Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Report for Quest: Prison Guard Duty
: Adventurer's Guild

Name: Randell Stephenson
Method of completion: I am a paranoid person. If you're going to be a crafting adventurer, it pays to be paranoid. You have only what you prepare to fight with, so it is important to think of any situation that may occur.
I suppose that's why I was lucky tonight.
When I accepted this quest, I made sure to properly prepare. I had multiple health potions on my person, my dagger, and some items that may induce paralysis.
The cell I was told to guard contained two men. One was tall and well built. The other was also tall, but not nearly as strong. He was however, in a word, handsome. The two of them were on opposite sides of the cell, and they spent most of the time silently staring at one another, sometimes engaging in conversation.
It was an hour into my shift that the trouble began. The argument between the two had been slowly getting more heated until the handsome on punched the strong one. The strong one fought back, and then the two were fighting hard. I realized I needed to take of this before they did any serious damage to each other, so I quickly ran inside and did my best to pull the two apart.
Actually, I didn't. I'm not stupid.
I called for reinforcements first before taking action. I took out my paralysis potion and vaporized it across the cell. The two of them didn't notice at first. I entered the cell once I had done so, and the two of them immediately set themselves upon me. This turned out to be rather foolish of them, as it barely took more than a minute for the numbing to render them unable to fight effectively.
Once I had both of them rendered unconscious, the other guards finally arrived. Once we healed the two of them up, we moved them to separate cells and I spent the rest of my shift guarding the handsome man. He didn't give me any more trouble. After my shift, I reported back here.
"It's great that everything went alright despite that something had happened."

Rewards: 60 EXP, 10 G
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report

Waking up as soon as the sun set, Liana got dressed and washed her face. Feeling hungry from not having a 'meal' for 2 days, the new-born vampire licked her lips as she pondered over whether to order a blue steak again, or to risk finding a live source to 'nibble' on. Not wanting to have to deal with Hejlikka for the third night in a row and possibly attack her for her truly delicious blood, Liana thought to look at the quest board and see if there was anything else she could do since she had the feeling Guard Captain Harrison would still be unwilling to let her work in the prison again.

Leaving her room and locking the door, she noticed what appeared to be a male elf kneeling in front of the door next to hers with some metal tools in his hands at the door lock.



They both looked at each other for a few seconds before the male elf smiled awkwardly and got up and scratched the back of his head, "Hahaha, I left my key with my girlfriend and it seems she locked the door behind her and fell asleep, so I couldn't get back in. I'd tell the staff, but I don't want to wake her up. Gods knows how wrathful she'd be if I interrupted her beauty sleep, hahaha..."

"...I see." Liana replied in a detached tone, not really caring about what he was saying due to the sweet scent wafting off him. "Are all elves tasty?" She thought to herself as she left the man and headed downstairs, walked through the already noisy tavern and left for the guild quest board.

Reading through the quests, she saw one that seemed interesting, plus it would give her the excuse of finding some 'food' along the way. Taking the quest off the board, she went got the report from the receptionist at the guild, read through it, took the room key and then quickly left before Hejlikka could see her.

Not inspecting the room key for the moment, Liana thought to look for some adventurers she'd met while doing her customer service quests. Walking through the city streets, she found some of them and asked them how they were doing before subtly asking if they'd heard of a Level 3 adventurer called Claire since she'd left the guild before getting her reward from the receptionist. None of them seemed to have heard of her, and so she left it at that and said bye to them after asking them how their own quests had been going.

After walking around for a few hours with no results, she decided to inspect the key that Claire was found in possession of. Looking at it carefully, she noticed how it was very similar to her own tavern key. Thinking that she'd found a clue to grasp on, she made her way back to the tavern and looked for the least busy maid.

"You found this key on the side of the road? Let me check who it belongs to." The maid put down the empty drinks tray she'd been carrying, wiped her hands on her apron, and went over to the logbook to check who owned the key. Running her finger down the pages, she eventually stopped on a name and tapped it several times. "Ah, this belongs to Claire! Such a sweet girl and so talented at making potions."

"...Making potions? Is she an alchemist, then?" Liana asked in a detached tone as she desperately tried to hold off the instinct to pounce on the nearby obese human drinking heavily and feed on him.

The maid giggled at the question, "Hahaha! No, she's an adventurer. A talented one, too. She joined about a few weeks ago and is already Level 3 in the guild. In fact, just a few days ago she left to go foraging for herbs to make more potions. Oh! She also got a boyfriend recently: an elf, I believe."

"...Oh? Is he an adventurer, too?"

"Hmm, I don't think he is. He tends to prefer working with his tools, making various contraptions and trying to sell them in the market." The maid glanced around before leaning in and whispering, "If you ask me, I think she could do better. I hear he has a bad history with some not very nice people from a few decades ago."

"A few decades ago?" Liana slightly raised her eyebrows at that.

"Ah, don't you know? Elves can live for hundreds of years and age incredibly slowly after they reach their teens. Not to mention they all seem to be really good-looking, too. Ah~! I'm so jealous of Claire for getting such a good-looking boyfriend! Ah...but I wouldn't want someone with a questionable past." She looked a little embarrassed from her complaint.

"...I see. So, how did they end up meeting?" Liana tilted her head inquisitively, yet with a detached look on her face.

"Hmm, if I recall, they met while she was helping at the temple. He'd supposedly been stabbed by someone and she treated his wounds with her potions. Apparently it was love at first sight."


"Well, I believe Claire really did fall for him, but him? I highly doubt it. The way I see it, she was a meal ticket for him. I mean, they even share the same room but she's the one who pays the rent and owns the key. Ah, come to think of it I saw him earlier going upstairs, but then leaving after a few minutes with a big sack on his shoulders. I wonder what that was about..."

"...Out of Claire's room next to mine?"

"Hmm? Let me check." She flipped through the pages to the most recent one and found Liana's name. "Yes. How did you know?" The maid looked up in surprise.

"...I think I saw the boyfriend using some tools to unlock the door just before I left to do some work..."


The maid then closed the book, took the key and headed upstairs - with Liana following close behind. As they reached the room, the door was unlocked when the maid tried the handle. She pushed the door open to see a ransacked room. The drawers in the dresser were left slightly open with the clothes half hanging out and in a mess, the chest that had been used for personal storage had the padlock open and lying on the floor with the contents mostly gone. The alchemist equipment that Claire usually used for making potions was on the floor - with broken vials and bent metal tools.

"...This...this...this is terrible! I knew he was a good-for-nothing!" The maid looked angry and was ready to storm off to tell the tavern owner, however Liana grabbed her arm to stop her.

"We don't know if it was him. He might have come back, found the door locked without Claire there and chose to wait inside for her. Then, once he opened the door, he saw this and fled with his own stuff in fear." She said in a detached tone.

"..." The maid didn't really think that was the case, but chose to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Okay...but I still need to report this to the owner so we can explain things when Claire gets back....Oh...poor Claire..." She started crying as she tried to tidy up the mess a bit.

Thinking about her quest, Liana asked where the boyfriend might be found, to which the maid said he usually hung around the market or the forge areas. Having another clue to go on, she asked for the name of the boyfriend - which was Karl Jakobsson - and then left the tavern.

Walking in the direction of the forge areas after seeing some soot-covered blacksmiths coming from a certain street, Liana looked for any signs of the male elf she'd seen earlier that night. After an hour of walking around all of the different smithies and other industrial buildings, Liana got a whiff of blood in the wind and followed where it came from. After following the scent for a few minutes, the new-born spotted some dark puddles of liquid on the ground trailing towards a dark alley with the puddles increasing in size the further away from her they were.


Looking around to see if there was anyone else in the area, Liana stepped into the alley to find a body lying in a pool of cold and drying blood. Feeling an ache in her throat - as well as her fangs involuntarily lengthening - she could see it was a male elf barely breathing. Creeping closer with great restraint over her hunger, she asked, "Are you Karl Jakobsson?"

Seeing the woman's glowing red eyes in the dark alley, the male elf was alarmed but thought there was no point in being scared since he felt he wouldn't survive the next few minutes anyway. Nodding his head with great difficulty, he recognised the woman once she got close enough, "You're...hah...that...ngh...tavern...hah...neigh...bour...?"

Liana didn't answer as she continued her questioning, "Are you Claire's boyfriend?"

Karl's eyes widened at the mention of his girlfriend, before tearing up, "...I was...I doubt...hah...she's"

"What makes you think that?" Liana asked coldly - her fangs already digging into her lips and making a mess of them.

"...I don't...hah...deserve...good...things ngh...and hah...she thing...I hah...ever...had..." His breathing was getting more laboured as he struggled to speak; blood coming out of his mouth with every word he spoke.

Gulping hard with difficulty, Liana stuck to her task, "Who did this?"

"........................A flower...of metal...bright the sssssssun ngh....with thorns...full roots hah...digging..........deep..........................." He passed away from his many stab wounds as well as blood loss.

Not wanting to pass up a free 'meal', Liana knelt on the ground and greedily licked the blood like a starved animal. She then crawled towards Karl's open wounds and sucked the remaining red nectar before it dried up. Regaining her senses after a few minutes of sucking and swallowing, she released her mouth from the rapidly cooling body and wiped it on a dry patch of her prey's clothes. She then got up and patted down her clothes and legs to get rid of any dirt from when she was crawling.
She looked at Karl's corpse and pondered what to do next. Seeing as how she'd found out where Claire had lived - as well as that she had a boyfriend - and that she knew the tavern maid last saw her leaving the tavern saying she was going to collect some herbs for more potions. She then thought about how her boyfriend had died the same way that she had: multiple stab wounds, and that it was related to Karl's past affiliations most likely.

"A flower of metal as bright as the sun, with thorns full of malice and roots digging deep..." She muttered to herself as she recalled the male elf's final words, his answer for who did it. Not really knowing what to do about this supposed organisation, Liana decided to head back to the guild, making a mental note about where Karl's body was so it could be cleaned up by the city guards.
It was past dawn when she finally arrived at the guild, where she lethargically wrote her report and handed it in, her gold eyes looking weary once she finished writing. Wanting to go to sleep, as soon as the report was evaluated she hurried back to her tavern room - did her usual routine - then fell into a deep sleep.

  • Asked around the city for info on Claire, but nobody knew her
  • Found out she lived in the tavern
  • Found out she had an elf boyfriend with a questionable past
  • Found her room broken into and ransacked
  • Found whereabouts of boyfriend
  • Boyfriend was also stabbed like Claire and died shortly after being found
  • Before dying, boyfriend gave enigmatic answer to who killed him: 'A flower of metal as bright as the sun, with thorns full of malice and roots digging deep.'
[OOC: Don't know if I did this right. I also didn't know if it was okay to incorporate a bit of the Golden Rose into this, or not...
Sorry, if I've messed things up!

"Good job at finding the lead to the culprit. However, it seemed that the culprit this time is an underground organization, so you should be more careful next time around. After all, you wouldn't want to experience my journey, right?"

Rewards: 110 EXP, 25 G


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Rock Slide in the Tunnels
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Gelderholm Tunnels
  • Required Level: 8
  • Prerequisite: Repairing the Dikes
  • Go to the rock slide in the tunnels.
  • Clear the rubble and search for survivors.
  • Support soldiers trapped on the other side.
We have an urgent communication from a dwarven brigade fighting in the tunnels.
There was an explosion in the tunnel, and a rock slide blocked their exit.
They are cornered, outnumbered by monsters, and unable to retreat.
We need to send a team down there to clear a path home for a warriors!
This is an active battle zone. You may need to fight your way down to ground zero.
  • Points: 325 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
Quest Report (33)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 8 (6225/7200)
Quest: Rock Slide in the Tunnels
  • Focused on removing the rockslide to expand and create an opening
  • Slayed a giant snake that had snuck up behind the rescue team
When the urgent order descended upon the dwarven barracks she was stationed at, Felicia immediately opened her eyes and slipped out of bed. She already pitied the poor dwarves on night watch duty in the tunnels, checking for any signs of territory invasion as their eyelids drooped, and now this happens! She quickly slipped on her clothing and gear before giving Sable a hug and rushing out the door towards her fellow dwarven troops. It would be nice if she could bring her companion along, but they were entering the tunnels, and with Sable's size, that was suicide.

After their captain swiftly counted up his troops, they set off into the depths of the caverns. Ominous slithering and screaming sounded in the distance far below them, as they quickly marched down the winding rocky slopes. Snakes and lizards occasionally ambushed the army, but were quickly defeated due to their lack of numbers.

As the screams began to dwindle, the group arrived at the site of the rockslide. Immediately, they rhythmically set to work removing the rocks to make an opening, whilst calling out to the survivors on the other side to reassure them. With the screams of their brethren so close yet so far, they all felt an immensely pressured and anxious as they hurried their work. Due to this, one of the soldiers accidentally caused another minor rock slide to occur when he panicked when moving a rock, which was fortunately saved just in time as Felicia froze the wall about to collapse.

Finally, enough space for the dwarves to enter was created. Since Felicia unfortunately wasn't as short as them, she could only continue carefully removing the rocks to allow more access. As dwarves entered, terribly injured soldiers were brought back, barely alive in another's careful arms. Emergency medics immediately rushed forward, taking him from the soldier's hands as they went back through the gap.

Just as Felicia was about to open a gap large enough for her to crawl through, the sound of screaming and hissing suddenly entered her ears. Swiftly spinning around, she noticed a giant snake, crushing a medic's lower half in it's jaws having already swallowed a patient. With no time for thinking how on earth this giant thing snuck up behind them in Gelderholm territory, Felicia drew her sword and focused her mana, causing her sword to glow with he power of frostburn.

Leaping towards the beast, she swung her sword against the side of it's head, causing thick bluish blood to ooze out of its wounds. Having been eating only passive medics and patients so far, the snake was caught unaware in his feast as he screeched in pain and retreated warily, spewing what was left of the half-chewed medic out of it's jaws. It's wound stun painfully with an icy burning sensation causing it to lash out at Felicia with it's tail to prevent her from causing any more injuries.

The ground trembled at the snake's aggressive movements, but Felicia used the wall to propel herself away from the attack, slicing a long wound across the scaly tail as she dodged. Predicting her movements, the snake's open jaw was ready and waiting as she leap towards it, ignoring the pain that was just inflicted on it. Surprised by the sudden turn of events, Felicia only managed to twist her body so that she was eaten leg-first rather than head-first, her momentum too great to change at that moment. Her silver sword fell to the ground, as she found herself partially within the monster's jaws.

