I will tell you when and why I stopped reading your story.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
I am pretty new to everything and still in the initial stages. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Also any good novels of a similar Genre I am looking to learn from. (Currently going through top lists).

Feyborne Chronicles | Scribble Hub

I do not know how to put images in my signature. It keeps saying it detects spam.


up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
Do you accept my newly started story only with 2 short chapters so far? I just need to know if my starting is interesting😊

I accept all here! Sorry for the wait! Fair warning, xianxia isn't my favourite genre so I'm not your target audience!

I read the whole first chapter. This is another story where I have to wonder if English is your first language? I'm not sure if the grammar is incorrect, but at least to me, it sounds very strange. I've noticed this with a lot of xianxia, the prose almost reads more like a proverb than a novel. Maybe this is purposeful, but it reads to me like a bad translation, with odd word order and choice. You'll need the opinion of someone who actually likes xianxia, but I personally don't like this way of writing. I've picked out a few lines as example.

They appeared like made of compound resin or like a translucent plastic sheet.
This reads very strangely to me, you'll need someone better at English than me to tell you if it's actually incorrect, but it doesn't read right to me. Maybe something like "They looked as if made of compound resin, like sheets of translucent plastic." This still isn't great, but seems better to me.

And she sacrificed her life to bring down one of the world's most horrible terrorists down with her.

Redundant 'down', I think you can skip the first use.


We swear like men here! Also you seem to have asterisk all over the text (he*, leaf*, Meng Po*), I'm not sure if you're using them correctly, usually they mark a footnote, which you don't have.

The kid surrounded by green flame flustered and ran away leaving a 'who is your Lil bro lady?'sentence in air.

Huh? Does this sound right to you?
Also since when was the kid surrounded by green fire? I feel like your missing a lot of description.

The story and setting itself seems interesting enough, I like the MC being a rough and tough kinda gal, and the soul bead seems an interesting plot device.

Overall, I wouldn't of read your story to begin with because it's xianxia, but I stopped reading where I did because of the odd prose. But! The story has only just began, and I think it's fixable with a little rewording! Keep writing! Have fun!


up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
Hi, I'm new to this platform (I have been posting my webnovel on Tapas and decided to give Scribble Hub a try) and would like some feedback on my story:

My story is a novelization of a webcomic that I am also posting on Tapas, so some of the chapters might seem rather short since they correspond to the comic episodes.
Welcome to the platform! Before I begin I think it's important to say that I'm not a huge fan of wuxia, xianxia or bl. So in truth I would of stopped reading this story at the tags. But I'll read past that for the sake of giving more meaningful feedback.

Ok, I read the first chapter. Your writing is quite competent I think, if this was a genre I liked I would probably keep reading.

One thing I didn't like was your way of including non-english words. Maybe your target audience will be more familiar with these words, but I don't think I would be able to remember the words you use. Personally—and this is a subjective opinion—I'd prefer if you kept the full text in English. For example, according to your glossary, doppi just means skullcap, so why use the foreign word?
If I was going to remember all these words, I'd need them to be used in more memorable ways. For example, rather than just dropping a new word and then describing it's translation in parentheses, describe the hat, maybe tell me which culture wears it and why, use the hat to worldbuild, then tell me it's name. As it is currently, it's just a word you drop, and I don't know enough about Uzbekistan to have heard the word before. I had to google search to get a mental image of what you meant.

Overall it seems pretty good, I'm just not personally a fan of these genres, and I'm not sure if I like your choice of words, but I think I'd read more of it if I liked xianxia. So keep it up! Have fun!


New member
Dec 23, 2023
Welcome to the platform! Before I begin I think it's important to say that I'm not a huge fan of wuxia, xianxia or bl. So in truth I would of stopped reading this story at the tags. But I'll read past that for the sake of giving more meaningful feedback.

Ok, I read the first chapter. Your writing is quite competent I think, if this was a genre I liked I would probably keep reading.

One thing I didn't like was your way of including non-english words. Maybe your target audience will be more familiar with these words, but I don't think I would be able to remember the words you use. Personally—and this is a subjective opinion—I'd prefer if you kept the full text in English. For example, according to your glossary, doppi just means skullcap, so why use the foreign word?
If I was going to remember all these words, I'd need them to be used in more memorable ways. For example, rather than just dropping a new word and then describing it's translation in parentheses, describe the hat, maybe tell me which culture wears it and why, use the hat to worldbuild, then tell me it's name. As it is currently, it's just a word you drop, and I don't know enough about Uzbekistan to have heard the word before. I had to google search to get a mental image of what you meant.

