A School Life Otome Reincarnation Role-play [Event Stage]


Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
Soo Villainous's Fortunate Event: A Price For Power
Written by @Yorda
Approved by @Leegood

Once upon a time, in the interstice between worlds, a soul drifted freely in stasis. None could say how long the soul had been there. Without the ability to perform cognitive thought it was merely an entity that existed as nothing more than a stagnant mass of memories.

Those memories were of a world known as "Earth" and the life of a fool. If one were to investigate the memories they would see a girl laughing "ohohoho" loudly into a mirror with sharp eyes. The girl was an incorrigibly obsessed fan of the prideful and arrogant female villains sometimes referred to as "the villainess". She was taken by the glamour of the character archetype. Confident, graceful, incisive, tragic, passionate, cunning, prideful, capable, and so many more different types of villainesses spun around like a dazzling carousel in the girl's mind. Fascination and intrigue, the girl was enraptured by an amorphous ideal that she envied, and thus that envy gave rise to a ridiculous pursuit. The girl endeavoured to become a villainess, and the story of a fool had begun.

Her odd obsession had motivated her to travail the trials of the villainess; she trained herself to obtain a modicum of the splendour contained within her ideals. Music, philosophy, politics, economics, demeanour, and erudite articulation, she dedicated herself to such pursuits vigorously. The girl had spent her life trying to change and trying to become. Her effort without a definite objective waned aimlessly until it ended as prodigally as it began.

That drifting mass of memories of a life so lonely and empty wasn't forever forgotten. It had been disturbed.

Gently awoken, a great mass of light addressed the hazy consciousness. Familiar words broke the tranquility, otome game, heroine, great darkness, magic, and reincarnation. The girl scoffed at the amusing story she heard and

"If I can be reincarnated I want to be a villainess!"

"Maybe I should work with the Abyssal Demon? Wouldn't that be entertaining! How evil! How nefarious! Ohohoho."

The great mass of light listened patiently to the girl's taunting and belittlement out of pity. After all, the girl hadn't yet realized. She was already long dead.

"Fine. I'll reincarnate you, but never forget to remember the words that I've spoken."

The great light grew even more resplendent. A timeless flash illuminated the interstice before all was once again returned to the void with the memories of a fool no longer able to be found.

* * * * *

Soo Villainous, a small-for-her-age redheaded girl, remembered staring at her bowl of soup. It was vegetable soup cooked in an earthen fired pot and poured into neatly turned wooden bowl with an accompanying wooden spoon. At four years she had been nothing more than the only daughter of a poor family until that moment. The warm liquid seemed to pull her into the faint sheen of oil swirls floating upon the surface.

Her parents had called out to their reticent daughter who wasn't eating her meal. Soo turned her head up to look up at them. She was perplexed. There was an anxious and scratchy feeling assailing the young girl's mind. That was the beginning.

It wasn't long before that same confusing feelings assaulted her once more. Her mother's face, a sewing needle, her father humming music, and more simple instances that outwardly seemed inconsequential would give her pause. The moments of perplexity began to increase in frequency. Ihe shorter intervals between events seemed to be culminating towards a singularity in her near future.

"You dirty mixed-blood."

A group of slightly larger children spoke out those cruel words, heavy words with an implication they were too young to understand, and shoved Soo harshly to the ground. Even Soo was too young to truly understand, but the animosity she felt directed towards her didn't need an explanation. Tears welled up in her eyes and she ran away from the jeers of her peers' callous game of ostracism.

She had run all the way to the edge of the lake. Under the cool shade of great tree branches she sat on an outcropping of rocks that reached to the surface of the lake.

Soo looked at her reflection on the surface of the lake. Dirty ribbons of cloth tied up her unkempt red hair. Her mottled patchwork dress was stained by mud. Her pointed ears and the sharp teeth she had were proof of her heritage. Soo was born to a mixed-blood beastkin father and half-elf mother. She was a child of outcasts.

Out of anger she struck the surface of the water that bore her reflection. She was angry, she was ashamed. As the ripples began to subside and the surface returned to its smooth exterior she looked again at the lake surface. The water reflected someone that was her and wasn't her. It was the face of someone familiar, someone dead. She was horrified.

* * * * *

Soo Villainous had remembered everything. Distraught and heartbroken she was forced to remember and live every day of her new life without being able to forget. No matter where she looked, the moment she opened her eyes in the morning to the moment she fell asleep at night, all of it disillusioned her. The humble hovel, the ragged dress she wore, and the sense of not belonging and alienation from her parents. She wasn't able to deny her life and she wasn't able to reconcile her feelings.

