Enigma's Cookbook


(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
This next one is my absolute favorite, and I could never have enough of it. It started out as a family recipe, but my dad found an improved version somewhere, and my family and I go gaga whenever it gets made~
Before you make this, there is one note...

On step 7 it says to mix the sauce/gravy with the crescents before placing in the oven.

***DO NOT DO THAT!!!***

Instead, paint melted butter on the rolls and place them in the oven, and cook according to the directions of the cresent rolls, which should turn out as a nice golden-brown color.

While they are in the oven, cook the gravy separately on the stove until it boils (1 can soup, 1 can milk).
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Since it can take a lot of time and effort to stuff the rolls, it can seem daunting to make.

However, there is no need to fear, cuz' there Is a secret method to speed up the process-

The lazy way!!!

When you open the cresents and roll it out, you should see that it is divided into rectangles and triangles.

Take one rectangle (2 triangles), and pinch the seam in the middle to make one whole piece. Then, spoon the filling mixture in the middle, roll it like a burrito, and pinch the top & bottom (and any other openings) to seal it up.

And there you have it. A quickly made roll that tastes much better due to having more filling inside!!!


p.s. I think that rosmary does improve the taste, but not my entire family agrees. I usually end up sprinkling a bit on top with the gravy once it is ready.
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Wearer of Dozen Facades
Aug 11, 2020
I...have not used a scale or measuring tools for years now...do y'all really be doing all of that precise chemistry in the kitchen??? (Well, except for making drinks, but that doesn't count here)

Here is a simple one for a good evening (or morning, i don't judge) drink, but it is mah favorite, Honey Old Fashion:
- 2oz of Bourbon/Rye Whiskey
- 1/0.5 oz of honey syrup (1:1.5 honey:water)
- A few dashes of Angostura Bitter
- A squeeze of an orange wedge
- Stir and serve on the rock

For the upcoming holiday, you can add a bit of ginger to the syrup for honey ginger syrup, and stir a stick of cinnamon instead. Not everyone's drink, but it's mine, and I love it.


(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
Now that Christmas is around the corner, I have been debating whether or not to make this recipe for a party or not.

This tastes so amazing that I want to share it. However, that is where the problem lies.

It is so delicious that I don't want to share, especially for the effort it takes.

(✿>⁠⌒<⁠) *hng* Don't wanna share!!!

So here I am, just giving the recipe for those who want to give it a try!!!

For this Recipe, my dad substitutes
for the grahm crackers.
2023_11_25 1_42 PM Office Lens.jpg
[Edit:] My Dad actually does a few things different for the cheesecake. Namely making it thicker, and adding lemon juice...

Revised ingredient list:
1 entire 11oz box of Nilla Wafers
1 stick butter, melted (1/2 cup)
1/4 cup sugar

Main Layer:
3 8oz packages cream cheese, softened
3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
Dash of salt
1 Tablespoon lemon juice

Top Layer (still the same):
1 cup sour cream
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla extract

Step 1:Preheat the oven to 350⁠ºF. Use non-stick cooking spray to grease up the spring form pan. Ah! That is why my dad increased the recipe- Ours is 9 inches!!!


Anyways, cut a thin strip of culinary parchment paper (the one used for baking) and use the spray as a glue to stick it to the sides.
Step 2:
Blend the entire box of wafers and pour the sugar into the pan.

Step 3:
Use a fork to mix the powders, then pour in the melted butter and mix it. If the crust is still too dry, add just a bit more melted butter until it is slightly mushy, but not soaked.

Pat it down flat and along the sides as if you were building a skateboard ramp.

Step 4:
Mix the cream cheese and eggs until smooth. Then add the sugar, vanilla extract, lemon juice, and salt, and mix it again.

Step 5:
Pour into the crust and use a spoon to level it off.

Step 6:
Bake for 35 minutes. Once finished, take out and let it cool off for 10 minutes.

While it is cooling off, mix the sour cream, sugar, and vanilla extract until smooth.

Step 7:
Use a spoon to spread the final layer on top, and bake for another 10 minutes.

Step 8:
Your cheesecake is finished!!! Just let it cool down, then place it in the fridge for 3 hours or overnight.

(✿◠⁠ᆺ◠)👍 ⁠Enjoy!!!
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(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
Paul-Tromba Ratatouille
3 tbs oil
1 onion chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
2 cans or 4 fresh tomatoes diced
8 ounces eggplant, rinsed and diced
1/2 cup water
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 lb red, yellow, and/or orange bell pepper, stemmed seeded and diced
8 ounces zucchini, diced
8 ounces squash, diced
3/4 cup chopped fresh basil
Other seasonings to taste.

