advice, criticism and praise (strengths that you can focus on) balanced, but that not being the case does not necessarily reflect my opinion of overall quality.
really? I was so willing to offer my firstborn to you if you take a look at the fiction in my signature
I'd never say no to that, but I don't reckon you are going to have a blood moon any time soon. That's required for the sacrifice, so they get to live I guess.

But you're not here for jokes alone, so let's get to the main topic.

Synopsis/Tags vs. Content

If the chapters are written as intended, you are missing a "Comedic Undertone" tag.
  • Wang Shunji, the evil bully, turns out to be a "mean to the person you like" tsundere
  • Zhanzhan's capture and her dislike for being thought of as not skilled enough for espionage.
That said, I myself would say that those lighthearted interludes interfere with the (I think) serious atmosphere you construct. It's a style choice, though, so take this as you will.

Multi-POV is disclaimed, but the synopsis promises a hero's journey, which the chapters you have implement in part at most.


From what I can tell, this is your biggest forte. While the first chapter was almost pure exposition dump, with the main character's commentary, it felt relevant. The little woven in details about the village and daily lives are fun to read even later.
But take care not to rely on them too much. The long winded descriptions of the festival preparations for example were, in all honesty, rather boring to read through.

Addressing sect facilities with semi modern western school terms also slightly stumped me, but again, style choice. Perhaps the modern feel is intended.


Wen Fengli oscillates between a brooding underdog and carefree tomboy. (An aspect that you stress a bit too much for my tastes. It shows from her actions already. Always telling that she's a "something-something tomboy" piles up and turns obnoxious at some point.)
The person who secretly trains in hopes of overcoming impossible obstacles and the one who spends her free time chasing after frogs do feel like different people rather than two sides of the same individual.
Should she be a "child in some areas, mature in others through hardship" kind of character?
If so, I'd suggest having characters notice her dual nature and react to it.
And most importantly: What are her long term goals? Right now, growing stronger for its own sake is passable, but once she has something, you need to give her reason to risk it again by seeking more.

Wang Shunji's vastly different characterization depending on perspective is a rather well done use of multi-POV imo, but there are some inconsistencies regarding their interaction.
  • Wen Fengli never once mentions the lessons he gave her
  • He states to be uninterested in other disciples because they don't share his relaxed attitude, but grows interested in her because of her diligent training (This could work if he was referring to mental/moral discipline, but his remarks in the second chapter tell me otherwise)
Zhanzhan comes across as a version of Fengli reduced to comedy. She's more consistent as a result, but feels like a filler at times that delays story advancement through her scenes.

Annu, too, is consistent in his shyness and thus silent crushing on Fengli. The leash thing is a bit questionable, though, imo. In addition, you could seek to give him his own motivations and bottom lines, as I find his passive and compliant self a bit bland at times.

Lan Caolu being on Fengli's bad side due to her betrayed expectations is reasonable, but his relationship to her appears rather vague.
He goes out of his way to take her with him, yet none of this "master's protected" status show through later on. Until he suddenly gifts her a ton of money.


Currently, the entire progression feels a bit aimless and interrupted by countless side character POV interludes. The core is well done, but for this sort of writing style, which invites meandering, I'd suggest you plan out intermediate goals at least. If you don't do so already, of course.

Writing and Grammar​

Most of this will be addressed in the edit, but here goes the lecture.
Paragraphs will structure the text corpus. Both thematic separation and highlight of commentary/thoughts would improve readability. (It's not too big of a problem, but can be unnecessarily chewy at times imo.)
As I didn't find it to be always apparent, it might also be helpful to mention the current focal character on POV changes.

How long something takes to read influences the perceived speed of events. Moments of intensity benefit from explicit description of sensations.

Tenses sometimes jump when the paragraphs have a lot of mixed in commentary, I personally don't find it too detrimental to the reading experience, but they might be worth a second glance before publishing. The same goes for repeating certain phrases in sections of the text.

Fengli was running along the riverbank, chasing after a small frog, when suddenly she felt an immense force push her off her feet. She screamed in surprise, but the cold water clutched around her body and rushed into her throat. Her flailing limbs could not grasp anything, stinging pain in her chest wanting her to cough out the inhaled water.

