Recent content by SourDaiDai

  1. SourDaiDai

    Name spelling help.

    Ahahaha. It not for an MC no worries.
  2. SourDaiDai

    Name spelling help.

    I see, thank you!
  3. SourDaiDai

    Name spelling help.

    I don't have many IRL friends to ask this. So let's say I want to go by the name but there are 2 spellings I like. [ Kai ] looks feminine to me, and the reason why I'm changing my name is that it's feminine. While [ Kei ] looks more masculine to me. Does [ Kai ] really look feminine or am I...
  4. SourDaiDai

    The Majesty Of Root Beer Milk

    Root beer milk doesn't sound that bad! Also, does anyone else suddenly remember Fairy Tail where Lucy and her Leo key dude outside at night, grabbing a Grape Milk from the vending machine? (Also is orange milk a thing?...asking for a friend I swear-)
  5. SourDaiDai

    Cover Art & Story Popularity

    I'ma sucker for a cover. If I see that waterfall thing (No cover) I ain't even gonna click it! If the cover sucks, I'll still give it a chance, just don't change the cover too much because I don't really pay attention to the title. I don't really care what style the cover's in, just as long...
  6. SourDaiDai

    Writing What is a Good Drama, According to You

    When it comes to drama, I personally enjoy it when the story perspective can be changed by one information? Example "Shiro Ari", I'm not going to give spoilers but basically there's a character switch, and no one notices including the reader. But, since it's a manga you can read some of the...
  7. SourDaiDai

    Writing Indecisiveness in Writing

    Whenever I can't decide on something I usually ask a pal... I then completely ignore their advice/opinion and choose the thing I was wanted or continue to pine. The most common respond towards my behavior are : "What's even the in point asking if you're not going to listen?", "Dude, wtf?"...
  8. SourDaiDai

    How to write memory loss?

    If your story is set in the real world...It's time to research! I think there are 2 different types? (You can remember the past but can not make new memories and you can not remember the past but can make new memories) Idk, I don't remember lad.
  9. SourDaiDai

    For words like realise/realize, which spelling is preferred?

    I usual just go by what my keyboards decided for me that day. One day it's the "s", the next it's the "z". It most likely because I switch keyboard languages often... When writing just stick to one.
  10. SourDaiDai

    Discord (Scribble's)

    Gosh, I just got Dragon Raja flash-backs... I see... Thank you for your input! Honestly, I'm currently procrastinating on my essay for class.... I should get on that, heh. It's nice to know that I can contact the moderator, and knowing they would understand really helps! I'm pretty nervous...
  11. SourDaiDai

    Which are the best visual novels/eroges that you have played?

    Collar X Malice (FU- I can't choose! \(ಥ﹏ಥ)/) Code Realized -Guardian of rebirth- (MYYYYYYY TEARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) Halloween Otome [Free] (Bias...I really like Tyler) Nameless (The one thing you must recall) [Same Creator as Dandelion and Mystic Messenger] Butterfly Soup (GL) [Free]...
  12. SourDaiDai

    Discord (Scribble's)

    So, I've heard Scribble has a Discord, but I'm pretty hesitant in joining. A few reasons why are : Is there much use? I mean yeah, you talk to people in real time I guess but what else? I had a previous encounter with someone hacking into my account, they did some damage and I still feel...
  13. SourDaiDai

    Time wasted, dreams crushed... same cover.

    Sorry to hear this happened to you dude! I say, it's a wonder you didn't cancel the first time, you both entered a transaction and both agreed to the set time-limit. They must adhere to it. Them not sticking to a limit you both agreed to and continuously pushing the date back is
  14. SourDaiDai

    Cover's Measurements/What do you use?

    When making your covers (or commissioning) : How big do you make your canvas? Do you uses the Pixels or Inches setting? What program do you use? What do you use to draw? Drawing Tablet? Mouse? Phone? Normal Pencil? Do you download brushes? Make your own? Or just use the ones provided...