Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
Tutorial Quest 1 [Evaluated]
Title: Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost!
Sponsor: Adventure's Guild
Location: Scribel Region
Required Level: 1
Tag List:
Objectives: Locate Adventurer's Guild ; Find Out Where I Am ; Survive my First Day
Description: Arriving in a brand new world always comes with culture shock.
Come visit the Adventurer's Guild! We're experts on dealing with Otherworlders.
If we can't answer your questions, at least we can point you in the right direction!
You'll definitely survive your first day without a problem... probably!

Money: N/A

Vesper, a young member of the Luan Bird Race, has finally arrived at Western Hemisphere's Scribel Region, home to the Adventure's Guild. The youth came from the Eastern continents, a place populated by the Oriental Ethnic Races and their own mystical beasts. The young Luan has been a curious young chick and now that he's old enough, Vesper decide to visit the outside world.

He asked around and finally found some fellow adventurers who pointed him in the right direction. As a member of the mystical Luan Race, language is naturally not a barrier he can use his divine sense. When he arrived, Vesper stop before the building and felt impressed as he gaze at the building itself. When he looked enough, he entered in happy steps.

(Divine Sense is a XianXia term. It's related to the soul and kind of like the 6th sense)

Vesper approached the front desk and rest his arms in the counter, looking at the reception lady with a cheerful expression. He girnned and greeted her politely. "Hello, miss. I'm Vesper of the Luan Race," Vesper introduced himself then continued. "I'm new around here. Could you give me some pointers?"

The lady smiled and answered with a "Yes."

"Do you know where I am?" Vesper asked, "Also I want some pointers to survive my first day here."

The reception lady told they are at Scribel City located in the Scribel Region. He can find the shops for all purpose at the Shopping district and housings at the tavern or buy a house if enough money. If going on quest, North Scribel Forest or Gem's Ravine is where many of the quuest are.

Vesper listened quietly and thanked her when she finished speaking. He asked for a map of the region and walked out of the building with it

Ice Mage Vesper - Power Level 4
Age19ClassIce ElementalistMoney2G

Vesper is positive and proud youth like most of his kins. He's also rather two faced, showing a positive to people who he just met or hardly knows and shows his friends and family a rather annoyingly arrogant person. He's adaptive and can read situations and knows when to retreat, a useful survival skill.
Vesper, a name that means the Evening Star, is born of the Luan Race. A bird race with similarities to the phoenix and born with the innate ability to control ice.

He grew up loving music which he occasionally use to control beasts and puppets with his white jade flute. A form of puppeting from his homeland. As a member of his race, Vesper is exceptional with the ice element.
Ice ManipulationThe ability to control and manipulate ice to his very imagination
Music PuppetingUsing musical instruments channeled with mana to control beasts and puppets
Archery ProficiencyExceptional ability with the bow and arrow
Divine SenseAn all purpose soul like part of all human, just some knows it's existence some don't. It can be a spatial storage, the size depend on your mental powers. It can also be used for out of body travels, communicate search your surroundings, and if you have the ability, invade other's minds. (Action not recommended as it can result in fatal injuries if your divine sense is attacked in the progress)
Flying SwordMainly used as an aerial transportation tool, it can be also used to attack enemies in form of flying swords. Attack moves are controlled by user's soul, divine sense, spiritual energy or mana power.
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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
Tutorial Quest 2: Please Don't Starve [Evaluated]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find food.
  • Hope it is safe to eat.
  • Don't get diarrhea.
Have you ever wondered?
A cthulhu walks into the market and purchases a mysterious meat from a lizardman butcher.
Is it edible? Can you eat it? Will you die if you nibble on a piece?
I hope you're not too hungry...
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
Vesper walked out of the Guild Building with the map in hand. He head towards Market Square, fumbling with his spatial ring while thinking about what to buy. When Vesper reached the market square, he looks around in excitement. A ready to eat expression on his face to show the gluttonous person he is.

He first stopped at an exotic fruits and vegetables stall and scan the piles of strange fruits and vegetables. Vesper even spotted some of his favorite from the stall. Dragon fruits, taro, purple yam, the strong smelling spiky durian, papayas, rambutans, lychee, and persimmons. He bought all that he likes and put them in one of the spatial rings purposed for food and drinks. Than he continued on.

