SHF High-school Fanfic


🌻Currently Hibernating🌹
Jun 13, 2024
I guess your area is in Asia.
Haha... you got me there. My turn, let me guess, you're not from Asia, right? (Sorry about that observation, that's pretty much obvious.)
I wish it were more common where I live, but it's actually an overpriced rarity because it's imported.
If it was a common snack in your area, you would appreciate it less. Actually, scratch that, looks like you really like matcha judging by your username... wait, I never noticed that “69” at the end till now...

Although, that overprice thing is relatable for me with other things I want to try. I hope you are able to drown yourself in matcha chocolates someday. :sweat_smile:
So, I'm forced to make it myself.
Consider me impressed by your cooking (baking?) skills.
Not that I mind, but I wish I could have a matcha Kit Kat without having to pay an arm and a leg. Aside from the digression, it's a pleasure to meet you.
I would prefer a normal Kit Kat instead, but each to their own matcha. On an unrelated note, I noticed you are pretty poised (is that the right word for cool writers?) with all the words you write. Anyway, nice to meet you and it's my pleasure too.
:blob_hmm_two: That's sus
Haha... I know right :blob_whistle:
You are definitely cool and fresh. 🥶
Thanks for calling me cool.
You call your posts silly, but I've seen more attention to what others say in them than in most other users' posts. You know the secret of charisma and charm.
I wouldn't be sure about my supposed charisma and charm, but thank you very much. Nonetheless, I appreciate your compliments. Although, how could anyone be more charming and sweet than a literal chocolate?
If you have the chance, I recommend learning to swim. It's one of the best sensations in life. Absolute freedom, and it's like reconnecting with your origins. I could do it for hours.
Well, I would like to try one day, but I am an indoor type. Besides, I am afraid of large water bodies ever since our last beach trip from few years ago. Fortunately, nothing happened to her, but I heard a girl my age almost drowned in front of many people. Apparently, they didn't realise until the very end, since they thought she was just playing and flailing around in the water like any other kid her age. Thankfully, a nearby guy noticed and rescued her. I can't even imagine how much scared she must have been. The people surrounding her, the deep water. Anyway, sorry for going off topic.

However, I really like how you described swimming. If possible, I would like to learn swimming one day. Please, be very careful with your swimming sessions and enjoy!
Be careful, chocolate can also be dark... But don't worry, I've taken a liking to you, so I'll see you as a friend.
Thanks for saying that. I can't tell you (because I don't want to) just how much I appreciate seeing something positive like this. I will see you as a friend too, a particularly sweet one at that. Well, I heard dark chocolate goes well with matcha. Anyway, see you around, kind stranger!


A Trickster that loves Puppets
Jun 13, 2023
In what universe daikon looks like a pineapple?! :blob_catflip: I object! This is a slander! :blob_catflip:
Hair cut and body shape are pretty close to one another, and for one you taste like a pineapple did you gain the power of satisfying anyone's taste while getting bitten? No wonder Pixie likes you


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Haha... you got me there. My turn, let me guess, you're not from Asia, right? (Sorry about that observation, that's pretty much obvious.)
Don't worry, Asia is quite large, so unless you want to be found, it's pretty difficult to pinpoint your exact location from what you write. Nevertheless, be cautious on the internet. As you've noticed, I don't live in Asia, though one of my dreams is to visit it. I'm in Europe.
If it was a common snack in your area, you would appreciate it less. Actually, scratch that, looks like you really like matcha judging by your username... wait, I never noticed that “69” at the end till now...

Although, that overprice thing is relatable for me with other things I want to try. I hope you are able to drown yourself in matcha chocolates someday. :sweat_smile:
Yeah, I really enjoy matcha with milk or just as tea. I appreciate the matcha cake that Asian restaurants here serve as a dessert, and I also like matcha mochi. With a bit of embarrassment, I admit that I'm an Asiaphile, particularly fond of Japanese culture. Probably, if I lived there, it would lose its uniqueness and exoticism, but I still believe I would appreciate its flavor.

What food would you like to try that is hard to get in your area?
Consider me impressed by your cooking (baking?) skills.
Thanks, but actually, it's not very difficult to make matcha chocolates. I posted a recipe in the thread of our cute Stealthy Enigma.

