Adventurer's Guild ⛩️ Gates of Scribblia ⛩️: Open D&D Thread

Are you ready to roll the dice and let your story unfold?

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The Inventor of Words
Aug 11, 2021
Arso was having a good time. He was happy none of the divines paid any heed to his existence even going as far as ignoring his roll of 22 when he faced the three mysterious gods! "Lucky me..." He was uncertain if he was suffering from any debuffs though as a result. He was fairly certain he might have displeased the gods because there was this nagging feeling at the back of his mind. Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from heading to the Ghost and Raven Lodge to have a good drink.
I rolled 14 this time. I was hoping no accidents occur, and perhaps the GM grace me with divine luck that I might pick up a little something on the road.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Oh wait that's like two people, could've sworn there were more lol. So, is it only the guild that has plot hooks?


Da_Villainess™ (¬‿¬)ψ
Sep 6, 2022
Mabel was experiencing quite a conundrum; attaining her precious poems required money! She had not a farthing to her name.

The nice lady in black told her she could use her sneaky sneaky shadow powers to "get whatever she wants for free", but after a long session of thinking really hard, Mabel realized that getting things that required money for free was basically stealing! Papa told her to never steal, so poor Mabel had almost unknowingly and unwittingly committed yet another evil act!

Then, after thinking again while eating a delectable piece of stale bread in the town she had wandered off to, Mable had a wonderful idea. She could join noble adventurers in their quest for treasure! The poems her papa wanted were treasure, right?

So, the next thing Mabel did was barge into the Adventurer's Guild, and practically shriek out her request.

"Which heroic spirit here wishes to help this troubled damsel in her hunt for treasured poems?"
DM @Mabel to join her adventure group. (2 seats available)

You can create your own adventure group but you will need 2 other players in it.
Guild safety protocol.
Don't let newbie go solo.


Unofficial Class President, Author
Jul 1, 2023
I approach the Ghost and Raven lodge. Now, I don’t seem to have much money as of yet. I should most likely approach the adventurer’s guild soon, but I would first like to establish good relations with the townspeople.

I see the older gentleman tavern keeper hard at work. I approach him and offer a trade: I will work for him in exchange for food and board. I am willing to run errands, cook, anything he would like. I would also like to use my healing powers to promote his health and well-being. Working this hard has got to cause back pain, right?

(help, how do I roll for this. I’m a newbie)
May I roll for Charisma with the Tavern Owner?


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Advaya, a battle-hardened warrior, tirelessly scoured the land in search of a worthy conflict. However, disappointment met him at every turn, for the individuals he encountered appeared feeble, lacking the mettle he sought. Unwilling to squander his precious time on such unremarkable opponents, he found himself at the doorstep of the nearest town, Guilddingston.

Upon entering this quaint settlement, Advaya's sharp eyes quickly discerned a unique quality about its inhabitants. They worked in harmony, driven by a common purpose – the pursuit of peace and prosperity. This idealistic endeavor left Advaya largely indifferent; his weariness from the arduous journey weighed heavily upon him.

Summoning his remaining energy, Advaya made his way to the local inn. With a hint of exhaustion in his voice, he inquired about a room. The innkeeper, Mr. Remicus Mcmillian, requested payment in return. Advaya's realization struck him like a thunderbolt; he had no funds left after his arduous travels.

Faced with this predicament, Advaya had two choices: acquire money through legitimate means or resort to theft. Acutely aware of the tight-knit community's strength and unity, he knew that attacking even a single individual would provoke the entire town into action, leading to his swift demise. Thus, he resolved to explore an alternative path.

Guided by the rumors he had heard on his journey, Advaya made his way to the renowned Adventurers Guild. There, those of exceptional skill found opportunities to put their talents to good use. With determination, he registered with the guild, eager to secure employment.

Just as he was sealing his pact with the guild, the entrance burst open, and a young maiden stormed in, her voice resounding through the hall, "Which heroic spirit here wishes to help this troubled damsel in her hunt for treasured poems?" Intrigued and somewhat amused by her dramatic entrance, Advaya couldn't help but smile. He decided, for the time being, to join forces with this spirited maiden, sensing that this new adventure might hold the excitement and challenges he had been seeking. @SsemouyOnan


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2019
SHF Dice Roller

Roll limits: -9999999999 to 9999999999

@MintiLime, an error has occured. To use the dice roller, please use the command "!roll min,max" without the quotes. Min being The lowest value to return and max being the highest value to return.