Overall it seems pretty good, I'm just not personally a fan of these genres, and I'm not sure if I like your choice of words, but I think I'd read more of it if I liked xianxia. So keep it up! Have fun!
Hi, thank you for taking the time to read my first chapter and providing feedback!


up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
Hi - New to the platform and publishing works, written a ton but never put it anywere for public to read so nervous about that. Would love some feedback - it is smutty, although slow burn smutty after the first bit. Only a few chapters out now but publishing new ones fairly rapidly to start so depending on when you get to it might be more!
Read it here!
Don't be nervous! Let's go!

Ok! I've read the first two chapters! You definitely don't need to be nervous! This is good! 5* and added to reading list!
It's good enough I only really have 1 nitpick:

”Can you see?“ She said, not that she would wait if she couldn’t.
This is very minor, but I got confused in the pronoun game, but this might just be me being dumb.

Normally I right about problems I noticed, but you righting is good enough that I didn't really notice any big issues, so here's what I liked:
  1. The paragraph Nothing she wanted to do, she supposed as she spun around in the chair. Sat in her kitchen/living room in her little flat. Spin, spin. Houseplant. Window. Desk. Fridge. Oven. Houseplant. Kept rotating objects into her focus. Picked up her phone. Looked at it for a moment. Put it down. i think this set's up the place and character in a fun and relatable way.
  2. Your descriptions in general, I think you describe the right things in the right way.
  3. Isekai'd by monster dildo! I legitimately laughed out loud, I've read too many isekai starts so I enjoy it when stories keep it fresh, this also seems a strangely good way to connect Mc with her roleplaying character
  4. The sex! Or masturbation? It was hot anyway, and I'm not usually into lesbian action.
What I didn't like so much:
  1. I'm not a huge fan of how cagey the goddess is. Considering what seems to be at stake it felt odd that she didn't give more concrete information. But I understand that you probably excluded more information for narrative reasons or maybe to avoid an info dump.
  2. This is hugely subjective of course, but I'm not sure the stories' kinks align perfectly with my own, I'm not a huge fan of gl or toys, but I can't say more without reading more. And I won't complain about futa...

Overall from what I've read it seems good, so keep it up!
Dec 24, 2023
Don't be nervous! Let's go!

Ok! I've read the first two chapters! You definitely don't need to be nervous! This is good! 5* and added to reading list!
It's good enough I only really have 1 nitpick:

”Can you see?“ She said, not that she would wait if she couldn’t.
This is very minor, but I got confused in the pronoun game, but this might just be me being dumb.

Normally I right about problems I noticed, but you righting is good enough that I didn't really notice any big issues, so here's what I liked:
  1. The paragraph Nothing she wanted to do, she supposed as she spun around in the chair. Sat in her kitchen/living room in her little flat. Spin, spin. Houseplant. Window. Desk. Fridge. Oven. Houseplant. Kept rotating objects into her focus. Picked up her phone. Looked at it for a moment. Put it down. i think this set's up the place and character in a fun and relatable way.
  2. Your descriptions in general, I think you describe the right things in the right way.
  3. Isekai'd by monster dildo! I legitimately laughed out loud, I've read too many isekai starts so I enjoy it when stories keep it fresh, this also seems a strangely good way to connect Mc with her roleplaying character
  4. The sex! Or masturbation? It was hot anyway, and I'm not usually into lesbian action.
What I didn't like so much:
  1. I'm not a huge fan of how cagey the goddess is. Considering what seems to be at stake it felt odd that she didn't give more concrete information. But I understand that you probably excluded more information for narrative reasons or maybe to avoid an info dump.
  2. This is hugely subjective of course, but I'm not sure the stories' kinks align perfectly with my own, I'm not a huge fan of gl or toys, but I can't say more without reading more. And I won't complain about futa...