He went on to find a bakery and head in in hoping steps. Vesper purchased a rainbow crepe cake, several flans, and a box of egg tarts. Next, he bought lamb and beef slices from a raw meat store, various seafood from a seafood market, and seaweed from a supermarket. Everything cost him 50 coins in total.
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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018

Office Work
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a (start) (end)


Leti worked the night shift filing completed, semi completed, etc quest reports into the container each report is supposed to be in.
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2019
> > >
Missing Children
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Check the "Missing Persons" list at the guild.
  • Search for and locate a missing child.
  • If alive, rescue and reunite them with their family.
The streets of Scribel aren't always the safest place.
Children are known to go missing without notice.
What happened to them? Did they get lost? Abducted? Attacked by a monster?
The parents demand that a search party be formed.
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: 30 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Children are the future. Without children, there is no future, and who controls the children controls the future.

At least that is what some would say. Those that grow old - as opposed to me - and thus are lower than I am for my future depends on myself and no one else. But with that said, children are valued greatly and important for the future of essentially everyone except for me. What better way to display how great I am than returning their future to them? With that line of thought, I take this quest.

The very first thing I do is head to the "Missing Persons" list and create a mental map of the city and note all the places where people have disappeared along with traits about the persons that went missing. From that on I create areas based on common traits to identify the areas where children regularly go missing. After comparing them I decide on one where children with similar traits go missing almost exactly every 30 days. It seems like the work of a single person doing it for personal reasons. And just a few days ago, a child went missing there again. That is my target.

The first thing to do is check leads. I get the address of the family from the notice and visit their house. It's a rather shabby one in a somewhat dilapidated area of the city and a quite hard wooden door, which I discover as I rap my hand against it. A distressed-looking woman opens the door, looking at me with teary eyes.

"Madam, I want to look for your missing son. Is there anything you can tell me?"

She breaks into tears - both of relief and grief I'd guess - and starts telling me everything she knows about her son's disappearance.

1 hour and 22 minutes later I am in the street where the boy's presumed last known location was. A quick round of questioning stall owners does indeed reveal that the boy was here. I keep asking regulars of the street, getting sporadic accounts of having seen him and places. The fact that the disappearance was a few days ago comes to my advantage here as the boy was rather well known by the regulars here, and so I manage to pinpoint the street where he disappeared.

From the few alleys that lead away from it and where they lead I quickly manage to single out one alley, as the others are either in open view or only connect to other busy streets. So I take note of the alley and return to the office and, after a discussion weighing the privacy of civilians and the importance of a child's life against one another, manage to receive a list of the inhabitants of those houses. A comparison of their work times and the time of the child's disappearance grants me a list of 5 main suspects.

With these suspects in mind, I return to the street and question the stall owners again, but this time about the suspects. This allows me to quickly narrow down the list to a single person. Some additional poking around reveals a few discrepancies in his behavior and expenses. With these matters as points of suspicion, I demand and receive permission to search the man's house from the guild.

With the permission safely stashed I return to the alley. At this point in time, the suspect doesn't seem to be at home - a shame, I could have restrained him through force had he resisted. The door isn't enchanted, so I use my transmutation magic to bend the lock open and stroll inside. With the official blueprint of the house registered in my mind, I walk through the rooms and compare the space with the official layout. A quick scan confirms that there are no discrepancies - but unwilling to admit defeat I continue searching, this time looking for an illegal cellar.

And indeed, after 12 minutes, I do find a hidden trapdoor leading down. A quick application of transmutation opens this lock as well and I climb down a ladder, down into the dark.

It's a rather bloody scene down there. It seems like the suspect indeed abducted the boy - but it seems like I was early enough so that no serious harm or torture was done. However, the psychological shock to the boy still seems to be substantial. He is shivering in a corner, trying to hide but is chained to a pillar in the middle of the cellar with an iron chain.

"Don't worry, I am here to save you," I tell him as I approach and transmute the shackle around his foot to release him, then quickly pull him away, the shackle returning to its normal state without his foot inside. After scooping the boy up in my arms I proceed to carry him out of the house. But before I can leave, the suspect enters the house. So I place the boy in a room, and whisper to him:

"Hush, cover your ears and close your eyes. You will be safe soon."

With that said I leave the room and reveal myself to the suspect. Realizing that I must have found out about his secret, the tall man shouts in rage and rushes towards me, trying to overwhelm me with his size and muscle.