As the shock receded, her movements grew organized and she reached towards the turbid surface, taking deep breaths in between coughing and spitting. After stabilizing her position, making sure she wouldn’t sink again, the wolfgirl looked around to see what was happening. Standing above her was a young man, dressed in white cultivation robes, with his arms crossed. His blue eyes met hers and he gave a cocky grin.

//Sensation description

“Good job, you can do it!” he commented mockingly. Before she could give him a piece of her mind, he turned away and shouted something incomprehensibly, then quickly left the scene, disappearing into the dense foliage.

Fengli was just dumbfounded, and for a moment she felt like she was about to sink again. As tears pricked her eyes, she swam towards the muddy shoreline, somehow feeling both weak and strong at the same time. After reaching the shore, she just fell over, breathing heavily, and occasionally coughing out whatever water remained in her throat and nasal passages.

This was certainly not how she had imagined spending the evening on her day off! This dumbass had been pulling pranks on her before, but this was the first time he went this far! She could have drowned back there! Did he not know that swimming was not her forte!? She’d get him…later!

//Isolation of thought

After some time of cursing and shaking her fists at the invisible opponent, Fengli finally calmed down. She stood up, examined her clothes and tried rubbing off some of the dirt and mud that stuck to them, but most of it was unfixable without proper washing. It would certainly be a tragedy…if she was the kind of girl who cared about her physical appearance.

Still, the servant quarters had some rules about how presentable their servants were supposed to look at all times, and she could get in trouble with the supervisor for walking around in dirt-stained outfit, even on her day off.

Bah! Whatever! She’d change after coming back to her room. For now, she had a different destination in mind….

//Isolation of thought

Chenfei village was one of the southernmost settlements in the northern mountains, however, the proximity to the relative civilization of the lowlands didn’t make it any less remote than any other mountain village that one could find in the area. Its inhabitants were mostly farmers and shepherds, there was also a rather prominent bakery and quite successful pottery business that exchanged its goods with whatever traveling caravan happened to visit this backwater location.

But the main attraction of this location, and one that made it somewhat famous in certain circles, was the one and only Shuangshan cultivator sect located on the twin hills overlooking the settlement. In stark contrast to the relative poverty of Chenfei, the school, funded by a famous war hero, was an image of wealth. It had its own arena, gymnasium, barracks, warehouses, and even a library. Over one hundred warriors, mostly not native to the local area, trained here, and even though the school barely was 20 years of age, it was known to produce several prominent cultivators already.

Wen Fengli, however, didn’t count among them. She was one of the countless servants employed by the sect, as, being part animal, her qi cultivation potential was of rather dodgy quality.

Walking along the dirt street, despite her rather ragged appearance, she didn’t look that much different from the locals, most of whom were farmers and shepherds, and hardly cared about their looks enough to wash their clothes or bodies regularly enough.

Finally, she reached her destination. The beating heart of the village was a stall selling snacks, pastry, and drinks, which served as a sort of ad-hoc cafeteria for the locals. Needless to say, it was also her favorite place in this heavensforsaken settlement. She quickly grabbed a bag of pastry and ordered a cup of her beloved green tea, then went to sit at the corner table nearby. Inside the paper bag were two sweet rolls, the northern specialty, and one of the few culinary advantages the mountaineers enjoyed over the people of the plains. Taking the first bite into the sweet, soft bread, she took another bite, and then another, and another. Then, without even swallowing, she hastily took a sip of tea, the fluid and solid mixing in her mouth and turning into a rather unsightly mess of goo. Her tail was wagging quickly, clearly displaying her elation to any onlookers, the memory of the river incident slowly melting away in the ocean of sweetness.

Looking around, she saw that a group of teenage villagers entered the establishment, and made their way up to a table near Fengli, sitting down beside each other, laughing and having fun. Since it was late afternoon, they were probably done with working the fields and came here to unwind. Socializing here was the only thing they could look forward to the whole day long, a little cherry on top of their boring life cake.

Was this also her future?

“Busy day, dear?” asked the owner of the stall, the elderly man, Mo. He was eyeing up her wet and muddy clothing, probably having figured out what happened.