The nagging recollection of a dazzling light that once spoke to her as if in a dream now seemed so distant. Only fragments from that time remained in her mind. Those wisp-like memories were transient trails that seemed to threaten to vanish at any time. They cursed her to bouts of anxiety and compelled her to chase after them no matter how she came to doubt or suspect them. Fialoros Magic Academy, she had to go there.

However, Soo soon realized that she would never have the opportunity to attend the prestigious academy. The reason was simple, she was unblessed. Whether it was her pedigree or means, she had been hindered from birth, but Soo didn't give up; she couldn't give up.

Fear had been imprinted in her mind. The regret of a life that ended so suddenly and a dream she failed to fulfill weighed on her heart. She couldn't bear the thought of living another moot life only to have everything slip away again, so she tried everything she could conceive of to reach her goal.

Soo scrounged for food in the forest. She helped anyone she could with odd jobs to make a pittance. She became literate in the language of the island nation of Fialoros. Scrapping and begging she wormed her way forward for each coin attempting to charm whomever she could. She even begged a musician to let her play his instrument for money, which she received several kicks and denials until he agreed days later after her persistence came to fruition. Her hands shook nervously as she pulled the bow over the strings of the instrument. Years of being looked down on as a filthy lower class cretin had bared her from such activities, but once again she heard the crisp cry of music. However, it was still not enough.

Even her parents had given what little support they could. Without being able to understand their daughter they had been decent enough to support her. Soo's desperate actions and odd behaviour had estranged her from many. She had no choice but to apply herself fully for her goal. There was no time for doubt. Hard and cold were her actions, but still it was not enough.

A new day did come for Soo. Two well dressed men had appeared at the family's home. It was the chance of a lifetime, a scholarship offer for Fialoros Magic Academy. Soo's desperate attempts had finally paid off, however, Soo's parents were not so easily convinced. They had misgivings about the fortuitous change of fates, but in the end they couldn't deny their daughter who always seemed miserable the opportunity that they couldn't provide. So the parents unwittingly agreed despite the sensation that something wasn't right.

That day Soo thought about what she had done days earlier. How she had contacted less than desirable folk for money. How she had signed her name on a contract held in confidence without her parents knowledge. All of it for her dream.

* * * * *

Soo Villainous had entered the forbidding gates of the Magical Academy of Fialoros. No longer was she barred from entry, even if the privilege was only tentative and on borrowed time. Yes, it was her right that she had paid a heavy price for.

For the first time in her life she was clothed in good quality cloth, garments without the telltale signs of wear, mending, and patches. She walked without a hint of shame amongst the many fortunate and affluent students as covert black sheep among the flock. Soo smiled while thinking about the many poor village children that had once looked down on her. Where were they? They would never, even if they had tried, be walking through the white marble corridors like her. They were all left behind, along with her past, forevermore.

But not everything went her way. She didn't expect life to treat her differently than it had. Life was a impartial god that always promised death to all. How could she let down her guard against a entity that takes no prisoners.

However, when Soo thought about the god of life her mind naturally drifted to another divine entity. The Goddess of Light.

There was a chapel hall attached to one of the buildings on campus. Soo gazed up at the spire with her dark eyes and soon recollected herself before walking in. The hall was empty at the moment, so she freely walked between the pews to stand before the altar and the stone statue of the Goddess displayed just beyond.

She had often come to similar places of worship throughout the years seeking guidance. Struggling through life she had time and time again called out to the goddess for a reason why. Why was life so hard for me? Why did I have to sacrifice so much just to be here? Why did you never answer me? The long years of her giving effort without reason began to resemble her previous life. Soo had even had moments where she had retrograded to a state of forsaking and forgetting it all. Doubt of her own sanity and memories had crept over her from time to time.

Soo couldn't deny the resentful and bitter feelings she had. The overflowing feelings spilled out of her and resulted in blasphemous words towards the goddess catching in her throat. Just a smidgen more and they would have been vocalized.

Does only the heroine deserve to be happy in this world?

She turned to leave the chapel and had taken a few steps when a gentle voice like a calming breeze tickled her ear. It said wait.

Soo's long pointed ears were naturally a bit sensitive. She wiggled them for good measure before continuing to walk. Again she heard a gentle voice calling for her to wait.

She looked around unable to find the source in the still empty hall.

"Child, I remember you. You are one of the reincarnated."

She had been completely startled by a feminine voice that sounded right next to her.

Soo narrowed her eyes and cast her eye around fervently but could not discern where it originated from.

"I'm the Goddess of Light!"


The statue of the Goddess was shining! Soo doubted her optical nerves' veracity, after all, she had just foraged for mushrooms and could have made a mistake during identification. She had been very hungry and haste is a recipe for disaster ...

"It's not a mistake! I am the Goddess of Light!"

The voice came again despite Soo covering her ears. It was possibly even louder than before.