Overall from what I've read it seems good, so keep it up!
Really appreciate the feedback! And I love when someone who might not be super into the story on basis of genre like it - I do get the pronoun game on that one, I am planning a edit pass soon to improve especially the first few chapters:) Hope you keep reading and enjoy it, if you can stand useless dense lesbians you'll have fun. I try to sprinkle in humour.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2023
I'd love to hear feedback on my story. First time I've tried to actually follow through and finish writing something (still a work in progress).
End of the Road


Eldritch deity & really hard thinker.
Mar 12, 2023
Ooooo this seems fun, feel free to choose from any in my signature. The Orca's Serenade is still coming out however the other two are completed.


Moth Mommy
Jan 5, 2024
1st time writer with only 2 chapters atm but feedback would be nice.


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
There are a lot of stories on this website and standing out among them is hard. When someone does click on your story most of the time they'll stop reading after the first few chapters or even after only the blurb. I will give your story a go and tell you when and why I stopped reading.
I'm not an experienced author so don't expect any technical explanations of what you've done wrong. I can only tell you about my subjective experience reading your novel and I'm opinionated. Many stories I've read are perfectly fine just too similar to something else I've read or not in a genre I like, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, I'm probably not your target audience.
I'll give everything submitted a go with no limits on content. I can pm if you want to be anonymous or else I'll post my review here.
I'll update the title when I've had enough. Until then, Keep Them Coming!
Edit: I also really enjoy reviewing, so if you're on the fence about submitting your story, do it!
Edit 2: I'm on mobile and can't see signatures, if you would be so kind to post a link to your story, that'd be appreciated.
Could you try this?


up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
Hello! Thank you so much for your time and effort put into this, review forums like this one have given me so much insight into what I'm doing right and things I've done correctly.

If you have the time and if my story intrigues you, you're welcome to take a look at my story.

WARNING: This story has references to self-harm, generational trauma, religious trauma, mental health and suicidal thoughts. It is very intense at times, though NOT explicit, despite it's Mature Rating. There is a slow burn sapphic romance subplot as well, but again, it's not graphic.

Ok I'm back! Sorry for the long wait!

Ok, I read until here:
Almost instantly, the blood and my regrets spring to the surface.

This is a bit too much for me, I've never self harmed but many people I've been close to have, so this is a little too close to home for me. But you did of course give plenty of warning and I respect that you're approaching a tough subject.

Other than that, the writing is pretty solid. I only noticed one issue with it, so that's pretty good. Here's my nitpick:

The rest of the drive home is rather uneventful and once we arrive home,
Redundant use of 'home'.

I would also maybe add that I think it's odd to start the story talking about Taylor Swift, that's not a good hook, at least for me.

Overall I do think there's an audience for this kind of story, and your writing is quite good, just not for me! But keep it up! I assume this is written from personal experience, so I hope you're in a better place now!

Yeah I'll review another of yours! But no funny business, and no molesting, aye?

Ok, I've read the first two chapters, I like it, but it needs editing.

Having read your previous stories, I think you need to work on your grammar, I enjoy your light hearted tone and I was always able to follow along, but every time I notice something off it takes me out of the story. So here's some nitpicks:

I believe it is best if I elaborate on what I meant by awoke again after starving to death.
On my first reading I only skimmed your summary, so this paragraph didn't make sense to me. Personally I'd prefer if you included the start of the story in the first chapter, or at least didn't continue on directly from the summary.

perhaps it's because a woman's touch is more sensitive than what I have used to?
Was used to I think

Cuyriously enough,

"You don't seem like a panhandler"
Missing full stop

"Don't mnid me."
There are a fair few typos

Once again, I can read the man's eyes as he contemplates putting me on a leash and send me to the nearest wild animal protection center.
This is funny, but it should be "sending"

"Couldn't you have just go back the way you came?"
"Couldn't you just go" or "couldn't you have just gone back"

And a whole bunch of other errors. I enjoyed it, as I enjoyed your other stories, but it really needs editing! Your prose in the strange space where it's incorrect, but doesn't feel clunky somehow, and it feels very easy to read.

Anyways, keep it up!


Dec 24, 2023

Any feedback is good


up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
Knowing where people drop off would be super helpful! thanks in advance 🥹

No worries! Let's go!

Alrighty! Read until end of chapter 2! I like it! 5* and added to reading list.

