Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Report - Not Yet Appraised
Character: Domenas Stoltrum
> > >
Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost! [SC0001]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Figure out where the heck you are.
  • Locate the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Survive your first day.
Arriving in a brand new world always comes with culture shock.
Come visit the Adventurer's Guild! We're experts on dealing with Otherworlders.
If we can't answer your questions, at least we can point you in the right direction!
You'll definitely survive your first day without a problem... probably!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >
"So, you're telling me that I'm on planet Tonia?" Domenas spoke as he fiddled with the gold coin in his hand. It was extremely easy for him to gain some money from the villagers. However, the poor quality and bad design of the coins caused him to feel that it was not so worth it.

"Tri-Seven, tell me the information regarding planet Tonia and its star system." Hearing the answer, Domenas felt sick from his disbelieve. It seemed that there was no record of planet Tonia, and he finally accepted his speculation, that he had really come to another dimension.

"Compile all the information I know about Tonia, and present me a general knowledge about it." As Domenas waited for the response, he slowly walked against the fleeing crowds, and headed towards Adventurer Guild, where he heard that most of the Otherworlders would be.

"Warning, Master. A group of low-energy lifeforms was approaching from the south. From the current estimation, they had already begun their assault on the city." Tri-Seven asnwered, only to make Domenas disappointed again. After coming to another world, his A.I. had been stuck in this sluggish mode, and it slowed down his pace.

"Well, let see the political structure of this world first then." The man titled Hand Behind the Dark Space walked towards the imposing, ominous building known as Adventurer Guild. He was particularly interested in the so-called magic and Mana of this dimension.
Welcome My Friend! *STAMP* - Alias
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020

City Guard Training [SC0401]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 4
  • Report to the City Barracks.
  • Spend one week getting trained.
  • Work together with your team.
  • Pass the final exam.
  • (Optional: Party Quest)
You want to be on the City Guard, huh?A hotshot like yourself might have done a lot of solo work before...But here you'll have learn how to work as a team. You'll be assigned to a team of four rookies (two pairs). Your entire team needs to work together to pass the final exam. Either you all pass or you all fail! Rewards:
  • Points: 250 EXP / person
  • Money: 20 G / person
  • Other: City Guard License

Character: Reciful 'Innocent Malice'
Lvl: 6 Rank E
Class: Villainess
Race: Children of Chaos

Quest name: City Guard Training

I trained as a Guard for a week... I was doing this for Preparation for my plan to move away from Scrible for good.

On the Training ground within the city Barracks the Person they regarded as the Guard Captain introduce me to the entire City guards. & Assigned me to form a group to fellow rookies thus they give us task, lecture, & combat training that lasted for a week.

The member is Jonathan, Mercer, Theresa & the last is Me.

Jonathan is a young man with brightly colored brown hair & eye. His is a cheerful talkative, single minded man who naively believes in justice & dreams to be a hero someday.

Mercer is a Dark skinned youth with gray hair & black pupils. A quiet man with a few words, despite that he is good at dual swords & logical at most times. He & Jonathan is childhood friends, Mercer regard Jonathan in high esteem he saw him as his leader subconsciously. His dream is to continuesly follow Jonathan & be beside him throughout his escapades.

Theresa is a very beautiful young prodigy she is a genius, Possessing a pretty Golden hair, blue eyes & fair white complexion. no wonder almost all Guard were secretly aiming for her hand. including Jonathan & Surprisingly Mercer too... Theresa have a gentle yet very strict personality she also have a strong sense of Justice. She is a Magic Swordsman she use a Shield & a Rapier magic sword. Her dream which she secretly tells me when we were on a night duty is to build a Matriarchy kingdom & be a ruling queen..... apparently she intensely hates men... Somehow I felt sorry for all the male guards... I wonder why?


They give us some lecture then question & answer test, For example...

What will you do if you're lost in the forest & you no longer have food Supplies?

: Hunt some food!
Mercer: follow Jonathan & hunt.
Theresa: The forest is blessed & have plenty of edible herbs & fruits, knowing each of its kinds is a must.

Me: Eat monsters Eat Everything.

Or question like this.

You're surrounded by a group of Goblins what will you do?

: Fight!! I can defeat them they are just Goblins!
Mercer: support Jonathan with all I have.
Theresa: shoot a Warning Signal, or use any Emergency message as soon as I found Myself in such situations & look for a escape route if possible & don't panic, don't over estimate & don't underestimate them. look for a retreat as fast as possible.

Me:.... Murder them, eat them, torture them & make them regret they exist.