Perhaps thinking that the threat had been neutralized, the snake perversely licked her within it's mouth before slowly sinking it's teeth into her legs. After realizing that she wasn't killed immediately, she shivered and grit her teeth in her struggle to survive. Her silver sword was too far to reach for, hence Felicia focused on forming ice daggers to attack the beast and free herself. Realizing that her flimsy daggers had no chance of piercing its highly-resistant scales, she twisted her body, bearing through the pain of her legs being sliced open, and swung the daggers at the snakes eyes.

As the beast howled in agony and released her, Felicia's backup arrived, having been focusing on rescuing survivors rather than helping her immediately. She didn't admonish them for being used as a diversion tactic, since she could understand the captain's decision, but still felt a bit betrayed nonetheless. Quickly, they finished off the great beast, applied first aid to who they could and hauled the survivors back home.

(Ooc: written on phone, sorry if messy/code breaks)
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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost!
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Figure out where the heck you are.
  • Locate the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Survive your first day.
Arriving in a brand new world always comes with culture shock.Come visit the Adventurer's Guild! We're experts on dealing with Otherworlders.If we can't answer your questions, at least we can point you in the right direction!You'll definitely survive your first day without a problem... probably! Rewards:
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a

Report for: "Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost!" - 5.3k words whistles
A buzzing noise went off. "Time since buzzing 1s." I quickly peer through my screen a wizard has glowing black lines all over his body on the top right screen. "Time since buzzing 3s." I turn the holograms to focus on the picture as the data of the readouts floods from a background process into the focus of my mind. High levels of magic running through his veins and no blocker present. "Time since buzzing 7 seconds." The black lines become denser and denser as a second buzzer goes off. It seemingly comes from all the screens. "Time since buzzing 10 seconds." Looking at the hulks status I see why. THE GELLAR SHIELD HAS FAILED! "Time since buzzing 11 seconds."
Assertion: Magister channelling insane levels of magical power whilst completely open to the warp.
Conclusion: Big problem
Assertion: No time to act to resolve the current situations going on board the ship.
Conclusion: Death and loss of ship to the corruption.
A background processor begins to come to the fore of my brain. "Time since buzzing 15 seconds."
Assertion: Daemonic incursion has occurred on the bridge of ship.
Conclusion: No change.
The daemonic being begins to grab the captain of the ship spins him around and begins kissing him on the mouth and than just as fast as it appeared it disappears with the now struggling captain in tow. "Time since buzzing 17 seconds."
Assertion: Undeamonic actions.
Conclusion: Magisters failure is a far bigger problem that was originally thought.

A howl rips through the ship the sound of imminent engine failure and likely at this time destruction. The black blood flowing through the magister seems to begin bursting out of it's body. "Time since buzzing 18 seconds."
"AEIO I set your status to unbound."
Something grabs my shoulder. A flash of white erupts. A black void than proceeds to swallow me up.
Assertion: The magisters body rapidly began to disintegrate into an explosive force as the engines ruptured.
Conclusion: This is what death feels like.
The enveloping darkness seems to stretch me out whilst squeezing me gently all over. It's actually kind of arousing. "Time since buzzing estimate 40 seconds." The information quickly begins to overload my body modifications rapidly building up higher and higher and higher my pleasure centres begin to rapidly overload all the other reactions going on in my body bringing me rapidly to a peak. The right side of my visor shatters and breaks away completely and the left side begins to weld to my face almost as if it was under intense heat from some source the right cracking as if something had smashed it to pieces though it shattered away from my body. But the intense heat was not painful in any way it was actually quite pleasurable. "Time since buzzing estimate 42 seconds." Than I blanked out from information overload.

Slowly coming out of my unconscious state I found myself on a rock that felt warm as I tried to slowly move pain seemed to shred throughout my body. "Time since buzzing unknown. Time since arrival unknown."
Assertion: No major injury present in body but for some reason pain occurs when ever I try to move my body even the slightest amount.
Conclusion: Major bruising all over the body or problems occurring with my body due to whatever it was that I entered.
Assertion: More information required before conclusion can be drawn.
Conclusion: MUST MOVE!
I slowly begin to try and move any part of my body. Something grabs me by the shoulder and tries to move me this shunts my head to the side allowing me vision of my surroundings I appear to be in the centre of a crater behind that crater is a large object that is hazy to my vision.
Assertion: Not dead. In new world.
Conclusion: Resume objective
Assertion: Objective is to be chosen by myself as unbound status has been sanctioned and applied to me.
Conclusion: Pain.
A pain begins to shoot through my body and the information begins to seemingly tear a hole into my head. My arms move of their own will to grab where my visor should be to try and shut it down so as to refocus it generating even more pain levels but confirming that my body is still there. I than proceed to rapidly black out again as pain begins to sear through my body.

I wake up on something soft likely some kind of bed. Maybe I am in a bed? I can feel the air on my skin and moving my arm slightly what appears to be a shackle is upon both my wrists. I begin praying to my lord the God-Emperor himself whilst the pain exponentially increases as I try to move my legs and I proceed to black out again. A sensual whisper seems to tickle my ear, "He isn't your God anymore I am now."

I wake up some time later in the same situation as I was before though the pain has greatly lessened something is touching my visor seemingly trying to pull on it. As it slowly begins to move it feels like it's tearing out my flesh. I hear a sound floating in the air a moment later.
Assertion: The main sound is a scream though there is some other sound in the background going on.
Conclusion: The main sound is my own the one in the background is whatever is trying to meddle with my body at this time.
A third noise comes in, and I feel something wet begin to drizzle down the side of my face.
Assertion: This third noise is louder than the second quieter noise but also seems to be more distant.
Conclusion: The third noise is the reason that the second is talking and is trying to make sure that they are heard over my screaming. The quieter noise was the second person talking likely warning them about something.
Assertion: The removal of the visor is not something that I can allow it must be stopped.
Conclusion: I must communicate with them.
I slowly try to pull more of my wits together after expending them analysing my situation. I slowly begin to gain control over my screaming voice making the room go quiet. "Please do not continue with what you are doing." An extremely quiet whisper comes out of my throat pain soundly begins to tinge my vocal chords and opening my eyes which were closed for some reason I can see little lights above the two people that have now come into view. I try to focus on these two little lights but than a pain begins to shatter my brain as if the information in my system was reaching to high a point but I am barely getting any kind of information? I than black out again.

Waking up for the 4th time in this strange world the pain in my arms and legs still seems to be present though greatly diminished I can now move them properly without any self injury. I slowly open my right eye to view the world in front of me. I can still feel the visor on my face and the air still seems to be softly caressing my skin it's actually kind of pleasurable now that I focus on it.
Assertion: Lightly restrained, injuries almost fully recovered.
Conclusion: Escape possible though seemingly unnecessary.
A man opens the door and sees my eye open, "Ahh it seems the sleeping beauty is awake at last. Welcome to the world of Tonia and to the city of Scribel. Usually you newcomers don't drop in in such an explosive way." Looking at my surroundings the world seems to be of a medieval level from the architecture, more closely related to what was once European side of the Throneworld though it's not quite the same. The man clicks his fingers and a light ignites hovering in the air. I slowly open my left eye the white lights begin to reappear in front of me and the information overload begins my body moves forward wracked by pain and struggles against the chains. I rapidly close my eyes. The man moving to steady my body back on the bed. "...there we don't want you slipping back into unconsciousness yet."
Assertion: Man seems worried about my condition and overall is friendly.
Conclusion: Trust him for now you have no other option.
The man goes back to his speech "I'm doctor Stern if that means anything to you great anyway at least I was before I came here now I'm just Stern I guess for now I'll tell you a bit about the world you are in." The man sounds old and tired from his voice as well as kindly, the fact that he was a doctor which means he was more than likely a well respected healer in his original world. "This world is affected by many strange things and is sort of a nexus point for realities we have many gods here hard not to with all the strangers that pop in from other worlds and universes." A look of revulsion slowly begins to creep over my face which I quickly pull back in. Gods are foul beings for the most part where I come from though maybe they aren't so bad here. AEIO control your thoughts and emotions better dammit stop letting them wander you've missed some of what he said. The hazy light in the background begins to move closer towards me. As I can slowly focus on it it appears to be a floating flame. A feeling of horror shreds through my calm and my left I springs open to complete my look of horror this sends me into another pit of convulsions and I black out again.

Unshielded use of magics that is an extraordinarily dangerous action where I come from and that man did it seemingly without a care in the world about any consequences that could happen to him. What is wrong with this world veneration of gods and unsanctioned and unprotected magic! This world needs cleansing and cleaning fast. A whisper drills into my brain, "No it needs corrupting and to be drowning in pleasure!" I slowly begin try and cut my self on the chains to pay for the sins that I just thought.
Assertion: Corruption has eaten into my very bones or there is something in my head with me.
Conclusion: That doctor isn't as nice a man as I thought or it's something to do with that black space.
A hand grabs my arms stopping them from rubbing against the manacles. A woman's voice rings in my ears. "Easy now. Don't want you all hurt again so fast after we just spent all that time looking after you now do we." The woman's voice is far more malicious than the that of the man as well as far more controlling. "Well you didn't react so good yesterday."
Assertion: It seems I blanked out for a day last time I let that pressure build up to high which is an extended time.
Conclusion: Late stage Information overload occurred luckily it didn't continue to build after my black out so it likely has something to do with my left eyes current situation.
"I wonder why the mention of God and magic set you off so much." The horror eats at my body though now that I was expecting it to be so bad I don't react as badly. "See there you go again just the mere mention of the two sets you off.
I slowly try and form words in my throat. "Where I'm from the Gods forces kill, maim and rape wantonly. Only the light of the Emperor blessed be his name and his holy orders protects us from their forces. Magic is a very quick way to fall to the extremely corrupting influences of those foul beings without strong protections against it's predations." I begin coughing after speaking my voice seemingly strained from it's quick use after being left silent for so long. The lady turns and leaves me to my thoughts I slowly slip into sleep as she begins to open the door.

"8 hours rest had." It seems that I'm still in the same situation as before though the pain has completely receded. The man is in the room again looking down at me. After quickly skimming over the room to make sure that everything is as I remember and not twisted in any noticeable way as if I was in the corruptions thrall I focus on the man/ "You are almost fully recovered it seems."
The whisper of the daemon echos in my head, "You are permanently stained."
Assertion: Physical recovery is almost complete though the dark I brushed has left a permanent stain.
Conclusion: I am now a risk.
"What was that noise." The man quickly looks around the room as a web seemingly brushes against my skin and over my body it begins to build a pleasure inside me. "Miss do you know what that was?"
"The taint."
The man looks slightly confused than focuses back on me. "Well anyway you'll have to pay us back for this care that we've given you when we let you go out into the world. It won't be to much since we know it wasn't your fault." The man smiles happily at me, "You will come out of this fine I'm sure. Now rest up it's night I know just had a sleep but you must be exhausted after what you've been through."
Assertion: Not tired already had excessive sleep but require cleansing from the corruption somehow.
Conclusion: Prayer is the only answer.
I begin my prayers though in a position that is hardly ideal for praising my lord. As soon as I finish the prayer I begin to repeat it over and over.

I finish my prayer as the woman opens the door. "It seems you have recovered fully though I'd advise getting someone to look at that thing on your eye sometime." I shake my head at that assertion. "Why not?"
"More valuable than my life." I spit out slowly the infestation in my mind having twisted my thoughts for a moment makes them come out acidically. The woman's face is covered in shock from the venom that came from my voice or maybe it was just the shock at how much I value it.
Assertion: Woman is likely feeling insulted after she cared for me for however long it was.
Conclusion: Apologise.
"Sorry for sounding rude about it that was not me." I shake my body and the chains still holding me down rattle.
"My husband told me there was another voice that echoed from your head. Though I didn't think it would affect you like this. He's a mind reader you know that's probably why though when he tried to enter your head he said it was a swirl of information rushing past so fast it was a defence in and of itself though there was some kind of inky blackness floating just out of reach to. I told him he shouldn't but he had to be sure that it wasn't mental damage keeping you knocked out for that first week since you returned." The woman takes a few moments to collect herself. "That's the one time I can't stop him from doing something dumb when he's trying to heal."
Assertion: The man entered my head without my permission. Likely though it's because of the shock that crippled my system when I opened my eye or maybe I did doze off whilst I prayed.
Conclusion: I will let it slide for now.
Assertion: The man is taller than the women, both have hair that is coloured blond. Both are strong and independent though it seems the man bows to the woman even though he is a doctor.
Conclusion: Husband and wife.
"Thank you for telling me it seems I am truly permanently stained." I can't keep the depression out of my voice. This must be how the Armageddon survivors felt like when they were being looked down upon by the Inquisition till the wolves saved them.
The women looks surprised at the melancholy that pervades my every action that I take. "Now don't you get suicidal you have to pay us back before you do that."
Assertion: I must pay back the favour even if it brings about a darker fate for us all for the sake of the Empire's reputation.
Conclusion: Hold back the taint complete the requests of the women and man.
I nod at the women and she slowly pulls out the key and begins to unlock the chains from my arms.
Assertion: It seems that we have a similar language and body language but I do not believe that the woman is speaking high Galian whilst I can't tell what exactly I am speaking.
Conclusion: The black ooze.
"We will get you a job that you can do till you can pay that I'll hold on to this." The woman pulls my servant skull out from somewhere, I'll have to complete things fast so that I can get my hands on the skull or my death is assured. I now have proper control over my facial structure and my expressions so she doesn't notice anything.

After being freed from the chains I slowly begin to open my mouth and speak, "What language do we talk in?"
The woman's face goes into a confused look. "What we speak is called the common tongue that's all I've ever called it anyway. Most travellers from the portal speak it so it seems to be quiet common and even you speak it."
Assertion: I was correct she was not speaking High Galian.
Conclusion: I have either picked up the language by decoding whilst I was knocked out or the black void.
Assertion: More knowledge required before thesis can be completed.
Conclusion: Unlikely to find
Assertion: Intense investigation is required into this matter.
Conclusion: Chance of success 0.00001%.
"This is the language I speak." I say to the lady in perfect High Galian "Not this language." I than say in common tongue.
Assertion: Easy to switch between though at the level of the of dissection that I expected.
Conclusion: Both options still possible more knowledge still required.
After the question I had begun to slowly move whilst leaning onto the woman straight away not trying to stand on my own my body as.
Assertion: Body is weak from lack of use.
Conclusion: At least two weeks have been spent remaining still.
Assertion: This will likely have occurred a high debt.
Conclusion: I am unlikely to pay the debt I owe.
"How long was I here exactly?" I say whilst looking around the room and start slowly moving myself over to my clothing.
"You were out for a little over 3 weeks." It's actually surprising you weren't more hurt from how the ground looked after we saw it. Almost as if there was some kind of explosion. "I'll help you get dressed."