“That Wang Shunji!” exclaimed Fengli, in between taking another bite, “only because he’s the top student, doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants!”.

The elderly man nodded his head but said nothing. After finishing her meal, Fengli bowed and paid him 3 gold coins, getting 50 silver cents of change. The village rarely saw paper money, and most transactions were concluded with old-style coins or barter.

Whenever she had the time to spare, she helped him out to pay for the meal, but the servants were always busy around the time of the festival, too much so for her to skip duties. After leaving the stall, she set off towards servant lodgings located on the eastern hill, where all her belongings were.

//Just a bit of rewording

The journey uphill would be rather tiring for the average person, but thanks to a combination of wolf blood and regular training sessions undertaken regularly in the secret cave hideout, it was a breeze for her. Just as she was about to get inside the main building designated as living quarters, a young man appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Fengli jumped in surprise and felt her heart skip a bit. He laughed mischievously, revealing him to be Wang Shunji.

“What are you doing here?” yelled Fengli, glaring daggers at the young man. The mood lifted by the meal instantly dropped again at the sight of her regular tormentor.

He grinned, “Didn’t you know? The master called for you this morning. However, you were nowhere to be found! Entire servant quarters have been looking for you everywhere!” he said in an accusing tone, but his face was decorated with the dumbest smile she had ever seen. He leaned closer “What on earth have you been doing all this time?”, he glanced all over her, taking notice of her mud-stained clothes, continuing to play dumb “And why are you so *dirty*? I know you’re just a servant, but please…”

//Phrase repetition “all this time”

At this moment Fengli couldn’t take it anymore and screamed at him. “Get out, get, get out!”

She didn’t know how long she went on screaming, but by the time she was finished, he was already gone. She decided to use this moment of peace to change into her spare set of working clothes and go see the master.

His house was located in the small forest, beyond the western hill, where the warrior lodgings and main training grounds were. It would take quite a while to reach his secluded dwelling. Perhaps she should run?

While casually jogging downhill, then uphill again, she pondered the current situation.

A long time ago, Lan Caolu had been a powerful cultivator, known for his martial achievements and strength of character. When he got older, he eventually settled down in the village of Chenfei, where he opened Shuangshan cultivation school, passing his skills and personal philosophy of honor and benevolence to the next generations of martial artists. That had been about two decades ago. Many flocked to the school because of its master’s reputation, and despite its relatively young age, some of the prominent cultivating clans of the middle kingdom sent their offspring to train there, hoping that some of the wisdom and discipline of the old master would rub onto their children.

However, in recent months, the master became progressively more and more secluded from worldly matters. Though nobody knew the reason why, considering his advanced age, rumors of dementia and lunacy began circulating the village, and soon enough, rumor repeated many times enough became a piece of common knowledge. With that, talks of succession had begun as well, and two factions, each with their own candidate, formed within the ranks of the sect.

However, this was of little consequence to the servants. All of them were Yaren, and as mixed breeds, despite not being able to efficiently manipulate qi, they were valued in the north for their enhanced physical abilities and sharp senses, often employed as physical laborers and housekeepers. Since regular weapons and traditional martial arts were of little consequence when faced with the otherworldly abilities wielded by cultivators, they were often ignored by those who had such powers, and thus, no matter what power struggles were taking place among the warriors, none of that concerned nor affected them. They were just supposed to quietly and diligently do their job regardless of who was in charge.

She arrived, panting heavily, and walked inside. After entering, the master greeted Fengli with a warm smile. His eyes looked muddied, and his facial expression was ambiguous. His clothes were far from being well maintained, and his shriveled, wrinkled face betrayed signs of malnutrition. He motioned for Fengli to come closer and talk.

He looked her up and down for a while, his mouth open and closed several times wordlessly, as if he was trying to say something, but couldn’t quite find the correct words for it. Finally, when he spoke, his voice was devoid of all the power and charisma it had just five years ago. It was the shaking voice of an old man, no different from that of any other local pensioner or down-ridden beggar.

“You’ve finally, arrived. I’ve been waiting for you for quite…a while”. She glanced at a tea set upon the table. The cups had traces of brownish fluid inside them, whatever nightmarish fuel was brewed in the teapot had already long left this mortal realm. Fengli thanked the heavens for not arriving here earlier, else she’d suffer the fate of having to politely drink some of the mysterious substance. As always, the heavens didn’t answer.