What I liked:
  • Your writing! It's easy to follow what's happening and I like when stories immediately give a good idea of what the MC is like.
  • I think you have the right balance of description and moving things along, I had a good mental image without feeling bored.
  • Pretty damn relatable character!
  • Possibly bigger than your mum. I totally didn't laugh at this dumb humour
  • It's hard to say until I read more, but I think the idea of a litRPG system helping an autistic mc manage themselves is fun
What I think could be improved:
  • I didn't really like sparkle Elegant sparkle I know mc is meant to be awkward, and I think they're pretty terminally online, but this feels off to me. There's a few other times you do this that I didn't mind so much
  • that it’s giving bathtub toaster. I don't know what this means. Is it a reference I don't get?
What I didn't like so much:
It's pretty subjective and I've mentioned it in other reviews, but I'm pretty burnt out on isekai. The premise seems unique enough though and I'll read more when I have time.

... Is there a typo in your title or is it meant to be acoustic?

Overall, pretty solid. Good luck and keep it up!


up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
I am pretty new to everything and still in the initial stages. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Also any good novels of a similar Genre I am looking to learn from. (Currently going through top lists).

Feyborne Chronicles | Scribble Hub

I do not know how to put images in my signature. It keeps saying it detects spam.
Hello! I'm not sure about stories in similar genre, but I'll do my best to give some constructive criticism for you!

Today I was in a mood to read, and I quite enjoyed your story, so I read more than I usually do. I read until chapter 6 and stopped here:
The room around us felt alive with history and secrets, the presence of the Fey adding to the air of ancient mystery. Barnaby's words painted a picture of a world vastly different from our own, one where the boundaries between human and Fey were clearly defined, yet blurred in the face of our current predicament.
As I said, for the most part I enjoyed reading this, but there's a reoccurring problem that keeps taking me out of the story: you keep telling me about the vibe, but you aren't making me feel it! In the passage I highlighted above, you tell me the room felt alive with history, but nothing described so far has made me feel that. In fact really you haven't described the room much at all, so why would I feel anything about it?
I think I'd prefer more concrete descriptions of things, another example:
The room was a curious mix of the fantastical and the mundane, filled with objects and beings that seemed to defy reality. The Fey creatures around us watched with a mixture of curiosity and caution. Their eyes, varying in shape and color, followed our every move, adding to the surreal nature of our surroundings.
This doesn't really describe anything to me other than the impression, but personally I'd rather you describe things, and then maybe conclude the description with the main character's impression. What exactly does this room look like? What does a mix of mundane and fantastical elements look like? Is there an electric kettle next to a floating crystal skull? I don't know but I'd like to. I'd really like more information throughout the story.

The other issue I had was: is this story written in an omniscient first person perspective? In the passage above, how does the MC know the mysterious figures are Fey? This seems like a very exacting and specific guess, how does a first person narrator know this? Another example:
It was an old term, perhaps, one that held different connotations in this world.
You say perhaps, but this feels like something the MC knows to be correct, how would they know the term was old? This wouldn't bother me in a third person story, but in a first person perspective it feels out of place.

Another nitpick is in the first chapter, Adrien approaches MC asking if they can talk, but then later says his problems are too personal to talk about. This felt contradictory to me.

Overall I did enjoy your story, I've added it to my reading list and will get back to it sometime. You'll also notice I haven't mentioned anything about your grammar or prose, because I didn't find any issues with either. I think this could be a pretty good story, but I think it needs some reworking. But keep it up! Have fun!


New member
Jul 30, 2023
I would love to take the OatMush test. Please consider my story! Thank you in advance.



Riding the Thunder
Apr 29, 2023
If you want a read.



New member
Dec 18, 2023
Hi, if you have some time would you mind giving some feedback on my novel? Major League System.



up to no good
Nov 15, 2023
Ok folks! Time for another catch up spectacular!

Alright, I will put The Legacy of Dragonfire on the chopping block for your perusal. How far could you get?
Hello! Let's see!

I read the first chapter, it seems quite good, but not for me personally. I'm going to give some input on why I didn't enjoy it, but considering the very positive reaction you've received, I wouldn't take my advice very seriously, I'm just not your target audience. I think you'll find much more useful feedback from someone else. Anyway, I'll do my best to give some useful feedback, just don't take it very seriously.