Threat detected. Pausing simulation of human personality. Equip brass knuckles. Shift to the right. While moving, punch target's left arm and solar plexus. Target staggered. Punch head. Still standing. Punch head again. Still standing. Punch head again. Target drops to the ground. Kick head. Target confirmed unconscious. Resuming simulation of human personality.

Well, that went better than expected. The fool stood no chance against me. I stash my bloody brass knuckles before looking down at my now bloodstained clothes and frown. That is going to be a pain to clean. Let's hope it won't bother the boy or his family. Or the civilians I pass. I could seize a coat from the culprit's home, but that would be illegal as I don't have permission for that. So I will just have to hope for the best.

I return to the boy, who of course did not cover his ears or close his eyes. In fact, he watched the whole thing and seems happy about the culprit's suffering. He might require a specialist's care after this in order to return to a normal state of mind. But he is safe now.

With that done I carry the boy through the city, getting startled and confused stares along the way but when I say that I rescued the boy from a violent abductor, they are much less suspicious. Finally reaching the boy's house, I return him to his relieved family before I return to the guild, hand in my report along with the recommendation to give psychological care to the boy, and then get to cleaning the blood off my clothes.
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Oct 21, 2019
> > >

Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost! (NOT YET APPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Figure out where the heck you are.
  • Locate the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Survive your first day.
Arriving in a brand new world always comes with culture shock.
Come visit the Adventurer's Guild! We're experts on dealing with Otherworlders.
If we can't answer your questions, at least we can point you in the right direction!
You'll definitely survive your first day without a problem... probably!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Shimura, no last name. I was one of the farmer near the Scribel City. I never thought that I would be an adventurer too. But here I am, ready and waiting to be an adventurer!

Well... This is my first quest as an adventurer. So, I'll try to answer the questions.

My cousin lives here, as a fruit seller. I told him of my plight, and he suggested for me to help him manning the stall. But! I have grander dream, grander than being a fruit seller. I want to journey to the end of the world, slaying dragons and learning ancient magic, discover secrets of the ancient tomb, et cetera et cetera. So, I told him, that I want to become an adventurer.

He was skeptical. But he told me the location of adventurer guild. So here I am, at the adventurer guild. As for survival for the first day, I've already secured my lodging with him. And I don't think I will do something dangerous this soon. Maybe the most I can do for today is to complete the remaining "Tutorial" quest?

Anyway, that's the report from me.


Points: 35 EXP
OOC:Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.
OOC: Sense you posted so many reports I'm not going to bother putting up my usual blurbs.


Oct 21, 2019
> > >

Please Don't Starve (Together) (NOT YET APPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find food.
  • Hope it is safe to eat.
  • Don't get diarrhea.
Have you ever wondered?
A cthulhu walks into the market and purchases a mysterious meat from a lizardman butcher.
Is it edible? Can you eat it? Will you die if you nibble on a piece?
I hope you're not too hungry...
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Shimura here. Like my previous report, I've been lodging with my cousin, who is a fruit seller. So, I've find food? Anyways, My uncle's wife is really a great cook. I've been served a rice with smoked chicken, and let me tell you, it was really tasty. Better than everything I've made. I think I've fallen in love. With her cooking, of course.

As for diarrhea, I don't think she's that malicious? Are adventurers often get diarrhea on their first day, that this become a warning?

Anyway, that's all from me.


Points: 35 EXP
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Oct 21, 2019
> > >
Um, where can I get a toothbrush? (NOT YET APPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Realize that you are unable to maintain a routine from your old life.
  • Find a solution to get around it... or not.
The culture shock continues!
Do they sell bath soap here? Underwear?
What am I going to do without my quantum teleporter?
OMG, my mana-phone is going to run out of battery! :blob_upset:
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Right, I feel like this is really silly. I've decided to be an adventurer. I was a farmer previously, but I think any daily necessity can be found at the market. You know, where my cousin works. Other than getting a weapon, which seem really costly. I've brought a knife as my weapon though.

The adventurer from another world is really wondrous, that they have some implements like toothbrush (which I guess, used to brush the tooth?), mana phone, quantum teleporter, and maybe a lot of things which I don't know what it does.

I'm thinking that I should do it, too. getting my teeth brushed. Now that I'm an adventurer. I'll ask my uncle later if he knows the location one can get toothbrush.