After having put on the clothing I begin to think deeply.
Assertion: Must say something more about how I came to be here but not to much
Conclusion: Just mention the transport malfunction and the Magus's death.
"I was caught in an explosion two actually. A Magus overcharged himself with to much energy and exploded and my transports reactor exploded." I look carefully at the woman. She appears in quite a bit of shock at what I said "That is why magic is so dangerous for us."
"Well that won't happen here," The woman replies and grabs something from nearby and begins stroking my hair with it. "Never seen anything like that happen and I doubt it even can."
Assertion: Woman using thin object to brush my hair
Conclusion: Woman is combing my hair.
"What did you do in your world?" The woman slowly brings up the question that I was most afraid of.
"Assassin" I softly whisper. Quickly looking down slightly embarrassed for some reason.
Assertion: Embarrassed by being part of a holy order that I have never been embarrassed of before.
Conclusion: Corruption.
"Wait what, you were an assassin. I doubt you will have any other skills than. Guess I'll take you in to sign up for the Guild." The woman has far more tension built up in her body and her actions seem far less relaxed in my presence.
Assertion: She is uncomfortable healing an assassin.
Conclusion: I was right to be worried.
"Just between the two of us how old are you? You don't seem to be as old as your looks."
Assertion: Truth or lie.
Conclusion: Truth is more likely to put her at ease and likely will allow the guild registration to go smoother.
"15 years old." I reply and the woman nods as if she almost expected such to be the case.
"No wonder you healed so rapidly you are still develo-"
I cut her off. "No I stopped developing at 14" Her eyes go wider. "The stimulants and body modifications that have been made to my body helped with that."
"I'll stop with the personal questions for now ahh I forgot to say I'm Doctor Stern as well both me and my husband were doctors of a kind on our home worlds." We shall wait for my husband to come back and than we will go out and get you some well needed excercise.

After walking outside with the help of the husband I was finally in a position to see the top of the doctor's head she is quite small compared to me now that I think about it she also appears to have no ears on the sides of her head.
Assertion: This doctor is some form of abhuman though likely closer to human than not.
Conclusion: Likely a cat or dog variation of some kind.
"I'm out of practice at this I don't like it." I mumble softly to myself and notice some form of confusion in the face of the woman. "Not concerned with the walking but with the analysing of my surroundings. I only just noticed you weren't human. I should have when I first saw you." I continue on with the strengthening exercises that the doctor's recommended the Vanus temple never gave me anything like this. Likely because a Vanus assassin that gets caught is as good as dead 99% of the time for all the troubles they cause their allies or working in enemy territory and if they are healed there will be a medicae on hand to help.
"What exactly does that visor do?" The woman says as I do a particularly painful motion.
Assertion: No reason to lie as is useless information to them.
Conclusion: Tell truth.
"It allows me to interact with my spy drones. It also records and stores everything I see whilst it has charge running through which I doubt it still does with it being half destroyed and melted into my face." I respond whilst flicking the side of it. Nothing happens as I expected but soon after a small spark jumps off that only I seem to have noticed.
Assertion: A small spark left the visor
Conclusion: The visor is still in some form charged.
It also acts as shading for my eye to keep the light saturation always the same no matter how bright or dark it is but that is broken and not information they need to know. The man begins to sneak up on my from my left side I can hear him but not see as I have still got my left eye closed after the troubles I have had with it.
Assertion: Letting them know my eye does not work is a poor choice in all likelihood as my debt will likely sky rocket as I get it under control.
Conclusion: Make sure that he doesn't sneak up on me from the right side if I could see it.
"Why are you trying to sneak up on me Doctor Stern?" The doctor does a sharp intake of breath.
"Ho so you can still see out of that eye I didn't think you'd be able to with the visor on like that." The wife is the one who speaks up for her husband
"It does not seem to get in the way of my vision no." I reply quickly almost to quickly. Though it is the truth it's just I can't open it for long for unknown reasons.
"Hmm okay than so you are fully healed than except in the internals? Ohh I never asked your name did I?" I slowly begin to think to myself what actually was my name again?
"Ahh I'm AEIO I forgot it for a second there been so long since I used it." I shrug as I that to make sure they know it isn't mental problems.
"What do you mean since you used it?"
"There is little need for an assassin to have her true name used. And myself and the only person I talked to have had no reason to use names rather than jobs it helps you not get attached after all." The woman's face twists in to a grimace and the man looks a little depressed from the answer.
I continue on with the exercise's in silence for a time before stopping my body has hit it's limit for today I need rest. "Let us return my body has it's limit for today."

After having recovered to a modicum of healthiness such that I can complete the basic stretches of the Vanus temple I analyse my current situation.
Assertion: Health enough to go back to work even if only light work at this time.
Conclusion: Tell them that I have recovered sufficiently so that I can go back to work.
I do not have to wait long only having completed 15 prayers before the man comes into the room. "I believe I have recovered my skills enough that I can go do whatever work is required of me." The man looks a little surprised after all it's only been 2 days since we started the excercises.
"If you insist AEIO. We will miss you being here though." The man smiles and calls for his wife somehow.
"Be with you soon just finishing lunch."

Assertion: The town has a large amount of diverse buildings of all kinds. Though more do end up with a medieval European theme than not. The largest temple that we passed is extraordinarily weird it does not seem to belong to any singular deity but instead a multitude.
Conclusion: Worrisome activity at the temple large amount of prayers and even what appears to be a priest.
Assertion: I do not like priests
Conclusion: This will be harder to get used to than I thought.
Stern points to another large and fairly dilapidated building, "That's the main tavern of the city needs a lot of repairs but it's good enough for most adventurer types." Studying the building I see lots of points for hiding and sleeping even on the outside edges of the building.
Assertion: Sleeping on one of these buildings would be feasible.
Conclusion: That is my most likely option as I have absolutely no cash.
On cash the currency of this world is the G or some such probably standards for something but not my problem. I am actually fairly stressed it seems I need to focus and continue practising my assertion and conclusion premises. The mentor would be disappointed if I didn't he said they should become second nature.

After walking for a while further we enter into a large building with a far more solid structure compared to the ones surrounding it and far more defined features to it as well it's actually fairly large. This building is known as the adventurer's guild and is the place that those whom scour the lands around here usually take quests from to complete things if they don't work for someone. One of the receptionists is a lady that has similar
There are all sorts of beings here it seems quite busy and some people head out for a few moments than return and quickly receive payment. Though it doesn't seem to be much from my analysis.
Assertion: 10G is the payment for a low level quest and the price for a room and meal.
Confirmation: Ranking up is required.
A sad man comes in carrying a sword all whilst covered in blood.
Assertion: Sadness plus covered in blood, entering a place for adventurers.
Confirmation: Party member more than likely died or requesting aid.
Assertion: Recieved some form of payment
Assertion: Party member died.
I quickly go through the registration that they have and I quickly move on from there. It seems I didn't have to tell the two my age since age was an optional thing. Sadly I will have to work my way up from rank 1 though that does make some form of sense. Wouldn't want your work force to get ahead of themselves and die tragically to fast after all.
The female doctor Stern headed over to the man covered in blood to check on him. Whilst I had been registering.
Assertion: Doctor Meeting with strange man covered in blood
Confirmation: Doctor either knows the man or is doing it out of concern
Assertion: Doctor slapped man
Confirmation: Doctor knows the man.
Well that's all happy days I had best move on with my life and get out of their way and pay back that small fortune that I owe the two doctors.
I leave the guild and end up sitting under a tree outside looking at the buildings to try and see a pattern.
Assertion: The buildings seem to be fairly ramshackle.
Confirmation: The buildings don't get repaired often unless they are fairly well off.
Assertion: The guild building looks fine as did the temple. Though the Tavern didn't
Confirmation: the Tavern supposedly runs more from the number of guests.
Assertion: The more Western buildings are more run down
Confirmation: They require harder material to acquire.
Assertion: The less Western buildings are generally move variable states of repair.
Confirmation: They require easier materials to acquire and use in repairs.
Denial: The least rundown building is made of some marble like substance
Refutation:Well off and material does not need much repairs comparatively.

I go for a quick wander around the town looking at the place and it seems my assertion from before did hold weight I must have taken in more than I thought when we walked through the city. I proceed to do some stretches in a tucked away space. I am doing these stretches so as that I can be prepared for when I enter the wilderness zone. Luckily the pair of doctors left me with all my items bar that servant skull that they kept as a form of down payment.
Assertion: Muscles all ready for exercise.
Confirmation: Jogging does not hurt.
"3 weeks since arrival on planet." I quickly exit the city to get acquainted with what surrounds it and in a secluded place in the forest I open my left eye. No pain runs through my body. It seems the pain only occurs when looking at the lights. The lights in this scenario being easy enough to avoid looking at. A man walks into my eyesight and I rapidly shut my eye so as not to look at him
Assertion: The man may have followed me.
Confirmation he seems to be looking for someone.
I quickly duck away from where I was and head back to the city to go and take my first quest and avoid this man just in case.
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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2019

Prison Guard Duty
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Prerequisite Quest: Night Watch
  • Spend a shift guarding a prisoner.
  • Do not let the prisoner to escape.
When vagrants break the law, they are sent to prison.
If they're found guilty, they could be hanged for their crimes.
Guarding them shouldn't be too difficult...
Well, as long as nothing goes wrong.
  • Points: 60 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
Name: Cassel
Level: 2
Quest: Guard duty

Taking a shift as a prison guard, he thought it would be easy. With the inmates caged beyond metal bars there would be a low chance of them getting out. But, sitting in a chair in front of him was well…

“Hello~ Little Cassel we meet again. Ah! Don’t mind the guard, he just sleeping"

-that man.

Despite the fact that the man ditched his cloak and hood look from last time. He could recognize that voice from a mile away. Doing his best to memorize the man’s new look, the man’s new blond ponytail and slit like eyes. He asked,

“What are you doing here?”

“Hmmm, for fun I guess. Hey if you did something with the info I gave you I wouldn’t be here. I had my popcorn ready and everything for the show.”

Peering at the unconscious prisoners from the corner of his eyes and counting the things behind the man. He laughed, “So what, I ruined your group's grand scheme and now you’re getting payback?”

“What?! Of course not, there’s a big difference between pleasure and work. Having a minor city fight over itself is hardly a thing worthy of the effort of someone like myself. Heck even them sending me here to destroy this city would be overkill much less having me watch over it.”

“Then why watch over me? Aren’t you scared of me revealing your true face to the guild”

Scoffing he laughed “What’s your tiny guild going to do use their magic to somehow produce an exact copy of my face just from your tiny report? Or or even better yet send their secret assassins to take me out because one of their little adventurers whined about me? Get over yourself, to them you’re just a piece of labor. They can’t even waste their time looking for me with those religious mutts and slimes chewing on their feet.”

“So then what?”

Tossing an dagger at his feet, the man said, “Entertain me,”

“Or else what?”

“I kill your friends of course. You whine about them everytime in your reports. It’s always Felicia this or Okarin that. You’re almost like a metronome at this point.”

Gritting his teeth he yelled back “So what!”

“Oh dear, what a comeback. Well little Cassel take it as your senior warning you. Acting like a puppet for others is not the best for this world. Well~ not like I’m any different.”

“I’ve never been a puppet and never have been!”

“Oh really? Since you entered this world no since the day you were born have you ever done something for yourself. Have you ever followed your own morals? Have you ever disagreed with your so-called friends.”


“That’s right, you haven’t, you chase the morals of a monster you’ve met once and lessons from a teacher who was thrown away from her own people. Worshipping them like a desperate dog who was just kicked away from their owners.”

“So what? Why does it matter to you?!”

“Oh it doesn’t, like I said I’m bored. Seeing what happens when a puppet who takes in colors from others so easily takes in mine”

“Why do you think I’ll take lessons from you?”

“Well we’re more alike than you think Cassel. Devoid of morals, devoid of pity, ha the only thing you’re missing is my lust for blood. That’ll change soon.”

Unable to say anything else, he pointed at a sword in laying at his feet he said, “Pass me the sword.”

“Ah so quick witted, can’t win the verbal fight so you’ll try to win the physical one. I don’t usually do favors but-”

Kicking him a sword on the ground toward him, the man continued “since you got a sense of humor, I’ll make an exception. Seeing the little thief struggle to fight me with a sword instead of his little dagger sounds fun.”

Picking up the sword, he asked “Anything goes right?”


Trusting his sword towards him, he started his attack

Moving out of the way, the man pulled out his sword. Muttering “A sneak attack typical.”

Shifting back and forth between the prison hallways.The flashes of his sword and the clangs of their swords told Cassel one thing. That clashing swords went both ways.

The man’s sword was like a snake moving in angles he couldn’t react to and slipping his attacks past the man. With wounds slowly building up on his body he tried his best to keep up. Glancing at the exit behind the man. He noticed they had moved back to the spot they had started in.

With the attacks stopping long ago, he used his sword to prop himself up. Panting “Is this enough?”

Trying not to laugh the man held his chest as he crackled, “Enough, enough?! You say as I barely touched you. And, you’re already giving up?”

Sighing the man said, “Man, that teacher of yours must be let down. Her people were smart to throw her away. Death would be better than serving a leader like that.”

Gritting his teeth, he pulled himself up. Taking note of his wounds, he knew he wouldn’t last another round with the man.

So pulling his sword close to the ground. He lowered his stance. And swung.

His swing was horizontal and judging from the mocking look at the man’s face he expected it. But, before it could go into contact into anything he let go of his sword. And, grabbed the dagger on the ground. If he was going out, he would be dragging another person with him.

Angling the dagger towards the man’s neck while the echoes of the swords hitting were still ringing in his ears. He saw the man’s face change from a mocking one to a smile.

As his dagger went straight towards the man's neck. His hand suddenly stopped.Not because something stopped it, gripped it, or blocked it. It simply refused to move forward.