"That dastardly Abyssal Demon threw a shroud of darkness over you, which obstructed my perception! Good thing you came here and prayed otherwise the veil would have never been broken and your soul would have been lost for eternity! I knew I was forgetting something! Whew, that sure was close!"

A chill went up her spine. Soo didn't feel so good anymore.


"Wait one moment. I'm trying to get all caught up on everything. Checking your memories and life ... oh dear. Oh no ... oh my! That's not good! You've been through some things haven't you?"

Soo didn't know how to reply. She decided to dismiss it as a rhetorical question and sat down on a pew before she fainted. Those mushrooms must have been really dangerous.

"At this rate the destruction of the world is getting closer! I think I can still fix this though ..."

In addition to the voice there also seemed to be some shuffling of papers, banging of wood, and the hustle and bustle of various articles being shifted around. Soo was reminded of the time that someone from her previous life's school had left the intercom on by accident.

"Let's see. I've got a few blessing left on the shelf over here, and a magic sword over there ... how about it? Oh, did I leave this thing on?"

Soo thought that was the case.

"Ehem, to combat the encroaching darkness of the Abyssal Demon who seeks to destroy the world I have selected various agents of light to act in favour of survival. Through great travails you have persevered to make it this far despite the capricious and vile interference of the Demon. I can bestow the blessing of my light upon you child if you still have the desire to continue on with this path. What dost thou desire?"

Soo's thoughts spun around in her head. Knowledge, villainess? Status, villainess? Wealth, villainess? Authority, villianess?

But what was the point of all that?

Soo had learned that life was far shorter than one would ever suspect. To pursue all things and divide her attention and effort was something that would result in her ineffectually amounting to very little. She wanted to go further in this life, to banish the indecision she had before. Soo already knew her choice the Goddess had merely given her the opportunity to speak it herself. It was the root of everything and determined everything. And now, she only had to give voice to her desire.

"I want power. Only power. Overwhelming power."

Everything else she could have ever asked for would have taken a great deal of time and the rewards would be subject to the meddling of others, but personal power for its own sake was something that could belong only to her and would bring immediate gratification. To dispel the weakness within herself that she was ashamed of and to forcefully appropriate her miserable fate, she only wanted power. Whatever glamorous path she foolishly pursued before, the path of a splendid villainess abusing her wealth and authority, was now just a broken dream. Soo believed with conviction that her decision today was steeped in realism.

"You poor child."

Soo couldn't tell what the Goddess meant by those words: the subtle implication behind them eluded her. Was it compassionate sympathy or disappointment?

"If that is truly what you want then I will grant it to you. Whether it brings you happiness or misfortune, you will bear the weight of your wish."

Soo was prepared to accept it. She was no longer indecisive and accepted that all choices led to uncertainty. Perhaps no choice was perfect, but this time she at least did not want to be the same weakling she was before. She begged for power to comfort and console her, to banish her insecurities.

"However, I will give you one bit of advice. It's a little past the expiration date so I can't absolutely guarantee the effects and efficacy. Well, let's just do it anyways, right?"

Even if the world was saved from the Abyssal Demon and the heroine was able to obtain her good ending what ending would Soo receive? She had now placed all her fortunes in the hands of such a goddess.

* * * * *

Consumed x1 Fortunate Events
0 Fortunate Events Remain

Received x1 Degraded Blessing (Buyer Beware)

Consumed x1 Degraded Blessing
0 Degraded Blessings Remain

Obtained: Dark Magic Affinity Boost
Obtained: Increase Magical Talent from Average --> Above Average
System Warning: Unintended Anomaly Detected

* * * * *

System Warning: Walnut Seed of Evil Has Germinated

I AM HERE! WHATEVER HERE MEANS! *Aurora dashing in*


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Mini Event - Seven Wonders

This is going to be a terrible night...


The girl crossed her legs, looking up at the moon. Reclining on her comfortable seat, she lifted the cup to her lips, and drank deeply.

"Fwah~ As expected, I'm feeling a little better already."

Propping up her chin with one arm, Swir took out a book from beside her chair, and examined the cover, wincing as she did.

...Ah, verdammt. It's too bloody f*cking cold up here for my old bones. Better hurry up and start.

A name was proudly engraved on the cover in gold lettering. The girl tapped the words a few times with her finger, altering the order.

Swir Palug Nacht

Slowly re-arranged themselves to become ---

Walpurgis Nacht

"It's been a while since I used it. I was hoping not to have to resort to this again...ah, well."

Clapping her hands together solemnly, Swir knelt and begun praying in earnest.