Anyway, other than no more farm work... I guess I should get familiar with taking jobs like this huh. Solution for that is to get more job, of course. Which I will take on Adventurer Guild.

That's the end of my report.


Points: 35 EXP
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Oct 21, 2019
> > >

I'm not homeless, am I? (NOT YET APPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somewhere to sleep.
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

I know you must be tired reading this. I am tired too, writing this.

Well... I've been living with my cousin. I'll be spending my first night tonight at their home. I hope I don't intrude on their home life, though. Young couple and all.

That's all, I guess.


Points: 35 EXP
OOC:Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Oct 21, 2019
> > >
Making a Friend™ (NOT YET APPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somebody you can actually talk to without punching a friend!
  • Discover the wonderful magic of friendship! :blob_happy:
It's tough to be stuck in a strange universe far away from home.
It's even tougher if you're here without anybody you know.
Make a friend, and maybe things will get easier? :sweating_profusely:
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

My hand is really tired writing this. Anyway, I am not actually that far from my old home. I'm actually living here with my cousin right now. So... for friend, can my cousin's wife count? Well, if that doesn't count, there's a cute girl, around 16 I guess, who was manning the stall next to my cousin's. Her name is Isara. Well, since my cousin heard of my tale, he introduced me to her.

She is a pretty girl, I guess. If you want, I can sketch her face.

Pretty cute, right?

Well, that's all from me


  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: n/a
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Oct 21, 2019
> > >
Cooking Rations (NOT YET APPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

Alright, Since writing those quest report before did not take a long time, I choose my first real quest. That is, making rations! I've made smoked meat and cheese before. Though, I don't know what I will make when I took this quest.

The ration in question is called hardtack. It needs two essential ingredients (flour and water), and additional ingredient like salt. To make, all you do is add water, a little at a time to flour, (start with 2 cups flour) and add just enough water to create dough, of course if you do add too much water just add more flour. You are not making bread so you would not knead the mixture. It just needs to be pliable enough to press out and cut into squares or circles or frankly whatever shape you want. Use a floured rolling pin to roll out the dough, roll to about six tenth centimetre thickness. Preheat your oven to 121°C.

Cut all pieces to the same size so they cook evenly. The color of the biscuits when it is done is kind of yellowish(?). After that, you need to use a wooden rule as a guide for cutting by laying it across the dough as you cut into squares. Then, the next step you need to do is to bake it at 121°C for two hours, turn it over, and bake it again for two hours. Once done, you just need to cool it in a rack and place it in a sealed container.

So, I've made 40 rations. They are really, really bland. Perhaps I should try to sneak something like honey?

That's all I've reported.


  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
OOC:Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.
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Oct 21, 2019
> > >

Cooking Rations (NOT YET APPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

Today, I made hardtacks once again. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice to say, I've made another 40 rations. It is a truly easy recipe to follow.

Hmm... what should I say? Well. How about telling you how my day went? I've dreamed to be an author long ago, you know. I frequented the small library in my village, some of them telling the tales of slaying dragons and saving beautiful princess. I want to make a journal of my own story. But, well... life happens, and I had to become a farmer following my dad's footsteps. Now, I'm starting over my dream of being an adventurer, wish me luck, okay?

Let's see, the day begin with me hearing my cousin and his wife in the middle of a romp. I left hurriedly, and went to the adventurer guild, and looked at the quest board. I was honestly not sure what to take back then. I never had combat experience. So, I ignored the slime subjugation quest back then. Doing the harvest season quest would lead me to her, and I don't want to meet her for right now.

Repairing damage... No. I don't want to go out yet honestly. It's all over the scribel region, okay. So I dismissed it from consideration.

About night watch, it was morning when I arrived at the guild, why would I take that?

Anyway, the ones in my consideration are Office Work, Cooking ration, and It's time to be a maid. Those three seems to be in my capability to do. Well. I took cooking ration quest once again. Maybe I'll do it once again. Though, I don't know what would I do with the privilege.

I went to the kitchen. There, I greet the chef. After that, I went and mix the flour and water like yesterday, and make rations. You can check with the chef if you don't believe it.

So, after I've done making my rations, I gave my thanks to the chef and left, and I submitted this report here. Pretty uneventful, I know. But uneventful means good, right?

