FREE REVIEW! Just subimit it, and I'll review it.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 156229
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Deleted member 156229


I've had some mixed experiences with review swaps on a neighboring site. While some have been fantastic and provided me with valuable insights, others left me feeling like the reviewer didn't even bother reading my work. Additionally, there were swaps where I found myself reading something I didn't enjoy, but felt obligated to continue due to the exchange.

So, I've decided to create this new thread (there is a twin thread on a road somewhere). Here's the deal:
  • You submit your fiction
  • I'll read it until I either lose interest or run out of time.
  • If I lose interest early on, I'll leave a reply in this thread telling why I didn't enjoy your fiction.
  • If your piece has enough content and I enjoy it, I'll give you a deep, thorough review. I'll be honest and without sugarcoating, but I'll also be respectful. I understand how difficult it can be to pour your heart into your writing, so I'll make sure to highlight everything I appreciate about your fiction.
*I have a full-time and very demanding job, so you should expect a week or so of lead time.

Do you need to reciprocate the review? Absolutely not! If you don't feel like it, don't worry about it. I'd rather receive no review at all than a hastily written one. However, feel free to review my fiction if you are willing to commit the same effort I did to yours.

Here are the rules:
  • At least 10k words for novel-like. It could be less for short, episodic stories.
  • No smut just for the smut of it. I'm okay reading smut, but it needs plot and good characters.

I'll read all the fiction submitted on this thread, but if you want to increase your chances of receiving a full, in-depth review, your fiction should fit my personal taste:
  • It can be Isekai, but not the over-used traditional format. Some examples of Isekai that I do enjoy are the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown.
  • I prefer more mature fictions. I don't mean sex or gore, but just more mature ideas and themes.
  • I prefer longer chapters, like +3k words per chapter.
  • I'm a sucker for hard sci-fi. But I know I'll barely find any around here, so bring any genre, and I'll take it.
  • I love fictions without magic or supernatural events. The restraints that this kind of thing brings create an amazing set of interesting plot lines. But I know that +99% of the fictions have some form of magic... So, don't mind too much about it.

Lastly... I'm neither a professional writer nor a reviewer. What you are going to get from me is an honest and deep review of someone who loves to read. That's it! If you don't agree with my review, just ask me, and I'll gladly delete it.
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Overworked One
Nov 16, 2021
I have a feeling that you'll like my webnovel for some reason. It almost ticks every box. Almost. Here:


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2021

I've had some mixed experiences with review swaps on a neighboring site. While some have been fantastic and provided me with valuable insights, others left me feeling like the reviewer didn't even bother reading my work. Additionally, there were swaps where I found myself reading something I didn't enjoy, but felt obligated to continue due to the exchange.

So, I've decided to create this new thread (there is a twin thread on a road somewhere). Here's the deal:
  • You submit your fiction
  • I'll read it until I either lose interest or run out of time.
  • If I lose interest early on, I'll leave a reply in this thread telling why I didn't enjoy your fiction.
  • If your piece has enough content and I enjoy it, I'll give you a deep, thorough review. I'll be honest and without sugarcoating, but I'll also be respectful. I understand how difficult it can be to pour your heart into your writing, so I'll make sure to highlight everything I appreciate about your fiction.
*I have a full-time and very demanding job, so you should expect a week or so of lead time.

Do you need to reciprocate the review? Absolutely not! If you don't feel like it, don't worry about it. I'd rather receive no review at all than a hastily written one. However, feel free to review my fiction if you are willing to commit the same effort I did to yours.

Here are the rules:
  • At least 10k words for novel-like. It could be less for short, episodic stories.
  • No smut just for the smut of it. I'm okay reading smut, but it needs plot and good characters.

I'll read all the fiction submitted on this thread, but if you want to increase your chances of receiving a full, in-depth review, your fiction should fit my personal taste:
  • I enjoy Isekai, but not the over-used traditional format. Some examples of Isekai that I do enjoy are the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown.
  • I prefer more mature fictions. I don't mean sex or gore, but just more mature ideas and themes.
  • I prefer longer chapters, like +3k words per chapter.
  • I'm a sucker for hard sci-fi. But I know I'll barely find any around here, so bring any genre, and I'll take it.
  • I love fictions without magic or supernatural events. The restraints that this kind of thing brings create an amazing set of interesting plot lines. But I know that +99% of the fictions have some form of magic... So, don't mind too much about it.

Lastly... I'm neither a professional writer nor a reviewer. What you are going to get from me is an honest and deep review of someone who loves to read. That's it! If you don't agree with my review, just ask me, and I'll gladly delete it.
Thank you for your kind offer. This is my story:
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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2024
Yay, come roast mine if you will (I'll take a bad review over none :blob_uwu: ): Eternity Starts From His Seed

  • It's not really Isekai? But a different world... so uh... :blob_hide:
  • Definitely a more mature fiction. Minor sex or gore. Plus, there are mature ideas and themes. :blob_evil:
  • Chapters are bit longer, but not 3k. Instead, around 1.5-2k (some chapters are split into smaller chapters due to going over 2k). :blob_popcorn:
  • Xianxia, but not the over-used traditional format? Hopefully, you'll take it :blob_cookie:
  • There are... cultivation. That's supernatural? The techniques are magic? Maybe the plot won't be interesting... Well, it'll be the 99% of the fictions out there... So, I hope you don't mind it too much. :blob_sir:
And here is my personal take on Mankind Diaspora: The TRAPPIST-1 Gambit thus far... (please don't take it personally if I'm too critical :blob_sir:)

At first glance, texts are kind of blocky, but not overly exaggerated. I guess that's the style?

The prose really seemed familiar. I use AI to assist in editing my own novel, and I do catch similar cases rather easily. Not sure if it's just your own writing style, but words like testament, moved with grace of, tapestry, adorned, etc. are commonly seen.

Also, the AI does like repeating your words, making your text repetitive.

For example: Cirakari moved with the grace of a ballerina in the weightless environment. Her motions were a ballet of precision, gliding effortlessly with gentle touches on surfaces.

Ballerina and ballet of precision almost mean the same thing does it not? Well, at least in this case, they both talked about Cirakari's movements.

Repetitive cases like these are common in just the first chapter and I have similar problems when editing my own.

Adding onto this, there were over-the-top descriptions of the ship, which is common, too (I get the same when I try to get description of my characters).

On the flip side, the dialogue is pretty decent, with Sci-Fi jargon I personally don't understand, but at least it drew me in a little (too bad hard to immerse when I don't understand, but that's just me). :blob_cookie:

There are parts that seemed to be written decently, mainly the interactions with the screens (just a bit blocky with all dialogue squished onto one line).

As for the setting, it was somewhat interesting to know there isn't just mankind, just that it seems to take place mainly on the ship thus far. Will there be planet exploration or mecha or sortieing in space fighters? :blob_cookie:

The chapter ended on a rather anti-climatic note, but I guess that's fine. I personally like cliff hangers, but every reader has their own tastes. (I personally would enjoy it ending Cira getting into trouble.)

Chapter 3 kind of skipped forward (or is it a flashback?), leaving me kind of clueless... maybe I missed something? Text was also kind of aligned weird on Reinhold speech, but I guess that's intentional?

Finally, for a general overview...

For the plot... 3/5 nothing seemed to happen much except for the encounter with the dwarfs and letting more on board. It seems the first arc will be focused on the struggle between these two factions of spacers and dwarf?

Character building can be seen in parts of the dialogue, but not so much some of the actions due to the bloated words. There are some parts that let some characters like Gulliver shine, but eh... 3/5

The prose, aka writing, needs to be worked on for sure. Too much untrimmed AI bloat. 2/5

Er... Not sure if there is any other criteria to evaluate by. If I can think of any, I'll add it. Cheers. Don't take it too hard. You'll get there :blob_gift:
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May 4, 2023
I believe I have something that fits nicely into this criteria. I'd love to hear back from you :)



Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
As long as you agree to give me only one star, I'll bite!


Owl Who Reads · Hoot Hoot
Apr 8, 2023

I've had some mixed experiences with review swaps on a neighboring site. While some have been fantastic and provided me with valuable insights, others left me feeling like the reviewer didn't even bother reading my work. Additionally, there were swaps where I found myself reading something I didn't enjoy, but felt obligated to continue due to the exchange.

So, I've decided to create this new thread (there is a twin thread on a road somewhere). Here's the deal:
  • You submit your fiction
  • I'll read it until I either lose interest or run out of time.
  • If I lose interest early on, I'll leave a reply in this thread telling why I didn't enjoy your fiction.
  • If your piece has enough content and I enjoy it, I'll give you a deep, thorough review. I'll be honest and without sugarcoating, but I'll also be respectful. I understand how difficult it can be to pour your heart into your writing, so I'll make sure to highlight everything I appreciate about your fiction.
*I have a full-time and very demanding job, so you should expect a week or so of lead time.

Do you need to reciprocate the review? Absolutely not! If you don't feel like it, don't worry about it. I'd rather receive no review at all than a hastily written one. However, feel free to review my fiction if you are willing to commit the same effort I did to yours.

Here are the rules:
  • At least 10k words for novel-like. It could be less for short, episodic stories.
  • No smut just for the smut of it. I'm okay reading smut, but it needs plot and good characters.