Put a 5-6 quart pot on the stove at medium-high heat. Cook onions in oil for 5 minutes. Add in garlic, tomatoes, eggplant, salt, pepper, and water. Bring to a simmer, cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer until eggplant is soft when pierced, roughly 10 minutes. Add rest of the ingredient and simmer covered for another 10 minutes. Serve with side of bread if you want.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
MC69's Simple Matcha Chocolates


  • 200 grams of white chocolate
  • 5/10 grams of matcha powder
  • Silicone molds for chocolates
  1. Prepare the molds: Ensure the silicone chocolate molds are clean and dry. If you wish, you can lightly dust them with matcha powder for an extra green tea aroma on the finished chocolates.
  2. Melt the white chocolate: Break the white chocolate into small pieces and place it in a heat-resistant bowl. You can melt it using a double boiler or in the microwave. If using a double boiler, make sure the water does not touch the bowl with the chocolate and stir constantly until it is completely melted. If using the microwave, heat at 20-30 second intervals, stirring well in between, until the chocolate is completely melted.
  3. Add the matcha: Once the chocolate is melted, remove the bowl from the heat and add the matcha powder. Mix well until the matcha is fully incorporated into the chocolate, making sure there are no lumps.
  4. Pour into the molds: With a teaspoon, gently pour the melted chocolate into the silicone molds. If air bubbles appear, you can lightly tap the mold on the table to release them.
  5. Let it cool: Place the molds in the refrigerator and let cool for at least 1-2 hours, or until the chocolates have completely solidified.
  6. Unmold the chocolates: Once the chocolates are solid, gently remove them from the molds. If desired, you can dust a little matcha powder over the chocolates for a decorative finish and an extra touch of flavor.
  7. Storage: Store the chocolates in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready to serve.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
A perfect dish for post-hangover recovery or cold winter days.
Apologies to Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or Asians in general - this dish is called Ramen but is not intended to offend or accurately represent your noble cuisine.

Serves 2-3

Nutritional Information per Serving:

  • Calories: 710 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 73g
  • Proteins: 32g
  • Fats: 32g

  • Durum wheat semolina nest noodles: 250g
  • Red bell pepper: 300g
  • Zucchini: 250g
  • Canned beans: 150g
  • Canned mung bean sprouts: 100g
  • Drained olive oil tuna: 50g
  • Soy sauce: 30ml
  • Teriyaki glaze: 30ml
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Concentrated broth powder: 1 teaspoon
  • Sesame oil: 10ml
  • Rice vinegar: 10ml
Spices (dried or powdered):

  • Curry: 10g
  • Turmeric: 10g
  • Berbere: a pinch
  • Chili pepper: a pinch
  • Nutmeg: 2 pinches
  • Marjoram: a pinch
  • Savory: a pinch
  • Sage: a pinch
  • Thyme: a pinch
  • Basil: a pinch
  • Oregano: a pinch
  • Parsley: a pinch
  • Sumac: a pinch
  • Mixed whole peppercorns (black, pink, white): to taste

  1. Vegetable Prep: Dice the zucchini and bell peppers, and sauté them in a pot with a bit of extra virgin olive oil. After about a minute, add a pinch of salt to help draw out the juices from the vegetables. Stir to prevent sticking.
  2. Broth Preparation: Prepare the broth in a container (like a beaker) with one liter of very hot water. Add the concentrated broth powder, curry, turmeric, and various spices. Grind in plenty of mixed peppercorns. Add a splash of soy sauce, a teaspoon of rice vinegar, and a teaspoon of teriyaki glaze. Add 3 drops of sesame oil. Stir well until the liquid is homogeneous.
  3. Cooking: Once the vegetables are well sautéed, gradually add some of the broth (about 200ml) to let them soak up the flavors. Then pour all the broth into the pot. Add another liter and a half of water, a tablespoon of soy sauce, and a tablespoon of teriyaki glaze. Stir well to prevent sticking, cover with a lid. After five minutes, add the tuna to the broth. Cover and let it boil for at least 15 minutes.
  4. Final Touches: Remove the lid and add the noodles to the boiling broth. These noodles cook in about 4-5 minutes. Then add the mung bean sprouts and the beans.
Your ramen is ready to serve!



(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
Screenshot_20240225_144110_Samsung Notes.jpg

This is the most simple recipe of noodles I could find, and my first success at homade noodles!!!

While this recipe is great, I will add a few notes for those who do not have any experience making dough- along with what I did while making the noodles~

For those with a bread mixer, I would suggest using that... However if you don’t (like me~), that is fine.