That's all for today, I guess.


Well done.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
OOC:Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.
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Oct 21, 2019
He felt really embarassed, shouting like that in the tavern. He swore to himself, that he would rank up quickly and not do something as embarassing as that once again.

With that determination, he went to the guild, and took "Office Work" quest.

> > >

  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >


Yesterday was my first day as a clerk. As I submitted the quest request, I was shoved (not literally, of course) to the archives. It seemed that the bandit activity near the main road to Asteria village was rising. I was tasked to make a copy of the quests in that region in the last month for someone to analyze.

"Hey, miss receptionist. I want to submit today's job. Where should I report?"

The clerk took his form from his hand. She read the form, and said. "Here."

"Okay... So, what should I do?"

"Follow me." The clerk said.


"Master archivist, he's yours."

"Ah, a new help? Thank you Eina."

The woman went back, while he was left with the elf in front of him.

Huge. He involuntarily thought. He refocused himself, looking at the elf in the eyes.

"Alright, I want you to read the quest report in these two boxes, and make a note of any mention of bandit in the western region." The elf said, as she brought forth two boxes.

He immediately did his job with gusto, trying to banish the appearance of the elf from his mind.


After I was done, someone then gave me another task. I had to liaison to the city guard barrack and merchant guild, as one of the adventurer requested the city guard to accompany them to the Asteria village. Since the bandit activity was rising, the guard office accepted the request with no fuss, promising some of theirs to accompany the adventurer.



"Yes, miss. Here are the quests that fit the criteria."

"Alright, you are dismissed. Thank you for your work today."

As he went out of the archive's door, he encountered receptionist Eina again. The girl then pulled him to the department of liaison.

The liaison officer was a man in his thirties.

"Eina! You're a lifesaver!" The man exclaimed as Shimura arrived. Then, he shoved some letters onto him.

"Alright, I want you to send this one to the merchant guild", he pointed out to the left one, "and that one to the guard office before noon. Now go go go!"

He ran, panting as he arrived at both destination.

Then, I had to go back and forth between the alchemist guild and adventurer guild. Somebody requested the adventurer guild to provide more healing potion for the war somewhere. It was scary, honestly. To think the war was so close to this place. Anyway, someone was using the war as a pretext to raise the prices of healing potions there. Since the healing potion there is in short supply, the Adventurer guild promised their branch there to send more healing potions.

It was afternoon when I was done with the liaison. After I was done with the work, I went back and submitted this report.


Everything looks good, here's your reward.
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
OOC:Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Oct 21, 2019
> > >

Cooking Rations (UNAPPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

It was his third time attempting cooking rations. He arrived at the guild at 9 AM and went directly to the kitchen after he submitted the request.

It seemed like that day, he was really lucky.

There was another beginner that took this quest with him. The girl asked him to teach her. As it was pretty easy, he helped her with her job first, taking care in instructing her to make the rations. The girl, named Alicia, had promised to meet at the tavern after the job was done. After she had entered the ration into the oven, he then focused on making his own.

She went out first, saying goodbye to him. He then baked his own ration. After 4 hours, it was done and he asked the chef to confirm it.

Then, he went back.

This is my third time attempting this quest. As usual, I mixed the flour with water, cut them into square pieces and baked them twice, two hours each. With that method, I made 40 rations as requested. Confirmation of completed job can be asked to chef Rordon.


Looks like you have permission to use the guild kitchen now.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
OOC:Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Oct 21, 2019
Quest - Evaluation Needed
> > >
Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost!
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Figure out where the heck you are.
  • Locate the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Survive your first day.
Arriving in a brand new world always comes with culture shock.
Come visit the Adventurer's Guild! We're experts on dealing with Otherworlders.
If we can't answer your questions, at least we can point you in the right direction!
You'll definitely survive your first day without a problem... probably!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

[Iris POV]

Hungry..... cold..... drip.... drip.....



Bright..... Hope?.....




Where....... I...........? Green............

I..... tired..... sound.... near?.....

Green.... die..... stare... die......

Air.... fast.... light..... person?..... light.... fast......

Stare..... die?.... same.... same.... die.... kick... hurt... kick... punch... hurt....

Useless.... cursed......

Useless.... cursed......

Useless.... cursed......

Useless.... cursed......




Air.... light.... carry? ..... person.... same..... die......