No, it was like his entire body was frozen in place but h-

“How? Is that what you’re thinking right now?” Smirking the man looked down at his dagger and laughed “As expected of my little Cassel you went straight for the throat. It seems you might have a little of my killing intent after all.”

“I'd like to explain my magic to you but a good magician never reveals his tricks. But~”

Feeling the sensation of cold liquid pouring above his head. He heard the voice call out “This should be enough for your injuries. Do get better in your swordsmanship when I visit again. I wouldn’t want to follow through on that threat of mine.”

Hearing the voice call out in the distance, “Ah before I forget, you should know my name little one, my name is Leon make sure your tiny guild remembers it.“ and with the footstep fading away the man was gone.

Letting go of the breath he was holding and he collapsed on the ground. Waking up the guard when he got off the ground. He was let off early due to the incident.
  • During his shift got attacked by previous informant
  • Got injured
  • Had gotten healed at the end of the fight with the informant saying quote "My name is Leon make sure your tiny guild remembers it."
  • Then traded shifts early due to injuries
  • Mysterious dagger
OOC: Yeah, kinda got lazy with this one grabbed the nearest template for this one.
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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2019

Report for: "Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost!" - 5.3k words whistles
A buzzing noise went off. "Time since buzzing 1s." I quickly peer through my screen a wizard has glowing black lines all over his body on the top right screen. "Time since buzzing 3s." I turn the holograms to focus on the picture as the data of the readouts floods from a background process into the focus of my mind. High levels of magic running through his veins and no blocker present. "Time since buzzing 7 seconds." The black lines become denser and denser as a second buzzer goes off. It seemingly comes from all the screens. "Time since buzzing 10 seconds." Looking at the hulks status I see why. THE GELLAR SHIELD HAS FAILED! "Time since buzzing 11 seconds."
Assertion: Magister channelling insane levels of magical power whilst completely open to the warp.
Conclusion: Big problem
Assertion: No time to act to resolve the current situations going on board the ship.
Conclusion: Death and loss of ship to the corruption.
A background processor begins to come to the fore of my brain. "Time since buzzing 15 seconds."
Assertion: Daemonic incursion has occurred on the bridge of ship.
Conclusion: No change.
The daemonic being begins to grab the captain of the ship spins him around and begins kissing him on the mouth and than just as fast as it appeared it disappears with the now struggling captain in tow. "Time since buzzing 17 seconds."
Assertion: Undeamonic actions.
Conclusion: Magisters failure is a far bigger problem that was originally thought.

A howl rips through the ship the sound of imminent engine failure and likely at this time destruction. The black blood flowing through the magister seems to begin bursting out of it's body. "Time since buzzing 18 seconds."
"AEIO I set your status to unbound."
Something grabs my shoulder. A flash of white erupts. A black void than proceeds to swallow me up.
Assertion: The magisters body rapidly began to disintegrate into an explosive force as the engines ruptured.
Conclusion: This is what death feels like.
The enveloping darkness seems to stretch me out whilst squeezing me gently all over. It's actually kind of arousing. "Time since buzzing estimate 40 seconds." The information quickly begins to overload my body modifications rapidly building up higher and higher and higher my pleasure centres begin to rapidly overload all the other reactions going on in my body bringing me rapidly to a peak. The right side of my visor shatters and breaks away completely and the left side begins to weld to my face almost as if it was under intense heat from some source the right cracking as if something had smashed it to pieces though it shattered away from my body. But the intense heat was not painful in any way it was actually quite pleasurable. "Time since buzzing estimate 42 seconds." Than I blanked out from information overload.

Slowly coming out of my unconscious state I found myself on a rock that felt warm as I tried to slowly move pain seemed to shred throughout my body. "Time since buzzing unknown. Time since arrival unknown."
Assertion: No major injury present in body but for some reason pain occurs when ever I try to move my body even the slightest amount.
Conclusion: Major bruising all over the body or problems occurring with my body due to whatever it was that I entered.
Assertion: More information required before conclusion can be drawn.
Conclusion: MUST MOVE!
I slowly begin to try and move any part of my body. Something grabs me by the shoulder and tries to move me this shunts my head to the side allowing me vision of my surroundings I appear to be in the centre of a crater behind that crater is a large object that is hazy to my vision.
Assertion: Not dead. In new world.
Conclusion: Resume objective
Assertion: Objective is to be chosen by myself as unbound status has been sanctioned and applied to me.
Conclusion: Pain.
A pain begins to shoot through my body and the information begins to seemingly tear a hole into my head. My arms move of their own will to grab where my visor should be to try and shut it down so as to refocus it generating even more pain levels but confirming that my body is still there. I than proceed to rapidly black out again as pain begins to sear through my body.

I wake up on something soft likely some kind of bed. Maybe I am in a bed? I can feel the air on my skin and moving my arm slightly what appears to be a shackle is upon both my wrists. I begin praying to my lord the God-Emperor himself whilst the pain exponentially increases as I try to move my legs and I proceed to black out again. A sensual whisper seems to tickle my ear, "He isn't your God anymore I am now."

I wake up some time later in the same situation as I was before though the pain has greatly lessened something is touching my visor seemingly trying to pull on it. As it slowly begins to move it feels like it's tearing out my flesh. I hear a sound floating in the air a moment later.
Assertion: The main sound is a scream though there is some other sound in the background going on.
Conclusion: The main sound is my own the one in the background is whatever is trying to meddle with my body at this time.
A third noise comes in, and I feel something wet begin to drizzle down the side of my face.
Assertion: This third noise is louder than the second quieter noise but also seems to be more distant.
Conclusion: The third noise is the reason that the second is talking and is trying to make sure that they are heard over my screaming. The quieter noise was the second person talking likely warning them about something.
Assertion: The removal of the visor is not something that I can allow it must be stopped.
Conclusion: I must communicate with them.
I slowly try to pull more of my wits together after expending them analysing my situation. I slowly begin to gain control over my screaming voice making the room go quiet. "Please do not continue with what you are doing." An extremely quiet whisper comes out of my throat pain soundly begins to tinge my vocal chords and opening my eyes which were closed for some reason I can see little lights above the two people that have now come into view. I try to focus on these two little lights but than a pain begins to shatter my brain as if the information in my system was reaching to high a point but I am barely getting any kind of information? I than black out again.

Waking up for the 4th time in this strange world the pain in my arms and legs still seems to be present though greatly diminished I can now move them properly without any self injury. I slowly open my right eye to view the world in front of me. I can still feel the visor on my face and the air still seems to be softly caressing my skin it's actually kind of pleasurable now that I focus on it.
Assertion: Lightly restrained, injuries almost fully recovered.
Conclusion: Escape possible though seemingly unnecessary.
A man opens the door and sees my eye open, "Ahh it seems the sleeping beauty is awake at last. Welcome to the world of Tonia and to the city of Scribel. Usually you newcomers don't drop in in such an explosive way." Looking at my surroundings the world seems to be of a medieval level from the architecture, more closely related to what was once European side of the Throneworld though it's not quite the same. The man clicks his fingers and a light ignites hovering in the air. I slowly open my left eye the white lights begin to reappear in front of me and the information overload begins my body moves forward wracked by pain and struggles against the chains. I rapidly close my eyes. The man moving to steady my body back on the bed. "...there we don't want you slipping back into unconsciousness yet."
Assertion: Man seems worried about my condition and overall is friendly.
Conclusion: Trust him for now you have no other option.
The man goes back to his speech "I'm doctor Stern if that means anything to you great anyway at least I was before I came here now I'm just Stern I guess for now I'll tell you a bit about the world you are in." The man sounds old and tired from his voice as well as kindly, the fact that he was a doctor which means he was more than likely a well respected healer in his original world. "This world is affected by many strange things and is sort of a nexus point for realities we have many gods here hard not to with all the strangers that pop in from other worlds and universes." A look of revulsion slowly begins to creep over my face which I quickly pull back in. Gods are foul beings for the most part where I come from though maybe they aren't so bad here. AEIO control your thoughts and emotions better dammit stop letting them wander you've missed some of what he said. The hazy light in the background begins to move closer towards me. As I can slowly focus on it it appears to be a floating flame. A feeling of horror shreds through my calm and my left I springs open to complete my look of horror this sends me into another pit of convulsions and I black out again.

Unshielded use of magics that is an extraordinarily dangerous action where I come from and that man did it seemingly without a care in the world about any consequences that could happen to him. What is wrong with this world veneration of gods and unsanctioned and unprotected magic! This world needs cleansing and cleaning fast. A whisper drills into my brain, "No it needs corrupting and to be drowning in pleasure!" I slowly begin try and cut my self on the chains to pay for the sins that I just thought.
Assertion: Corruption has eaten into my very bones or there is something in my head with me.
Conclusion: That doctor isn't as nice a man as I thought or it's something to do with that black space.
A hand grabs my arms stopping them from rubbing against the manacles. A woman's voice rings in my ears. "Easy now. Don't want you all hurt again so fast after we just spent all that time looking after you now do we." The woman's voice is far more malicious than the that of the man as well as far more controlling. "Well you didn't react so good yesterday."
Assertion: It seems I blanked out for a day last time I let that pressure build up to high which is an extended time.
Conclusion: Late stage Information overload occurred luckily it didn't continue to build after my black out so it likely has something to do with my left eyes current situation.
"I wonder why the mention of God and magic set you off so much." The horror eats at my body though now that I was expecting it to be so bad I don't react as badly. "See there you go again just the mere mention of the two sets you off.
I slowly try and form words in my throat. "Where I'm from the Gods forces kill, maim and rape wantonly. Only the light of the Emperor blessed be his name and his holy orders protects us from their forces. Magic is a very quick way to fall to the extremely corrupting influences of those foul beings without strong protections against it's predations." I begin coughing after speaking my voice seemingly strained from it's quick use after being left silent for so long. The lady turns and leaves me to my thoughts I slowly slip into sleep as she begins to open the door.

"8 hours rest had." It seems that I'm still in the same situation as before though the pain has completely receded. The man is in the room again looking down at me. After quickly skimming over the room to make sure that everything is as I remember and not twisted in any noticeable way as if I was in the corruptions thrall I focus on the man/ "You are almost fully recovered it seems."
The whisper of the daemon echos in my head, "You are permanently stained."
Assertion: Physical recovery is almost complete though the dark I brushed has left a permanent stain.
Conclusion: I am now a risk.
"What was that noise." The man quickly looks around the room as a web seemingly brushes against my skin and over my body it begins to build a pleasure inside me. "Miss do you know what that was?"
"The taint."
The man looks slightly confused than focuses back on me. "Well anyway you'll have to pay us back for this care that we've given you when we let you go out into the world. It won't be to much since we know it wasn't your fault." The man smiles happily at me, "You will come out of this fine I'm sure. Now rest up it's night I know just had a sleep but you must be exhausted after what you've been through."
Assertion: Not tired already had excessive sleep but require cleansing from the corruption somehow.
Conclusion: Prayer is the only answer.
I begin my prayers though in a position that is hardly ideal for praising my lord. As soon as I finish the prayer I begin to repeat it over and over.

I finish my prayer as the woman opens the door. "It seems you have recovered fully though I'd advise getting someone to look at that thing on your eye sometime." I shake my head at that assertion. "Why not?"
"More valuable than my life." I spit out slowly the infestation in my mind having twisted my thoughts for a moment makes them come out acidically. The woman's face is covered in shock from the venom that came from my voice or maybe it was just the shock at how much I value it.
Assertion: Woman is likely feeling insulted after she cared for me for however long it was.
Conclusion: Apologise.
"Sorry for sounding rude about it that was not me." I shake my body and the chains still holding me down rattle.
"My husband told me there was another voice that echoed from your head. Though I didn't think it would affect you like this. He's a mind reader you know that's probably why though when he tried to enter your head he said it was a swirl of information rushing past so fast it was a defence in and of itself though there was some kind of inky blackness floating just out of reach to. I told him he shouldn't but he had to be sure that it wasn't mental damage keeping you knocked out for that first week since you returned." The woman takes a few moments to collect herself. "That's the one time I can't stop him from doing something dumb when he's trying to heal."
Assertion: The man entered my head without my permission. Likely though it's because of the shock that crippled my system when I opened my eye or maybe I did doze off whilst I prayed.
Conclusion: I will let it slide for now.
Assertion: The man is taller than the women, both have hair that is coloured blond. Both are strong and independent though it seems the man bows to the woman even though he is a doctor.
Conclusion: Husband and wife.
"Thank you for telling me it seems I am truly permanently stained." I can't keep the depression out of my voice. This must be how the Armageddon survivors felt like when they were being looked down upon by the Inquisition till the wolves saved them.
The women looks surprised at the melancholy that pervades my every action that I take. "Now don't you get suicidal you have to pay us back before you do that."
Assertion: I must pay back the favour even if it brings about a darker fate for us all for the sake of the Empire's reputation.
Conclusion: Hold back the taint complete the requests of the women and man.
I nod at the women and she slowly pulls out the key and begins to unlock the chains from my arms.
Assertion: It seems that we have a similar language and body language but I do not believe that the woman is speaking high Galian whilst I can't tell what exactly I am speaking.
Conclusion: The black ooze.
"We will get you a job that you can do till you can pay that I'll hold on to this." The woman pulls my servant skull out from somewhere, I'll have to complete things fast so that I can get my hands on the skull or my death is assured. I now have proper control over my facial structure and my expressions so she doesn't notice anything.

After being freed from the chains I slowly begin to open my mouth and speak, "What language do we talk in?"
The woman's face goes into a confused look. "What we speak is called the common tongue that's all I've ever called it anyway. Most travellers from the portal speak it so it seems to be quiet common and even you speak it."
Assertion: I was correct she was not speaking High Galian.
Conclusion: I have either picked up the language by decoding whilst I was knocked out or the black void.
Assertion: More knowledge required before thesis can be completed.
Conclusion: Unlikely to find
Assertion: Intense investigation is required into this matter.
Conclusion: Chance of success 0.00001%.
"This is the language I speak." I say to the lady in perfect High Galian "Not this language." I than say in common tongue.
Assertion: Easy to switch between though at the level of the of dissection that I expected.
Conclusion: Both options still possible more knowledge still required.
After the question I had begun to slowly move whilst leaning onto the woman straight away not trying to stand on my own my body as.
Assertion: Body is weak from lack of use.
Conclusion: At least two weeks have been spent remaining still.
Assertion: This will likely have occurred a high debt.
Conclusion: I am unlikely to pay the debt I owe.
"How long was I here exactly?" I say whilst looking around the room and start slowly moving myself over to my clothing.
"You were out for a little over 3 weeks." It's actually surprising you weren't more hurt from how the ground looked after we saw it. Almost as if there was some kind of explosion. "I'll help you get dressed."