“You’re…troubled?… Is it your mother’s death?” asked the master, tilting his head, and looking straight into her eyes with his unseeing gaze. Lan Caolu was her mother’s old friend, and he took Fengli in after she passed away. However, that was a long time ago. Fengli had already gotten over it. The very fact he mistook her disgust at the so-called tea with childhood trauma and started this meeting with that particular question told her that this conversation would be anything but stringent.

Nonetheless, the master wasn’t wrong in his perception. She was indeed troubled by something, on a deeper, existential level.

The pain of knowing that your best was simply not good enough.

Little did she know that tonight, her fate would take an unexpected turn, and the goals and aspirations she once thought to be forever beyond her reach would become possible.
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Jul 30, 2021
Damn, I didn't know what to expect, but you exceeded my expectations. Thank you for your input, and I will seriously consider it.

edit: some of your notes about characters will be explained later and through flashbacks. in my initial draft, I actually wrote up the entire conversation between the old master and the mc in chapter 1, but decided to delete it and part by part revisit it at some other point in the story, because I realized that a) it will either spoil the story or b) it will be so ambiguous, that it will waste the reader's time

you are absolutely correct about Zhanzhan being very similar to the mc, because my idea was to have two initially similar individuals thrown in different circumstances after the starting point and develop in a very different way.

you are also right about comedy/seriousness being intentional, as it's my belief that one can't exist without the other. And trust me, I really considered giving the comedic undertone tag, but the problem is 25 tag limit which I have already reached. Initially I gave this fiction over 30 tags, and had to delete several of them, leaving only those that I considered to be most relevant.

But I am grateful to hell and beyond that you shared with me your honest impressions of characters so far. this is really what I wanted, to have someone tell me what they think based on info provided so far. And of course, your style/grammar advice will also be incorporated from now on.

edit 2: also, the use of modern school terminology wasn't actually intentional at all, I just didn't know how to translate certain Chinese words into English, and google translate wasn't very helpful, either
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Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
Damn, I didn't know what to expect, but you exceeded my expectations. Thank you for your input, and I will seriously consider it.

edit: some of your notes about characters will be explained later and through flashbacks. in my initial draft, I actually wrote up the entire conversation between the old master and the mc in chapter 1, but decided to delete it and part by part revisit it at some other point in the story, because I realized that a) it will either spoil the story or b) it will be so ambiguous, that it will waste the reader's time

you are absolutely correct about Zhanzhan being very similar to the mc, because my idea was to have two initially similar individuals thrown in different circumstances after the starting point and develop in a very different way.

you are also right about comedy/seriousness being intentional, as it's my belief that one can't exist without the other. And trust me, I really considered giving the comedic undertone tag, but the problem is 25 tag limit which I have already reached. Initially I gave this fiction over 30 tags, and had to delete several of them, leaving only those that I considered to be most relevant.

But I am grateful to hell and beyond that you shared with me your honest impressions of characters so far. this is really what I wanted, to have someone tell me what they think based on info provided so far. And of course, your style/grammar advice will also be incorporated from now on.

edit 2: also, the use of modern school terminology wasn't actually intentional at all, I just didn't know how to translate certain Chinese words into English, and google translate wasn't very helpful, either
If you have further questions, feel free to ask in the future.
As for editing, I think I'll go with 5 chapters/work for now, but I'll prioritize reviews, so you'll have to wait. Provided you even want that. I don't want to make the effort for nothing after all.

From what I've seen, the facilities are usually addressed as "something Pavilion" for most places (library...), then arena or training ground for practical training. So rev that MTL and give it a name ig


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
Just that. Post if you're interested. I'm bored and unwilling to do anything else.
  • No guarantee regarding quality or speed
  • No monetized works. I can't check for yet unpublished works ofc, so I'll trust in your fairness
  • Mention if you want a DM response
  • Put additional info into spoiler tags so I can give unbiased reading feedback and adjust suggestions in the final stage
  • At the unreasonably high rate of "do-I-want-to"/word (ie for free)
  • My feedback is aimed towards pointing out flaws. I'll try to keep advice, criticism and praise (strengths that you can focus on) balanced, but that not being the case does not necessarily reflect my opinion of overall quality
  • Feel free to ask again if you have further questions
Review (1/4)
Chapter Edits (0/4)
say, you've got a word limit on how far you read?