Cell.... person.... lie..... soft..... stare.... stare.... tired.....




[Reival POV]

With her registration out of the way, I might as well have her "try" to perform some tasks. I suppose the newly guides will do for her. I took multiple quests quest on her behalf and we immediately went to "work" or so I wanted to....

I can't have her looking like a mess so I brought the only spare clothes I have we both went to the nearest river outside the city. Once we reached the nearest natural water source, I confirmed that no one else is nearby and only then did I realize... I'm gonna have to bathe her... which means... I'll see her naked... No wait! wait! WAIT! She can't possibly not know how to bathe.... right? I turn to face her and she listlessly stares at me with those deadpan eyes.

Sigh... I guess we'll find out.

"Bare yourself and rinse of the muck that gathered."

I said but she still stands at the same place unmoving whilst listlessly staring at me. Sigh... ofcourse it's come to this. No wait, I should say it in an informal way then maybe....

"Take off your clothes and clean your body."


Same reaction..... nothing. Sigh........ I don't have a choice huh? I approach her and take off her dirty rag.

Calm.... I am calm... ok.... I glance at her body and to my shock, she is thin. Extremely thin that I can even see her bones and ribs outside from her body. Limbs so thin I'm afraid I might easily snap her in half. All my tension vanished from such a sight that I can feel pity for her, but now is not the time for that. I gently guide her to take a sit in the river, from there I bathe her as carefully as I can.

Needless to say.... It was a bit awkward to me... but I guess it was necessary.

Now that she is wearing a simple white yunic with long brown pants, she is more or less now presentable with all muck and grit gone from her whole body.

With this problem away, we both went to "work" and explored the city.

Greeting to you Guild

I have taken an acquaintance and since will be taking quest together from henceforth. As she is of a "special" condition and lack of vocabulary, I shall be representing her until she is able to do so and chooses to do so for herself. Until then, I will accompany her on her quests.

As for the task at hand today, we have scoured the city and have taken of such establishments in the city.

At service to you, Lancer Reival along with Lady Iris

Iris pre-story encounter
Points: 35 EXP
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Oct 21, 2019
Tutorial Quest 1 [Evaluation Needed]
Title: Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost!
Sponsor: Adventure's Guild
Location: Scribel Region
Required Level: 1
Tag List:
Objectives: Locate Adventurer's Guild ; Find Out Where I Am ; Survive my First Day
Description: Arriving in a brand new world always comes with culture shock.
Come visit the Adventurer's Guild! We're experts on dealing with Otherworlders.
If we can't answer your questions, at least we can point you in the right direction!
You'll definitely survive your first day without a problem... probably!

Money: N/A

Vesper, a young member of the Luan Bird Race, has finally arrived at Western Hemisphere's Scribel Region, home to the Adventure's Guild. The youth came from the Eastern continents, a place populated by the Oriental Ethnic Races and their own mystical beasts. The young Luan has been a curious young chick and now that he's old enough, Vesper decide to visit the outside world.

He asked around and finally found some fellow adventurers who pointed him in the right direction. As a member of the mystical Luan Race, language is naturally not a barrier he can use his divine sense. When he arrived, Vesper stop before the building and felt impressed as he gaze at the building itself. When he looked enough, he entered in happy steps.

(Divine Sense is a XianXia term. It's related to the soul and kind of like the 6th sense)

Vesper approached the front desk and rest his arms in the counter, looking at the reception lady with a cheerful expression. He girnned and greeted her politely. "Hello, miss. I'm Vesper of the Luan Race," Vesper introduced himself then continued. "I'm new around here. Could you give me some pointers?"

The lady smiled and answered with a "Yes."

"Do you know where I am?" Vesper asked, "Also I want some pointers to survive my first day here."

The reception lady told they are at Scribel City located in the Scribel Region. He can find the shops for all purpose at the Shopping district and housings at the tavern or buy a house if enough money. If going on quest, North Scribel Forest or Gem's Ravine is where many of the quuest are.

Vesper listened quietly and thanked her when she finished speaking. He asked for a map of the region and walked out of the building with it

Ice Mage Vesper - Power Level 4
Age19ClassIce ElementalistMoney2G

Vesper is positive and proud youth like most of his kins. He's also rather two faced, showing a positive to people who he just met or hardly knows and shows his friends and family a rather annoyingly arrogant person. He's adaptive and can read situations and knows when to retreat, a useful survival skill.
Vesper, a name that means the Evening Star, is born of the Luan Race. A bird race with similarities to the phoenix and born with the innate ability to control ice.

