SHF High-school Fanfic


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
The next few millenia will be quite busy with world unification and conquest of space and all. Should be quite free after the stellar epoch ends, though. (We're burning out the stars ahead of schedule, big bro doesn't like them)
Such a busy woman. What can I do? I'll wait patiently. I'll mark it on my Google Calendar (who knows if it even goes that far).
I believe some people use world forge, or whatever the website was called?
Yes, I think that's what it's called. I've seen the ads, but they never really attracted me. I used to place a lot of importance on worldbuilding, but now I tend to do it as I write. My dream is for the readers/fans to work for me, kind of like Bethesda game modders.
There's a part 2 on more advanced mechanics, but you don't really need to know about them for now.

I'm just going to place this here -> 🍎

I do wonder if the devs censor the uptie stories if you're not at the canto yet. Cause the Butler stories

It can go either way, just pick the account with the most IDs you prefer using.

Let's see if you still have the same opinion after canto 3...
I think I will keep the steam account :blob_hmm:

That's a secret :blob_uwu:
Come on! :blob_pout:

Based on the result below, I have formulated my own hypothesis.👇
Even the dice are after him!

Okay, let's try this... If I roll 6 on a d6 I have to write a chapter where I go yandere and everyone else who's been rizzed by him dies
@SsemouyOnan, you rolled a 6
What in the actual-
:blob_dizzy: Your outrageous luck with dice never fails to amaze, but in this case, I think it's really the influence of the Heroine.

I won't deny that it greatly pleases me. :blob_uwu:

If I had a nickel for every time Matcha suddenly got turned into a weapon made out of chocolate, I'd have two nickels... Which isn't a lot, but how did it happen twice?!
I think it's written in the DNA of my soul to be used, perhaps as punishment for my past lives, a contrappasso or a reward for my persistence in insignificance. In the hands of superior beings, I can find my purpose.
I leave the difficult judgment to posterity.
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Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
You surely will enjoy this play of mine, if you ca handle it in the first place.
As the Real me will show up in person for this eventful dance of trickery and madness.
How long do you think it will take? I need to know if I should include it in the chapter I'm writing or not.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Such a busy woman. What can I do? I'll wait patiently. I'll mark it on my Google Calendar (who knows if it even goes that far).
Eh, we'll update it to a better one anyways :blob_uwu:
Yes, I think that's what it's called. I've seen the ads, but they never really attracted me. I used to place a lot of importance on worldbuilding, but now I tend to do it as I write. My dream is for the readers/fans to work for me, kind of like Bethesda game modders.
Most of my worldbuilding simply comes from me thinking of ideas, since my setting allows for literally anything I write to exist in the same shared universe (as long as I want it associated with my IP), so I'm considering it just so I can have things more organized...
I think I will keep the steam account :blob_hmm:
As good of a choice as any! You'll still gain plenty of Lunacy to pull! FYI, I can lend you a Der Freischutz Outis to complete the Walpurgisnacht event, she can solo Hard difficulty and complete most of the missions for more pulls. Only problem is I don't know if you CAN access the event. Just tell me so I can set her as support.
You'll naturally find out when it activates ;)
Based on the result below, I have formulated my own hypothesis.👇
:blob_dizzy: Your good luck with dice never fails to disappoint, but in this case, I think it's really the influence of the Heroine.
In that case... I'll take it as a sign that she wants to do it instead of Seymour! ^_^
Added to chapter queue: A Chapter In Which Heroine Ssemouy Goes Yandere and Kills Everyone Matcha has Ever Rizzed

I think it's written in the DNA of my soul to be used, perhaps as punishment for my past lives, a contrappasso or a reward for my persistence in insignificance. In the hands of superior beings, I can find my purpose.
I leave the difficult judgment to posterity.
What happens if Matcha Scythe and Matcha Mallet touch each other? Does reality go boom?

What didn't exist in the first place can't collapse through?
Matcha's Rizz Empire shall exist for as long as I exist!


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Most of my worldbuilding simply comes from me thinking of ideas, since my setting allows for literally anything I write to exist in the same shared universe (as long as I want it associated with my IP), so I'm considering it just so I can have things more organized...
Well, in your case, I think it's definitely helpful to have an organized system, considering how vast your shared universe could be if it can contain all your lore. By the way, does the SHHS lore fit in?

As good of a choice as any! You'll still gain plenty of Lunacy to pull! FYI, I can lend you a Der Freischutz Outis to complete the Walpurgisnacht event, she can solo Hard difficulty and complete most of the missions for more pulls. Only problem is I don't know if you CAN access the event. Just tell me so I can set her as support.
When I get home and I'm at my pc, I'll check if I can participate in the event and will merge the accounts. I'll let you know!

You'll naturally find out when it activates ;)
So it's time for Watcha to do some work and make himself useful. :blob_hmm_two:

In that case... I'll take it as a sign that she wants to do it instead of Seymour! ^_^
Added to chapter queue: A Chapter In Which Heroine Ssemouy Goes Yandere and Kills Everyone Matcha has Ever Rizzed
More work added to the queue! :blob_shock: However, I think the piece you previewed would fit well in that hypothetical chapter. Canonically, I believe she's the one who lends herself best to it.
Who knows when we'll get the "Heroine Cuddles Matcha while They Drink Tea and Eat Cookies and Chocolate Together" chapter.

What happens if Matcha Scythe and Matcha Mallet touch each other? Does reality go boom?
Reality collapse and space-time paradox seem like the bare minimum, but it could also be the cause of the [CURSED TIMELINE]...

Matcha's Rizz Empire shall exist for as long as I exist!


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Great idea~
I’m just going to nap until it’s time after I get home~
Also since I ran out of stuff to read and I'm chained to bed I'm gonna draw everyone from the Eldritch family (who play or know HSR) as those Ruan Mei cats :blob_evil:


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Well, in your case, I think it's definitely helpful to have an organized system, considering how vast your shared universe could be if it can contain all your lore. By the way, does the SHHS lore fit in?
The universe in its totality contains everything, as in literally everything. No ifs and buts. Mathematics is one-to-one with physics, so anything that's mathematically plausible does exist as a real structure(inspired by the Manifold Trilogy) Below that, there's a bunch of 'Droplets' where places analogous to stories exist with different sets of rules and logic. That's how I can make anything I write canon regardless of genre.

...and that's not even all of it. Though I'm cloudy of the details beyond that since I'm struggling to implement the ideas with finesse and in a way that actually makes the scale feel grander.

I could easily link the lore through the Lady, but I consider it non-canon to respect everyone else's lore. Since authors like Quagma and Puppet have entities that are supposed to be the strongest in their lore full stop. I can't have entities dreaming up all of reality in my lore, and they can't have things existing outside of it in theirs.
When I get home and I'm at my pc, I'll check if I can participate in the event and will merge the accounts. I'll let you know!
If you are able to play it, immediately skip the story. There's a massive spoiler for Canto 6.
So it's time for Watcha to do some work and make himself useful. :blob_hmm_two:
koishi staring.jpg

More work added to the queue! :blob_shock: However, I think the piece you previewed would fit well in that hypothetical chapter. Canonically, I believe she's the one who lends herself best to it.
Who knows when we'll get the "Heroine Cuddles Matcha while They Drink Tea and Eat Cookies and Chocolate Together" chapter.
Who says it can't be merged with that chapter? Heroine Cuddles Matcha while They Drink Tea and Eat Cookies and Chocolate Together with a Murdery Subcontext :blob_uwu:
Reality collapse and space-time paradox seem like the bare minimum, but it could also be the cause of the [CURSED TIMELINE]...
I see...