Lost souls gather under a crimson moon
The skies foretold a sleepless night
For those which sojourn in the dark
This fading illusion shall hold no water

My life's work shall finish here
Glory be unto His Name
May the light above illuminate the path
This night of nights where demons reign

O Lord, accept my sacrifice

Blood pooled from where she'd stabbed herself with a dagger, but Swir --- nay, Nacht --- continued praying, not paying any heed.

And as the moon took on a crimson hue, laughter could be heard below, in the shadows.


- Suppress the Seven Wonders (6/7)
- End the Witches' Night

- Library Entity: Terminated (Lisette + Alba)
- Piano Entity: Passive (Eudes)
- Greenhouse Entity: Appeased (Verity)
- Shifting Corridor: Appeased (Alba + Lisette)
- Toilet Entity: Appeased (Elizabeth)
- Lake Entity: Slain (Yurei + Verity)
- 7th Wonder: Active

- Old Letter Opener (Claimed by Lisette)
- Bird Brooch (Left on Grave)
- Flower Pin (Claimed by Yurei)
- Harvesting Scythe (Claimed by Alba)
- Walking Cane (Claimed by Eudes)
- Amber Bauble (Verity)

OOC: Starto!
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Neighborhood DM
Jul 17, 2020
Lisette had impacted quite a bit of cleaning in the library that day. She wiped her forehead with her forearm as she looked up at the first bookshelf she’d barely just shelved. She kept a close eye on the time, but knew it would start getting dark soon. She wiped her hands of the dust as she pulled herself up from the ground.

Alright, that’s a good amount of work done for tonight. Now to go back to the dorms and shower!~

[ @Bochi ]


Jun 17, 2020
Elizabeth remembered her old life. One among many. This one, in particular, is a life stained in blood. A blasphemous ritual. A necessary sacrifice. All for the sake of the greater good. But whose greater good?

The blood moon is a sign of apocalypse. Blurring the boundaries between men and beasts. Human behaviour is connected to lunar cycles. When the blood moon started to appears in the night sky, there is only one conclusion that can be taken.

Peaceful days are over. Let's survive.

That night, Elizabeth found herself incapable of falling asleep. Her passable knowledge in astronomy made her aware of the fact that tonight's occurrence is beyond unnatural. Knowing her luck, the stars in the sky are going to fell soon. Raining down an untold amount of destruction from the heavens above.

The cursed blood flowing through her body sings with power. Demanding to be used as a weapon to smite her enemies. However, there is a problem. Elizabeth doesn't have enemies. Not this time.

Since the intense burning feeling surrounding her body wouldn't stop and is impossible to ignore. Elizabeth decided to stop whatever caused it so that she can go back to sleep.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
"Let's get this party started."

Clapping her hands twice, a Wheel of Fortune appeared beside Nacht, and with a deep breath, she spun it. The wheel barely made a full revolution before it stopped.


"Ohoho! A good one to start the night with!"

OOC: The effect above is merely something to spice up the plot with~ If you don't want it, just ignore it~

An oppressive feeling filled the place; the creepy undulations fanned out, surging through the entire floor. The withered voice seem to have came from the floor above.

I seeee yooou...

The place where most students stayed at was safe --- even if it was but for the moment. Beyond the entrance, beyond the windows, however, dark shapes crept across the floor. Their shadowy forms obscured their actual appearances ---- perhaps for the better.

@Tessa_Renalds @Leti


Neighborhood DM
Jul 17, 2020
"Let's get this party started."

Clapping her hands twice, a Wheel of Fortune appeared beside Nacht, and with a deep breath, she spun it. The wheel barely made a full revolution before it stopped.


"Ohoho! A good one to start the night with!"

OOC: The effect above is merely something to spice up the plot with~ If you don't want it, just ignore it~

An oppressive feeling filled the place; the creepy undulations fanned out, surging through the entire floor. The withered voice seem to have came from the floor above.

I seeee yooou...

She was on her way out from the library, the candles burning dimly behind her, as she gathered her school belongings. Lisette would have plenty of time to relax in the shower after a mildly stressful day at school, but felt the atmosphere change.

I seeee youuuu

Lisette stopped in her tracks as she looked behind her. The flames from the candles slowed into a swirl of grey smoke. As the light darkened in the room, a sweet flowery scent wafted into the space.

She tightened her hold on her school bag. Oh come on! I literally got grounded for this stupid ghost’s antics, but this time Swir’s not even with me!

Lisette turned her back to the darkened room, and the echoing laughter as she went to the door. If I ignore it, maybe I can just leave with no one the miser.

Reaching the doors, she went to pull them open and found them to be locked. “Really?” Lisette said, more out of frustration. She turned to the darkened space with a bit of annoyance.

“Alright stupid ghost, I’m having a pretty bad day as it is. What do you want?” She could smell the sweet scent circling around and growing stronger. In the distance, she saw a shadow of a dark apparition standing by a bookshelf.