After having put on the clothing I begin to think deeply.
Assertion: Must say something more about how I came to be here but not to much
Conclusion: Just mention the transport malfunction and the Magus's death.
"I was caught in an explosion two actually. A Magus overcharged himself with to much energy and exploded and my transports reactor exploded." I look carefully at the woman. She appears in quite a bit of shock at what I said "That is why magic is so dangerous for us."
"Well that won't happen here," The woman replies and grabs something from nearby and begins stroking my hair with it. "Never seen anything like that happen and I doubt it even can."
Assertion: Woman using thin object to brush my hair
Conclusion: Woman is combing my hair.
"What did you do in your world?" The woman slowly brings up the question that I was most afraid of.
"Assassin" I softly whisper. Quickly looking down slightly embarrassed for some reason.
Assertion: Embarrassed by being part of a holy order that I have never been embarrassed of before.
Conclusion: Corruption.
"Wait what, you were an assassin. I doubt you will have any other skills than. Guess I'll take you in to sign up for the Guild." The woman has far more tension built up in her body and her actions seem far less relaxed in my presence.
Assertion: She is uncomfortable healing an assassin.
Conclusion: I was right to be worried.
"Just between the two of us how old are you? You don't seem to be as old as your looks."
Assertion: Truth or lie.
Conclusion: Truth is more likely to put her at ease and likely will allow the guild registration to go smoother.
"15 years old." I reply and the woman nods as if she almost expected such to be the case.
"No wonder you healed so rapidly you are still develo-"
I cut her off. "No I stopped developing at 14" Her eyes go wider. "The stimulants and body modifications that have been made to my body helped with that."
"I'll stop with the personal questions for now ahh I forgot to say I'm Doctor Stern as well both me and my husband were doctors of a kind on our home worlds." We shall wait for my husband to come back and than we will go out and get you some well needed excercise.

After walking outside with the help of the husband I was finally in a position to see the top of the doctor's head she is quite small compared to me now that I think about it she also appears to have no ears on the sides of her head.
Assertion: This doctor is some form of abhuman though likely closer to human than not.
Conclusion: Likely a cat or dog variation of some kind.
"I'm out of practice at this I don't like it." I mumble softly to myself and notice some form of confusion in the face of the woman. "Not concerned with the walking but with the analysing of my surroundings. I only just noticed you weren't human. I should have when I first saw you." I continue on with the strengthening exercises that the doctor's recommended the Vanus temple never gave me anything like this. Likely because a Vanus assassin that gets caught is as good as dead 99% of the time for all the troubles they cause their allies or working in enemy territory and if they are healed there will be a medicae on hand to help.
"What exactly does that visor do?" The woman says as I do a particularly painful motion.
Assertion: No reason to lie as is useless information to them.
Conclusion: Tell truth.
"It allows me to interact with my spy drones. It also records and stores everything I see whilst it has charge running through which I doubt it still does with it being half destroyed and melted into my face." I respond whilst flicking the side of it. Nothing happens as I expected but soon after a small spark jumps off that only I seem to have noticed.
Assertion: A small spark left the visor
Conclusion: The visor is still in some form charged.
It also acts as shading for my eye to keep the light saturation always the same no matter how bright or dark it is but that is broken and not information they need to know. The man begins to sneak up on my from my left side I can hear him but not see as I have still got my left eye closed after the troubles I have had with it.
Assertion: Letting them know my eye does not work is a poor choice in all likelihood as my debt will likely sky rocket as I get it under control.
Conclusion: Make sure that he doesn't sneak up on me from the right side if I could see it.
"Why are you trying to sneak up on me Doctor Stern?" The doctor does a sharp intake of breath.
"Ho so you can still see out of that eye I didn't think you'd be able to with the visor on like that." The wife is the one who speaks up for her husband
"It does not seem to get in the way of my vision no." I reply quickly almost to quickly. Though it is the truth it's just I can't open it for long for unknown reasons.
"Hmm okay than so you are fully healed than except in the internals? Ohh I never asked your name did I?" I slowly begin to think to myself what actually was my name again?
"Ahh I'm AEIO I forgot it for a second there been so long since I used it." I shrug as I that to make sure they know it isn't mental problems.
"What do you mean since you used it?"
"There is little need for an assassin to have her true name used. And myself and the only person I talked to have had no reason to use names rather than jobs it helps you not get attached after all." The woman's face twists in to a grimace and the man looks a little depressed from the answer.
I continue on with the exercise's in silence for a time before stopping my body has hit it's limit for today I need rest. "Let us return my body has it's limit for today."

After having recovered to a modicum of healthiness such that I can complete the basic stretches of the Vanus temple I analyse my current situation.
Assertion: Health enough to go back to work even if only light work at this time.
Conclusion: Tell them that I have recovered sufficiently so that I can go back to work.
I do not have to wait long only having completed 15 prayers before the man comes into the room. "I believe I have recovered my skills enough that I can go do whatever work is required of me." The man looks a little surprised after all it's only been 2 days since we started the excercises.
"If you insist AEIO. We will miss you being here though." The man smiles and calls for his wife somehow.
"Be with you soon just finishing lunch."

Assertion: The town has a large amount of diverse buildings of all kinds. Though more do end up with a medieval European theme than not. The largest temple that we passed is extraordinarily weird it does not seem to belong to any singular deity but instead a multitude.
Conclusion: Worrisome activity at the temple large amount of prayers and even what appears to be a priest.
Assertion: I do not like priests
Conclusion: This will be harder to get used to than I thought.
Stern points to another large and fairly dilapidated building, "That's the main tavern of the city needs a lot of repairs but it's good enough for most adventurer types." Studying the building I see lots of points for hiding and sleeping even on the outside edges of the building.
Assertion: Sleeping on one of these buildings would be feasible.
Conclusion: That is my most likely option as I have absolutely no cash.
On cash the currency of this world is the G or some such probably standards for something but not my problem. I am actually fairly stressed it seems I need to focus and continue practising my assertion and conclusion premises. The mentor would be disappointed if I didn't he said they should become second nature.

After walking for a while further we enter into a large building with a far more solid structure compared to the ones surrounding it and far more defined features to it as well it's actually fairly large. This building is known as the adventurer's guild and is the place that those whom scour the lands around here usually take quests from to complete things if they don't work for someone. One of the receptionists is a lady that has similar
There are all sorts of beings here it seems quite busy and some people head out for a few moments than return and quickly receive payment. Though it doesn't seem to be much from my analysis.
Assertion: 10G is the payment for a low level quest and the price for a room and meal.
Confirmation: Ranking up is required.
A sad man comes in carrying a sword all whilst covered in blood.
Assertion: Sadness plus covered in blood, entering a place for adventurers.
Confirmation: Party member more than likely died or requesting aid.
Assertion: Recieved some form of payment
Assertion: Party member died.
I quickly go through the registration that they have and I quickly move on from there. It seems I didn't have to tell the two my age since age was an optional thing. Sadly I will have to work my way up from rank 1 though that does make some form of sense. Wouldn't want your work force to get ahead of themselves and die tragically to fast after all.
The female doctor Stern headed over to the man covered in blood to check on him. Whilst I had been registering.
Assertion: Doctor Meeting with strange man covered in blood
Confirmation: Doctor either knows the man or is doing it out of concern
Assertion: Doctor slapped man
Confirmation: Doctor knows the man.
Well that's all happy days I had best move on with my life and get out of their way and pay back that small fortune that I owe the two doctors.
I leave the guild and end up sitting under a tree outside looking at the buildings to try and see a pattern.
Assertion: The buildings seem to be fairly ramshackle.
Confirmation: The buildings don't get repaired often unless they are fairly well off.
Assertion: The guild building looks fine as did the temple. Though the Tavern didn't
Confirmation: the Tavern supposedly runs more from the number of guests.
Assertion: The more Western buildings are more run down
Confirmation: They require harder material to acquire.
Assertion: The less Western buildings are generally move variable states of repair.
Confirmation: They require easier materials to acquire and use in repairs.
Denial: The least rundown building is made of some marble like substance
Refutation:Well off and material does not need much repairs comparatively.

I go for a quick wander around the town looking at the place and it seems my assertion from before did hold weight I must have taken in more than I thought when we walked through the city. I proceed to do some stretches in a tucked away space. I am doing these stretches so as that I can be prepared for when I enter the wilderness zone. Luckily the pair of doctors left me with all my items bar that servant skull that they kept as a form of down payment.
Assertion: Muscles all ready for exercise.
Confirmation: Jogging does not hurt.
"3 weeks since arrival on planet." I quickly exit the city to get acquainted with what surrounds it and in a secluded place in the forest I open my left eye. No pain runs through my body. It seems the pain only occurs when looking at the lights. The lights in this scenario being easy enough to avoid looking at. A man walks into my eyesight and I rapidly shut my eye so as not to look at him
Assertion: The man may have followed me.
Confirmation he seems to be looking for someone.
I quickly duck away from where I was and head back to the city to go and take my first quest and avoid this man just in case.
Glancing through her report, there was a lot of things he wanted to ask. But, knowing from experience he shouldn't ask. So he said "Congratulations, on completing your introduction quest miss Ai....erm is it fine if I just call you miss? Well anyways here's your rewards and if I could make an recommendation. Night watch is a good quest if you want to get your bearings."

  • 35 Exp


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2019

Quest Report (33)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 8 (6225/7200)
Quest: Rock Slide in the Tunnels
  • Focused on removing the rockslide to expand and create an opening
  • Slayed a giant snake that had snuck up behind the rescue team
When the urgent order descended upon the dwarven barracks she was stationed at, Felicia immediately opened her eyes and slipped out of bed. She already pitied the poor dwarves on night watch duty in the tunnels, checking for any signs of territory invasion as their eyelids drooped, and now this happens! She quickly slipped on her clothing and gear before giving Sable a hug and rushing out the door towards her fellow dwarven troops. It would be nice if she could bring her companion along, but they were entering the tunnels, and with Sable's size, that was suicide.

After their captain swiftly counted up his troops, they set off into the depths of the caverns. Ominous slithering and screaming sounded in the distance far below them, as they quickly marched down the winding rocky slopes. Snakes and lizards occasionally ambushed the army, but were quickly defeated due to their lack of numbers.

As the screams began to dwindle, the group arrived at the site of the rockslide. Immediately, they rhythmically set to work removing the rocks to make an opening, whilst calling out to the survivors on the other side to reassure them. With the screams of their brethren so close yet so far, they all felt an immensely pressured and anxious as they hurried their work. Due to this, one of the soldiers accidentally caused another minor rock slide to occur when he panicked when moving a rock, which was fortunately saved just in time as Felicia froze the wall about to collapse.

Finally, enough space for the dwarves to enter was created. Since Felicia unfortunately wasn't as short as them, she could only continue carefully removing the rocks to allow more access. As dwarves entered, terribly injured soldiers were brought back, barely alive in another's careful arms. Emergency medics immediately rushed forward, taking him from the soldier's hands as they went back through the gap.

Just as Felicia was about to open a gap large enough for her to crawl through, the sound of screaming and hissing suddenly entered her ears. Swiftly spinning around, she noticed a giant snake, crushing a medic's lower half in it's jaws having already swallowed a patient. With no time for thinking how on earth this giant thing snuck up behind them in Gelderholm territory, Felicia drew her sword and focused her mana, causing her sword to glow with he power of frostburn.

Leaping towards the beast, she swung her sword against the side of it's head, causing thick bluish blood to ooze out of its wounds. Having been eating only passive medics and patients so far, the snake was caught unaware in his feast as he screeched in pain and retreated warily, spewing what was left of the half-chewed medic out of it's jaws. It's wound stun painfully with an icy burning sensation causing it to lash out at Felicia with it's tail to prevent her from causing any more injuries.

The ground trembled at the snake's aggressive movements, but Felicia used the wall to propel herself away from the attack, slicing a long wound across the scaly tail as she dodged. Predicting her movements, the snake's open jaw was ready and waiting as she leap towards it, ignoring the pain that was just inflicted on it. Surprised by the sudden turn of events, Felicia only managed to twist her body so that she was eaten leg-first rather than head-first, her momentum too great to change at that moment. Her silver sword fell to the ground, as she found herself partially within the monster's jaws.

Perhaps thinking that the threat had been neutralized, the snake perversely licked her within it's mouth before slowly sinking it's teeth into her legs. After realizing that she wasn't killed immediately, she shivered and grit her teeth in her struggle to survive. Her silver sword was too far to reach for, hence Felicia focused on forming ice daggers to attack the beast and free herself. Realizing that her flimsy daggers had no chance of piercing its highly-resistant scales, she twisted her body, bearing through the pain of her legs being sliced open, and swung the daggers at the snakes eyes.

As the beast howled in agony and released her, Felicia's backup arrived, having been focusing on rescuing survivors rather than helping her immediately. She didn't admonish them for being used as a diversion tactic, since she could understand the captain's decision, but still felt a bit betrayed nonetheless. Quickly, they finished off the great beast, applied first aid to who they could and hauled the survivors back home.

(Ooc: written on phone, sorry if messy/code breaks)
Remembering what happened last night, his hands were unconsciously were clenched under the table. He was too weak but it didn't mean he could show it. Pulling himself together, he forced a grin and said "Great job as usual teach. Here's your reward."

  • Points: 325 EXP
  • Money: 20 G


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Title: Investigate Spire Reef (Pirate Country) (Party Recommended.)
Sponsor: The Adventures Guild
Location: Spire Reef
Required Level: 4
  • Read these reports (1)(2)
  • Investigate Spire Reef (Pirate Country) and report back.
  • Do not antagonize any local authorities. We do not need bad relations with a possible criminal organization.
With a recent report of likely illegal activities taking place in Spire Reef the guild would like information.
  • EXP: 350
  • Money: 40-90G
Report - Solet' Luna
Sea and ocean, the paradise and hell for noblemen, merchants, and pirates. Not only them but, from what I learnt in the previous world, pirates were a bunch of bandits that sailed the high sea and robbed the merchants, however, in their rank, although few, there were shamans and witches. Although only the strong and infamous pirates would have the witches and shamans in their rank, it was worth getting in contact with them, as their sorcery might benefit me.