You may also use "!roll min,max,num_of_dice" if you want to roll multiple dice at once. The maximum dice you may use is 100.


Eight virgin
Sep 9, 2020
You all are broke😅. Currently.
As I suspected. Also, without a single piece of cloths, equipment and food. I thought, we were still in character generation faze, but no... :mad_s:

Having been torn from some village on the Sword Coast, and dragged through the void between dimensions, with a brief meeting with four very suspicious gods (well, he nodded to Smutos, acknowledging the affinity), Hverf finds himself completely naked, without his backpack and a battered, but a reliable lute in some town, that is clearly in another dimension. Moreover, he feels that he has lost all his abilities and spells. “Yes, this is a joke worse than those that my master makes for the amusement of the public!”, — he mutters under his breath. Having sneaked secretly into the nearest tavern and seeing the prices there, he clutches his head. “12 silver per night? Yes, such prices, I suppose, cannot be found in all of Faerun! What a miser!”, — he whispers. Sneaking back and hiding behind a nearby building, he tries to come to his senses and decide what to do next. “Well, let’s say, I can spend the night in any of the stables or barns. But I can’t even work without a lute. (And to sing naked... I’m not in a strip club, I’m afraid the local people won’t understand and won’t appreciate such thing.) How can I dress and feed myself? Eh, Master Brodi, even though I swore that I would never steal again, I’ll probably have to remember my old skills.”
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Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
I would like to go into The Ghost and the Raven Lodge.

Meeting the owner, I would like to offer the Gnome a few songs in exchange for knowing the origin of the name "The Ghost and the Raven Lodge".

Could I steal some apple juice if I manage to convinced him to let me perform?
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Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
@SsemouyOnan joining her group then
Advaya, a battle-hardened warrior, tirelessly scoured the land in search of a worthy conflict. However, disappointment met him at every turn, for the individuals he encountered appeared feeble, lacking the mettle he sought. Unwilling to squander his precious time on such unremarkable opponents, he found himself at the doorstep of the nearest town, Guilddingston.

Upon entering this quaint settlement, Advaya's sharp eyes quickly discerned a unique quality about its inhabitants. They worked in harmony, driven by a common purpose – the pursuit of peace and prosperity. This idealistic endeavor left Advaya largely indifferent; his weariness from the arduous journey weighed heavily upon him.

Summoning his remaining energy, Advaya made his way to the local inn. With a hint of exhaustion in his voice, he inquired about a room. The innkeeper, Mr. Remicus Mcmillian, requested payment in return. Advaya's realization struck him like a thunderbolt; he had no funds left after his arduous travels.

Faced with this predicament, Advaya had two choices: acquire money through legitimate means or resort to theft. Acutely aware of the tight-knit community's strength and unity, he knew that attacking even a single individual would provoke the entire town into action, leading to his swift demise. Thus, he resolved to explore an alternative path.

Guided by the rumors he had heard on his journey, Advaya made his way to the renowned Adventurers Guild. There, those of exceptional skill found opportunities to put their talents to good use. With determination, he registered with the guild, eager to secure employment.

Just as he was sealing his pact with the guild, the entrance burst open, and a young maiden stormed in, her voice resounding through the hall, "Which heroic spirit here wishes to help this troubled damsel in her hunt for treasured poems?" Intrigued and somewhat amused by her dramatic entrance, Advaya couldn't help but smile. He decided, for the time being, to join forces with this spirited maiden, sensing that this new adventure might hold the excitement and challenges he had been seeking. @SsemouyOnan
Welcome to the party! I wrote a little blurb for you both, sorry if your characters aren't acting how they should be. I went off of your initial posts and event choices.

Event #2 Interlude: New Friends?

Most of the resting adventurers in the guild looked at Mabel incredulously, rather doubtful of the fact that she was of the right mind. One eager young man had almost approached her, but another had stopped him with a hand signal indicating that this "troubled damsel" was likely crazy. Before anyone could guide Mabel out of the building, a voiced boomed.


Obviously, everyone gave way to the scary-looking shark radiating power and bloodlust. More so when his lower half was without a shred of cloth(though they could have sworn his vest came with a pair of pants)

Mabel didn't seem to mind it, she had seen many animalfolk choosing to wear only upper garments, after all.

