The inherent toxicity in the online space


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
I'm a little lost here. Could you explain to me your goal. Not your point. You've made it clear you are gaslighting. I want to know why.
I would love to continue our discourse in private.
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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2020
I would love to continue our discourse in private.
Only if you are okay with delayed responses. It's 4am and I should be getting to sleep before working today. That okay with you?


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
Hey if u think bullying is bad try coming back from an actual warzone,I'm forever scared by the scenes of bombing, torture, watching a good friend s brains blow out or choking to death on their own blood, and hypocrisy justice bullshit spouted by piece of shit politicians.
To each their own hell, facing off monsters taking the form of man.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2020
This may be a shelter for you, but I do not think you should assume it is the same for all.
Yes, but isn't it better if people who don't use the place as a shelter at least make those seeking shelter feel welcome at least? Which is my point in my original post.

While I believe that some people need thick skins like one guy said, I think that we should also not use that mindset of needing to be thick-skinned to deny the people seeking shelter.

I think that people need to learn how to take criticism or other negative opinions if that's the definition of toxicity we're working with for both sides, but if the critics themselves can also modulate or find that sweet spot that won't hurt /as much/, the people they criticize will be more receptive instead of defensive, at least that's what I can say from experience.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2020
Woah, that's a lot of toxic mindsets I can see in this thread.

I've heard tell of people being chased or bullied away from royal road, and many people from scribblehub seem to think it's an awful place full of awful people. But that's just not true. [...] And of course if you're female, then you'll be given worse treatment from toxic people.
Sounds awesome, so Royal Road isn't that bad, it just shits on female authors for being women, but it's not a bad place, that's just not true. Your whole idea can be completely twisted around very easily, watch this:
I've heard tell of people saying that Royal Road is just a perfectly nice place, and many people from scribblehub seem to think that it's an okay place full of normal people. But that's just not true. Then why would they believe such a thing? Because that's the only part they saw of it. And of course if you're male, then you'll be given better treatment from other people.
See? Factually correct, the same as what you said, even though it's complete bullshit. The thing is, if you get shit treatment from a community because of who you are or what you write, then it's a shit community. The admins couldn't be bothered to deal with the toxicity of their environment, and so everyone left.
You have to accept the inherent wrongness, or madness that the world is capable of. Saying the world is wrong for being wrong, for being what it is, well that's just silly.
So I thought Royal Road being a horrible place was "just not true", but then you go on about how the world is a horrible place in general and I'm rather lost as to what your point is. You're basically saying people should just grin and bear RR's toxicity, and yet by your answer it looks like you've never had the pleasure of being "given worse treatment from toxic people"

This all just reeks of privilege. You've never had to deal with the shit those people have had to, and so you're like "it's not so bad! I'm doing just fine!! You just have to accept it" When both of your experiences are in no way equal.

I know the world should be kinder, but some people are just too sheltered.
In this case, you're the one who's been sheltered, just like CL said. You haven't had to deal with the toxicity to the extent other people have had to, and that's why you can just be like "you people are just too soft". I'll repeat, your experiences do not compare in any way, shape or form, so how could you tell them this?
- - -
People judge things according to their standards. Sometimes we need to lower our standard to appreciate something.
I guess that's true, to a certain extent. You shouldn't be overly sensitive, but if everyone starts spitting on your work then you have a right to and should tell them to fuck off. Otherwise you're just going to end up as a doormat who changes who they are everytime someone tells them to.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Woah, that's a lot of toxic mindsets I can see in this thread.

Sounds awesome, so Royal Road isn't that bad, it just shits on female authors for being women, but it's not a bad place, that's just not true. Your whole idea can be completely twisted around very easily, watch this:

See? Factually correct, the same as what you said, even though it's complete bullshit. The thing is, if you get shit treatment from a community because of who you are or what you write, then it's a shit community. The admins couldn't be bothered to deal with the toxicity of their environment, and so everyone left.

So I thought Royal Road being a horrible place was "just not true", but then you go on about how the world is a horrible place in general and I'm rather lost as to what your point is. You're basically saying people should just grin and bear RR's toxicity, and yet by your answer it looks like you've never had the pleasure of being "given worse treatment from toxic people"

This all just reeks of privilege. You've never had to deal with the shit those people have had to, and so you're like "it's not so bad! I'm doing just fine!! You just have to accept it" When both of your experiences are in no way equal.

In this case, you're the one who's been sheltered, just like CL said. You haven't had to deal with the toxicity to the extent other people have had to, and that's why you can just be like "you people are just too soft". I'll repeat, your experiences do not compare in any way, shape or form, so how could you tell them this?
- - -

I guess that's true, to a certain extent. You shouldn't be overly sensitive, but if everyone starts spitting on your work then you have a right to and should tell them to fuck off. Otherwise you're just going to end up as a doormat who changes who they are everytime someone tells them to.
I would love to continue our discourse in private.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2019
Yeah, I gotta agree with Skadia and CL here.
if a site (like RR) decides not to moderate *phobic/mysoginistic content, then that site is inherently *phobic and mysoginistic.

Also the
I would love to continue our discourse in private.
just reeks of trying to move the argument away from any discourse that remotely disagrees with your specific opinions by presenting facts contrary to your beliefs


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Yeah, I gotta agree with Skadia and CL here.
if a site (like RR) decides not to moderate *phobic/mysoginistic content, then that site is inherently *phobic and mysoginistic.

Also the

just reeks of trying to move the argument away from any discourse that remotely disagrees with your specific opinions by presenting facts contrary to your beliefs
Perhaps you would like to join then? A three way!


Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
*shrugs* I don't let toxicity from strangers on the internet get to me. If it's someone I know in real life, it hurts more. Otherwise, I just block and move on.

I don't like the layout of the RR forum for some reason. I can't remember why, but SH has a much cleaner layout, and I like the way the notifications work here, so that's what kept me motivated to post here, and then I met some lovely people here.

Everything about the RR layout and UI is terrible. It makes you truly wonder how the site got so big despite its graphic cacophony.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2019
Anyway, ignoring that attempted disrailment,

tl;dr if a space, like RR refuses to moderate toxic content, it is itself implicitly encouraging said toxicity, hence people move to a space, like SH, that does moderate toxicity, misogyny, and *phobia
And for good reason


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Anyway, ignoring that attempted disrailment,

tl;dr if a space, like RR refuses to moderate toxic content, it is itself implicitly encouraging said toxicity, hence people move to a space, like SH, that does moderate toxicity, misogyny, and *phobia
And for good reason
Pal, I think someone already said that.


Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
Pal, I think someone already said that.
Anyway, ignoring that attempted disrailment,

tl;dr if a space, like RR refuses to moderate toxic content, it is itself implicitly encouraging said toxicity, hence people move to a space, like SH, that does moderate toxicity, misogyny, and *phobia
And for good reason

I think you are arguing about two sides of the same coin. What do you disagree about? What is even the issue? Two wants don't necessarily contradict ech other.


Padoru trash writer
Nov 2, 2020
Just f*ck the world, f*ck the billionaires, f*ck the narcissists who loves to see people suffer. I know we need to adjust based on the environment, the world is not fair that's why I hate reality. I hope I'll die and get isekai'ed. Is anybody there knows how to isekai?