Play with me kekekeke

Lisette clenched her fist on her school bag. “If I play with you, will you let me leave once we’re done?”

The laughter erupted around the space. Come find me up above The shadow disappeared.

She stared up into the library. “This is stupid—I better not get in trouble again for this stupid—“ She cursed as she made her way upstairs where she thought she heard the voice coming from.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
"Let's get this party started."

Clapping her hands twice, a Wheel of Fortune appeared beside Nacht, and with a deep breath, she spun it. The wheel barely made a full revolution before it stopped.


"Ohoho! A good one to start the night with!"

OOC: The effect above is merely something to spice up the plot with~ If you don't want it, just ignore it~

An oppressive feeling filled the place; the creepy undulations fanned out, surging through the entire floor. The withered voice seem to have came from the floor above.

I seeee yooou...

The place where most students stayed at was safe --- even if it was but for the moment. Beyond the entrance, beyond the windows, however, dark shapes crept across the floor. Their shadowy forms obscured their actual appearances ---- perhaps for the better.

@Tessa_Renalds @Leti

Alba was reading a book related to ice magic after his class. He shivered as his instinct screams and a dry voice echoed through the building.

I seeee yooou...

He closed the book and blinked before looking at the stairway to the second floor.

"I see all of you." He replied. 'Meh. Troublesome' He stood up and made her way to second floor.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
She was on her way out from the library, the candles burning dimly behind her, as she gathered her school belongings. Lisette would have plenty of time to relax in the shower after a mildly stressful day at school, but felt the atmosphere change.

I seeee youuuu

Lisette stopped in her tracks as she looked behind her. The flames from the candles slowed into a swirl of grey smoke. As the light darkened in the room, a sweet flowery scent wafted into the space.

She tightened her hold on her school bag. Oh come on! I literally got grounded for this stupid ghost’s antics, but this time Swir’s not even with me!

Lisette turned her back to the darkened room, and the echoing laughter as she went to the door. If I ignore it, maybe I can just leave with no one the miser.

Reaching the doors, she went to pull them open and found them to be locked. “Really?” Lisette said, more out of frustration. She turned to the darkened space with a bit of annoyance.

“Alright stupid ghost, I’m having a pretty bad day as it is. What do you want?” She could smell the sweet scent circling around and growing stronger. In the distance, she saw a shadow of a dark apparition standing by a bookshelf.

Play with me kekekeke

Lisette clenched her fist on her school bag. “If I play with you, will you let me leave once we’re done?”

The laughter erupted around the space. Come find me up above The shadow disappeared.

She stared up into the library. “This is stupid—I better not get in trouble again for this stupid—“ She cursed as she made her way upstairs where she thought she heard the voice coming from.

Alba was reading a book related to ice magic after his class. He shivered as his instinct screams and a dry voice echoed through the building.

I seeee yooou...

He closed the book and blinked before looking at the stairway to the second floor.

"I see all of you." He replied. 'Meh. Troublesome' He stood up and made her way to second floor.
The voice led the girl up two floors, then across the third, until it ended at the entrance to the clock tower. Once it had gotten her to that place, the spirit vanished.

Let's plaaay a game of taaag...if you win, I'll let yooou gooo...

It now manifested behind Lisette, blocking the direct way out --- the stairs --- and this time, it's form wasn't nearly as vague. It was holding an old, but nevertheless rather sharp-looking letter opener, and didn't seem to be planning to address any mail.



Jun 17, 2020
The place where most students stayed at was safe --- even if it was but for the moment. Beyond the entrance, beyond the windows, however, dark shapes crept across the floor. Their shadowy forms obscured their actual appearances ---- perhaps for the better.

"Are you sure about this?"

Elizabeth was finishing her preparation to investigate whatever is going on when a familiar voice interrupted her.

The owner of the voice turned to be the translucent figure of a young woman floating behind Elizabeth. The young woman has an appearance that could be described as beautiful. If someone were to ignore the gruesome injury on her neck leaving it barely attached to her head.

"Absolutely. As long as it's just someone doing a ritual instead of a sign that the world is going to end. I'm you, you are me. What's the point of asking?"

If the world is going to end, Elizabeth is pretty sure she will just wake up in another world. In a new body, hopefully. Not the one destroyed by the apocalypse.

"Nothing, I guess. Just saying hi. It's not everyday I can talk to you like this. So, what's the plan?"

Elizabeth had no idea how her past self can still talk without any functional vocal cords. It seems like being dead made people disregard Biology as an applicable subject.

"We need to determine if anyone else can see the moon going red to rule out the possibility of us being trapped inside an illusion."

"Good point. I will watch our back."