He grew up loving music which he occasionally use to control beasts and puppets with his white jade flute. A form of puppeting from his homeland. As a member of his race, Vesper is exceptional with the ice element.
Ice ManipulationThe ability to control and manipulate ice to his very imagination
Music PuppetingUsing musical instruments channeled with mana to control beasts and puppets
Archery ProficiencyExceptional ability with the bow and arrow
Divine SenseAn all purpose soul like part of all human, just some knows it's existence some don't. It can be a spatial storage, the size depend on your mental powers. It can also be used for out of body travels, communicate search your surroundings, and if you have the ability, invade other's minds. (Action not recommended as it can result in fatal injuries if your divine sense is attacked in the progress)
Flying SwordMainly used as an aerial transportation tool, it can be also used to attack enemies in form of flying swords. Attack moves are controlled by user's soul, divine sense, spiritual energy or mana power.
Welcome to the guild Vesper.
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Oct 21, 2019
Tutorial Quest 2: Please Don't Starve [Evaluation Needed]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find food.
  • Hope it is safe to eat.
  • Don't get diarrhea.
Have you ever wondered?
A cthulhu walks into the market and purchases a mysterious meat from a lizardman butcher.
Is it edible? Can you eat it? Will you die if you nibble on a piece?
I hope you're not too hungry...
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
Vesper walked out of the Guild Building with the map in hand. He head towards Market Square, fumbling with his spatial ring while thinking about what to buy. When Vesper reached the market square, he looks around in excitement. A ready to eat expression on his face to show the gluttonous person he is.

He first stopped at an exotic fruits and vegetables stall and scan the piles of strange fruits and vegetables. Vesper even spotted some of his favorite from the stall. Dragon fruits, taro, purple yam, the strong smelling spiky durian, papayas, rambutans, lychee, and persimmons. He bought all that he likes and put them in one of the spatial rings purposed for food and drinks. Than he continued on.

He went on to find a bakery and head in in hoping steps. Vesper purchased a rainbow crepe cake, several flans, and a box of egg tarts. Next, he bought lamb and beef slices from a raw meat store, various seafood from a seafood market, and seaweed from a supermarket. Everything cost him 50 coins in total.
Points: 35 EXP
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OOC: I'm to lazy to come up with something to say to this.


Oct 21, 2019
UNAPPRAISED (start) (end)


Leti worked the night shift filing completed, semi completed, etc quest reports into the container each report is supposed to be in.
Well done here's your reward.
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
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Oct 21, 2019
QUEST REPORT: Unappraised

Children are the future. Without children, there is no future, and who controls the children controls the future.

At least that is what some would say. Those that grow old - as opposed to me - and thus are lower than I am for my future depends on myself and no one else. But with that said, children are valued greatly and important for the future of essentially everyone except for me. What better way to display how great I am than returning their future to them? With that line of thought, I take this quest.

The very first thing I do is head to the "Missing Persons" list and create a mental map of the city and note all the places where people have disappeared along with traits about the persons that went missing. From that on I create areas based on common traits to identify the areas where children regularly go missing. After comparing them I decide on one where children with similar traits go missing almost exactly every 30 days. It seems like the work of a single person doing it for personal reasons. And just a few days ago, a child went missing there again. That is my target.

The first thing to do is check leads. I get the address of the family from the notice and visit their house. It's a rather shabby one in a somewhat dilapidated area of the city and a quite hard wooden door, which I discover as I rap my hand against it. A distressed-looking woman opens the door, looking at me with teary eyes.

"Madam, I want to look for your missing son. Is there anything you can tell me?"

She breaks into tears - both of relief and grief I'd guess - and starts telling me everything she knows about her son's disappearance.

1 hour and 22 minutes later I am in the street where the boy's presumed last known location was. A quick round of questioning stall owners does indeed reveal that the boy was here. I keep asking regulars of the street, getting sporadic accounts of having seen him and places. The fact that the disappearance was a few days ago comes to my advantage here as the boy was rather well known by the regulars here, and so I manage to pinpoint the street where he disappeared.

