Search results

  1. BernKatstel

    If you could have one question answered in detail, what would it be?

    You get to have one question of your choosing answered in correct, extraordinary detail by a bear, describing things you weren’t even sure you wanted to know. What would it be? Purely for the satisfaction or comfort of knowing. You can share the answer with a few friends or family members, if...
  2. BernKatstel

    Have you discovered anything about yourself by writing?

    Did you find anything disappointing, impressive, or concerning whilst working on your stories? I am curious to know.
  3. BernKatstel

    Randomly generated funny

    Thread to post AI humor and document its evolution.
  4. BernKatstel

    Do you do anything special to reward yourself after writing a certain amount?

    I find myself doing something enjoyable only after I meet my goal. Like buying a fancy dinner
  5. BernKatstel

    Writing Onomatopeia usage

    Just something I have been wondering about
  6. BernKatstel

    Which character would you converse with?

    If you could freely talk to one character across all fiction for an hour, who would it be and what would you talk about? The only thing to take for certain is that you can’t be hurt by them and they will talk to you.
  7. BernKatstel

    Any cryptids or legends you’d like to see in a fantasy story?

    I am curious. Is there any you’d want to see implanted, apart from the common ones like vampires, dragons and sirens?
  8. BernKatstel

    Which race would you rather see as inhumanly beautiful?

    Just want to see some opinions on different races.
  9. BernKatstel

    Recommendations Store focused story or food idk

    Please recommend some stories where the MC runs a store of some kind. Would be nice if it really was the focus and they don’t just abandon it for more than half of the story.
  10. BernKatstel

    Casual reader feedback

    I should be working right about now, but my intrusive thoughts won. If anyone wants some free story feedback from the POV of a casual reader, post it, and I’ll get to it whenever I can. I plan to read a couple chapters before giving my thoughts on any of them (something like five or more). If...
  11. BernKatstel

    Is there any proofreading website worth paying for?

    Anything that is at least somewhat accurate in identifying things like passive voice, spelling mistakes, overly long sentences, etc? Free grammarly sucks pretty hard except for the most basic of tasks and when I use chatGTP I am the one correcting it.
  12. BernKatstel

    Obscure horror games recommendations

    Please let me know if you have played any and why you think it’s good. Any type of game is fine. I’ll reward any worthy suggestions