I would prefer a normal Kit Kat instead, but each to their own matcha. On an unrelated note, I noticed you are pretty poised (is that the right word for cool writers?) with all the words you write. Anyway, nice to meet you and it's my pleasure too.
I take it as a compliment, and I thank you. It doesn't seem to me that we're very different in our writing, and what struck me was the similarity I see. Could it be kindness? Probably.

I wouldn't be sure about my supposed charisma and charm, but thank you very much. Nonetheless, I appreciate your compliments. Although, how could anyone be more charming and sweet than a literal chocolate?
You might be surprised to know that not many people appreciate chocolate, especially sweet chocolate. Here on the forum, it's full of people who can't stand sweet flavors. Or maybe it's just me being annoying. I can be particularly overwhelming.
Aside from that, I believe it's hard to beat the charm of a vampire; it's their main tool of predation. Often, their victims find themselves enchanted by the vampire's presence without realizing it. Just a few whispered words are enough to fall under the spell.
Well, I would like to try one day, but I am an indoor type. Besides, I am afraid of large water bodies ever since our last beach trip from few years ago. Fortunately, nothing happened to her, but I heard a girl my age almost drowned in front of many people. Apparently, they didn't realise until the very end, since they thought she was just playing and flailing around in the water like any other kid her age. Thankfully, a nearby guy noticed and rescued her. I can't even imagine how much scared she must have been. The people surrounding her, the deep water. Anyway, sorry for going off topic.

However, I really like how you described swimming. If possible, I would like to learn swimming one day. Please, be very careful with your swimming sessions and enjoy!
There's no need to apologize for going off-topic; I'm glad you shared this experience with me. It's not an uncommon perspective. What I find fascinating, the vastness of the sea, can be a source of anxiety for others. There was a woman in this thread who had this fear. In any case, the sea is a force of nature in its entirety; it can become dangerous in an instant, and one must be careful of currents, strong waves, or not going too far out. If you ever want to learn, I recommend a controlled and limited environment like a swimming pool.

Thanks for saying that. I can't tell you (because I don't want to) just how much I appreciate seeing something positive like this. I will see you as a friend too, a particularly sweet one at that. Well, I heard dark chocolate goes well with matcha. Anyway, see you around, kind stranger!
You have the right approach; you radiate positivity and, as a result, you will receive it. At least from me, I can assure you of that, my friend.

Anyway, maybe it's a matter of taste, but for me, matcha has a flavor that's too mild for dark chocolate. Dark chocolate pairs well with more intense and distinct flavors like cranberries or cherries that can contrast the bitterness of the dark chocolate. Matcha, being more delicate, pairs better with white chocolate, where it doesn't get overwhelmed and can stand out in the taste.


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
It's true that our worst enemy is ourselves. I need to find the strength to overcome this moment and get back on track. This strength can only be found within ourselves. Sorry for the delayed response.
You are stronger than you may think. I wholeheartedly believe that you'll be able to collect your thoughts and start feeling better. It's just a matter of time. In the meantime, like I said before, you can count on us to support you :blob_uwu:

No need to apologize. Forums are really good in a way that allows one to take time to think about the reply. One of the things that makes me favor this over Discord :blob_evil_two:
In my case, what I write is more of a hell than a heaven, but the essence of your message remains, and I agree. After experimenting with many forms of expression, the one that suits me best is definitely writing.
Writing is without a doubt your strong suit and I'm really glad I have the opportunity to read your stories! And wiring about "hell" rather than "heaven" also has it's own cathartic qualities, so there's always a value in that.
Thank you, I know you're tired too, and here I am complaining. Lately, I feel empty, devoid of color. Thank you for putting up with my outbursts.
It's okay, I really don't mind and I'm always willing to hear you out. I've "been there, done that" many many times before, so I can imagine the struggle. I can't say that I have solutions, but at least I can listen.
Although I'm aware of this flaw of mine, I definitely need to learn to control myself. Too often, I go overboard and cross the line. I need more discipline. Thank you for your words, Ane-san.
*hug hug* :blob_reach:
You might not have the flavor, but you are definitely as sweet as a pineapple, Ane-san. :blob_uwu:
If you saw how grumpy I was in the morning, you would probably change your mind :sweat_smile:

Your taste depends on the one biting you is what i mean to say, You taste like a pineapple to me but you could taste like something else to Azure or Pixie
I taste like the most delicious daikon to Azure :blob_uwu: She has a good taste :blob_uwu: