Why is every almost fantasy adventure story with a female MC gender bender?


The Fisher Dragun
Jul 5, 2020
plot vs romance... I guess could be a thing but in my view you have to have the human condition in the story. there has to be character development/interaction, it can't just be plot. plot means the character is constantly moving from place to place and doing things. But for a story to resonate, the character has to stop and be human at some point. If not, it will just be a story about a person going from point A to B.
We weren’t necessarily saying only from point a to b, it’s just (and this applies to all fantasy adventure,) sometimes I want to just read about a character surpassing an unbreakable wall with the special effects of fantasy. Like This.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2020
Or the author is transgender. I won't say that there are no stories out there with it being heavy on the fetish-fuel (Jesus Christ are there a lot on the internet :blob_blank:), but there are stories written by authors who were expressing their own experiences from transitioning. Plain and simple: it's not all written from and for wankers.


Active member
Sep 6, 2020
My opinions;
Is it because a lot of the authors are male? If so, then why not have a shut, non-feminine female who was reincarnated?
Most likely. But also, it seems to not be an uncommon thing to think about ‘what if’s’.
Is it because you want the character to feel alienated? That’s a more valid excuse, but couldn’t you just use their situation to alienate them, or have them reincarnated into something gender less? (Futa’s don’t count.)
Situations are temporary. You can eventually be comfortable with a Situation or resolve it. This could be getting a house, inventing modern comforts, but suddenly being another gender is a lot harder to brush over. And genderless means something like a slime, but those typically focus on the systems or something and are basically screwed as far as romance go. Take TenSura for instance, there are characters interested romantically in Rimuru, but good luck having children or to even get his attention since he no longer has a sex drive.
Is it because you want your character to be gay, but don’t know how lesbians think, so you just turn a strait guy into a girl? Your making the character, just give them a kinda manly personality, make them like girls, and then boom, a kinda manly lesbian.
Different vibe though. In that case they’d still be ‘straight’ mentally if they still hold fast to their male sense. But GL because of body.
I also would think it’s weird a straight male becomes female and just goes, “welp, time to slob on some meat popsicles” as if they weren’t interested in a girl before.
Idol Pretender is a manga example where the MC gets interested in a male side character despite the girl s/he was going for was interested, but veers to the only prominent ‘male’ in the story because... Hormones I guess?

You want sex with the MC not totally comfortable with their body? Then you can just have the MC uncomfortable in the first place.
Having horns or a new tail, or the MC being a bit of a herbivore towards sex is not quite the same as having whole new biology and not being used to it yet
They also want the heteronormative psychological love of being a man, while taking the physical homoeroticism of girl's love/shoujo ai/yuri to take pleasure in. If you ever wondered why most readers of genderbender cheer for the gxg pairing than the gxb, well there you go.
Gender bender is a fetishization of transgenderism. It exists to fill the sexual and psychological niche of people who can never be the opposite gender, jump into the high heels of it and jerk off to it.
Rather verbose for what amounts to, “straight man becomes woman, stays interested in girls.” On the flip side, A lesbian becomes a man, so they suddenly decide to start being interested in men instead? Homosexuality is relative to your biology.You have a physical gender in strike zone, your gender swapping probably won’t change it. Especially when they’re Bi, for it won’t matter. Which is usually when Futanari gets involved.

And I openly admit it’s a fetish for me. You can blame growing up on stuff like AkuOreo in dA or stuff like To Love Ru’s Memorizans who swap genders and personalities with a sneeze. People like what they like, and will Coom for what they want to Coom for.

Might not reply to replies since I’m a potato and tend to forget stupid shit I post on the Internet on a whim.


The Fisher Dragun
Jul 5, 2020
This is the same argument of the isekai genre where, "Why not just have the protagonist originally be a native of that world?" Then it wouldn't be isekai.

Gender bender is a fetishization of transgenderism. It exists to fill the sexual and psychological niche of people who can never be the opposite gender, jump into the high heels of it and jerk off to it.

Yes they can just make their character originally born female. But the whole point of originally being male is to play with the tropes of "Oh, no! I have tiddy and vajin." "I can be grill and kiss other grill cos its hot!"

It's also a lot more popular and sells more
Fair, basically all gender bender stories are either esthetic, self-fantasy, or a beginner writer trying to write a female character they understand. I have yet to read a gender bender about gender dysphoria.


perpetually sour
Jun 22, 2020
It's a really popular genre. Also the transgender community on SH is very large -- larger than most other mainstream novel sites. I think at least 2-3 transgender writing communities converged on SH, and they have a huge presence on the site.

Other than that, gender bender is just plainly really popular.

It's sort of like saying why should BL be BL when you could just replace the feminine man with a girl...

...Because if you did that, then it wouldn't be BL, and then nobody would read it lol.


The Fisher Dragun
Jul 5, 2020
Situations are temporary. You can eventually be comfortable with a Situation or resolve it. This could be getting a house, inventing modern comforts, but suddenly being another gender is a lot harder to brush over. And genderless means something like a slime, but those typically focus on the systems or something and are basically screwed as far as romance go. Take TenSura for instance, there are characters interested romantically in Rimuru, but good luck having children or to even get his attention since he no longer has a sex drive.
Could be something other than slimes, and I know turning into a female would a permanent thing always effecting the character, but many gender bender stories only partially talk about it.
Having horns or a new tail, or the MC being a bit of a herbivore towards sex is not quite the same as having whole new biology and not being used to it yet.
Partially disagree people vary a lot, (this type of character wouldn’t be isekaid,) what about insanely sheltered people, or people whose whole live have been controlled, like cult kids.
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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2020
It's a really popular genre. Also the transgender community on SH is very large -- larger than most other mainstream novel sites. I think at least 2-3 transgender writing communities converged on SH, and they have a huge presence on the site.

Other than that, gender bender is just plainly really popular.

It's sort of like saying why should BL be BL when you could just replace the feminine man with a girl...

...Because if you did that, then it wouldn't be BL, and then nobody would read it lol.
I've heard you can thank MrSimple for that migration.


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
When i ponder a story idea, i have one hard rule: no GB. I write (shabby) GL but i always have the character(s) born as and always have been women. I find GB to be a very tough thing to write if you're not going the cliche lighthearted comedic route unless you have experience of the realities of GB and trans.

That's why there's generally a marked difference between trope-standard GB and trans GB.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2019
Something I’ve noticed is if a story is fantasy (though it happens most often in isekai,), with a female protagonist, and isn’t primarily romance, it’s gender bender. Why?

Is it because a lot of the authors are male? If so, then why not have a shut, non-feminine female who was reincarnated?

Is it because you want the character to feel alienated? That’s a more valid excuse, but couldn’t you just use their situation to alienate them, or have them reincarnated into something gender less? (Futa’s don’t count.)

Is it because you want your character to be gay, but don’t know how lesbians think, so you just turn a strait guy into a girl? Your making the character, just give them a kinda manly personality, make them like girls, and then boom, a kinda manly lesbian.

Is it because your character has gender dysphoria, and the fact they turned female hasn’t helped things much? If so, good on you.

You want sex with the MC not totally comfortable with their body? Then you can just have the MC uncomfortable in the first place.

Keep in mind this is just a discussion starter.
Idk but you’re right! I tried to make other genres on this sight but nobody liked them. It’s more of like a follow these stories or nobody will read them aside from a select few.


May 29, 2020
Most answers here seem to cover the ground entirely ^^. I just wanted to add something specific about my reasons for never writing female protagonists...

Personally, I have long decided I don't enjoy writing female characters (and I am a woman myself). I overthink things and I become paralyzed by futility because I come from some university rhetoric that grilled into me that all female characters follow only 3 archetypes: madonna, whore, "Not lIke tHe OtHeR GiRls" (thus usually a honorary male) and it's impossible to write one outside of this cultural paradigm.

I don't know if I disagree with it or not, really. But I can't unsee it no matter what I do :blob_no:. It frustrates me so much, and I end up (almost) never writing females because of this. When I do, I don't enjoy it... sucks all joy out of writing for me. Like an OCD.

Thus, I feel much more at home writing males. They're so easy to write, lol, and I can focus with them on some other topic and themes in my stories rather than obsess over the above-mentioned paradigm.

Thus, if you say that somebody doesn't know how to write females and resorts to GB females due to not caring/wanting to learn enough -- that's not necessarily true. They might be just like me. I learned a bit too much about the perception of female characters in fiction and it has literally horrified me back to writing solely about males :blobrofl:.


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
Sounds like wish fulfillment to me. When a female wants a baby, it's easy to get sperm. When a female has a baby, she knows half the DNA (more than half if you count mitochondrial DNA) is hers. The male can't be 100% sure unless he keeps the female locked up or insists on a DNA test after the birth. The female can be sure who the father is if she only had sex with one male during her cycle, but the male has to trust her, and not all females are trustworthy.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2019
Can't it be simply because this is SH?

I mean the community that have build up. Some are deliberate, like Harry Potter fan fiction sites have a community that likes to write and read Harry Potter fan fiction. SH community developed more naturally.

SH have developed a community that prefers these kind of stories as simple as that. There is no deeper things happening or something. Don't overthink.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Most answers here seem to cover the ground entirely ^^. I just wanted to add something specific about my reasons for never writing female protagonists...

Personally, I have long decided I don't enjoy writing female characters (and I am a woman myself). I overthink things and I become paralyzed by futility because I come from some university rhetoric that grilled into me that all female characters follow only 3 archetypes: madonna, whore, "Not lIke tHe OtHeR GiRls" (thus usually a honorary male) and it's impossible to write one outside of this cultural paradigm.

I don't know if I disagree with it or not, really. But I can't unsee it no matter what I do :blob_no:. It frustrates me so much, and I end up (almost) never writing females because of this. When I do, I don't enjoy it... sucks all joy out of writing for me. Like an OCD.

Thus, I feel much more at home writing males. They're so easy to write, lol, and I can focus with them on some other topic and themes in my stories rather than obsess over the above-mentioned paradigm.