Jul 30, 2021
If you have further questions, feel free to ask in the future.
As for editing, I think I'll go with 5 chapters/work for now, but I'll prioritize reviews, so you'll have to wait. Provided you even want that. I don't want to make the effort for nothing after all.

From what I've seen, the facilities are usually addressed as "something Pavilion" for most places (library...), then arena or training ground for practical training. So rev that MTL and give it a name ig

Oh no need to do the editing yourself, you have illustrated your points well, and I will do my best to try to digest and incorporate that advice in my writing. It's a bit like giving a man a fish versus teaching a man to fish.

As for names, it's really a tough situation, since in English language pavilion designates open-air building, and the facilities I was describing were closed. Especially "gymnasium" was tricky. Initially, I wanted to go with "daochang" or even Japanese word "dojo" which daochang directly translates to, as this is what I had in mind-a a designated, enclosed empty area in a building used for martial arts training. In fact, my first draft had the word "dojo" instead of gymnasium, which I next meticulously removed, as it's too Japanese sounding(even though it has been incorporated into English language to a certain extend). But I'm rambling about linguistics now~

Tell you what, if you current choice of vocabulary gives that modern-ish feel, I might turn counterclockwise and just roll with it, avoiding further linguistic torments.


Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
say, you've got a word limit on how far you read?
Not as of now. I try to read up until a point where I feel like I can give solid feedback.

If I end up far behind due to very long works, though, that might change.
Want quicker responses? Tell me what I should focus on.

Oh no need to do the editing yourself, you have illustrated your points well, and I will do my best to try to digest and incorporate that advice in my writing. It's a bit like giving a man a fish versus teaching a man to fish.

As for names, it's really a tough situation, since in English language pavilion designates open-air building, and the facilities I was describing were closed. Especially "gymnasium" was tricky. Initially, I wanted to go with "daochang" or even Japanese word "dojo" which daochang directly translates to, as this is what I had in mind-a a designated, enclosed empty area in a building used for martial arts training. In fact, my first draft had the word "dojo" instead of gymnasium, which I next meticulously removed, as it's too Japanese sounding(even though it has been incorporated into English language to a certain extend). But I'm rambling about linguistics now~

Tell you what, if you current choice of vocabulary gives that modern-ish feel, I might turn counterclockwise and just roll with it, avoiding further linguistic torments.
This might be a fun idea, so long as you think it through. The "rural village" is a perfect explanation for further modern things being introduced as they get into contact with "civilization"


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2020
If I end up far behind due to very long works, though, that might change.
Want quicker responses? Tell me what I should focus on.
Consider me impressed. How familiar are you with modern anime? Because it will go a long way in making the process smoother. You'll have an easier time in giving feedback and I'll get something closer to what I want.

I'd like to have my first volume checked out too. It's in my sig, and if you're familiar with the listed anime, you know what to expect or what I'm going for. A thing I'd have to tell you is that the chapters were long, so I forced divide them into twos, so the first 2 chapters were actually one chapter initially. The next 2 were the second, and so on.

While I want a generalized feedback, I also have some focus points. The grammar and prose, I've received pointers on, so I don't want much focus on those for now. I am not intending to do a huge rewrite, but I do have a mass polishing in mind when I finish the entire series.

With that polishing in mind, I am thinking of some rewrites that can make things read more smoothly or quicken/slow down the pacing. Also, to probably do a bit of tweaking to make the characters more likeable. They're mostly archetypical until their focus arcs, but maybe a single personality quirk/verbal tweak could help them shine in the meantime? Looking for suggestions here.

What also I think I primarily want are some additional tweaks early on to give the series more "omph" to survive the hypothetical 3-episode rule should it hypothetically become an anime (because really, my main purpose for writing this is to have a story very similar to the stuff I loved, something that can be placed alongside them and look perfectly in place, but with its own tweaks to call it my own). In short, I'm not looking to make a super deep, unique, or original series but something with a reception along the lines of "wow it really looks like a legit LN" while they pick a waifu and have best girl arguments.