The ghost disappeared from view, but Elizabeth still can feel her somewhat melancholic presence behind her.

Elizabeth left her room to start searching for someone to i̶n̶t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶g̶a̶t̶e̶ talk to. She ignored the dark shapes gathering beyond the entrance and in return, they ignored her.

Perhaps, after all of this is over, she can keep them as pets.

Or maybe not. What if they're just pretending to ignore her and is actually waiting for a chance to strike? Waiting is a virtue of a hunter. But who is the hunter and who is the hunted?
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Neighborhood DM
Jul 17, 2020
The voice led the girl up two floors, then across the third, until it ended at the entrance to the clock tower. Once it had gotten her to that place, the spirit vanished.

Let's plaaay a game of taaag...if you win, I'll let yooou gooo...

It now manifested behind Lisette, blocking the direct way out --- the stairs --- and this time, it's form wasn't nearly as vague. It was holding an old, but nevertheless rather sharp-looking letter opener, and didn't seem to be planning to address any mail.

[ @FenrIIrz - due to his also being in the library]

The only way to win was to beat it at its own game. She remembered playing tag with the children back at the church before — so this shouldn’t be too bad—

Lisette snapped her attention behind her, to see the form appear with what she saw was a letter opener. A game of tag was suggested, and her only option of escape had been blocked by a psycho ghost carrying a weapon.

Oh come on! That’s not even that fair! Lisette internally screamed, as she scrambled her way into the clocktower.

It had been in great disarray from lack of use, the floorboards as Swir mentioned before had been firm, but the stairs were beyond salvaging. One faulty step and she’d fall to the beginning.

She didn’t have time to think as a jab from the letter opener swung eerily into her backpack as she ran. This—it’s going to kill me—this Mother Fu— Lisette used her backpack as a shield, knowing some of her notebooks would get ruined in the process.

She hoped Alba and Veronika’s wouldn’t get damaged, but she was a bit too busy to check and find out. There has to be a way to stop it. But how.

Lisette had to tackle the stairs — I had her roll for success or failure at the task. She rolled a 12. Failed. and the wood snapped underneath her weight. She tumbled back down onto the ground and landed in a large puff of dust and smoke. She coughed, the breath lost from her lungs as she felt the presence linger above her.



Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
[ @FenrIIrz - due to his also being in the library]

The only way to win was to beat it at its own game. She remembered playing tag with the children back at the church before — so this shouldn’t be too bad—

Lisette snapped her attention behind her, to see the form appear with what she saw was a letter opener. A game of tag was suggested, and her only option of escape had been blocked by a psycho ghost carrying a weapon.

Oh come on! That’s not even that fair! Lisette internally screamed, as she scrambled her way into the clocktower.

It had been in great disarray from lack of use, the floorboards as Swir mentioned before had been firm, but the stairs were beyond salvaging. One faulty step and she’d fall to the beginning.

She didn’t have time to think as a jab from the letter opener swung eerily into her backpack as she ran. This—it’s going to kill me—this Mother Fu— Lisette used her backpack as a shield, knowing some of her notebooks would get ruined in the process.

She hoped Alba and Veronika’s wouldn’t get damaged, but she was a bit too busy to check and find out. There has to be a way to stop it. But how.

Lisette had to tackle the stairs — I had her roll for success or failure at the task. She rolled a 12. Failed. and the wood snapped underneath her weight. She tumbled back down onto the ground and landed in a large puff of dust and smoke. She coughed, the breath lost from her lungs as she felt the presence linger above her.

Alba arrived on the second floor and slowly sneaked through the bookshelves. 'There's nothing here. Did they go to third floor? Library also connected to the clocktower. Meh. Freaking red moon shenanigans.'

He walked up the stairs again and heard a crackling sound above him. "Are you okay?" He shouted and waited for a response.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Nacht yanked the dagger out of her stomach. The act earned a wince and a pain-filled expletive.


She was vaguely aware that some of the Seven Wonders were already on the move. On the prowl, lying in ambush...or already in the midst of a hunt. The girl didn't need to be told to know that the Library shade was probably already relishing it's newfound sense of freedom.

"I suppose, since this is to be a party, it can't be too one-sided or it'd become really boring really quickly...Well, I guess I'll drop off some care packages for the ones plucky enough to be wandering around outside. For now...I guess one for each hunting ground will do."

Raising her hand skyward, Nacht snapped her fingers.

Somewhere in each of the areas where a Wonder was located, an eye-catching rune blinked to life.

ᛊᚹᛁᚱ (Swir)

@Leti @Tessa_Renalds @FenrIIrz


Neighborhood DM
Jul 17, 2020
Nacht yanked the dagger out of her stomach. The act earned a wince and a pain-filled expletive.