I was very confused for the first few paragraphs, I understand you want to jump straight into the action, but I would rather more context. I even went back to make sure I hadn't accidentally started on the second or third chapter. You do give most the information needed later, but I felt lost at the start. Which leads me to my next point:

I'm the type who usually skips the summary, I prefer to just read the first few paragraphs, but in your story it almost seems the summary is necessary to read to get context, so to me it felt like you skipped the start of the story. But this might just be me being dumb.

I'm a very character orientated reader, and I didn't really like your MC. This is almost certainly the most subjective issue I found, but I'm not a fan of immediately powerful characters. And beyond being powerful and looking down on humans, you don't really give any information on why I should care about this person. And if they can easily fight off dozens of people at the start, it doesn't feel like there's much at stake, or else there'll be a lot of power creep later on.

I would rather there be more, in the first few paragraphs, I can't visualise what's happening. What does the MC look like? you say they're half dragon, but that doesn't tell me much. What does the forest look like? It seems there's a lot of fungus, but is this a deciduous forest with giant mushrooms? Rainforest? Nusicaa style full on alien fungi forest? I would personally like to know, but your target audience might not care so much.

She scoffed. Dangerous to a human
Is she scoffing at the narrator? If that wasn't her internal monologue, how did she hear it? If it is, why did she think something that she finds scoffable? Feels odd to me.

but I’ll try to hold back my rage.
This is a bit too edgy for me ... Since when was she enraged? She seems more bored and professional to me...

After rereading my review, I worry I sound like I'm being too negative, so I feel the need to reiterate that I think your writing is actually pretty good, and considering the overwhelming positive reception, you're obviously doing something very right, my issues are entirely subjective to this single reader.

So.... Keep it up! Welcome to SH and I hope you continue to find success here, and most of all I hope you have fun!

I'd love to hear feedback on my story. First time I've tried to actually follow through and finish writing something (still a work in progress).
End of the Road
Ok! Ok! Let's go!

I've read up to the end of chapter 2. I in general enjoyed it, I like your setting and your character's motivation is relatable. I was unsure how to approach this review, so I decided to give the format a go:

What I liked:
  • Your writing, if you've made any grammatical or spelling mistakes, I didn't notice them. I can tell this is carefully edited, and that counts for something in my book.
  • I really enjoy this kind of setting. It feels abstract and artificial in a way that builds mystery. It immediately makes my question how the world became like this and how the people got into this situation. Also makes me think of OFF and other RPG maker games, which is a positive association for me.
  • It's very approachable, it's very easy to read.
  • Characterisation, I will talk more about this, in very few words I feel I understand your character's motivations quite well.
What I think could be improved:
  • Your cover. I don't usually talk about covers, but it's something of the elephant in the room. Personally it's a bit refreshing to see something other than a generic anime waifu or an edgy generic male lead, but I would describe the cover as 'programmer art', and I think it misrepresents the quality of your writing, and is likely the reason your story has seen so few page views.
  • The amount of description, as I said, I like this kind of world, but after two chapters I still can't visualise what it looks like! What's over the cliff? The sky? Infinite darkness? Whiteness? What does the town look like? What does the road look like? What does the cave look like? This is probably the main issue preventing me from reading more.
Overall it's quite good, and I definitely think you should keep writing it. Good luck and have fun!

Ooooo this seems fun, feel free to choose from any in my signature. The Orca's Serenade is still coming out however the other two are completed.
Hello hello! I have fun at least! I hope you enjoy my review!

I picked Orca's Serenade, because I think feedback on your ongoing story might be the most useful to you. Lettuce begin:

I read up to the end of chapter 3 including the prologue.

Well, it's good! The writing is good, the premise is interesting, and the 2 MC's are both relatable in different ways. 5* and added to reading list.
Honestly I don't even really have much feedback to give, I like it. I don't even have many nitpicks... Well I have one.

loud machines This was
Just a missing full stop, but it's in the first paragraph.

So uhhh.... Sorry for the short review! I didn't find much to critique! Keep it up! I'll keep reading! I'm not a huge fan of gl so I might drop off if that becomes the main focus, but you seem a good writer anyway!

1st time writer with only 2 chapters atm but feedback would be nice.
Hello! Well, it took awhile for me to get to it, so there's five chapters as I'm writing this. Let's give it a go!