Those were some of the few question they ask...& Somehow I got a failing mark at the question & answer test.

Theresa is the group leader Jonathan want to be leader too. but Theresa mercilessly beat him instead in all aspects of being a good leader. she is strict but she knows how to use our strength & making plans, adjust to it... Surprisingly she manage to utilize me unlike Jonathan who just out right isolated me from the team... He did it without any malice he is just dumb that all.

Theresa Concluded that I'm very hard to use if common sense is applied to me. That what she confirmed after spending a short time with me of course also she got scared when I ate a Goblin that our team fought right before their eyes. But she adapt very quickly unlike the two male. She even very patiently teach me how to cook.... Now I know how to cook a Skewer at the Very least.

Don't know why she is Kind to me. But I think its not because she like me or anything. perhaps its just because I'm a fellow female like her? thats why she is very tolerate with me?.. Dunno Not sure~... I only know is that she really hates men.

With Theresa as the Leader & attacker, Jonathan as the Tank, Mercer for Support, & Me who she left incharge of scouting, when there is a fight she said I am left on my own device attack the enemies in my own accord. in short I'm a all rounder.. but I must still follow her order of course.

Because of that we became a functioning team even thought I'm with them.


Lecture, Team fight coordination pratice, Border patrol, Night Duty, city patrol, Camping in the wilderness & Catching Criminal inside the city.

One week past, our team became more & more coordinated thanks to Theresa Magnificent display of leadership to the point that Jonathan & Mercer is dead head over hills inlove with her. But of course, she Magnificent ignore them outside of duty.

Finally the final exam... The Guard Captain said there is a report of distress Signal.. the message said "Captured by goblins"... The Captain says we must complete this task as our Final exam.

We attack the new created Goblins nest.... at one point or another Theresa find out I'm not a human but some sort of monster or something entirely. I don't know how she knew, but she knows it & not scared of it.

She ask me to scout... entering the shadow I find 20 goblin & the hostage 2 female who is about to be raped. I restrained the 2 goblins who will attack the victims with tendrils breaking their neck. I reassured the victim that they will be saved & return to the team.

Giving to Theresa & Co the full details , the cave Structure & position of the Goblins. we attack them... I remain inside the shadow & provide assistance with My Shadowy Tentacles, & Black magic Bullet that pierced the Goblins. While also directing them to the right way avoiding traps.

Eventually we kill most of the Goblins and reach the boss room. A Hobgoblin its strong but Theresa is very good at giving orders. Jonathan & Mercer have a very good coordination they parry each attack of the Hobgoblin, Theresa attack the Vitals & use magic to damage the enemy. while I use tendrils to grab & pierce him from the shadow. I give the last attack by Theresa's Orders Emerging from the shadow & Decapitated the Hobgoblins head with My Axe & My Cleaver immediately when it lost its footing.

We rescued the two female captive which I covered in shadow By My magic to hide them so that the Goblins won't see them in the dark. in case they use them a meat shield against us, this is suggestion of Theresa towards me which I did. thankfully it actually works the goblin really did not see them.

And so we completed the one week training including the final exam & part ways.

  • I form a team with fellow rookies.
  • Luckily our leader is a prodigy & talented.
  • Our leader makes good use of My Monstrosity.
  • My team leader teach me how to cook a skewer.
  • Our team somehow became more coordinated.
  • We did Night duty, border patrol, Outside camping, & City Patrol as a Team for a week reporting anything we did & find.
  • For the final exam we raid a newly build nest of Goblins in the edge of Biome forest.
  • We Subjugated the goblins including the Boss a Strong Hobgoblin.
  • We Rescued the 2 Female Captive before they got raped by the Goblins.
  • We went back to the city & Report the success of the rescue mission.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
> > >

Infiltrating the Criminal Network [SC0306]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 3
  • Prerequisite: Missing Children
  • Infiltrate a criminal network while undercover.
  • Gather intelligence about criminal activities.
Networks of criminals, thieves, and street gangs are known to operate in Scribel.
In order to stay one step ahead of crime, we need to know what they're planning.
Please infiltrate a criminal organization. Do not get caught.
  • Points: 150 EXP
  • Money: 14 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Hovering in the sky, she observed the Scribel city at night. The clandestine dealing she expected to emerge at this moment didn't happen at all. At first, she followed a man entering one of the alleyway. But, he seemed to take that as a shortcut. Another one did, but he did it to relieve his bladder instead, and emerged to continue to his home. She found two men entered one of the alleyway, but nothing happened beside a disheveled clothes and a slight increase of breathing pace when they emerged outside.