And so, I set off to the land of thieves and sinners. It was a place where the strong ruled the weak? Very well, it seemed like a perfect place to gain some wealth and fame. If anything, the world of the Lord had taught me to be ruthless and cunning. As long as they are not overwhelmingly powerful like the Envoy or the Church fo the Lord, then I was sure that I would thrive in the environment.

As I journeyed up to the north, along the river, I encountered a group of bandits, consisting of various races. The lizardman hissed at me before yelling some weird words, a different language. Thankfully, I could make out some of them as a warning as well as telling me to be obedient. Well, they seemed very weak and had almost no experience with the danger of the world.

After all, only madmen and experts would travel in the wildness alone. Either they got lucky and got some free loots, or died by the hands of someone in a middle of nowhere, where no laws had reached.

With just one simple trick, I killed two of the bandits, and the others quickly dropped their weapons and called Frost Demon before running away. Ahaha, they couldn't escape fate and die by my ice. Good thing that I did not go overboard, as some of the loots might get damage. I picked up some gold and daggers, as well as a weird-looking coin. It had a skull symbol engraved on it.

Inspecting my appearance, I decided to cover up my feature, even more, to avoid gathering unnecessary attention. Now, even if one looked at me closely, they would only see a silhouette of me, and not any part of my face would be visible, except for the golden eyes.

The journey towards the Spire Reef was not that exciting. After the initial bandits encounter, most of the experienced one usually knew their place and avoided the lone traveller. Along the way, I could see many vagabonds' corpses and the wreckage of carriages, if I was lucky, I would find the on-going battlefield between the merchants and the bandits.

Nearing the Spire Reef, the bandits seemed to lessen in number, but occasionally, I would spot many men and women travelling with many carriages and cages behind him, filled with slaves of various races, not excluding humans or elves. Their body was huge and muscular, with some of them almost as tall as me and a half. Maybe they could even wrestle with Solet when he was in his body.

Their most distinctive features were their minimal clothing, their tattoos-littered body, and a bandana on their head. They exuded a strong and domineering presence, no lesser than our ordinary experienced adventurers. With their appearance, my interested in the Spire Reef deepened once again. With that many tattoos on their body, there must be some kinds of faith and believe in the Spire Reef, meaning that there must be some kind of magic users, like witches and shamans.

When nearing the cliff that spilt the river, called Prisoner's Knoll or something like that, I spotted the harbour. As its name suggested, the outer walls were riddled with countless spikey stones and there was the constant sound of ships howling, and a long yet unorganized line in front of the gigantic metallic gates. It was a usual occurrence that someone weak would get beaten and thrown out of the line for that stronger group to replace them.

With no intention to cause chaos, I went into the line quietly and stood at the back, waiting for my turn. Of course, there were many yelling and fighting involved, but when I snapped a burly man's hand in half before breaking his legs, no one wanted to play with me anymore. In the end, I could only extort a few gems and gold coins, but when I asked for the Skull Coin, the man screamed and told me he didn't have it. It must be something precious that he valued it more than him getting beaten again.

"Aye sprog, ye first time? Three gems here 'n signed yer certification or jus' somethin' o' equal rich." When it was my turn, I looked at the two muscular guards, holding a blade as big as his leg while looking down onto me. I hesitated for a moment before pulling out the Skull Coin and showed it to them.

"Sink me, so an ole-timer, aye?" Picking up my Skull Coin and inspected it, the guards finally gave me back my coin and let me pass with a fee of 55 gold coins. Thankfully, The bandits and the guy before were somewhat rich, so I got my fair share of the coins, totalling 175 gold coins.

Inside the city, I could see, touch, smell, and even feel the dirtiness of the roads, walkways, taverns, or basically everything. The salty smell of the sea flooded the place, accompanied by various shouting and the rotten scent of low-quality rums. There were brawls everywhere, but no one had decided to use their weapons, fearing the wrath of the so-called Pirate Kings. However, despite how lively the place was, I spotted no magic users like shamans or witches.

Curious about the place, I picked one of the random taverns and went inside, greeting myself with the scene of a smelly room full of various races, drinking and singing weird songs while swaying left and right, seemingly drunk to the point of unconsciousness, but somehow still remained lively. Squeezing into the room and picked a free seat in the bar stool.

"Ahoy, wench, wha' ye wants?" The bartender saw my action and walked to me, asking for my order. To be honest, I had no idea what they were selling, so I looked at the bar menu and picked randomly.

"Right, Sneak Bite, aye? I reckon ye'll snap jus' one zip." The bartender laughed and brought me a brown bottle, and watched as I took a big gulp with it. The liquid slid right into my throat, and I could feel a burning sensation radiated from my tongue to my chest, and finally down my stomach.

With just one zip, I could tell that the alcohol content was really high, higher than any drink I had ever drunk. However, with my elemental body, I could somewhat withstand the burn, and then, the comfort kicked in. After the initial burn, a strange relief gushed through my body as my hand moved and took another gulp, shocking the bartender. In only a span of a few seconds, I drained the bottle dried and placed the bottle on the bar table, placing a few coins beside it.

"That wee body o' yers sure hold great thin's, aye?" While I was drinking, the surrounding pirates got attracted by my performance and started clapping and laughing at my skill. They then bet with each other whether or not would I drink another bottle like this.

"Ye still do nah belong t' any crew, right? Why don't ye come wit' us, th' Cryin' Peep? Our cap'n be mighty generous 'n be under th' win' o' One-Eyed Snake Kin'!" One of the muscular men spoke, and everyone around him laughed, teasing his ship's name while joking about his achievement.

It seemed that he was just an above-average pirate who was lucky enough to be under the faction of the One-Eyed Snake King, and got enough fortune to start his own pirate crew. He was not someone I would work with, as I saw no potential in partnering with him, a practically nobody.

"No, not now. But, I'll consider it." After drinking another bottle of Snake Bite quickly, I placed some more gold coins on the bar and made my way out, accompanied by the shouting and cheering of the pirates. It seemed that my drinking skill was impressive even by the pirate's standard. Well, my body was a cheat anyway.

Before I could get out of the city, I bought a bandana and a rusty blade and hung it on my back, to make myself somewhat consistent with the crowd. And, something interesting happened just before I left.

A group of tattoo-filled muscular pirates shoved everyone on their path away while guiding the way for an old hag in the middle. That hag had a snake coiled around her, and her tattoos would glow in faint light occasionally. The exclamation of awe and respect would echo every once in a while, and gossiping about the origin of this person would fly far and wide.

From the moment I saw her appearance, I knew that she was indeed a magic-user, and it seemed that magic users were highly valued around here.

In the end, I decided to head back first before doing anything, just to prepare myself with this new environment. I'll be back here eventually, the Snake Bite is very good—
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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
Night Watch
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters, vagabonds, and criminals.
  • Sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Stay awake and vigilant for the whole night.
  • Do not leave your post.
Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed.We need people to help keep the city safe. Rewards:
  • Points: 30 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
AIEO decided to take on the night watch that was recommended by the receptionist after all this was simple work for an assassin that has had to stay up for 12 weeks straight but than again that was with the aid of drugs and other stimulants and was 100% a form of torture and AIEO was definitely not in peak form though.

After being assigned her post AEIO set herself up and dampened out as much lighting from her surroundings as she could. Rapidly flickering her right eye open and than closing it for an extended period of time to stop herself from getting a headache. "I don't know why this would get me acquainted with the city I'd rather have done some construction work or something. Anyway it's easy money no complaints." AEIO stills as some creature lopes past the wall and begins heading over to the next post. Not her problem someone else will know if that's actually entering the city. AEIO continues to keep watch of her surroundings nothing of importance passes by her towards the city.

Her replacement comes out to see AEIO sitting perfectly still in the cold as the sun rises. As the replacement gets 2 metres away from her she stands up, "Nothing came past me but I wouldn't be surprised if someone pulled an alarm for a creature further along." AEIO proceeds to laugh at her joke as the guard nods in realisation at why he had a late night yesterday some damned animal running through the gates. AEIO proceeds to immediately collapse from an information overload as she passes behind the guard.
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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2019

Report - Solet' Luna

Sea and ocean, the paradise and hell for noblemen, merchants, and pirates. Not only them but, from what I learnt in the previous world, pirates were a bunch of bandits that sailed the high sea and robbed the merchants, however, in their rank, although few, there were shamans and witches. Although only the strong and infamous pirates would have the witches and shamans in their rank, it was worth getting in contact with them, as their sorcery might benefit me.

And so, I set off to the land of thieves and sinners. It was a place where the strong ruled the weak? Very well, it seemed like a perfect place to gain some wealth and fame. If anything, the world of the Lord had taught me to be ruthless and cunning. As long as they are not overwhelmingly powerful like the Envoy or the Church fo the Lord, then I was sure that I would thrive in the environment.

As I journeyed up to the north, along the river, I encountered a group of bandits, consisting of various races. The lizardman hissed at me before yelling some weird words, a different language. Thankfully, I could make out some of them as a warning as well as telling me to be obedient. Well, they seemed very weak and had almost no experience with the danger of the world.

After all, only madmen and experts would travel in the wildness alone. Either they got lucky and got some free loots, or died by the hands of someone in a middle of nowhere, where no laws had reached.

With just one simple trick, I killed two of the bandits, and the others quickly dropped their weapons and called Frost Demon before running away. Ahaha, they couldn't escape fate and die by my ice. Good thing that I did not go overboard, as some of the loots might get damage. I picked up some gold and daggers, as well as a weird-looking coin. It had a skull symbol engraved on it.

Inspecting my appearance, I decided to cover up my feature, even more, to avoid gathering unnecessary attention. Now, even if one looked at me closely, they would only see a silhouette of me, and not any part of my face would be visible, except for the golden eyes.

The journey towards the Spire Reef was not that exciting. After the initial bandits encounter, most of the experienced one usually knew their place and avoided the lone traveller. Along the way, I could see many vagabonds' corpses and the wreckage of carriages, if I was lucky, I would find the on-going battlefield between the merchants and the bandits.

Nearing the Spire Reef, the bandits seemed to lessen in number, but occasionally, I would spot many men and women travelling with many carriages and cages behind him, filled with slaves of various races, not excluding humans or elves. Their body was huge and muscular, with some of them almost as tall as me and a half. Maybe they could even wrestle with Solet when he was in his body.

Their most distinctive features were their minimal clothing, their tattoos-littered body, and a bandana on their head. They exuded a strong and domineering presence, no lesser than our ordinary experienced adventurers. With their appearance, my interested in the Spire Reef deepened once again. With that many tattoos on their body, there must be some kinds of faith and believe in the Spire Reef, meaning that there must be some kind of magic users, like witches and shamans.

When nearing the cliff that spilt the river, called Prisoner's Knoll or something like that, I spotted the harbour. As its name suggested, the outer walls were riddled with countless spikey stones and there was the constant sound of ships howling, and a long yet unorganized line in front of the gigantic metallic gates. It was a usual occurrence that someone weak would get beaten and thrown out of the line for that stronger group to replace them.

With no intention to cause chaos, I went into the line quietly and stood at the back, waiting for my turn. Of course, there were many yelling and fighting involved, but when I snapped a burly man's hand in half before breaking his legs, no one wanted to play with me anymore. In the end, I could only extort a few gems and gold coins, but when I asked for the Skull Coin, the man screamed and told me he didn't have it. It must be something precious that he valued it more than him getting beaten again.

"Aye sprog, ye first time? Three gems here 'n signed yer certification or jus' somethin' o' equal rich." When it was my turn, I looked at the two muscular guards, holding a blade as big as his leg while looking down onto me. I hesitated for a moment before pulling out the Skull Coin and showed it to them.

"Sink me, so an ole-timer, aye?" Picking up my Skull Coin and inspected it, the guards finally gave me back my coin and let me pass with a fee of 55 gold coins. Thankfully, The bandits and the guy before were somewhat rich, so I got my fair share of the coins, totalling 175 gold coins.

Inside the city, I could see, touch, smell, and even feel the dirtiness of the roads, walkways, taverns, or basically everything. The salty smell of the sea flooded the place, accompanied by various shouting and the rotten scent of low-quality rums. There were brawls everywhere, but no one had decided to use their weapons, fearing the wrath of the so-called Pirate Kings. However, despite how lively the place was, I spotted no magic users like shamans or witches.

Curious about the place, I picked one of the random taverns and went inside, greeting myself with the scene of a smelly room full of various races, drinking and singing weird songs while swaying left and right, seemingly drunk to the point of unconsciousness, but somehow still remained lively. Squeezing into the room and picked a free seat in the bar stool.

"Ahoy, wench, wha' ye wants?" The bartender saw my action and walked to me, asking for my order. To be honest, I had no idea what they were selling, so I looked at the bar menu and picked randomly.

"Right, Sneak Bite, aye? I reckon ye'll snap jus' one zip." The bartender laughed and brought me a brown bottle, and watched as I took a big gulp with it. The liquid slid right into my throat, and I could feel a burning sensation radiated from my tongue to my chest, and finally down my stomach.

With just one zip, I could tell that the alcohol content was really high, higher than any drink I had ever drunk. However, with my elemental body, I could somewhat withstand the burn, and then, the comfort kicked in. After the initial burn, a strange relief gushed through my body as my hand moved and took another gulp, shocking the bartender. In only a span of a few seconds, I drained the bottle dried and placed the bottle on the bar table, placing a few coins beside it.

"That wee body o' yers sure hold great thin's, aye?" While I was drinking, the surrounding pirates got attracted by my performance and started clapping and laughing at my skill. They then bet with each other whether or not would I drink another bottle like this.

"Ye still do nah belong t' any crew, right? Why don't ye come wit' us, th' Cryin' Peep? Our cap'n be mighty generous 'n be under th' win' o' One-Eyed Snake Kin'!" One of the muscular men spoke, and everyone around him laughed, teasing his ship's name while joking about his achievement.

It seemed that he was just an above-average pirate who was lucky enough to be under the faction of the One-Eyed Snake King, and got enough fortune to start his own pirate crew. He was not someone I would work with, as I saw no potential in partnering with him, a practically nobody.

"No, not now. But, I'll consider it." After drinking another bottle of Snake Bite quickly, I placed some more gold coins on the bar and made my way out, accompanied by the shouting and cheering of the pirates. It seemed that my drinking skill was impressive even by the pirate's standard. Well, my body was a cheat anyway.

