Recent content by Exivac

  1. Exivac

    How to get chapter notifications on your phone

    For my dear phone readers or whoever want something to remind them "this story has a new chappy", here's a step by step! Download Read You from F-droid. This is an RSS reader Go to your favourite reading list and tap on the little cog (⚙️) icon Find the blue RSS symbol under Local {list name}...
  2. Exivac

    Recommendations 404: men not found

    Wait... Can't forget Boosted Restart
  3. Exivac

    Recommendations 404: men not found

    Mild Yuri heavy on GB works? Kinda like this
  4. Exivac

    Hi, I'm new

    Ohh, a community driven story attempt... For those who don't seem to know what this is, the story was supposed to continue on the discussion comments... Then everybody started putting up memes and confusion noises
  5. Exivac

    What do you call ot when you are too lazy to get out off bed?

    Dysania? Page updated the moment I sent my message and it seems we both thought the same... I know a browser called Comodo... It installed itself in my PC back when I used winXP and revoked admin uninstall privileges. What a good company keeping the customer in mind, giving them a solution to...
  6. Exivac

    Question For The Video Editors

    This looks like you are trying to get OP reported to me XDXDXD
  7. Exivac

    Question For The Video Editors

    I may not know too much about video editing software as my experience is just using HitFilm express to make videos for my father's business. But I can say this: Good luck there buddy... If you manage to find an automatic low audio snipper it will most likely be part of a pack expensive enough to...
  8. Exivac

    Whats the fastest red flag you've seen when reading

    I didn't read her... I don't want to either. So don't... I use an app for LN... Have them free
  9. Exivac

    Artsy Question

    I knew I saw your PFP somewhere before, so you were the one behind that cover for playtime... Gotta say: what fine pieces of art
  10. Exivac

    Whats the fastest red flag you've seen when reading

    Regarding Kumodesu, in Kumoko's (the spider) defense, it was all an accident, corporal consciousness wasn't supposed to use that connection between Ariel and Spider Mother, got cut off, and ended up combining without any other choice. It can't be considered actual mind control... More like...
  11. Exivac

    Whats the fastest red flag you've seen when reading

    Ohhh... That one... The synopsis did a really good job there (read it when it was on latest series page), you know exactly what the story is all about and WHY you are absolutely forbidden from ever tapping into a chapter or the "read" button
  12. Exivac

    Well... There are tons out there ;D

    Well... There are tons out there ;D
  13. Exivac

    Progressive mobile web app with offline functionality

    I use a mobile browser with a built-in AdBlocker, in mobile, there are 2 ads, one at the start and one at the end, below the nav buttons. Those would get stuck on "loading" and would never actually show the ad
  14. Exivac

    Artsy Question

    Yes, don't ask, just yes.
  15. Exivac

    How many of you guys use Grammarly for your writing(stories)

    Grammarly? What's that? Is it food or sth? I'm using Phone® for my first story...