Which pov is better first person pov or Third person Pov


Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 🎶
Oct 14, 2023
I was just wondering what you guys think


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
For smut
personally, i like to READ first pov
(but also HARDER to write so cant blame authors for this choice)
Also easy comparison by comparing pixiv smut novels,
showing from the 3rd pov (outsider)
compared to a good chinese ero-novel (on po18) where its First POV


Witch of miracles/Miracle feline
Jan 21, 2024
There’s a few threads about this already if you want to see the general consensus. The answer is usually “depends.” First person is more, well, personal. It can help emphasize the protagonist’s viewpoint and character a loooot better than third person more often than not.


Kaleidoscope of Harmonious Contradiction
Apr 20, 2021
I'd say, third person is better if you're going to have POV shifts, or want the reader to see what's going on at a larger scale, more than the MC. Whereas first person is better if you want to focus the MC's experiences. There's not an objective better or worse, they're just different tools that are useful in different story types.

The one thing that can be said, however, is that second person is shit. Why? Because people are different, and if the author puts the reader into a scenario, different readers would act in different ways, so the author will inevitably force their audience to make decisions and act in ways that they never would, and that creates a bunch of cognitive dissonance and ruins suspension of disbelief and immersion. Second person is inherently self-defeating. It's better to have the reader become the character you're writing about through first or third person, or just follow that character's journey as an observer, than to try to bring them in as themselves.
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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2021
For smut
personally, i like to READ first pov
(but also HARDER to write so cant blame authors for this choice)
I dunno. I personally don't think it matters. Good smut is good smut. The only thing I find that annoys me perspective wise, in regards to smut, is being jerked into the female POV. I just don't get it. Do other guys actually find that engaging? Do women like smut from the POV of dudes?


Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 🎶
Oct 14, 2023
I dunno. I personally don't think it matters. Good smut is good smut. The only thing I find that annoys me perspective wise, in regards to smut, is being jerked into the female POV. I just don't get it. Do other guys actually find that engaging? Do women like smut from the POV of dudes?
I like multiple pov whether it be story, or smut. Always was curious about what going through other person head and how they view Mc as


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
I prefer first-person POV, but both have their uses where they fit best, and both have pros and cons. First-person brings you closer to showing what the POV character is thinking and lets you see things from their perspective, obviously.

I'm not saying it's not doable, but for example, right now I'm writing a character that I want to remain mysterious and inscrutable while still showing things from their POV. To achieve this, third-person is much better because it allows me to stay on the outside without having to delve into the mysterious protagonist's actions and thoughts.

For smut
personally, i like to READ first pov
(but also HARDER to write so cant blame authors for this choice)

I agree, it's very hard to write but definitely more rewarding to read.


Share your fun!
Jul 23, 2022
It heavily depends on the story. Though I'll say 3rd person because it can do a lot of what first person can do and then some.

And before someone plays the personal card, indirect internal dialogue is a thing that allows for immersion into a character's thoughts. As does a stream of consciousness. That argument IMO is bunk pushed by those unaware of things like narrative distance and how to navigate it.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2023
Try messing around with them both in different stories, if you haven't already! You'll get a better idea of their strengths/weaknesses.


Active member
Mar 17, 2019
I write in 3rd Limited, and you should also be aware that there are different branches inside those perspectives, as well. First, let me tell you that I DO NOT READ. I only write. I write about 25k to 35k words weekly for... many years now. The last book I read WAS 1st person, and it was So I'm A Spider, So What? Light Novels.

You have 1st-person omniscient and limited point of view: 1st-person limited point of view is when a story is told from the 1st-person perspective by a narrator who has limited knowledge. 1st-person omniscient point of view is when a story is told from the 1st-person perspective by a narrator who has omniscient (all-knowing) knowledge.

You have 3rd-person omniscient and limited point of view: While the 3rd-person omniscient point of view has full access to the thoughts and feelings of all characters, the limited 3rd-person omniscient is restricted to a single character. The 3rd-person limited narrator allows the writer to explore the plot through the thoughts and feelings of that specific character.

I LOVE 3rd-person, and I can write very, very realistic and connectable characters with it. Is it harder? Possibly. I've just written millions upon millions of words in it. I do change PoV from time to time, but I mostly stay with the main character. It can really give you a grander scale of what is happening in the background. Overall, I'd say 3rd-person is much harder to pull off than 1st-person because you need to be able to keep things reigned in, connect with the audience, and be able to show things to the reader that the character does not know. It makes for far better world-building and a framework for a bigger scale epic than 1st-person, which is why many of the great epics are all written in 3rd.

I don't like 3rd omniscient, but maybe that's more or less a problem with my personal style. I hope that helps. 1st is fantastic if you're mainly writing for characters, which is funny because I am very much into writing character-driven stories. To give you background into me so you can better understand my perspective, I could quote a reviewer from my Pokesync series:

TL;DR - The setting is deep, the characters are great, but the pace is gacial.

This is one of the most in-depth Pokemon mechanics dives I've seen. Seriously, the settings details from the story alone (not even counting the things that must be in the autor's head) would be enough to make Pokemon: The (T)RPG game and have thousands enjoy it. Solid work right here.

The world-building is on point. The events from games all have meaning and new take on them. The great mystery of non-aging Ash is solved. The world feels alive and real. We have reasons for why Pokemon would want to have trainers. We have reasons for why only six Pokemon are with you. Why teenagers beat seasoned veterans in Gyms. Legendaries. Pokemon sentinence. You name it, it's there - Pokemon world made realistic without loosing it's canonical charms.

If you are a Pokemon fan, here come your favorite characters from mutliple games, interacting with each other and living together. Great job on that.

With that brilliance comes the pacing... issue? Not really an issue for me, but for a lot of people, it could be. The story is character driven. And there are a lot of characters. They all feel alive and real, but that feeling comes with a cost. Exposition through dialog. Talking. Memory recounting. Social media dives. Socializing with Pokemon, teammates, relatives. Ultimate slice-of-life, and while the adventure and the mystery are there, they are slow paced and not a main focus - just a part of young trainer's life (we are at day 26 at 2.1k pages, just to put it into perspective)
That's me xD
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Active member
Mar 15, 2024
Neither is better. I think 1st person is more difficult to write well, but they are both equally valid ways to share a narrative.

But generally, I think people should Master Close 3rd before attempting First. It's easier and good practice for limiting a POV.

First, let me tell you that I DO NOT READ.
Reading is one of the best ways to improve your own writing. So if that works for you, awesome, but probably not the best advice for new writers.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2020
I personally lean more towards 3rd person. It's not that I think 1st person is bad or that I dislike it, I just prefer 3rd person over 1st. I will still read 1st person works, though.


Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
The best POV is second person future tense. You will all die.
Wrong you, you. Unless explicitly specified just saying "2nd person" normally means singular, not plural. You may sit down again and correct your homework.

Basic rule of dumb seems to be to use 1st person for personal and/or unreliable or biased narration and 3rd for more "zoomed-out" narration or for works where there are multiple POVs.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Wrong you, you. Unless explicitly specified just saying "2nd person" normally means singular, not plural. You may sit down again and correct your homework.

Basic rule of dumb seems to be to use 1st person for personal and/or unreliable or biased narration and 3rd for more "zoomed-out" narration or for works where there are multiple POVs.
No, this is second person plural. Even better always use “you all”