Before I could get out of the city, I bought a bandana and a rusty blade and hung it on my back, to make myself somewhat consistent with the crowd. And, something interesting happened just before I left.

A group of tattoo-filled muscular pirates shoved everyone on their path away while guiding the way for an old hag in the middle. That hag had a snake coiled around her, and her tattoos would glow in faint light occasionally. The exclamation of awe and respect would echo every once in a while, and gossiping about the origin of this person would fly far and wide.

From the moment I saw her appearance, I knew that she was indeed a magic-user, and it seemed that magic users were highly valued around here.

In the end, I decided to head back first before doing anything, just to prepare myself with this new environment. I'll be back here eventually, the Snake Bite is very good—
Huh, the guild leader will be happy to hear of this. Taking a look at your report and the information you gave. It should be enough for a full reward. @GM

Final reward:
  • 350 Exp
  • 90 G


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2019

AIEO decided to take on the night watch that was recommended by the receptionist after all this was simple work for an assassin that has had to stay up for 12 weeks straight but than again that was with the aid of drugs and other stimulants and was 100% a form of torture and AIEO was definitely not in peak form though.

After being assigned her post AEIO set herself up and dampened out as much lighting from her surroundings as she could. Rapidly flickering her right eye open and than closing it for an extended period of time to stop herself from getting a headache. "I don't know why this would get me acquainted with the city I'd rather have done some construction work or something. Anyway it's easy money no complaints." AEIO stills as some creature lopes past the wall and begins heading over to the next post. Not her problem someone else will know if that's actually entering the city. AEIO continues to keep watch of her surroundings nothing of importance passes by her towards the city.

Her replacement comes out to see AEIO sitting perfectly still in the cold as the sun rises. As the replacement gets 2 metres away from her she stands up, "Nothing came past me but I wouldn't be surprised if someone pulled an alarm for a creature further along." AEIO proceeds to laugh at her joke as the guard nods in realisation at why he had a late night yesterday some damned animal running through the gates. AEIO proceeds to immediately collapse from an information overload as she passes behind the guard.
Huh, so you're the one the guards had to drag to the infirmar-. Ahem I mean, you did great. Here's the reward.

Final Reward:
  • 30 Exp
  • 10 G


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
> > >
Slime Subjugation
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in Scribel City.
  • Collect 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel City, and they end up in all sorts of weird places.
While they aren’t too dangerous, they can slowly erode and damage structures over time.
They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff.
Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!
  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
Assertion: Aim is out of practice.
Conclusion: Hunting slimes.
Having decided my next quest after meeting with the appraiser I head out into the city looking around for slimes to hunt. I have absolutely no idea what they look like but it's supposed to be easy so nothing to hard right? Ohh shit I have no idea what they look like... Anyway after that realisation hits home I head off into the city anyway to look for slimes whatever they may be!

After having climbed one of the cities more sturdy buildings I see a small amorphous blob with a wooden pattern to it's body the inside of the thing is a darker shade. "Let me see this better." I quickly open my left eye so as to be able to see it proper and the gradations on the inside of the body are far darker than that of the outside at least to my eyes. "It's definitely got some type of core. I'll assume it's one of these than." I slowly line up the crossbow to the core of the the slime the arrow tip blunted. "You better knock that core out of it's body arrow."
Assertion: The slime is not moving the range is below optimal engagement range.
Conclusion: Should succeed with ease.
After that psyche up I had already pulled the trigger. The blunted arrow smashes directly into the core knocking it out. "Score one for AIEO score zero for slimes!"

Having collected my first kill and knowing exactly what I'm looking for now I begin to search for objects through out the city that have 2 shades to them. Slowly expanding my search throughout the city. I quickly stumble upon 8 more that are quite a bit larger and have a dark green to them but dispatched with similar ease making sure to keep my self further and further away from each of them with the shots from my wrist mounted crossbow.

The last slime I find is one that is hidden inside a barrel so I remove a part of my clothing so as to quickly reach in and grab the core and retrieve it without damaging it. The slimes body seems to burn a little on my hand and long term placement inside of the thing may have been an issue but this much is absolutely no problem.
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
> > >
Night Watch
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters, vagabonds, and criminals.
  • Sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Stay awake and vigilant for the whole night.
  • Do not leave your post.
Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed.We need people to help keep the city safe. Rewards:
  • Points: 30 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Mudwater Skirmish
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Gelderholm Tunnels
  • Required Level: 8
  • Prerequisite: Joint Military Exercises
  • Search the deep tunnels for groups of enemies.
  • Beware of muddy and flooded terrain.
  • Eliminate all hostile forces.
  • (Note: Optional Party Quest)
The hydra's minions have breached our defenses in the tunnels!
There are dozens of basilisks — many varieties — marauding in the tunnels.
Work together with your dwarven allies to eliminate the snakes.
Beware of the muddy ground. Many of the tunnels are partially flooded here.
  • Points: 330 EXP / person
  • Money: 20 G / person
  • Other:
Quest Report (34)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 8 (6550/7200)
Quest: Mudwater Skirmish
  • Had minor skirmishes with small groups of basilisks
  • Had a major skirmish with armoured armadillos and tiny venomous snakes
Felicia's leather boots were splashed with mud as she marched alongside her comrades into the depths of the breached cavern. The dwarven engineers were on the way, all her squad had to do was clear the path forward and exterminate all threats along the way, simple enough right? Her every step felt heavy as she pried her boots from the mud's grip, slowly but surely making their way forward.

Since the last incident, Felicia had subconsciously distanced herself from her allies, whether she meant to or not. This was war afterall, there was no room for the soft of heart, she knew that. Out of the darkness in front of them, viscous spit was suddenly spewed at her squad, elicting various shouts and orders to descend upon them. After weeks of working with them, her body has learnt to subconsciously obey her captain's command, carefully retreating from the hail of venom as the team's archers and mages did their thing.

Screeches of pain came from both sides, but due to their superior numbers and organisation, Felicia's squad quickly won out against the red-patterned cobras. Continuing their march forward, numerous other minor skirmishes occurred within the cavern, slowly dwinding away the healthy numbers of her team. Still, they marched onwards. There were other squads patrolling through the seperate parts around the breached cavern, they couldn't just stop here and make things so much harder for their fellow comrades.

After many hours of weary marching and fighting, the squad met their first formidable group of opponents. Heavily armoured in thick scales, armadillo-like creatures brandished their claws at the squad's appearance, with thousands of tiny snakes coiling around the cavern walls, awaiting a chance to leap on a vulnerable enemy. Although a bit fatigued, the team quickly hurried into their positions and prepared for battle.

Just as a blanket of corrosive venom was formed out of the thousand of spitballs from the little snakes, the dwarven mages cooperated to freeze the entire layer in the air, before it shattered onto the armadillos' head with little damage. Some snakes were harmed by the stray shards of glass, or crushed by the blanket of frozen venom. After that advantageous start, chaos and battle ensued. Ferociously, Felica swung her sword at an approaching armadillo, meeting his claws head on with her silver blade. Just as a dwarven mage was about to give her backup, her enemy's aid came first, in the form of a dozen snakes jumped out and biting her with venomous fangs. As she stumbled onto the ground, she suddenly pulled away her sword from the clash, causing the armadillo to faintly stumble and allow her to swipe his legs from beneath him, as he was finally frozen to the ground with the mage's assistance.

Clicking her tongue, she was displeased by the lack of cooperation from her teammates once again. This didn't happen in training, hence she didn't hesitate to rely on them in situations like these. Did they have something against her? But even if they did, did they really have to risk her life to show her? It was common fact that their army was all they had left to protect their city, why endanger the life of a soldier over some personal pettiness? As she was swarmed by her own speculations and questions, she aided her comrades with spells and arrows from afar due to the poison spreading throughout her legs, making them numb and unreactive. Fortunately those snakes' venom wasn't actually the lethal type, but one that hindered the opponenets as others swoop in for the kill. It was interesting knowledge to keep note of, whilst her comrades finished off the horde of snakes and armadillos.

Since she was unable to walk properly, and for fear of the poison spreading, she was escorted back to Gelderholm with the injured. Later that evening, she received news that the mission was a success and that the breach had been repaired, giving her a sigh of relief as she made her report.
(Ooc: written with a severe lack of sleep whilst on phone, sorry if it doesn't make any sense whatsoever lol)
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020

Assertion: Aim is out of practice.
Conclusion: Hunting slimes.
Having decided my next quest after meeting with the appraiser I head out into the city looking around for slimes to hunt. I have absolutely no idea what they look like but it's supposed to be easy so nothing to hard right? Ohh shit I have no idea what they look like... Anyway after that realisation hits home I head off into the city anyway to look for slimes whatever they may be!

After having climbed one of the cities more sturdy buildings I see a small amorphous blob with a wooden pattern to it's body the inside of the thing is a darker shade. "Let me see this better." I quickly open my left eye so as to be able to see it proper and the gradations on the inside of the body are far darker than that of the outside at least to my eyes. "It's definitely got some type of core. I'll assume it's one of these than." I slowly line up the crossbow to the core of the the slime the arrow tip blunted. "You better knock that core out of it's body arrow."
Assertion: The slime is not moving the range is below optimal engagement range.
Conclusion: Should succeed with ease.
After that psyche up I had already pulled the trigger. The blunted arrow smashes directly into the core knocking it out. "Score one for AIEO score zero for slimes!"

Having collected my first kill and knowing exactly what I'm looking for now I begin to search for objects through out the city that have 2 shades to them. Slowly expanding my search throughout the city. I quickly stumble upon 8 more that are quite a bit larger and have a dark green to them but dispatched with similar ease making sure to keep my self further and further away from each of them with the shots from my wrist mounted crossbow.

The last slime I find is one that is hidden inside a barrel so I remove a part of my clothing so as to quickly reach in and grab the core and retrieve it without damaging it. The slimes body seems to burn a little on my hand and long term placement inside of the thing may have been an issue but this much is absolutely no problem.

Assertion: Quest Report is present, Slime Cores present.
Conclusion: Adventurer is to be rewarded.

  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020


Quest Report (34)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 8 (6550/7200)
Quest: Mudwater Skirmish
  • Had minor skirmishes with small groups of basilisks
  • Had a major skirmish with armoured armadillos and tiny venomous snakes
Felicia's leather boots were splashed with mud as she marched alongside her comrades into the depths of the breached cavern. The dwarven engineers were on the way, all her squad had to do was clear the path forward and exterminate all threats along the way, simple enough right? Her every step felt heavy as she pried her boots from the mud's grip, slowly but surely making their way forward.

Since the last incident, Felicia had subconsciously distanced herself from her allies, whether she meant to or not. This was war afterall, there was no room for the soft of heart, she knew that. Out of the darkness in front of them, viscous spit was suddenly spewed at her squad, elicting various shouts and orders to descend upon them. After weeks of working with them, her body has learnt to subconsciously obey her captain's command, carefully retreating from the hail of venom as the team's archers and mages did their thing.

Screeches of pain came from both sides, but due to their superior numbers and organisation, Felicia's squad quickly won out against the red-patterned cobras. Continuing their march forward, numerous other minor skirmishes occurred within the cavern, slowly dwinding away the healthy numbers of her team. Still, they marched onwards. There were other squads patrolling through the seperate parts around the breached cavern, they couldn't just stop here and make things so much harder for their fellow comrades.

After many hours of weary marching and fighting, the squad met their first formidable group of opponents. Heavily armoured in thick scales, armadillo-like creatures brandished their claws at the squad's appearance, with thousands of tiny snakes coiling around the cavern walls, awaiting a chance to leap on a vulnerable enemy. Although a bit fatigued, the team quickly hurried into their positions and prepared for battle.

Just as a blanket of corrosive venom was formed out of the thousand of spitballs from the little snakes, the dwarven mages cooperated to freeze the entire layer in the air, before it shattered onto the armadillos' head with little damage. Some snakes were harmed by the stray shards of glass, or crushed by the blanket of frozen venom. After that advantageous start, chaos and battle ensued. Ferociously, Felica swung her sword at an approaching armadillo, meeting his claws head on with her silver blade. Just as a dwarven mage was about to give her backup, her enemy's aid came first, in the form of a dozen snakes jumped out and biting her with venomous fangs. As she stumbled onto the ground, she suddenly pulled away her sword from the clash, causing the armadillo to faintly stumble and allow her to swipe his legs from beneath him, as he was finally frozen to the ground with the mage's assistance.

Clicking her tongue, she was displeased by the lack of cooperation from her teammates once again. This didn't happen in training, hence she didn't hesitate to rely on them in situations like these. Did they have something against her? But even if they did, did they really have to risk her life to show her? It was common fact that their army was all they had left to protect their city, why endanger the life of a soldier over some personal pettiness? As she was swarmed by her own speculations and questions, she aided her comrades with spells and arrows from afar due to the poison spreading throughout her legs, making them numb and unreactive. Fortunately those snakes' venom wasn't actually the lethal type, but one that hindered the opponenets as others swoop in for the kill. It was interesting knowledge to keep note of, whilst her comrades finished off the horde of snakes and armadillos.

Since she was unable to walk properly, and for fear of the poison spreading, she was escorted back to Gelderholm with the injured. Later that evening, she received news that the mission was a success and that the breach had been repaired, giving her a sigh of relief as she made her report.
(Ooc: written with a severe lack of sleep whilst on phone, sorry if it doesn't make any sense whatsoever lol)

Good to hear that the mission was a success! Sounds like you need new team mates though.

  • Points: 330 EXP / person
  • Money: 20 G / person


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018

Name: Cassel
Level: 2
Quest: Guard duty

Taking a shift as a prison guard, he thought it would be easy. With the inmates caged beyond metal bars there would be a low chance of them getting out. But, sitting in a chair in front of him was well…

“Hello~ Little Cassel we meet again. Ah! Don’t mind the guard, he just sleeping"

-that man.

Despite the fact that the man ditched his cloak and hood look from last time. He could recognize that voice from a mile away. Doing his best to memorize the man’s new look, the man’s new blond ponytail and slit like eyes. He asked,

“What are you doing here?”

“Hmmm, for fun I guess. Hey if you did something with the info I gave you I wouldn’t be here. I had my popcorn ready and everything for the show.”

Peering at the unconscious prisoners from the corner of his eyes and counting the things behind the man. He laughed, “So what, I ruined your group's grand scheme and now you’re getting payback?”

