Search results

  1. SailusGebel

    Modern shounen manga is trash.

    A month has passed since the day I asked for modern shounen manga recs. In that month I've tried out 20+ shounens. To ease the search, I made up my own criterias of what is a modern shounen. A Japanese manga that is tagged as shounen, came out 2018+, no isekais. Majority of those shounens is...
  2. SailusGebel

    A community project. Story for our beloved vampire lover.

    Envy was lamenting the fact there are no GL stories with edgy, villainess vampire FMC. I ended up cooking a short story for her. The thing is, apart from being very lazy, I don't like GL. I don't want to write more than that. So what can I do? I can ask you all, to contribute! Since I'm lazy...
  3. SailusGebel

    Recommendations Modern shounen manga.

    Ahem, a couple of SH peeps might've noticed it. I am going through my backlog of modern shounen manga, and I need more recs. I've read Jigokuraku, Akane-Banash, Mashle, JJK, Sakamoto Days. Plan to read Dandadan and Kaiju No. 8 What else can I read? I only need modern manga, so start of...
  4. SailusGebel

    I heard you like talking about useless topics? Here's one more.

    Should a person act out of character for someone who never acts out of character. If yes, why.
  5. SailusGebel

    I want to organize SHF community event. Everybody loves tierlists.

    This idea was brewing in my mind for a long time. We all like anime, we like games, manga, movies, waifus, and songs. We also like to argue about which one is the best, right? Okay, I'm kidding, only some of us do. ☠️ Ahem, why did I make this thread? Because I like SH peeps, and I find...
  6. SailusGebel

    How funny are jokes from your stories? Let me test them.

    @Indicterra Inspired me to make this thread. Although I find a lot of peeps here to be very funny, whenever I checked out their stories or saw jokes from their stories, it was unfunny. I made two feedback threads, and apart from that, gave feedback to some people outside of those threads. I saw...
  7. SailusGebel

    Recommendations Novels about martial arts set in a modern world.

    It's time to re-up my year-old request that didn't get any responses at all. ☠️ I'm not looking for Chinese or Korean Wuxia set in old murim. I'm looking for something similar to manga Baki, Tough, manhwa Breaker, or Veritas. A novel about martial arts set in the modern day. It doesn't matter...
  8. SailusGebel

    Gimme some electronic music.

    Whenever there is a thread about music, people usually post weeb shit, rock, or Sabaton(Hans:blob_salute:). Gimme some of that EDM goodness, some chill witch house, energetic DnB, funky phonk, and so on. In other words, recommend me electronic music. Give it to me, NOW!
  9. SailusGebel

    Writing The secret to a good worldbuilding.

    You don't need to worldbuild at all. Just use an interesting setting. No one, except for nerds who are going to disagree with you on everything, cares how much gods there are in your world, or customs of that no-name kinght house. Don't spend your time on this crap, and simply use an interesting...
  10. SailusGebel

    Why do you like Jujutsu Kaisen?

    @TheMonotonePuppet I thought of asking you personally, but I felt like it would be better to gather more opinions. Personally, I dropped it after 31 chapters. I would've dropped it even earlier, but since it was hyped(relatively) so much here, I gave it way more chances. To make it clear. I do...
  11. SailusGebel

    Top 5 SH forum users.

    Once again envymous affected me on a superliminal level. So I had to make this thread. 1. SailusGebel. The one forced to fill in the boots of the OG one. Beloved by both kids and their mothers(though not as much as they loved OG one(@CupcakeNinja we miss you). 2. SaliusGebel. The snarky one. 3...
  12. SailusGebel

    An extremely important question. №2

    Tummy or armpits?
  13. SailusGebel

    Steam Spring Sale games recommendations.

    Title is self-explanatory. Recommend games to each other.
  14. SailusGebel

    Path to Nowhere.

    Does anyone play it? Can you tell me how f2p friendly it is, what it is about, and spoil the plot a little bit.
  15. SailusGebel

    History enjoyers, I need your help!!!

    @Assurbanipal_II @Hans.Trondheim @Paul_Tromba and the rest, I need your help! Whenever I read an isekai or a fantasy manga\webtoon, there is one thing that bothers me a LOT. You all might find it irksome how authors don't bother to do a research and use wrong rules, wrong dates, or how...
  16. SailusGebel

    Recommendations Looking for manga\manhua\webtoons or novels similar to manhua Please Behave, My Wife.

    The title is self-explanatory. Just in case, for the lazy ones. I'm looking for straight romance with male MC with a small twist. I find this manhua really good, so I recommend reading it if you are into straight romance. And I will post the twsit under a spoiler.
  17. SailusGebel

    An extremely important question.

    UwU or Ara-Ara??? :blob_hmm_two:
  18. SailusGebel

    Gimme some random music.

    No criterias whatsoever. Community games thread is not enough.
  19. SailusGebel

    Unusual(appearance-wise) characters you find attractive.

    I think the title is self-explanatory. I am kinda tired of the usual gals and boys who all look the same, so I am making this thread to find something new and interesting. I hope you all understand that unusual is related mostly to the "industry standard" for beauty. If you only like, for...
  20. SailusGebel

    Recommendations Recommend me some novels or manga with old, badass MCs.

    I was looking at Tekken 8 story, I saw Heihachi, now I crave stories with similar characters. To clarfiy, I don't need stories like Isekai Ojisan, Bard Loen, Inuyashiki, or Maou retry. It's not what I'm looking for since they have different personalities. And lastly, no BL, GL, or GB(Gender Bender).