Hope you don't mind the long specifications. It's just that I really have an image of what I want to go for here, so feedback directed that way will be more helpful.

Replying here is fine, but do you mind me DMing you some followups once you're done here?
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Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
Consider me impressed. How familiar are you with anime community culture? Because it will go a long way in making the process smoother. You'll have an easier time in giving feedback and I'll get something closer to what I want.

I'd like to have my first volume checked out too. It's in my sig, and if you're familiar with the listed anime, you know what to expect or what I'm going for. A thing I'd have to tell you is that the chapters were long, so I forced divide them into twos, so the first 2 chapters were actually one chapter initially. The next 2 were the second, and so on.

While I want a generalized feedback, I also have some focus points. The grammar and prose, I've received pointers on, so I don't want much focus on those for now. I am not intending to do a huge rewrite, but I do have a mass polishing in mind when I finish the entire series.

With that polishing in mind, I am thinking of some rewrites that can make things read more smoothly or quicken/slow down the pacing. Also, to probably do a bit of tweaking to make the characters more likeable. They're mostly archetypical until their focus arcs, but maybe a single personality quirk/verbal tweak could help them shine in the meantime? Looking for suggestions here.

What also I think I primarily want are some additional tweaks early on to give the series more "omph" to survive the hypothetical 3-episode rule should it hypothetically become an anime (because really, my main purpose for writing this is to have a story very similar to the stuff I loved, something that can be placed alongside them and look perfectly in place, but with its own tweaks to call it my own). In short, I'm not looking to make a super deep, unique, or original series but something with a reception along the lines of "wow it really looks like a legit LN" while they pick a waifu and have best girl arguments.

Hope you don't mind the long specifications. It's just that I really have an image of what I want to go for here, so feedback directed that way will be more helpful.

Replying here is fine, but do you mind me DMing you some followups once you're done here?
As far as structure and content of feedback goes, I don't have much of an idea either. Hopefully this issue will clear itself up as I read the work in question, but I'll do and learn as I go.

Regarding the anime list, I'm at 1.5/3. I had to look up Twin Star Exorcist. Strike the Blood I did watch and started with Bleach, but never got too far in. I can't promise anything in regards to making your novel closer to those, but I'll give it a read and see what comes to mind.

Prepare for a bit of delay, though, as I still have a lot ahead of myself


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2020
As far as structure and content of feedback goes, I don't have much of an idea either. Hopefully this issue will clear itself up as I read the work in question, but I'll do and learn as I go.

Regarding the anime list, I'm at 1.5/3. I had to look up Twin Star Exorcist. Strike the Blood I did watch and started with Bleach, but never got too far in. I can't promise anything in regards to making your novel closer to those, but I'll give it a read and see what comes to mind.

Prepare for a bit of delay, though, as I still have a lot ahead of myself
You can also use Date a Live as reference. Persona 4 too if we're going video games. People have also compared it to 11eyes if you're familiar. Technically, I wrote the story structure like a set of JRPG arcs so if you're familiar with those, it could help.

I don't think I'll want to make it "close to those" per se because I feel I got that down pat. It's probably help with the characters or hooks. A lot of my inspirations ended being quite generic in execution (relative to the critically acclaimed masterpieces) but they all had that charm to hook someone in at first, even those with "plain-sounding" premises and weaker first parts.

No prob with the delay. My chapters are very dense relative to an anime style webnovel after all, and many people have said the actual writing style looks more similar to a Western novel, so this one really will take a while to go through.
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Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
It's long, I'm a couple months into writing it, still ongoing. I'm looking for not only feedback, but helpful tips on where I could improve the story. Since it's long you can't do line editing, but it would help if you could point out things you like and don't like about the style of writing (there actually really isn't any).

I had an opening joke for you as well, but I forgot before I wrote it down, so you'll have to do without.

Improvement advice is not my strong suit, but I'll see what I can do.

Synopsis/Tags vs. Content

A good few of the tags aren't implemented yet, but with the immortal theme, I'll take them as teasers for future content.
The synopsis spoils a lot, though, so perhaps consider revamping it to match the foreshadowing of the early chapters instead of dumping the entire thing?