Now, what to keep in mind:
  • The dough when you first start mixing is very, very sticky, so I recommend folding it using a spoon or fork first, until it starts clumping up.
  • Once the dough starts sticking together enough, you can start kneading it. [If your dough looks like a pile of crumbles and not sticking together, add water 1 Tablespoon at a time until it does and vise-versa using flour if it is too wet/sticky]
  • You want your dough to feel almost like a slightly sticky playdough when it is done, then let it rest for a minimum of 30 minutes, according to the recipie.
  • To keep the dough from sticking to your hands while kneading, or the flat surface while rolling it out, dust the surface with flour~
  • When it is time to roll out the noodles, instead of folding it on itself, I dusted it with flour and rolled it up like one of those fruit roll ups.
  • After that, I cut it in 1/4 inch strips and dusted the sides before unrolling the noodles and loosly piling them in a seperate bowl(This is important so that they don't stick to each other again).
  • Once that is done, follow the directions for how to cook, and then your noodles are finished!!!
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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Pot of water, add chicken. Boil. Add pepper.

Add soy sauce and vinegar to taste.

Add onions to taste.

Optional add taro root or potato

Authentic Filipino dish. Adobo


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
This is a guide, add to taste. We do not measure. My family, America and Philippines, do not measure. We subsatute or throw whatever we want in.
Sep 8, 2022
It's not borsch, but it's babushka's favorite!

Apple pie with cottage cheese.

4 eggs.
2 large apples.
1.5 cups of sugar.
200 grams of margarine.
200 grams of cottage cheese.
1 teaspoon of baking soda.

0. Put the oven on preheat! 180 degrees Celsius!

1. Melt the margarine in a water bath. Peel the apples from the skin and cut them into small cubes.

2. Mix 3 egg yolks, 0.5 cups of sugar, melted margarine and 1 tablespoon of baking soda, extinguished(das not the right word...) with vinegar. Mix together until your eyes see that you made dough.

3. Put the finished dough on a metal sheet with tall 'walls', flatten it with your hands to the bottom.

4. Put the dough in the oven, make sure that it doesn't brown, but only takes shape.

5. Mix together 200 grams of cottage cheese, 0.5 cups of sugar and 1 egg yolk. Put the resulting filling on the dough when it takes form.

6. Beat the whites of the eggs with 0.5 cups of sugar and chopped apples.

7. Pour the resulting mass evenly over the dough, put it back in the oven for five minutes.

Your apple pie with cottage cheese is ready!


Da Scalie Whisperer
Dec 23, 2020
1 onion, eggplant, tomato
2 garlic cloves
turmeric, coriander, garam masala
coconut milk
salt and peppah for additional taste

What will this make? Who knows? One way to find out. How to make it? IDK. The usual way whenever these ingredients are used.


(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
I have successfully made some tasty and chewy chocolate chip pumpkin cookies!~

Since I am too lazy and tired at the moment to convert the recipe into an image, I am posting the pdf file to see if that works~ (if not, just let me know and I will change it later)



  • Soft Pumpkin Cookies (Easy Recipe) - Sally's Baking Addiction.PDF
    163.3 KB · Views: 23


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2022
This is one of my favourite dishes. A modification on a dish I had a lot as a child so I guess it holds a degree of nostalgia, but everyone else I've made it for has seemed to like it.

Yorkshire Pudding​

1 part egg by volume
1 part flour by volume
1 part milk by volume
a dash of salt
Packet of brown gravy

Muffin Tin
Large Pot
Sharp Knife/Potato Peeler

The Yorkshire Pudding
1. Preheat oven to 425 fahrenheit/220 Celsius.
2. Mix eggs, milk and salt.
3. Mix in flour until batter is smooth then let it stand for 30 minutes.
4. Butter muffin tin.
5. Put muffin tin in oven for 10 minutes.
6. Put batter in muffin tins filling them to near the top.
7. Put in oven for 25 minutes.

About 7 eggs is enough to make enough batter for one full regular size 3x4 muffin tin.

The Filling
1. Peel and cut potatoes into similar sized chunks.
2. Boil potatoes
3. While potatoes are boiling make bacon in pan
4. Crumble bacon.
5. Once potatoes are cooked and drained mix with bacon grease and crumbles while mashing them.

Of course you can make the mashed potatoes however you want. Add some milk if you want them smoother. Garlic can be a great flavour additive too.

Make brown gravy by following the instructions on the packet. I tend to favour mine on the thicker side, but it's up to your preference.

About 7 eggs is enough to make one full regular size 3x4 muffin tin.

To eat cut open your Yorkshire puddings which should be nearly hollow on the inside, fill with bacon mashed potatoes then drizzle gravy on top. Enjoy.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2022
Another potato based side dish I like. Totally not a trend going on here...

It's quite easy to make even in larger batches since you can just double up the amounts for the cream cheese topping mix and combine it all in one big bowl.

