SHF High-school Fanfic

Sep 8, 2022
*pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat*


Miss Direction
Jan 10, 2022
*clears his throat from his self-centered monologue*



This is a presumptuous and pretentious chapter.

The title represents it on multiple levels.

Really, I couldn't have found a better title.

Without embarrassment, although I should feel it, I can confidently say that it is a journey.
I can say that I used almost 90% of my abilities to write it (I could never reach 100%). This fan fiction and this chapter allowed me to experiment with so many different genres and techniques, and it has been incredibly fun. Every chapter I have written is basically different both in genre. And the next one will be too if I write it. If I hadn't met you, I probably would never have written something like this. It almost spontaneously generated through interacting with you. Knowing the people on this forum, I understood the concept of a muse.

Until now, I was inspired by artists or writers, whom I would never meet, but for the first time, I met a person who embodies the concept of a muse and pushes me to go beyond my limits, and it's terribly inspiring. It has been a fun ride. I definitely enjoyed it. Even if no one else is interested, I'm still satisfied with this work. Despite errors and flaws, I don't care. For once, I'm content. As long as it lasts, I want to enjoy this feeling.

The goal was to better characterize the characters, give them more space and vary the povs by giving each their own voice. It wasn't easy.
I tried to take inspiration from what Ssemouy wrote and based it on chapters written by the people I admire the most.

If we consider this saga as canonical, I can be quite proud that I have single-handedly canonized hundreds of pages of this thread, and that is quite an accomplishment.
Kudos to me. :blob_party:

The chapter is divided into six parts.

Who appears or is mentioned:

Part I: THE SOLID TIME OF CHANGE @DannyTheDaikon , @Theirl , @ShizukiIchino , @SsemouyOnan , @Azure_Fog

Part II: TOTAL MASS RETAIN @MidnightFox @Reinaislost
Mentioned: Corty, Ssemouy

Part III I :GET UP I GET DOWN @Reinaislost , @ElliePorter , @georgelee5786 , @Kureous , @GoodPerson

PART IV: SEASON OF MAN @Iamnotabot (PART #2 Bring you to my place), @Prince_Azmiran_Myrian , @HelloHound , Shizuki, Theirl, @Pixytokisaki14 , @Corty , Ssemouy, @Simple_Russian_Boi
Mentioned: Envy, Anon

PART V: AND YOU AND I @quagma , @Raymann , @Assurbanipal_II , @Nahrenne , @Aaqil , @FlutterOfCrows , @TheMonotonePuppet , @Stealthy_Enigma
Mentioned: Luoir, Tony

PART VI: SIBERIAN KHATRU Simple Russian Boi, Ssemouy, Corty, Prince, GoodPerson, Theirl, Shizuki, Iamnotabot, Danny, Azure, Midnight, Quagma.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to include some characters I would have liked to.

For example, Anon, whose technology is fundamental in the war, but unfortunately, I had to cut the part in which they appeared.
Darkness, I would have liked to give her an active role in the chapter but unfortunately, I couldn't find a little space for her.
I hope to give her the space she deserves in the next chapter.
TotallyHuman: I intended to make that witch appear, but I realized I don't like her character that much.
Voidiris: My little sibling, unfortunately, I couldn't find a place for them, but given their lore, we can say that W didn't notice them and they observed everything from start to finish.
Finally, I'm sorry for Stealthy Enigma. I had a biggerscene in mind for her, but we will have to wait for the next chapter.
hi, matchha-kun


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Matcha, why do your chapters always make me cry? :blob_teary:
Because I use them to communicate my feelings.
Even that much? This honors me :blob_aww:
WHAT A RIDE! Matcha-kun! That was amazing!
Thank you, Ane-san! I love being praised by you. 🤩
You have my Congratulations on this chapter, little one. It was one of the most wildest rides I've been on, I enjoyed it very much. :blob_uwu:
Mama! :blob_teary:
I did not consent on the whole Jango Fett part! :blob_catflip:
*Grabs an M134 Minigun and a XQ7M Railgun*
Time to hunt down some clones :blob_thor:
You have given me an incredible idea for the next chapter! :blob_hmm:
In all fairness. That was an awesome chapter. I'd give 11/10 popcorn :blob_cookie::blob_popcorn:
The fact that you appreciated it means a lot to me. Thank you :blob_uwu:
hi, matchha-kun
Hi, Reina. What do you think of your representation?:blob_sweat:


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
*clears his throat from his self-centered monologue*



This is a presumptuous and pretentious chapter.

The title represents it on multiple levels.

Really, I couldn't have found a better title.

Without embarrassment, although I should feel it, I can confidently say that it is a journey.
I can say that I used almost 90% of my abilities to write it (I could never reach 100%). This fan fiction and this chapter allowed me to experiment with so many different genres and techniques, and it has been incredibly fun. Every chapter I have written is basically different both in genre. And the next one will be too if I write it. If I hadn't met you, I probably would never have written something like this. It almost spontaneously generated through interacting with you. Knowing the people on this forum, I understood the concept of a muse.

Until now, I was inspired by artists or writers, whom I would never meet, but for the first time, I met a person who embodies the concept of a muse and pushes me to go beyond my limits, and it's terribly inspiring. It has been a fun ride. I definitely enjoyed it. Even if no one else is interested, I'm still satisfied with this work. Despite errors and flaws, I don't care. For once, I'm content. As long as it lasts, I want to enjoy this feeling.

The goal was to better characterize the characters, give them more space and vary the povs by giving each their own voice. It wasn't easy.
I tried to take inspiration from what Ssemouy wrote and based it on chapters written by the people I admire the most.

If we consider this saga as canonical, I can be quite proud that I have single-handedly canonized hundreds of pages of this thread, and that is quite an accomplishment.
Kudos to me. :blob_party:

The chapter is divided into six parts.

Who appears or is mentioned:

Part I: THE SOLID TIME OF CHANGE @DannyTheDaikon , @Theirl , @ShizukiIchino , @SsemouyOnan , @Azure_Fog

Part II: TOTAL MASS RETAIN @MidnightFox @Reinaislost
Mentioned: Corty, Ssemouy

Part III I :GET UP I GET DOWN @Reinaislost , @ElliePorter , @georgelee5786 , @Kureous , @GoodPerson

PART IV: SEASON OF MAN @Iamnotabot (PART #2 Bring you to my place), @Prince_Azmiran_Myrian , @HelloHound , Shizuki, Theirl, @Pixytokisaki14 , @Corty , Ssemouy, @Simple_Russian_Boi
Mentioned: Envy, Anon

PART V: AND YOU AND I @quagma , @Raymann , @Assurbanipal_II , @Nahrenne , @Aaqil , @FlutterOfCrows , @TheMonotonePuppet , @Stealthy_Enigma
Mentioned: Luoir, Tony

PART VI: SIBERIAN KHATRU Simple Russian Boi, Ssemouy, Corty, Prince, GoodPerson, Theirl, Shizuki, Iamnotabot, Danny, Azure, Midnight, Quagma.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to include some characters I would have liked to.

For example, Anon, whose technology is fundamental in the war, but unfortunately, I had to cut the part in which they appeared.
Darkness, I would have liked to give her an active role in the chapter but unfortunately, I couldn't find a little space for her.
I hope to give her the space she deserves in the next chapter.
TotallyHuman: I intended to make that witch appear, but I realized I don't like her character that much.
Voidiris: My little sibling, unfortunately, I couldn't find a place for them, but given their lore, we can say that W didn't notice them and they observed everything from start to finish.
Finally, I'm sorry for Stealthy Enigma. I had a biggerscene in mind for her, but we will have to wait for the next chapter.
I have but one word:

Well, looks like I have no excuses to be slow with writing my chapters now :sweating_profusely:


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Also your chapter gave me so many ideas for Heroine Ssemouy that I'm half tempted to write about her before I do Seymour even if that makes no sense whatsoever.