“What?! Of course not, there’s a big difference between pleasure and work. Having a minor city fight over itself is hardly a thing worthy of the effort of someone like myself. Heck even them sending me here to destroy this city would be overkill much less having me watch over it.”

“Then why watch over me? Aren’t you scared of me revealing your true face to the guild”

Scoffing he laughed “What’s your tiny guild going to do use their magic to somehow produce an exact copy of my face just from your tiny report? Or or even better yet send their secret assassins to take me out because one of their little adventurers whined about me? Get over yourself, to them you’re just a piece of labor. They can’t even waste their time looking for me with those religious mutts and slimes chewing on their feet.”

“So then what?”

Tossing an dagger at his feet, the man said, “Entertain me,”

“Or else what?”

“I kill your friends of course. You whine about them everytime in your reports. It’s always Felicia this or Okarin that. You’re almost like a metronome at this point.”

Gritting his teeth he yelled back “So what!”

“Oh dear, what a comeback. Well little Cassel take it as your senior warning you. Acting like a puppet for others is not the best for this world. Well~ not like I’m any different.”

“I’ve never been a puppet and never have been!”

“Oh really? Since you entered this world no since the day you were born have you ever done something for yourself. Have you ever followed your own morals? Have you ever disagreed with your so-called friends.”


“That’s right, you haven’t, you chase the morals of a monster you’ve met once and lessons from a teacher who was thrown away from her own people. Worshipping them like a desperate dog who was just kicked away from their owners.”

“So what? Why does it matter to you?!”

“Oh it doesn’t, like I said I’m bored. Seeing what happens when a puppet who takes in colors from others so easily takes in mine”

“Why do you think I’ll take lessons from you?”

“Well we’re more alike than you think Cassel. Devoid of morals, devoid of pity, ha the only thing you’re missing is my lust for blood. That’ll change soon.”

Unable to say anything else, he pointed at a sword in laying at his feet he said, “Pass me the sword.”

“Ah so quick witted, can’t win the verbal fight so you’ll try to win the physical one. I don’t usually do favors but-”

Kicking him a sword on the ground toward him, the man continued “since you got a sense of humor, I’ll make an exception. Seeing the little thief struggle to fight me with a sword instead of his little dagger sounds fun.”

Picking up the sword, he asked “Anything goes right?”


Trusting his sword towards him, he started his attack

Moving out of the way, the man pulled out his sword. Muttering “A sneak attack typical.”

Shifting back and forth between the prison hallways.The flashes of his sword and the clangs of their swords told Cassel one thing. That clashing swords went both ways.

The man’s sword was like a snake moving in angles he couldn’t react to and slipping his attacks past the man. With wounds slowly building up on his body he tried his best to keep up. Glancing at the exit behind the man. He noticed they had moved back to the spot they had started in.

With the attacks stopping long ago, he used his sword to prop himself up. Panting “Is this enough?”

Trying not to laugh the man held his chest as he crackled, “Enough, enough?! You say as I barely touched you. And, you’re already giving up?”

Sighing the man said, “Man, that teacher of yours must be let down. Her people were smart to throw her away. Death would be better than serving a leader like that.”

Gritting his teeth, he pulled himself up. Taking note of his wounds, he knew he wouldn’t last another round with the man.

So pulling his sword close to the ground. He lowered his stance. And swung.

His swing was horizontal and judging from the mocking look at the man’s face he expected it. But, before it could go into contact into anything he let go of his sword. And, grabbed the dagger on the ground. If he was going out, he would be dragging another person with him.

Angling the dagger towards the man’s neck while the echoes of the swords hitting were still ringing in his ears. He saw the man’s face change from a mocking one to a smile.

As his dagger went straight towards the man's neck. His hand suddenly stopped.Not because something stopped it, gripped it, or blocked it. It simply refused to move forward.

No, it was like his entire body was frozen in place but h-

“How? Is that what you’re thinking right now?” Smirking the man looked down at his dagger and laughed “As expected of my little Cassel you went straight for the throat. It seems you might have a little of my killing intent after all.”

“I'd like to explain my magic to you but a good magician never reveals his tricks. But~”

Feeling the sensation of cold liquid pouring above his head. He heard the voice call out “This should be enough for your injuries. Do get better in your swordsmanship when I visit again. I wouldn’t want to follow through on that threat of mine.”

Hearing the voice call out in the distance, “Ah before I forget, you should know my name little one, my name is Leon make sure your tiny guild remembers it.“ and with the footstep fading away the man was gone.

Letting go of the breath he was holding and he collapsed on the ground. Waking up the guard when he got off the ground. He was let off early due to the incident.
  • During his shift got attacked by previous informant
  • Got injured
  • Had gotten healed at the end of the fight with the informant saying quote "My name is Leon make sure your tiny guild remembers it."
  • Then traded shifts early due to injuries
  • Mysterious dagger
OOC: Yeah, kinda got lazy with this one grabbed the nearest template for this one.
"Well, you got injured and ended your shift early, so I'll be reducing your rewards as per the rules.

"Outside of that— Leon, huh? Calling Adventure Guild tiny and weak... Either he is a fool who knows nothing or just a madman who is overconfident. Don't mind him too much, okay? The Adventure Guild is not just some ordinary group. There is no ordinary group that built owned a gate to another world, isn't there?"

Rewards: 60 EXP, 5 G


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
Quest - Evaluated
> > >
Harvest Season
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Farmland
  • Required Level: 1
  • Assist a farmer with their crops.
  • Chase away any pests.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Farmers in the Scribel Region are always in need of temporary labor.
Head out to rural farmland and get reconnected with nature.
Beware: Pests and bugs are slightly bigger here than you might expect!
  • Points: 45 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: A basket of fresh produce
> > >

Before I take on harder jobs, I decided to take one look at the farm fields once again. I left most of my equipment as per usual at my room in the tavern and headed to the fields.

Once I got there, the same fields as that day filled my sights. Hardly any damage from before could be seen as it seems to have recovered. I approached one of the local farmers and offered help to them to which they accepted.

The rest of the day was uneventful as I tilled the fields of the land and sowed seeds into it. The local fruits and vegetables seem to be growing at a nice. There were some giant pests but not as dangerous as the the King Beetles from that time. Evening was approaching as it was time to head back.

I filed my report to the guild and head to the northern forest to gather some firewood for a future job.

Greetings to you Guild

As per request of the job, I have successfully uphold the task of tending the field. The produce on the lands are flourishing nicely and have scurried away any pest that wished to devour the work of the land.

At service to you, Lancer Reival

As I was cutting wood, I heard a noise nearby.

"Goba! Goba!"

Looking behind one the trees, I saw one of the short green beasts that someone before called "Goblin". Infront of it was a blue haired girl that was unmoving. Moving before thinking clearly, I ran towards the goblin and shoved it away, grabbed the girl and ran as fast as possible towards the city. Without my armor on, I ran considerably fast that I didn't see the goblin anymore when I looked behind.

Feeling a sense of relief near the city walls, I lay down the girl against the wall to check up on her. She was not moving. I got scared and quickly checked for breathing...... It's faint but definitely breathing.

Relieved a bit from worries, I calmed down. I noticed that she was listlessly staring at the ground and not moving. She was extremely thin and dirty that I would believe the rags she was wearing was originally white instead of a myriad of brown colors. Even her hair that was covered in muck didn't do much to justify the amount of dirt on her face.

"Are you wounded? Do you require healing?"


No response, I'm at a lost at what to do.





After pondering about it for a bit, I decided to take her with me since I can't just leave her after I just saved her. My morals of the "code" won;t allow me to leave her. Besides.... No, that place doesn't exist anymore. I still can't forget about it.

As I carried her to the tavern, I had to explain my circumstance to the guardsman along the way. The stares from different people is so unnerving.... It's not like I did something to her... Please stop.... I didn't kidnap her...



Finally safe from those death stares and into my room. I lay her onto the bed whilst she looked at me with her deadpan eyes. I grabbed a chair and waited at the corner of the room. She stared at me with those aquamarine eyes for a long time until she finally fell asleep. Feeling tired, I laid on the floor to sleep.... Ah crap... the bed's gonna get dirty.....



I decided to register her as an adventurer for now and filled only the necessary parts that I know. For now I'm calling her Iris..... because reasons....

Even the guild receptionists are staring at me with such disgust... Please stop.... I seriously didn't do anything wrong....

Quest Evaluation

OOC: No need to read the last spoiler unless you're interested/curious about it.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Quest - Evaluation Needed
> > >
Harvest Season
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Farmland
  • Required Level: 1
  • Assist a farmer with their crops.
  • Chase away any pests.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Farmers in the Scribel Region are always in need of temporary labor.
Head out to rural farmland and get reconnected with nature.
Beware: Pests and bugs are slightly bigger here than you might expect!
  • Points: 45 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: A basket of fresh produce
> > >

Before I take on harder jobs, I decided to take one look at the farm fields once again. I left most of my equipment as per usual at my room in the tavern and headed to the fields.

Once I got there, the same fields as that day filled my sights. Hardly any damage from before could be seen as it seems to have recovered. I approached one of the local farmers and offered help to them to which they accepted.

The rest of the day was uneventful as I tilled the fields of the land and sowed seeds into it. The local fruits and vegetables seem to be growing at a nice. There were some giant pests but not as dangerous as the the King Beetles from that time. Evening was approaching as it was time to head back.

I filed my report to the guild and head to the northern forest to gather some firewood for a future job.

Greetings to you Guild

As per request of the job, I have successfully uphold the task of tending the field. The produce on the lands are flourishing nicely and have scurried away any pest that wished to devour the work of the land.

At service to you, Lancer Reival

As I was cutting wood, I heard a noise nearby.

"Goba! Goba!"

Looking behind one the trees, I saw one of the short green beasts that someone before called "Goblin". Infront of it was a blue haired girl that was unmoving. Moving before thinking clearly, I ran towards the goblin and shoved it away, grabbed the girl and ran as fast as possible towards the city. Without my armor on, I ran considerably fast that I didn't see the goblin anymore when I looked behind.

Feeling a sense of relief near the city walls, I lay down the girl against the wall to check up on her. She was not moving. I got scared and quickly checked for breathing...... It's faint but definitely breathing.

Relieved a bit from worries, I calmed down. I noticed that she was listlessly staring at the ground and not moving. She was extremely thin and dirty that I would believe the rags she was wearing was originally white instead of a myriad of brown colors. Even her hair that was covered in muck didn't do much to justify the amount of dirt on her face.

"Are you wounded? Do you require healing?"


No response, I'm at a lost at what to do.





After pondering about it for a bit, I decided to take her with me since I can't just leave her after I just saved her. My morals of the "code" won;t allow me to leave her. Besides.... No, that place doesn't exist anymore. I still can't forget about it.

As I carried her to the tavern, I had to explain my circumstance to the guardsman along the way. The stares from different people is so unnerving.... It's not like I did something to her... Please stop.... I didn't kidnap her...



Finally safe from those death stares and into my room. I lay her onto the bed whilst she looked at me with her deadpan eyes. I grabbed a chair and waited at the corner of the room. She stared at me with those aquamarine eyes for a long time until she finally fell asleep. Feeling tired, I laid on the floor to sleep.... Ah crap... the bed's gonna get dirty.....



I decided to register her as an adventurer for now and filled only the necessary parts that I know. For now I'm calling her Iris..... because reasons....

Even the guild receptionists are staring at me with such disgust... Please stop.... I seriously didn't do anything wrong....

OOC: No need to read the last spoiler unless you're interested/curious about it.
"Great job! Here are your rewards."

Rewards: 45 EXP, 10 G, A basket of fresh produce


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
Quest - Evaluated
> > >
Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost!
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Figure out where the heck you are.
  • Locate the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Survive your first day.
Arriving in a brand new world always comes with culture shock.
Come visit the Adventurer's Guild! We're experts on dealing with Otherworlders.
If we can't answer your questions, at least we can point you in the right direction!
You'll definitely survive your first day without a problem... probably!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

[Iris POV]

Hungry..... cold..... drip.... drip.....



Bright..... Hope?.....




Where....... I...........? Green............

I..... tired..... sound.... near?.....

Green.... die..... stare... die......

Air.... fast.... light..... person?..... light.... fast......

Stare..... die?.... same.... same.... die.... kick... hurt... kick... punch... hurt....

Useless.... cursed......

Useless.... cursed......

Useless.... cursed......

Useless.... cursed......




Air.... light.... carry? ..... person.... same..... die......

Cell.... person.... lie..... soft..... stare.... stare.... tired.....




[Reival POV]

With her registration out of the way, I might as well have her "try" to perform some tasks. I suppose the newly guides will do for her. I took multiple quests quest on her behalf and we immediately went to "work" or so I wanted to....

I can't have her looking like a mess so I brought the only spare clothes I have we both went to the nearest river outside the city. Once we reached the nearest natural water source, I confirmed that no one else is nearby and only then did I realize... I'm gonna have to bathe her... which means... I'll see her naked... No wait! wait! WAIT! She can't possibly not know how to bathe.... right? I turn to face her and she listlessly stares at me with those deadpan eyes.

Sigh... I guess we'll find out.

"Bare yourself and rinse of the muck that gathered."

I said but she still stands at the same place unmoving whilst listlessly staring at me. Sigh... ofcourse it's come to this. No wait, I should say it in an informal way then maybe....

"Take off your clothes and clean your body."


Same reaction..... nothing. Sigh........ I don't have a choice huh? I approach her and take off her dirty rag.

Calm.... I am calm... ok.... I glance at her body and to my shock, she is thin. Extremely thin that I can even see her bones and ribs outside from her body. Limbs so thin I'm afraid I might easily snap her in half. All my tension vanished from such a sight that I can feel pity for her, but now is not the time for that. I gently guide her to take a sit in the river, from there I bathe her as carefully as I can.

Needless to say.... It was a bit awkward to me... but I guess it was necessary.

Now that she is wearing a simple white yunic with long brown pants, she is more or less now presentable with all muck and grit gone from her whole body.

With this problem away, we both went to "work" and explored the city.

Greeting to you Guild

I have taken an acquaintance and since will be taking quest together from henceforth. As she is of a "special" condition and lack of vocabulary, I shall be representing her until she is able to do so and chooses to do so for herself. Until then, I will accompany her on her quests.

As for the task at hand today, we have scoured the city and have taken of such establishments in the city.

At service to you, Lancer Reival along with Lady Iris

Iris pre-story encounter

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