Jalapeno Popper Taters​

Serves: 1-2

1 potato that bakes well in the oven such as russets
1 jalapeno pepper
2oz cream cheese(57 grams)
1oz cheddar cheese(28 grams)
a pinch of salt

Sheet Pan
Aluminium Foil
Sharp Knife

1. Preheat oven to 400 fahrenheit/205 Celsius.
2. Wash potatoes and cut them in half length-wise.
3. Put sheet of aluminium foil in the sheet pan(or don't if you like scrubbing gunk of your sheet pan.
4. Place potatoes cut side up on the sheet pan and set in oven for 25 minutes.
5. Wash jalapeno, slice and dice them after removing the seeds(unless you prefer it extra spicy)
6. Warm up the cream cheese in a microwave safe container by microwaving it on low until soft.
7. Mix diced jalapeno and salt into the cream cheese.
8. Once you remove the potatoes from the oven divide the cream cheese mixture evenly on top of the potatoes.
9. Place them in the oven again for 30 more minutes.
10. Sprinkle on some extra cheddar cheese on top of the potatoes.
11. Leave it in the oven for the cheddar to melt(couple of minutes at most)

Spice it up(options):
-Add bacon crumbles to the cream cheese mixture in step 7.
-Add 1/3rd clove of garlic minced to the cream cheese mixture in step 7.
-Add 3 tsp parmesan to the cream cheese mixture in step 7.
-Add 2 tsp onion powder to the cream cheese mixture in step 7.

For the spice it up options you can really mix and match them however you like or add your own things to the mix. It's pretty hard to screw up.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
I love mayonnaise, and giving it up was one of my greatest challenges.
However, when it comes to enjoying potatoes and meat, a condiment is indispensable.
After many experiments, I managed to create an almost final version of my special sauce.
The strong flavor of mustard, which can be a bit sharp, is sweetened by using Greek yogurt and enhanced by the blend of spices and soy sauce.
This sauce is a lifesaver if you want to indulge a bit without sacrificing your waistline.
It's flavorful, and it's perfect inside a hamburger. It takes just five minutes to prepare it.

Nutritional Values per One Serving (approximately 120g of sauce):​

  • Calories: 111 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 10g
  • Proteins: 12g
  • Fats: 3g

Comparison with store-bought mayonnaise:​

  • Mayonnaise (per 100g): 613 kcal, 67g fats, 5g proteins, 8g carbohydrates
  • 40 grams Mustard (Note: Pay attention to the values, buy only Mustard with 100 kcal per 100 grams.)
  • 80 grams 0% Fat Greek Yogurt
  • 2 pinch Chives
  • 2 pinches Turmeric
  • 1 pinch Sumac
  • 5 ml Soy Sauce
  • 1 pinch Peppercorn Blend
  • 1 pinch Marjoram
  • 1 pinch Onion Powder
  • 1 pinch Thyme
  • 1 pinch Basil
  • 1 pinch Chili Pepper
  • 1 pinch Sweet Paprika
  • 1 pinch Salt

Preparation Instructions:​

  1. Measure the ingredients: Start by measuring and preparing all the necessary ingredients so that they're ready to be mixed.
  2. Mix the ingredients: In a medium bowl, combine the mustard, Greek yogurt, soy sauce, and all the spices listed in the ingredient list.
  3. Mix well: Using a spoon or a whisk, mix all the ingredients well until you achieve a homogeneous consistency, making sure to incorporate all the spices and flavors thoroughly.
  4. Taste and adjust the flavor: Taste the sauce and adjust the flavor as needed by adding more salt or pepper according to your personal preference. You can also adjust the amount of mustard if you prefer a more or less intense flavor.


Least crazy gun enthusiast
Apr 22, 2022
Welcome to this forum for all you fellow gluttons!!! Here there can be found recipes to enjoy! I will post any good recipes I find for you to try out.

Any other recipes will be appreciated as this is a place foor food enthusiasts to spread the love for food abroad!!!

Now I will begin, with this recipe promised to a fellow user.

@Anon2023, here is the recipe for the homade guacamole.
  1. Prep your ripe (dark brown/purple and slightly squishy) avacodos into a bowl (cut in half, take the pit out, and scrape the green flesh out of the skin into the bowl)
  2. Mash it.
  3. Mix in one teaspoon minced garlic per one large avocado
  4. Mix in a few squirts of lime juice. (Today I discovered that substituting with lemon juice tastes better, I ran out of lime juice) This step is important because the juice allows the guacamole to last longer in the fridge.
  5. Add a hint of salt to taste.
  6. For spiciness and flavor, mix in a bit of your favorite brand of salsa to taste.
  7. Optional: add fresh cilantro (tastes good, but not everyone likes cilantro)
What in Matcha's special sauce? :blob_hide:


(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
What in Matcha's special sauce? :blob_hide:
From my understanding, it is a homade condiment (like mustard/ketchup/etc.) that goes with potatoes or meat. It sounds delicious, however I will have to wait a bit, to track down and save up for a couple of those seasonings~