Ok! Well, I read all five! I like it! I'll admit to liking monster girl stories and I enjoy your writing style, I'm interested to see where this goes! Here's some nitpicks:

He commands the entire rom with his presence

Something that jumped out to me, was the strangeness of the guild discovering the paperwork. I wouldn't say it's a pothole, but I'm not sure I understand how the brotherhood could fail at destroying paperwork, and even if a few pages somehow survived, how did the guild find and recognize it for what it is?
A bigger related problem, why would a research institution destroy their records? Do you think scientists record things for fun? Even if #97 was a failure, surely they'd want to archive the results for future reference? Maybe you explain why later though, it just felt odd to me.

Hmmmm... Well sorry I don't have much feedback to give so you're getting a short review, but at least it's for the best reasons. I've added to reading list and given 5*! Keep writing and I'll keep reading! Have fun!

Could you try this?
Submit and I shall review! Let's g-g-g-go!

Oh ho? I haven't read the first chapter yet, but it seems this is something of an interactive story, I haven't reviewed one yet so this could be fun! May haps I'll even post a memo?

Hohohoho I like this. I've read through and submitted a triple memo, I will play along!

In terms of writing, it's good! It reminds me a lot of Dracula!

My only recommendation would be to make onboarding easier, as it is it's quite intimidating.

Anyway! I'll be reading and playing along, 5* and added to reading list! (playing list?) I hope you find a player base!


Hoo Boi this is taking a long time, originally I picked this format because it was quick and easy, but I seem to spend longer and longer on each submission!
Oh well! I enjoy the process! It makes me wonder if anyone other than the reviewees ever reads this? Will anyone read this whole thing? Am I reviewing into the void?! Is anyone here?

Anyways, time for a ciggy, glass of water and a wander around the rainforest. I saw a cussowary today! That was cool!


Ok! Ciggy smoked, water drunk, forest a'wandered, isolation grappled with! (I talked with a strange shirtless man I met in the forest, you're never as alone as you think!) Let us continue!

Yes! Hardwork! Forwards!

Ok! I read to the end of chapter two! Now, I have 2 admissions to make,
1). Superheros aren't my favourite, there are exceptions but in the wild it's unlikely I would of continued past your tags and summary, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
2). I've done sin and read TheTrinary's review beforehand. Normally I avoid reading reviews about any of my submissions since I want to keep my thoughts my own. Unfortunately, due to the number of submissions, I didn't realise you had also submitted to me! This means I inevitably had their thoughts in my head while I read, I did my best not to let them influence me too much, but I'm afraid they did.

Now, onto my review:

If I wasn't reviewing, and if I hadn't read theTrinary's criticism (not gonna @ cause there's no reason to summon them here), I probably would have stopped after the first few paragraphs. I don't like them, they're flowery and boring, and a bit confusing.
Which is a shame, because having read past my organic stopping point, I can say your writing improves a lot in the second chapter. I highly recommend redoing those first few paragraphs, get to the point faster and try to make an actual hook.

I've now read to the end of the second chapter, you pick up speed and plot starts happening in far fewer and less pretentious words... and honestly I quite like it. Your character is a pretty fun dude! Once you turn the writing quirks down from 11 to 6, it's pretty good reading!

What I liked:
  • Relatable character, I've been out of highschool a good while but I can relate to the self doubt of youth still
  • Interesting family dynamic, everyone introduced in the 2 chapters I read felt like a believably flawed character, interested to see where this goes.
  • Description! After the problematic first chapter, you give me a good idea about what the character is thinking\feeling, and what his home life is like
What I didn't:
  • The first chapter, I feel TheTrinary does a better job describing what's wrong with it then I am able, but I don't think it's as bad as they say. Get to the point faster, and include a hook. A lot of readers like me will give up a story if they don't like the first chapter.
  • Gaining the system, it comes a bit out left field to me, are systems common in this world? Well-known? Mythological? Is mc the first in the world to get one?
Overall, I'm adding to my reading list because it seems interesting, don't be put off by harsh reviews! There's a diamond in this rough, keep writing! Have fun!

Any feedback is good
Ok laddy-boy! Let's go!