Thus, if you say that somebody doesn't know how to write females and resorts to GB females due to not caring/wanting to learn enough -- that's not necessarily true. They might be just like me. I learned a bit too much about the perception of female characters in fiction and it has literally horrified me back to writing solely about males :blobrofl:.
I know that I'm doing an asshole move, pulling this out of context and misinterpreting this. However, males are easier to write. Somehow this sounds horribly wrong.


Active member
Nov 4, 2020
I’m not implying it’s sexist, I just think many male writers don’t know how to (or don’t feel confident in) write female characters.
Okay, thanks for clarifying! It's mostly just the words "excuse" that really made me think that way. Other than that, yeah... it's not my cup of tea, either. It never will be. I'll never like reincarnation (unless it makes sense, also known as Hollow Knight). Hopefully, the trend will go away. Then I'll have my coffee and everything will be alright.
Here is something else to say:
I think there is a contest for 2020, and the theme is reincarnation. I expect these sort of novels to start diminishing until the new, 2021 contest proposal.


Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
Sounds like wish fulfillment to me. When a female wants a baby, it's easy to get sperm. When a female has a baby, she knows half the DNA (more than half if you count mitochondrial DNA) is hers. The male can't be 100% sure unless he keeps the female locked up or insists on a DNA test after the birth. The female can be sure who the father is if she only had sex with one male during her cycle, but the male has to trust her, and not all females are trustworthy.

Mater semper certa, pater numquam. That was once. Egg fertilisation created a series of problems on this field.


The Yuri Empress
Dec 25, 2018
Most answers here seem to cover the ground entirely ^^. I just wanted to add something specific about my reasons for never writing female protagonists...

Personally, I have long decided I don't enjoy writing female characters (and I am a woman myself). I overthink things and I become paralyzed by futility because I come from some university rhetoric that grilled into me that all female characters follow only 3 archetypes: madonna, whore, "Not lIke tHe OtHeR GiRls" (thus usually a honorary male) and it's impossible to write one outside of this cultural paradigm.

I don't know if I disagree with it or not, really. But I can't unsee it no matter what I do :blob_no:. It frustrates me so much, and I end up (almost) never writing females because of this. When I do, I don't enjoy it... sucks all joy out of writing for me. Like an OCD.

Thus, I feel much more at home writing males. They're so easy to write, lol, and I can focus with them on some other topic and themes in my stories rather than obsess over the above-mentioned paradigm.

Thus, if you say that somebody doesn't know how to write females and resorts to GB females due to not caring/wanting to learn enough -- that's not necessarily true. They might be just like me. I learned a bit too much about the perception of female characters in fiction and it has literally horrified me back to writing solely about males :blobrofl:.
I was made to write a lot of men as a kid, so I found it nigh impossible to go back to writing women when the time came. I made a lot of really shallow women when I tried, so I avoided it as much as possible.

In my experience, the only thing for it is to bite the bullet and write women. Write terrible, ridiculous women, then go back and pick out all their flaws. Find what you did wrong and what ingrained misbelief was driving you.
Then, redraft. Force yourself to view them from different perspectives - as a hero, as a villain, as a victim, as a nobody... If you think about how their friends see them, how their enemies see them, and how they see themselves, you'll build up a more accurate and fleshed-out image of who they are.

Sometimes it takes four or five tries to make a workable person. But you'll get used to it as time goes by, and then you'll only need the same amount of redrafts as you would need for men.

You can also force yourself to write stories involving nothing but women. You really have no choice but to pay them their dues then.


perpetually sour
Jun 22, 2020
Sounds like wish fulfillment to me. When a female wants a baby, it's easy to get sperm. When a female has a baby, she knows half the DNA (more than half if you count mitochondrial DNA) is hers. The male can't be 100% sure unless he keeps the female locked up or insists on a DNA test after the birth. The female can be sure who the father is if she only had sex with one male during her cycle, but the male has to trust her, and not all females are trustworthy.
:blob_dizzy: I'm confused

I know that I'm doing an asshole move, pulling this out of context and misinterpreting this. However, males are easier to write. Somehow this sounds horribly wrong.
I think it depends on who you talk to. It's not strange if some people think that one gender is easier to write than the other; there are some other people who think the opposite.

madonna, whore, "Not lIke tHe OtHeR GiRls" (thus usually a honorary male) and it's impossible to write one outside of this cultural paradigm.
For me there is also the hopelessly reclusive social introvert. :blob_no::blob_no::blob_no:

Although I tend to write self-insert (ish), although that has its own problems.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
:blob_dizzy: I'm confused

I think it depends on who you talk to. It's not strange if some people think that one gender is easier to write than the other; there are some other people who think the opposite.

For me there is also the hopelessly reclusive social introvert. :blob_no::blob_no::blob_no:

Although I tend to write self-insert (ish), although that has its own problems.
That's why I wrote that I may be the one misinterpreting this.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2020
That's why I wrote that I may be the one misinterpreting this.
The concept of writing a character is always subjective regardless of whatever gender they might be. I, personally, want to write a story involving a character of neither gender. I've yet to touch that because I know how it would start and run off but not where to go with it in the end.