She was vaguely aware that some of the Seven Wonders were already on the move. On the prowl, lying in ambush...or already in the midst of a hunt. The girl didn't need to be told to know that the Library shade was probably already relishing it's newfound sense of freedom.

"I suppose, since this is to be a party, it can't be too one-sided or it'd become really boring really quickly...Well, I guess I'll drop off some care packages for the ones plucky enough to be wandering around outside. For now...I guess one for each hunting ground will do."

Raising her hand skyward, Nacht snapped her fingers.

Somewhere in each of the areas where a Wonder was located, an eye-catching rune blinked to life.

ᛊᚹᛁᚱ (Swir)

@Leti @Tessa_Renalds @FenrIIrz
Lisette rolled away as the impending shadow continued its onslaught, she dodged as best she could, and even managed to pull herself back to her feet.

That was until she found a stone with some similar looking runes on the ground nearby. She took the chance to grab it in hand, and pulled herself up.

Alba arrived on the second floor and slowly sneaked through the bookshelves. 'There's nothing here. Did they go to third floor? Library also connected to the clocktower. Meh. Freaking red moon shenanigans.'

He walked up the stairs again and heard a crackling sound above him. "Are you okay?" He shouted and waited for a response.

She jumped up past all the broken debris of the clocktower’s shambled stairs, hoping to gain some ground from the ghost. That was until she heard a very familiar voice just below. Hoping it wasn’t an illusion, she shouted in her best outside voice. “Help! Please, up here!”

She was scrambling up the broken stairs, hoping this game of tag wouldn’t wind up with her bleeding profusely on the ground.


Jun 17, 2020
When you peek into the abyss, the abyss peeks back into you too. Probably.

Elizabeth stared at the dark shapes, but it's hard to tell if the dark shapes stared back. Having no eyes and all.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to determine if those little critters are dangerous or not."

If they are dangerous, Elizabeth will be forced to unleash her family's secret technique: Run away. If not, she will start interrogating them to the best of her ability.

After all, she used to be an IT (Interrogation and Torture) student. Information gathering is her forte.

"Just don't talk too long, we still need to know where everyone goes."

Reminded the ghost.

"I know."


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Lisette rolled away as the impending shadow continued its onslaught, she dodged as best she could, and even managed to pull herself back to her feet.

That was until she found a stone with some similar looking runes on the ground nearby. She took the chance to grab it in hand, and pulled herself up.

She jumped up past all the broken debris of the clocktower’s shambled stairs, hoping to gain some ground from the ghost. That was until she heard a very familiar voice just below. Hoping it wasn’t an illusion, she shouted in her best outside voice. “Help! Please, up here!”

She was scrambling up the broken stairs, hoping this game of tag wouldn’t wind up with her bleeding profusely on the ground.

Help! Please, up here! 'Ah. What's trouble she got herself into again?' He ran past the third floor and arrived at the broken stair. he crouched down and crawled the stair to prevent further collapsion. He saw Lisette running the stair with a girl that has a letter opener chasing her. He ran after them and see if the girl will notice him.



Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
The shade vanished once more.

Are you okay?
Are you okay?

The mimicked voices came from all around, echoing back and forth within the clock tower. Mocking the people it was hunting. It was followed by a chilling, mean-spirited laugh.

Heh heh heh heh...did you reaaally believe that I would keeeep my promiseees, girl?


Outside the Dorms
The black shapes continued to crawl.


They made strange, undecipherable noises using some kind of method, but otherwise made no indication that they'd noticed Elizabeth.


When two of the shapes crawled into each other, they merged to form a slightly bigger one.

@FenrIIrz @Leti @Tessa_Renalds


Neighborhood DM
Jul 17, 2020
Help! Please, up here! 'Ah. What's trouble she got herself into again?' He ran past the third floor and arrived at the broken stair. he crouched down and crawled the stair to prevent further collapsion. He saw Lisette running the stair with a girl that has a letter opener chasing her. He ran after them and see if the girl will notice him.

The shade vanished once more.

Are you okay?
Are you okay?

The mimicked voices came from all around, echoing back and forth within the clock tower. Mocking the people it was hunting. It was followed by a chilling, mean-spirited laugh.

Heh heh heh heh...did you reaaally believe that I would keeeep my promiseees, girl?

Lisette grabbed around her head, hoping that the voices she heard would die down. And the chilling realization.

haha this thing is gonna kill me it’s legit gonna—

Shakily she looked down and over, hoping not to see the ghost further below chasing her. Only she saw white hair. Familiar white, and matching white eyes. Someone alive and chasing up the stairs.

“Al-Alba?” She sniffled, and pulled herself up from the ground. “H-how’d you—I mean—wha-what are you doing here?”