Interesting dark-ish fantasy. Focusing on elements that usually take a smaller role, like the vessel casting, give the story a refreshing feel.

This might be due to the added factor of magic that messes with progression, but I find the contrast between mud house vs artificially cooled library a bit too wide to not bring it up. I understand that quality housing is expensive, but that usually just means that the buildings are shared between more people, while you gave each warrior their own. Not to mention that there's a tavern


Silas, though not being given any extreme or unusual believes, doesn't feel bland. Similar to the setting, he is "simple well done"... most of the time. At least in my impression, he has a tendency to go through changes in emotion without much apparent reason. He embarks on a revenge hunt for his fallen mother, yet he seemingly doesn't care as soon as he returns.
The foreshadowing makes one want to know more about his past/future, but the until now all too positive power is a bit boring to me.

Aurel is similar in that regard. And otherwise he doesn't appear to have a lot going for him as of now. This character archetype is useful for comedic relief, but I don't think that does you much good as long as the "serious" part of the story is watered down already. In the beginning the MC commented how Aurel hated Lycans even more than him, which was an interesting buildup for their dynamic in my view, but after they return to the village, he devolves to being the goofy friend character.

Minerva and the bickering sibling relationship they have is fun to read, but again, she contributes to diluting the passive threat of living in a world with superhuman predators.


After some exposition dump, you get right into action. The fights themselves are well done imo, if you did not rely on the Lycan's inexplicable arrogance so much. The one they fight goes between grinning smugly and howling in pain a few times too often to sound believable.
I'm guessing you want to stress the fact that the two are still extremely weak and only hold their own through the opponent's negligence, but I'd say you can do without those extra remarks, as the flow of the battle shows the power difference clearly enough already imo.

The banter and dueling after that are fun to read by themselves, but don't fit into the harsh reality described before.

Writing and Grammar​

With the canon narrator (An older Silas), it makes sense for him to know more in hindsight, even be biased in his evaluations. But unless he became all knowing in the time gap between the events on the story and the point where he narrated from, there are certain things he should not be able to know, such as the thoughts and inner workings of other characters. He can guess them of course, but you often have him state them with absolute certainty.
Also, since he's the one narrating, saying anything positive about the young version is him tooting his own horn, which I'm not entirely sure is an intended characterization.

It's not a huge problem, but look out for paragraphs like this one, that have sentences with nearly identical meaning.
I looked around, expecting to find my father, but he was nowhere to be found. I'd expected him to be in the library, I was surprised to see that he wasn’t.

You have described your own writing style as "dry wood", which I don't find to be necessarily bad myself, but emotion comes across as random and awkward most of the time.


The above already goes over most of what I consider to be in need of redo. (You said you considered rewriting)
A double edge for his power might be good.
Regarding the dry writing, perhaps swap some of the impersonal background info for biased/emotional reactions. I would rather go with description than internal outcries, though.
Try to even out the way you implement emotion. Add a lot of small expressions here and there and ask yourself whether those you already have are justified in their intensity (I find a few to be somewhat excessive)

That's the best advice I can give on the spot.
State your price.
say, you've got a word limit on how far you read?
Just for the record: If either of you want me to do your books, please say so, otherwise I'll assume your questions to be in public interest.
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Vagabond and traveller
May 22, 2021
I am not sure where my novel would stand on the monetization scheme, It is free and will remain free past its completion, but I might do so some serious editing in the future once it is done and turn it into a book. So take it as you will. I'll just be honest in advance and tell you I don't know what the future would bring.

If you do decide to take a look at it - I won't expect anything detailed but a nod toward weaker scenes that disrupt your personal readability would be great. Granted ofc that early chapters were, well, early.


Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
I am not sure where my novel would stand on the monetization scheme, It is free and will remain free past its completion, but I might do so some serious editing in the future once it is done and turn it into a book. So take it as you will. I'll just be honest in advance and tell you I don't know what the future would bring.

If you do decide to take a look at it - I won't expect anything detailed but a nod toward weaker scenes that disrupt your personal readability would be great. Granted ofc that early chapters were, well, early.
No problem from my side.