Thoughts on Fanfiction?


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2022
I started writing a fanfiction novel because I thought it would be fun, but I can't help but feel like it's unfulfilling and a waste of time. When I put a lot of thought into original concepts, they're forever tainted by the "fanfiction" label. It always feels like, "Why is this even taking place in XYZ?" or "Why do I have to use these characters?" Why am I worrying more about continuity and having to do research on things the creator of said stories didn't?

Because more people will click on it?

Because people are less critical of fanfiction?

I think fanfictions suck if you want to write a good novel and not just a generic self-insert or harem story.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2021
After reading some really good fanfiction these past few years, I have to disagree.

An original work will introduce its own characters of course, but alongside them it'll have its own themes, symbolism, character development, and everything else that makes a good story. What makes a good fanfiction is when the new author takes those themes and shows they understand them enough to apply them to their own character or the fanfic's own plot. To see the original characters' developments and either continue them or have those same lessons be learned by the fanfic's OC. It should be an extension of the original work and show that the fanfic author truly understands the original author.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2022
After reading some really good fanfiction these past few years, I have to disagree.

An original work will introduce its own characters of course, but alongside them it'll have its own themes, symbolism, character development, and everything else that makes a good story. What makes a good fanfiction is when the new author takes those themes and shows they understand them enough to apply them to their own character or the fanfic's own plot. To see the original characters' developments and either continue them or have those same lessons be learned by the fanfic's OC. It should be an extension of the original work and show that the fanfic author truly understands the original author.
This may work for the *reader*, but I'm referring to writing them. It may just be a me thing, but I feel uncomfortable not having full ownership of the subjects I'm working with, and I have not seen an example of a fanfiction where you could not just replace the characters and setting with a similar style but original content.

Maybe if the copyright laws weren't so draconian and archaic it wouldn't bother me so much.


Oct 26, 2022
kinda agree, its like no matter how good you expand the story, its still a fanfiction for a work done by the og author, and the sense of accomplishment after u write it is... kinda empty for me.


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
Fanfiction is a way for the author to express their wish fulfillment for a work they enjoyed but wished it went differently.


King of the birds and the fish.
Nov 5, 2019
I started writing a fanfiction novel because I thought it would be fun, but I can't help but feel like it's unfulfilling and a waste of time. When I put a lot of thought into original concepts, they're forever tainted by the "fanfiction" label. It always feels like, "Why is this even taking place in XYZ?" or "Why do I have to use these characters?" Why am I worrying more about continuity and having to do research on things the creator of said stories didn't?

Because more people will click on it?

Because people are less critical of fanfiction?

I think fanfictions suck if you want to write a good novel and not just a generic self-insert or harem story.
Fanfiction really restricts you in possible choices and freedom.
It is like taking another man's family and asking why his children won't treat you like a father.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2019
Only write fanfic if you love the world and or characters. They're more to explore thise two aspects rather than to tell a grand tale of their own, well, thise of them that aren't just horny self insert fuckathons anyway(though some of the good ones still have that aspect to it.) Yeah, you will be doing a lot of research into the world and there'll be certain things you need to follow if you want to make the fanfic actually good, but there's a surprisingly large room for creativity hidden there. The fanfictions that are genuinely well made explore the mechanics and characters present in the world in a unique way. For example, Goddess of Ice: Reborn in a naruto world is a funny comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously, but there's genuine play with the naruto world's mechanics in it. Like how they comment on the school system for shinobi's being inept, or adding Danzo's hand to naruto's terrible treatment in the village and Kakashi's father's death. They're small bits of life brought to an already full world, but they really stand out and make the fanfic feel like it's overflowing with creativity. Most good fanfics do this, they bring a new nuance to the mechanics that already exist in the world, because of that they can be quite challenging to write well, but it is doable. Another fee good ones are DragonBorn Saga, Illumination a naruto fantasy, and Vice Captain of Straw Hat Pirates. These are some good examples because they have different tones and methods, but they're all examples of good fanfic (at least imo.)