She could see the cobwebs starting to pile up near the flooring, which probably indicated they were close to the top of the clock tower. She had climbed up a fair distance avoiding getting stabbed, but that ghost was terrifying.

Lisette then looked at the stone in her hand. “I’m not sure what happened—I was cleaning up and then—“ she hiccuped looking around with a bit of unease.

Why did the ghost just dissipate. “I found this stone on the ground, but I had hoped it would be more reasonable. I didn’t want to damage the library again, so I just followed it—I’m sorry.” She saw some of the minor scratches on her arms and a small cut on her cheek.

She felt a warm presence in her pocket as she also procured a coin. She wondered if she should use the coin Swir had given her.


『Lazy Bum』『Scrubber』
Dec 25, 2018
Before going to the library, Eudes headed to the cafeteria to have dinner. Swiftly, he returned to his room and sat. He was trying to remember the books the teacher recommended. The titles-- he knew what the books were about, swordsmanship, spear-manship and that kind of stuff.
"Whatever, I will just ask someone on the way..."
Outside the Dorms
The black shapes continued to crawl.


They made strange, undecipherable noises using some kind of method, but otherwise made no indication that they'd noticed Elizabeth.


When two of the shapes crawled into each other, they merged to form a slightly bigger one.
Okay. What.

'Damn it. Look like I won't be able to read tonight...'
He did not know whether he was hallucinating or not. A sigh escaped his mouth as he wondered if he could go to the library while avoiding that... thing. Unlikely. Perhaps he could try to approach it? Just to see if it's offensive.

'Let's stay in plain sight but at a certain distance...'
And thus he walked and wondered if there was a way to go to the library without entering a ten metres radius around the black shape. Though, he still tried to make his steps silent. Who knows, perhaps it can't hear nor see anything. It did not seem to have eyes after all.


Jun 17, 2020
Outside the Dorms
The black shapes continued to crawl.


They made strange, undecipherable noises using some kind of method, but otherwise made no indication that they'd noticed Elizabeth.


When two of the shapes crawled into each other, they merged to form a slightly bigger one.

@FenrIIrz @Leti @Tessa_Renalds

Those black shapes aren't sentient. Mutual understanding is impossible.

Elizabeth wondered if they are related to bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi, plants or certain animals. Anything without centralized nervous system.

"Do you think what I'm thinking?"

What a strange question. Do the ghost face the sun and ask: Are you the sun? Being trapped inside a cycle of death and rebirth doesn't do any wonders to a person's sanity.

"I think they're just magical anomalies. Left them be. Can you hear me? You're not responding."

"Loud and clear. Happy now?"

The ghost laughed. Not because she is happy, but because her current incarnation is kissing the dirt after she tripped over a stone.

A stone with an eye-catching rune inscription. It reads: ᛊᚹᛁᚱ (Swir).

"Looks like someone has been practicing. It's the rune girl from the infirmary, from the look of it."

The nearly-headless young woman watched in amusement as her still living counterpart took the offending stone and overwrite it with her own inscription.

"Vandalism? How unladylike."

"I have nothing else to do."

"You mean no one to interrogate."

The rune on the stone now reads ᚨᚾᚤᚨ (Anya).

"You still remember your name? After all this time?"

"Our name."

"Don't you think the motherland joke is getting too old?"

"Wait, there is someone over there. @Gaap, I think."


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Lisette grabbed around her head, hoping that the voices she heard would die down. And the chilling realization.

haha this thing is gonna kill me it’s legit gonna—

Shakily she looked down and over, hoping not to see the ghost further below chasing her. Only she saw white hair. Familiar white, and matching white eyes. Someone alive and chasing up the stairs.

“Al-Alba?” She sniffled, and pulled herself up from the ground. “H-how’d you—I mean—wha-what are you doing here?”

She could see the cobwebs starting to pile up near the flooring, which probably indicated they were close to the top of the clock tower. She had climbed up a fair distance avoiding getting stabbed, but that ghost was terrifying.

Lisette then looked at the stone in her hand. “I’m not sure what happened—I was cleaning up and then—“ she hiccuped looking around with a bit of unease.

Why did the ghost just dissipate. “I found this stone on the ground, but I had hoped it would be more reasonable. I didn’t want to damage the library again, so I just followed it—I’m sorry.” She saw some of the minor scratches on her arms and a small cut on her cheek.

She felt a warm presence in her pocket as she also procured a coin. She wondered if she should use the coin Swir had given her.
He noticed Lisette on the floor and another girl vanished, she had small cuts on her arm and cheek, when Lisette saw him she pulled herself up. Alba quickly rushed to her side as she started weeping.

"Calm down Lisette. You look like a mess now." He pulled out a bottle of water and cleaned her wounds.