I'll read all the fiction submitted on this thread, but if you want to increase your chances of receiving a full, in-depth review, your fiction should fit my personal taste:
  • It can be Isekai, but not the over-used traditional format. Some examples of Isekai that I do enjoy are the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown.
  • I prefer more mature fictions. I don't mean sex or gore, but just more mature ideas and themes.
  • I prefer longer chapters, like +3k words per chapter.
  • I'm a sucker for hard sci-fi. But I know I'll barely find any around here, so bring any genre, and I'll take it.
  • I love fictions without magic or supernatural events. The restraints that this kind of thing brings create an amazing set of interesting plot lines. But I know that +99% of the fictions have some form of magic... So, don't mind too much about it.

Lastly... I'm neither a professional writer nor a reviewer. What you are going to get from me is an honest and deep review of someone who loves to read. That's it! If you don't agree with my review, just ask me, and I'll gladly delete it.
I think my novel fits the bill in one way or another.

Deleted member 156229

Er... Not sure if there is any other criteria to evaluate by. If I can think of any, I'll add it. Cheers. Don't take it too hard. You'll get there :blob_gift:
I wasn't planning on replying on this thread without a review to avoid flooding. But since I got your kind review, I felt compelled to!

I'm not an English native speaker, so yeah, I use AI to proofread and paraphrase some weirdly placed sentences. QuillBot Mostly, the built-in Chrome add-on. So maybe I should take the paraphraser with a grain of salt? But I believe the worst problem is that I usually write purple prose on my own, which is equally bad lol.

For the "AI-like-words", I use a website called to find synonyms of words. So if I query words like "beauty" one of the strongest matches is "grace". But yeah... Now that you mentioned, probably these strong matches came from the same databases as other Gen-AI were trained on.

I'm glad to have your feedback! I dream in self-publishing my story one day. And this kind of thing need to be polished until then!


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2021
I think your guidlines for reviews are quite fair!
If you are interested, please check out my story I started writing for the RR Writeathon, and that I am also later submitting to a WN contest! I made this story in mind for those audiences, so maybe you might not like it since you said you don't like magic that much.

The Weavers of Fate


Intruding Person's account, yes.
Aug 10, 2023

I've had some mixed experiences with review swaps on a neighboring site. While some have been fantastic and provided me with valuable insights, others left me feeling like the reviewer didn't even bother reading my work. Additionally, there were swaps where I found myself reading something I didn't enjoy, but felt obligated to continue due to the exchange.

So, I've decided to create this new thread (there is a twin thread on a road somewhere). Here's the deal:
  • You submit your fiction
  • I'll read it until I either lose interest or run out of time.
  • If I lose interest early on, I'll leave a reply in this thread telling why I didn't enjoy your fiction.
  • If your piece has enough content and I enjoy it, I'll give you a deep, thorough review. I'll be honest and without sugarcoating, but I'll also be respectful. I understand how difficult it can be to pour your heart into your writing, so I'll make sure to highlight everything I appreciate about your fiction.
*I have a full-time and very demanding job, so you should expect a week or so of lead time.

Do you need to reciprocate the review? Absolutely not! If you don't feel like it, don't worry about it. I'd rather receive no review at all than a hastily written one. However, feel free to review my fiction if you are willing to commit the same effort I did to yours.

Here are the rules:
  • At least 10k words for novel-like. It could be less for short, episodic stories.
  • No smut just for the smut of it. I'm okay reading smut, but it needs plot and good characters.

I'll read all the fiction submitted on this thread, but if you want to increase your chances of receiving a full, in-depth review, your fiction should fit my personal taste:
  • It can be Isekai, but not the over-used traditional format. Some examples of Isekai that I do enjoy are the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown.
  • I prefer more mature fictions. I don't mean sex or gore, but just more mature ideas and themes.
  • I prefer longer chapters, like +3k words per chapter.
  • I'm a sucker for hard sci-fi. But I know I'll barely find any around here, so bring any genre, and I'll take it.
  • I love fictions without magic or supernatural events. The restraints that this kind of thing brings create an amazing set of interesting plot lines. But I know that +99% of the fictions have some form of magic... So, don't mind too much about it.

Lastly... I'm neither a professional writer nor a reviewer. What you are going to get from me is an honest and deep review of someone who loves to read. That's it! If you don't agree with my review, just ask me, and I'll gladly delete it.
Read my currently under-construction fanfic down on the signature. Thx!

:blob_cookie: :blob_cookie:

Also, if you're reading it, don't read chaps 3-5 It's still under maintenance unless you want to burn your eyes. The sixth to ninth chaps are pretty poorly written, it is recommended to read it with your brain halved its power.

Best to start on chap 10.

Don't forget the introduction!
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