Well, I haven't read first chapter yet, but for once I read the summary. It needs work in my opinion, the name(title) thing feels clunky, the lack of full stops pretentious and unnecessary, and there's what looks like a typo in the elementalis. Not a great start for this reader, in an organic reading I wouldn't have clicked away, there are a thousand stories on this site, and this doesn't catch my attention.

I read until here:
He stop for one moment, and look away, focused in one direction
There are a million mistakes, and I'm not a huge fan of
(OatMush)-"this gimmick!" *Slaps you*
This is subjective of course, but it reads more like a roleplay than a story. Nothing wrong with it really, just not what this reader is personally into.

As for the number of mistakes... please reread what you write :(

Now, I will say ignoring what I didn't like, the premise is interesting, so if this is what floats your boat, have at it! Have fun! (Sorry for the short review, I'm obviously very far from being your target audience)

I would love to take the OatMush test. Please consider my story! Thank you in advance.

Hello hello! Welcome again to SHF!

Now, to forewarn, I'm not the biggest fan of GL, harem and gameLit, so I'm probably not your target audience, I will of course give it a go anyway! Just don't take what I say to heart, you'll likely do well to get reviews from others.

Oooor not! This seems pretty good. I've read the first 2 chapters, I'm adding to reading list and giving 5*, I may stop reading later on, but you have my interest against the odds.

What I liked:
  • General flow, you move things along at a good pace, never lingering long enough for me too bored while still describing things in good detail.
  • Description! Again you smoothly give enough information that I can visualise the proceedings well, without wasting time describing things I don't care about.
  • Premise, a world were people who die an embarassing death go? It seems I have my afterlife planned out
  • Realistic character, I feel she handles things quite well, but understandably has a minor panic attack.
  • General editing, I didn't notice any typos or odd Grammer, so that's a good start
What I didn't:
  • human shape and shoved a skinsuit onto them. Odd wording methinks, maybe replace onto with over?
  • Maybe lacking a strong hook? I enjoyed what I read so far, but I don't feel a burning passion to find out what happens next.
Overall, pretty solid. We'll see later on if I lose interest, but for now I enjoyed it! Keep it up!

Intermission II
Well it's dark now, the mind is willing but the flesh grows hungry! Time for dinner.

Mind refreshed and belly full! I also saw quokka! Wallabies! Fireflies! And almost got hit in the face by a bat! (The flying mammal, not the instrument of sportsmanship) Enchanting! I like Queensland!

If you want a read.

I do. I do want a read.

I read until here:
"Still a jerk, eh Robert?"
This is not for me....

Now, I understand your referencing old Shonen and Sentai, but well, neither of those are things I'm personally particularly nostalgic about. So to me, this is just kinda cringey.
It isn't poorly written, but I'm not really interested in this hammed up artificial (I hope) American highschool drama. Doesn't mean it's bad just not for me. So I'm afraid you get a short review too.

One was a man with an elderly man with wrinkles on his face.
Hrrrm..... wrinkly man-ception

Overall, it's not bad, just very far out of my orbit. Keep it up though, I approve all campy fun on principle.

Hi, if you have some time would you mind giving some feedback on my novel? Major League System.

I have a lot of time! I shall give so much feedback!

Or maybe not.... Ok, so I don't love systems... And I don't love sports.... I am not your target audience. I would not of made it through your summary.

But! I did of course read the first chapter anyways.

And we'll.... I still don't have much feedback. It's well written, the MC is relatable enough, understandable that he'd be as bitter as he is if he felt he lost out on the life he wanted because of injuries, and dying by accidental overdose is the kind of dumb mistake people make all the time.

What I liked:
  • Characterisation, I really liked how you introduce the character, the way he tries and failes to throw a bottle while stumbling home drunk immediately let's me know he's permanently injured, doesn't love life (presumably drinking alone) and wishes to recapture past glory.
  • Description, I had a very good mental image of what was going on.
  • Writing, if there were any mistakes, I didn't see them.
What I didn't like:
  • Baseball

Overall, very competent, just not what this single reader is after. Keep it up! Have fun!

Whelp, that was a long ride. Only took me like... 7 hours... Hope you found my input at least a little helpful!
Everyone is going to have a great time scrolling past this to get to the bottom of the page! Ha! Suckers!

The ol' backlog is finally empty, awaiting new submissions!