"Yes! A hunt for treasure. I only desire a little bit of coin and poems, the rest shall be your reward."

"Treasure? I do not desire treasure. I desire PREY."

"Pray? Doth sir shark serve as a member of the clergy?"

"I am Ghan, a hunter. And I want THE GREATEST HUNT." He yelled with great conviction.

"Then, sir shark, doth work as a nobleman under a king? The bounty of any creature we meet is yours to keep."

"Girl. It is simple. I am a hunter, I hunt"

"Ah, doth sir shark work as a ser-"

Perhaps noticing that the back and forth between the girl and the sharkfolk would go on for a very long time if no one interrups them, a man whose muscles radiated with power gently tapped Mabel on the back.

"Young maiden, like me, he is a hunter who battles for the sake of it. Think of us like wandering warriors of old who do not want for anything, and serve under no lord."

Mabel's eyes widened into saucers, quickly coming to an understanding, she nodded.

"Then, are you two brave heroes willing to accompany Mabel on a quest for poems?"

"Haha, sure, though I'm not sure if there's a quest like that in the guild." Advaya readily agreed, but Ghan narrowed his eyes, disinterested without the prospect of a hunt.

Advaya hastily whispered something into his ear.

"I GET TO HUNT?! Great. I will join. Tell me when we go." Ghan retreated into a corner of the guild, uninterested in any more pleasantries now that he knew his desire for battle would be sated.

That left the other hunter to guide Mabel to the receptionist.

"I am Advaya, I hail from a distant land. Shall we go get a quest?"

Mabel smiled and nodded, she was disheartened to say goodbye to her friends back at her village, but it seems her journey would not be so bleak for long.


Unofficial Class President, Author
Jul 1, 2023
May I roll for Charisma with the Tavern Owner?
Rolled a 23, Base Charisma is 10, +2 Charisma due to Race Bonus. @Raymann Does the Tavern Owner accept my request to work (errands, cooking, and heals) for room and board?


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Welcome to the party! I wrote a little blurb for you both, sorry if your characters aren't acting how they should be. I went off of your initial posts and event choices.

Event #2 Interlude: New Friends?

Most of the resting adventurers in the guild looked at Mabel incredulously, rather doubtful of the fact that she was of the right mind. One eager young man had almost approached her, but another had stopped him with a hand signal indicating that this "troubled damsel" was likely crazy. Before anyone could guide Mabel out of the building, a voiced boomed.


Obviously, everyone gave way to the scary-looking shark radiating power and bloodlust. More so when his lower half was without a shred of cloth(though they could have sworn his vest came with a pair of pants)

Mabel didn't seem to mind it, she had seen many animalfolk choosing to wear only upper garments, after all.

"Yes! A hunt for treasure. I only desire a little bit of coin and poems, the rest shall be your reward."

"Treasure? I do not desire treasure. I desire PREY."

"Pray? Doth sir shark serve as a member of the clergy?"

"I am Ghan, a hunter. And I want THE GREATEST HUNT." He yelled with great conviction.

"Then, sir shark, doth work as a nobleman under a king? The bounty of any creature we meet is yours to keep."

"Girl. It is simple. I am a hunter, I hunt"

"Ah, doth sir shark work as a ser-"

Perhaps noticing that the back and forth between the girl and the sharkfolk would go on for a very long time if no one interrups them, a man whose muscles radiated with power gently tapped Mabel on the back.

"Young maiden, like me, he is a hunter who battles for the sake of it. Think of us like wandering warriors of old who do not want for anything, and serve under no lord."

Mabel's eyes widened into saucers, quickly coming to an understanding, she nodded.

"Then, are you two brave heroes willing to accompany Mabel on a quest for poems?"

"Haha, sure, though I'm not sure if there's a quest like that in the guild." Advaya readily agreed, but Ghan narrowed his eyes, disinterested without the prospect of a hunt.

Advaya hastily whispered something into his ear.

"I GET TO HUNT?! Great. I will join. Tell me when we go." Ghan retreated into a corner of the guild, uninterested in any more pleasantries now that he knew his desire for battle would be sated.

That left the other hunter to guide Mabel to the receptionist.

"I am Advaya, I hail from a distant land. Shall we go get a quest?"

Mabel smiled and nodded, she was disheartened to say goodbye to her friends back at her village, but it seems her journey would not be so bleak for long.
I will await further scenarios as we will now act as a team.