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2022
Only write fanfic if you love the world and or characters. They're more to explore thise two aspects rather than to tell a grand tale of their own, well, thise of them that aren't just horny self insert fuckathons anyway(though some of the good ones still have that aspect to it.) Yeah, you will be doing a lot of research into the world and there'll be certain things you need to follow if you want to make the fanfic actually good, but there's a surprisingly large room for creativity hidden there. The fanfictions that are genuinely well made explore the mechanics and characters present in the world in a unique way. For example, Goddess of Ice: Reborn in a naruto world is a funny comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously, but there's genuine play with the naruto world's mechanics in it. Like how they comment on the school system for shinobi's being inept, or adding Danzo's hand to naruto's terrible treatment in the village and Kakashi's father's death. They're small bits of life brought to an already full world, but they really stand out and make the fanfic feel like it's overflowing with creativity. Most good fanfics do this, they bring a new nuance to the mechanics that already exist in the world, because of that they can be quite challenging to write well, but it is doable. Another fee good ones are DragonBorn Saga, Illumination a naruto fantasy, and Vice Captain of Straw Hat Pirates. These are some good examples because they have different tones and methods, but they're all examples of good fanfic (at least imo.)
Yeah I think I came off a bit harsh. There are definitely some good ones out there, it just seems like more work and less satisfaction.


I write silly erotica
Dec 14, 2022
Fan fiction has a place. It is where many writers get their start. So I never look down on fan fiction. I started with fan fiction, there are very, very few authors I can name that did not.

Eventually, though, it is best to leave fan fiction behind. Stretch yourself creatively and put in the work to make your own world.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2020
As a fanfic writer, I find that there's mostly three reasons someone writes a fanfic.

One, because they enjoy the world and wants to play in it. They make an SI and put themselves in the story, interacting and playing with their favorite characters.

Two, they feel that the original work fell short... They disagreed with something in it or it left a bad taste in their mouth so they make a 'fix it' fic where the characters make the right choices, they change the story into one they like more.

Three, they're like the little kid watching the sandcastle someone else build, so they go over there and kick it. Those ones tend to have very OP character using overwhelming power. It is satisfying to write someone so powerful they can go toe to toe with the strongest beings and overcome them easily.

Of course those are not the only reasons, but, if you look deeply, you'll find that those are the most common.

I write fanfic because I love the characters and I enjoy messing with them.

But I mostly use them to keep myself writing, it's a way for me to try new things and improve my writing.

In truth, I don't really have to think too deeply about world building since it's all already there.

Still, you're not completely wrong about things, there were many fanfics I read where I found it a pity it was a fanfic and not an original novel. The fic had deviated so much from the original it was unrecognizable.

(That Harry Potter fanfic where the MC studies on an American school of magic comes to mind.)

I don't really think you can't have good stories in fanfiction, I have read some impressive ones over the years but, to me, they're more relaxed things where I don't feel pressure.

I'm incredibly pessimistic and, every time I try to post an original story, comments and trolls giving me one star always annoy me, the pressure build up and I find myself writing less and less, or even dropping my story entirely.

I don't care as much about fanfics, I can try things I wouldn't in my original story and get feedback about my writing without feeling the pressure I would if they were pounding on my own original work.

I still try to do my best on my fanfics, but I'm not hit all that hard when some obvious troll goes and calls every single chapter "trash".

I'm currently working on two of my own novels, but I'm only posting my fanfics at the moment and the feedback I get is still helping me improve.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2022
I started writing a fanfiction novel because I thought it would be fun, but I can't help but feel like it's unfulfilling and a waste of time. When I put a lot of thought into original concepts, they're forever tainted by the "fanfiction" label. It always feels like, "Why is this even taking place in XYZ?" or "Why do I have to use these characters?" Why am I worrying more about continuity and having to do research on things the creator of said stories didn't?

Because more people will click on it?

Because people are less critical of fanfiction?

I think fanfictions suck if you want to write a good novel and not just a generic self-insert or harem story.
I do not think fanfictions suck if you want to expand the novel itself and not some self fulfillment stories instead.

There is some good stories that even makes it into canonical stories because they are just that good.


Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022
I outlined a fan fiction ending for the tf2 comic series (since it got cancelled right before the final issue, and on a massive cliff hanger) but that’s as far as my experience goes.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
I think fanfictions suck if you want to write a good novel and not just a generic self-insert or harem story.
Okay. I assume this is your thesis.

I disagree. Case in Point: Flip The Script, my fan fiction of The World Of Moral Reversal.

Why? Because while I use the setting, I ignore the OCs for Book 1. In Book 2, I finally introduce some of the OCs and I am actually attempting to fill in the gaps left by the author of the original. I like the concept of the setting, and I want to make a more serious take than his slap-dash "comedy" which has gone down hill in recent releases. I feel the goal of a true fanfiction should be to slip in as seamlessly as possible and attempt, within the best of the writer's ability, to appear to write something that people could believe works in the original setting.

