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  1. Variation

    It was a pretty late childbirth what can I say

    It was a pretty late childbirth what can I say
  2. Variation

    look at my Baby! LOOK AT IT!!

    look at my Baby! LOOK AT IT!!
  3. Variation

    Have any nice music or ambiance you listen to whilst you write?

    lmao was all good, was just so confused, sat there trying to fix my dang sound settings for a while even :blob_sweat: Even tho unintended that was an epic prank, wp, wp. I'm using it asap on ppl.
  4. Variation

    Have any nice music or ambiance you listen to whilst you write?

    wow that first band cute a f :blob_evil_two: good ass songs Okay listen here you, I just spent so long trying to find this, is it a goose chase? inside joke? literally every video i find on tibia has no sound. :blob_catflip: Waagh!~
  5. Variation

    How do you let your character succeed his first trial?

    Make them try with everything they've got, and still have them eat sh*t in the end anyways :blob_evil:
  6. Variation

    Have any nice music or ambiance you listen to whilst you write?

    Fair enough, my bad for not searching, sorry boss :sweating_profusely: yyo these bop tho, totally stealing that 10hr peaceful chika ! :blob_melt:
  7. Variation

    Have any nice music or ambiance you listen to whilst you write?

    Wondering what y'all tend to listen to as you write, if anything. I personally love sticking with nostalgic background music like from Fable 1 & Fable 2, or even runescape's OST. They fit well so long as I keep writing fantasy.
  8. Variation

    Writing Prompt Your character stumbles upon a local delicacy.

    Oh the poor thing. . Though I s'posein this case she's the lucky one.
  9. Variation

    Writing Prompt Your character stumbles upon a local delicacy.

    okay now pineapple pizza i love, big fan, but corn and carrots? is this a real thing? I can't even imagine that. carrot, corn, and pineapple, on a pizza. . :blob_popcorn_two:
  10. Variation

    Writing Prompt Your character stumbles upon a local delicacy.

    is. . is this one of those maggot cheeses?
  11. Variation

    Writing Prompt Your character stumbles upon a local delicacy.

    thought it'd be fun to have people writing about their characters, in their own worlds, stumbling onto the messed up foods from the real world like Durian fruit, century eggs, Surströmming, Vetimite, etc. I'll start off with my own. (Wow, sorry for the length, I couldn't stop. by no means does...
  12. Variation

    Resolved Help

    ahh man I'm really not finding much. so it's a smut, isekai, has "Transformation abilities", "perverted protagonost", "dungeon master", "male protagonist", etc. there's a lot of tags to work with but they don't seem to be going together. you could try combining them in the series finder and...
  13. Variation

    Resolved Help

    do you remember anything about the protagonist? personality wise? really helps with searching the tags.
  14. Variation

    'Featured/Recommended Story' section?

    Would the "Reviews" tab in profiles not cover for this? just see what your friends have spoken highly of. Though I'll totally bump(necro) this for some sort of small "User Recommended" / "Community feature" bar on the home page, or another list under the "Read" tab.
  15. Variation

    Editing How do you know when to stop editing?

    This here is my editing addiction. Yet it's still not enough.
  16. Variation

    What's Your Favorite Character Tropes?

    ^ This! :blob_highfive:
  17. Variation

    Do you like to use brain when reading?

    I love it when an author is able to tell you what's going to happen by leaving subtle queues that you won't piece together unless you've been paying real attention, making you feel a little bit like Sherlock Holmes :blob_melt:
  18. Variation

    The Last to Comment Wins

    oh this entire sub-catagory? Well rad, surprised this has lasted so many damn pages then, impressive. :blob_popcorn:
  19. Variation

    Editing How do you know when to stop editing?

    actually seems like a real fun exercise, I'll have to give it a try, yeah.
  20. Variation

    Editing How do you know when to stop editing?

    mmh, I'm happy to be getting used to the process and getting better, really hope I can grow more comfortable with it. Though I think I'm always gonna worry about those "landing chapters", the first few posts that'd make or break alot of readers.