SHF High-school Fanfic


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
This school is in such desperate need for heroes thatbthe Villains are creating their own heroic alter egos
Fun fact: I was originally gonna submit character details more in line with Heroine Ssemouy. But I decided 'eh it's too much detail' and went with a one-liner.

I just brought her back from the character graveyard :blob_evil:

The posts didn't merge :blob_shock:

Oh well...
This is community games, merging holds no power here!
Why do people think I’m a madman when my character is literally the only one oriented in reality.
Here's a smoking pipe with a gas light inside. I'm sure you'd appreciate it .


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
how much do u want a hero in the school... how much will i need to die to be able to do something meaningfull?
That's the point, hero. You can die infinitely and it would never matter.

One must imagine Theirl happy.


Intruding Person's account, yes.
Aug 10, 2023
Cold showers make you stronger, goddess daikon :blob_evil: (I only take cold showers)
Yo, my frend. Help me join this school plz. I live under a rock and need help setting up the documents.

By the way, has someone ever sat on the ceiling? If so, let me sit up there too.


Intruding Person's account, yes.
Aug 10, 2023
Also, I haven't read all of the SHHS chapters. I need to binge it now.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Loved your chapters, son! You did a very good job!
It wasn't as edgy as I thought it would be and I'm interested how all of this would lead up to canon wedding, where Ssemouy falls asleep. :blobrofl:
Thank you, Mama, I'm glad you appreciated it. I would have liked to give more prominence to the family of supervillains, but I guess that will happen in the next episode if it gets written. As for the wedding, I think it would be more suitable as a finale. The most important character is still missing from the roll call, the one who moves the entire story.
*going to steal some things*​
Emoji artist 🤩
That chapter was… a huge deport from the usual "haha funny highschool chapter" I like the departure.
The only thing i didn't like is not mentioning me with Babushka! :blob_catflip:
Thank you Pixy, I will see if I can do something about this in the future.
Da fuq are you two doing? :blob_neutral:
Cooking? :sweating_profusely:
Let Matcha cook!

I love it! TheIrl becomes a hero to stop the SHHS corruption.

Thank you, Ellie. Theirl is the perfect hero.
SHHS could really use more heros, it's boring for villains to be without competition
Every Villain needs a hero to oppose them, and vice versa. Balance is essential. This is why W was born.
dont expect too much from just a human after all
You can do it. Believe yourself. W's got your back.
Provide me with enough Green tea and I'll see what I can do. Maybe it's time for Heroic_Russian_Man!
It's impossible, Mama. Russians cannot be good. They are notoriously evil.
This school is in such desperate need for heroes thatbthe Villains are creating their own heroic alter egos :sweating_profusely:
From the series, "someone has to do it, right?"

There needs to be more action!

Good vs Evil / The Corrupted SHHS council vs the outsiders /
Conflict is essential in every story, in my opinion. Sure, you can write something without it, but sooner or later it becomes tiresome. Conflict is the engine of creation and the emblem of life. Without it, there's stasis, and stasis is lifeless.
Why do people think I’m a madman when my character is literally the only one oriented in reality.
Absolutely, I don't think you're crazy, please continue to design the Reality Breaker, like a mad scientist like a reasonable person alone in a basement. It will be very useful against the Eldritch horrors.