I hate to say it, the Original Work now sucks, not because he is writing it "wrong" or because there isn't enough "smut", but because he has clearly run out of ideas and is phoning it in.

I'm sorry. His work ORIGINALLY was Porn with Plot. BUT IT WAS A GOOD PLOT.

Then he ended the original run, and rebooted the series as a bit more watered down and it became Plot with Porn, and the plot was GOOD.

But lately, it has become poorly drawn pictures slapped together by a half blind drunk and written by an A.I. Author's algorithm version of a slice of life Manga. Every time a new chapter would come out, I was drooling with anticipation of squeezing out every possible DROP of world building I could. And now?

The last issue was about a guy having a conversation with his horny girlfriend who pays him for sex and how the sex was bad because she was in such a hurry to get him alone, she bicycled too much and ran out of energy. Oh, and a tertiary level side character noticed that the Secondary Male Character might be cheating on another side character, when he's not, he's just a whore and sleeps around for money.

Oh. the MC was... there... I Guess?

Like... What?

You had intrigue, and set up for REALLY DEEP THEMES and there was evidence that there was a world wide problem going on and all sorts of shit and character development and things that were like... real FRIDGE HORROR when you think about what happened to the MC. And... uh...

Yeah. 1/4th of the latest chapter is about bicycling or jogging and how you shouldn't talk about sex in public places on a cell phone. If I showed you the latest chapter and I didn't tell you it was called, the world of Moral Reversal, I don't know if you would even figure out that it was set in a world of REVERSED MORALS.

The fact of the matter is, I think I'm doing a better job handling the IP than the original. Hell, I've been on hiatus for over a month now because I haven't felt like I researched the Culture of JAPAN well enough to properly convey the ambiance of the original.

I refuse to alter any of the original setting, and I only expand upon what has been set up in the original. Everything I have added can fit in quite well in the background to the original and while I have much more of a supernatural element than the original, I actually EXPLAIN SHIT. I feel I can actually say the following now:


Which makes me sad.

I would, in a heartbeat, work FOR FREE for Amahara if he but asked. I have a deep love for the concept and setting of the original IP and I wish that the story could reach its full potential.

In fact, the reason why I am not continuing by fanfic of The World Of Moral Reversal is because I find what has come out recently of the actual mainline original Story is... well... it just sucks the life out of me. I want to get excited, but when I step back and look at what he has written and published, there is a part of me that just wants to say...

"Amahara, aren't you embarrassed to publish something of such low quality? Does it not fill you with shame to make this dreck? I KNOW YOU CAN DO BETTER. PLEASE... do better. BE BETTER. I believe in you. Do you need help? Seriously. What's going on? If you just lost the passion and don't care anymore, then STOP. Just... STOP."

I do not find that Flip The Script is reduced because it is a fanfic. I find that because it is a fanfic, I am FORCED to BE BETTER. I have to bring my A-Game in order to make a quality product and by having it in the setting of someone else's IP, my writing has improved dramatically.

I used to be a Ghost Writer. A short term HACK who got paid to slam out a plotline/story on demand and get my money. I never sold my name along with it, just the words. I wrote in a manner that required me to basically forgo things like, descriptions and fluff in general, because most of the fluff was going to be thrown out and rewritten anyways. I sold a story 'kit'.

Writing FTS has made me a better author over all, as it challenged me to grow as a writer. I was great at writing the MEAT of a story, but seasoning and formatting was something I ignored because, well, I wasn't getting paid for it. Writing something for other people to read, while 'writing inside the lines' has been a very GOOD experience.

Writting fanfiction is not unlike... body building. If you wish to become a professional athlete, you have to train. You have to push yourself and place yourself in high pressure situations where you force your body to grow. Writing for someone else's IP is like putting weights on your ankles and wrists then going for a several mile run. Yes, I need an editor. It's true, but when I read what I wrote at the beginning when I started this project, and I look at what I am writing now, I can see where I have improved.

What I really need is a secondary author who is good at fluff. Someone to go back and add in descriptions of people and locations. That isn't my strong point. Then someone else to go through and make sure my formatting, spelling, and sentence structure are good. Catch those small mistakes I keep missing. I'm NOT doing that right now because I don't want to take it easy. I need to keep pushing myself to improve and help at this point would just make me weaker.

