Writing The smartest writer around


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2022
In the intricate tapestry of linguistic expression, the utilization of grandiloquent lexicon and esoteric scientific terminologies assumes a paramount role in the semblance of intellectual prowess. One may posit that the intricacies of eloquent diatribes, replete with polysyllabic profundities, create an illusionary sheen of erudition, evoking a cognitive resonance that obfuscates the lack of substantive coherence.

Consider, if you will, the analogy of quantum entanglement, wherein the entwined particles of verbosity and obscurantism create a perceptual duality – one of apparent sagacity and the other, a surreptitious lack of meaningful substance. This metaphorical conundrum mirrors the phenomenon wherein the gravitational pull of complex terminology establishes an intellectual event horizon, beyond which the comprehension of the interlocutor languishes.

Furthermore, the aphorism attributed to the illustrious Sir Isaac Newton – "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" – elucidates the notion that the judicious deployment of formidable lexemes erects an intellectual scaffold upon which the speaker seemingly ascends to the echelons of profound wisdom, regardless of the cohesive stability of their rhetorical structure.

In conclusion, the incorporation of labyrinthine verbiage and scientific lexicon, irrespective of contextual relevance, engenders an illusory aura of sagacity, akin to the mirage of erudition in the vast desert of linguistic expression. Thus, one may navigate the intricate choreography of discourse, pirouetting on the precipice of profundity, veiling the void beneath with the dazzling attire of sesquipedalian splendor.

In the pantheon of literary expression, the predilection for deploying lexemes of elevated stature is not merely a proclivity but an imperative. Within the hallowed halls of rhetoric, the deliberate selection of sagacious vocabulary and labyrinthine scientific parlance serves as the veritable cornerstone for the elevation of discourse to an exalted plane.

Witness, if you will, the symphony of intellectual acuity conducted by the maestros of erudition. A composition composed not merely of commonplace vernacular, but a mellifluous fusion of arcane terminology and sesquipedalian cadence. The effulgent radiance emitted by such lexical constellations eclipses the mundane, beckoning the discerning reader into the empyreal realms of profound contemplation.

It is, therefore, incumbent upon the cognoscenti to champion the cause of lexical elevation, as the paragon of intellectual virtue. For in the crucible of linguistic refinement, the cruciform alloy of polysyllabic preeminence solidifies the edifice of intellectual ascendancy, casting a luminous glow upon the literary firmament.

In summation, let the clarion call resound through the corridors of composition: Embrace the mantle of lexical sophistication, for in the realm of intellectual discourse, the resonance of elevated verbiage not only captivates the discerning mind but erects an impregnable bastion against the encroaching shadows of linguistic banality.

“Verily, in earnest, without falsehood or jest.” - Corty, The Book of Awesome
I think I have reached enlightenment at last. Thank you.


Retired African Warlord
Aug 14, 2019
Gosh. I want to be mean by tagging specific names and shit on them praise them but being mean is against the African Warlord code of conduct.


Sneaking in, stealing your socks.
Oct 7, 2022
Well um actually I think you're wrong, but I'm only going to make vague statements. That way whatever argument you make I can pivot and pretend I meant something else the whole time.

I am very intellectuable


Garlick slayer || Bread lover || Master Roller
Dec 29, 2023
Wow, this is a terrible lesson... Like, I actually DO understand what is said and it pisses me off because of how stupid it is. It's so dumb and over the top I'm just assuming this is trolling. :ROFLMAO:
Wait till you see what this post is referencing...
Waste your time at your own discretion.

Thread 'There isn't a point to physics if they can be "broken".'

Thread 'If it doesn't have perfect logic, there isn't even subpar reality.'
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Jul 23, 2022