From the few alleys that lead away from it and where they lead I quickly manage to single out one alley, as the others are either in open view or only connect to other busy streets. So I take note of the alley and return to the office and, after a discussion weighing the privacy of civilians and the importance of a child's life against one another, manage to receive a list of the inhabitants of those houses. A comparison of their work times and the time of the child's disappearance grants me a list of 5 main suspects.

With these suspects in mind, I return to the street and question the stall owners again, but this time about the suspects. This allows me to quickly narrow down the list to a single person. Some additional poking around reveals a few discrepancies in his behavior and expenses. With these matters as points of suspicion, I demand and receive permission to search the man's house from the guild.

With the permission safely stashed I return to the alley. At this point in time, the suspect doesn't seem to be at home - a shame, I could have restrained him through force had he resisted. The door isn't enchanted, so I use my transmutation magic to bend the lock open and stroll inside. With the official blueprint of the house registered in my mind, I walk through the rooms and compare the space with the official layout. A quick scan confirms that there are no discrepancies - but unwilling to admit defeat I continue searching, this time looking for an illegal cellar.

And indeed, after 12 minutes, I do find a hidden trapdoor leading down. A quick application of transmutation opens this lock as well and I climb down a ladder, down into the dark.

It's a rather bloody scene down there. It seems like the suspect indeed abducted the boy - but it seems like I was early enough so that no serious harm or torture was done. However, the psychological shock to the boy still seems to be substantial. He is shivering in a corner, trying to hide but is chained to a pillar in the middle of the cellar with an iron chain.

"Don't worry, I am here to save you," I tell him as I approach and transmute the shackle around his foot to release him, then quickly pull him away, the shackle returning to its normal state without his foot inside. After scooping the boy up in my arms I proceed to carry him out of the house. But before I can leave, the suspect enters the house. So I place the boy in a room, and whisper to him:

"Hush, cover your ears and close your eyes. You will be safe soon."

With that said I leave the room and reveal myself to the suspect. Realizing that I must have found out about his secret, the tall man shouts in rage and rushes towards me, trying to overwhelm me with his size and muscle.

Threat detected. Pausing simulation of human personality. Equip brass knuckles. Shift to the right. While moving, punch target's left arm and solar plexus. Target staggered. Punch head. Still standing. Punch head again. Still standing. Punch head again. Target drops to the ground. Kick head. Target confirmed unconscious. Resuming simulation of human personality.

Well, that went better than expected. The fool stood no chance against me. I stash my bloody brass knuckles before looking down at my now bloodstained clothes and frown. That is going to be a pain to clean. Let's hope it won't bother the boy or his family. Or the civilians I pass. I could seize a coat from the culprit's home, but that would be illegal as I don't have permission for that. So I will just have to hope for the best.

I return to the boy, who of course did not cover his ears or close his eyes. In fact, he watched the whole thing and seems happy about the culprit's suffering. He might require a specialist's care after this in order to return to a normal state of mind. But he is safe now.

With that done I carry the boy through the city, getting startled and confused stares along the way but when I say that I rescued the boy from a violent abductor, they are much less suspicious. Finally reaching the boy's house, I return him to his relieved family before I return to the guild, hand in my report along with the recommendation to give psychological care to the boy, and then get to cleaning the blood off my clothes.
At this point I'm not really surprised by the way you do things anymore.
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: 30 G
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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
I arrived at the tavern's kitchen and started cooking again, being used to what it entailed I cooked till I finished at mid-day, Where I started organizing the rations I cooked so they would be handed over to the cook lady "Here are the rations!" "Thanks for the hard work." the lady took the rations from me and stored it somewhere else before coming back "Here's a note from me, Oh when you return you can use the kitchens if you'd like, just bring your own ingredients and make sure not to damage any equipment." I nodded and left to the receptionist's desk, I'm going shopping today!
Last edited:


Oct 21, 2019

I arrived at the tavern's kitchen and started cooking again, being used to what it entailed I cooked till I finished at mid-day, Where I started organizing the rations I cooked so they would be handed over to the cook lady "Here are the rations!" "Thanks for the hard work." the lady took the rations from me and stored it somewhere else before coming back "Here's a note from me, Oh when you return you can use the kitchens if you'd like, just bring your own ingredients and make sure not to damage any equipment." I nodded and left to the receptionist's desk, I'm going shopping today!
Have fun shopping.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
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