However, the story itself? It's good. I know it's good. I get complaints, true, but I know that I have a goal and I have achieved it. Writing Fanfiction has made me BETTER. Fanfictions TEST ME and force me to grow. So much so that when I started my latest story, "I was summoned by a super villainess", I feel it is a much superior product. Better than the other two books I written, I will say that.

Someday, I will have to go back and 'file off the serial numbers' for Flip The Script. I do plan when I have finished these three stories to take some time to do a real rewrite and hire an actual editor, then publish it somewhere. My goal would be to simply make enough money to break even. Honestly, I don't need the money. I do want to improve my skills and hone my craft. I don't think I could have gotten out of the 'Ghost Writer' mentality without my WoMR FanFic.

I don't think anything you write is a waste of time, if you LEARN from the experience and grow as a writer, but that's just my opinion.

I await your rebuttal.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
If you don't feel happy writing the fanfiction, then don't do it?

I got into touhou by reading doujinshis. Tons and tons of doujinshis. Some cute, some funny, some serious. I came to learn a lot about the setting just from reading doujinshis, and I fell in love with it through that.

And well, all those doujinshi authors love the setting, that's why they write those. That's why you see authors with dozens of doujinshis written and stuff... Those things aren't profitable. They're doing out of their love of the series and as a hobby, and they're happy like that.

Sure, there are also the people who write random lewd doujinshis that just happen to use the characters of the setting, but I don't read those and move on, paying attention to the doujinshis that are actually interesting instead.

If you can't understand the love that those people have, that makes them write doujinshis for their favorite series... Then don't write fanfiction? You can write original stories instead. Nothing wrong with that.

Personally speaking, I made fanfictions back when I was a teen, but I never published them anywhere, and I had a lot of fun with them... Some involved self-insert OCs, some just involved the characters of the cast... It was fun, I enjoyed it, and that was that.

Nowadays I don't feel like making fanfictions, but I still love reading them anyways, so... Well, I read them when I feel like reading them. And I don't write them because I don't feel like writing them.

If you don't feel like writing them, then don't write them. Problem solved.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2022
Alright, so the arguments are: "Nah, my shit is straight fire, dawg." and "I like hentai." solid points from all sides, my eyes have been opened, and my synapses are firing off at exponentially greater speeds following this meeting of the minds. I don't think my opinions will change, but I appreciate the feedback to further strengthen them. Different strokes for different folks, and all that—enjoy the brain damage.

Jokes aside, it really is just a preference.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2022
I started writing a fanfiction novel because I thought it would be fun, but I can't help but feel like it's unfulfilling and a waste of time. When I put a lot of thought into original concepts, they're forever tainted by the "fanfiction" label. It always feels like, "Why is this even taking place in XYZ?" or "Why do I have to use these characters?" Why am I worrying more about continuity and having to do research on things the creator of said stories didn't?
That's pretty much why most of what I've written are more like style parody (or pastiche, to be hoity-toity about it.)

I can borrow the tropes, I can file the serial numbers off characters I like from multiple works, and I where those works are Japanese [most of them are, for my WIP], I can westernize the heck out of them without anyone objecting...

I don't think I've done a good enough job of it; older stuff I'm not going to share was a little too obviously just the original without quite enough of the serial numbers filed off (at some point I can post a couple of chapters of 35-year-old "Robotech with the serial numbers filed off, with some Apprentice Adept sprinkled in" but I have to retype old notebooks from when I was like 13... it's legit bad!) and the newer one I'm posting here took a little more life of its own than I intended - so even if pretty much all of the characters except the two male MCs are either straight out of or Frankensteined from other works, I don't know that I'm going to get comments recognizing who they were taken from.

Which is too bad because that would be awesome and mean that I was more successful at this than I have been.

edit: Oh, and I do like hentai, but I sure can't write it.


136/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
I started writing a fanfiction novel because I thought it would be fun, but I can't help but feel like it's unfulfilling and a waste of time. When I put a lot of thought into original concepts, they're forever tainted by the "fanfiction" label. It always feels like, "Why is this even taking place in XYZ?" or "Why do I have to use these characters?" Why am I worrying more about continuity and having to do research on things the creator of said stories didn't?

Because more people will click on it?

Because people are less critical of fanfiction?

I think fanfictions suck if you want to write a good novel and not just a generic self-insert or harem story.
Fanfiction are a good starting point for writing. Think of it as training wheels. You have the characters, which people already know about and love/hate. The only thing you need to do, is keep them in character, and keep your story within the limits of the original author's world.