The street, apparently was not a host for criminal activity that night.

Taking back to the sky, she patrolled the city.


The man below her was suspicious, she thought. When she flew over the residential district, she saw the man stood in front of a door. Looking closely, instead of a key, he tried to open the door using some kind of wire and pin. She would have to observe the man to decide whether he was a thief or not.

After several minutes, the man then emerged from the house. Yet, the man didn't carry anything with him. Was the man not a thief? Or was it something small, something that was easily concealed inside of the man's body that was stolen? Thinking that it probably was the case, she followed the man, shunting most of her mass and compacting her body until it was no more than a marble.

Following the man lead her to a bar. The man then sat on the desk. Not long after, she saw someone strode to the man's desk and pulled one of the chair. He then occupied it.

"Is it done?"

"Yes. I've planted it in the house, in their bedroom."

"You made sure to leave no evidence, then?"

"Of course. They'll find no sign of their door being tampered at all. I made sure to lock it back before I left."

"Good. Here's your payment."

He gave some kind of sack to the man, which the man accepted. Then, the man left. At first, she intended to follow the man, but not long after that, she overheard the guy who was talking with the man said to dispose the man. Looking back, she saw the waitress nodded and went outside.

She followed the waitress, and was in time to witness the waitress stabbing the man. As the man fell, the waitress then brought the man's corpse to the large trash can made of metal, then light it on fire. The waitress then returned inside.

Remembering the face of the man and the waitress, she returned to the guild to report it. She didn't know if the man was a part of an organization, or who was living in that house. But, with this she might be able to prevent that person to act on the planted thing in that house.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
> > >

I'm not homeless, am I? [SC0005]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somewhere to sleep.
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

It was a nice lake. The distance between this lake and the scribel city on the north were considerable. But it was a lake.

She submerged herself within it, extending her senses as she became one with the lake. The place was more comfortable compared to the river. She even had been swept away when she try to sleep inside of a river once, and woke up somewhere in the middle of the sea. Because of that, she had sworn to herself to never sleep on the river again.

Lake was peaceful. It was tranquil. It would never bring her anywhere she did not want. It was... home.


The lake was home, until someone decided to urinate on it.

Why? Why would they sully her body? Couldn't they do it somewhere like on a tree? She hadn't seen any tree spirit around here, so those tree won't take offense, right? Instead, why did they do it on her? Putting that filth inside of her body...

She decided. Of course she wouldn't kill them. But, she could freeze them a little, right? Letting the frost crept upward as that water continue to pour down, hopefully the person realized. If not, well. a little frostbite wouldn't hurt them. Yes, this was the punishment for defiling her body. Stop what you did, or you would be frozen. A rumor like that would be beneficial to her.

The person went away before her ice could reach it.


More of them? Why did they come here? It was not like this yesterday. And why, why did they do it again to her?

This time, she made the ice crept faster. Yet, one thing that she didn't realize before was that when it moved so much, the stream of water became disjointed. Thus, she wasn't able to freeze them.

That was it.

She had enough.

With that, she left, looking for another home.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Report - Appraised
Character: Domenas Stoltrum
> > >
Please Don't Starve (Together) [SC0002]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find food.
  • Hope it is safe to eat.
  • Don't get diarrhea.
Have you ever wondered?
A cthulhu walks into the market and purchases a mysterious meat from a lizardman butcher.
Is it edible? Can you eat it? Will you die if you nibble on a piece?
I hope you're not too hungry...
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Sitting inside the Tavern, Domenas found himself enjoying the ordinary food as if it were precious noblemen's feast. He savoured every bit of his meal as if it was his last, and he made full use of the time he had. Even though there were shouting regarding slime horde invasion outside, Domenas viewed it with total indifference, and he took advantage of this to get more money.

The food was clean, and even if he could not distinguish it, Tri-Seven was there to help him make sure about his safety. Even after many years in the position of power, Tri-Seven had never once failed him, and so he had a lot of trust in it. After all, A.I. wouldn't betray him like any humans.
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018

: Reciful 'Innocent Malice'
Lvl: 6 Rank E
Class: Villainess
Race: Children of Chaos

Quest name: City Guard Training

I trained as a Guard for a week... I was doing this for Preparation for my plan to move away from Scrible for good.

On the Training ground within the city Barracks the Person they regarded as the Guard Captain introduce me to the entire City guards. & Assigned me to form a group to fellow rookies thus they give us task, lecture, & combat training that lasted for a week.

The member is Jonathan, Mercer, Theresa & the last is Me.

Jonathan is a young man with brightly colored brown hair & eye. His is a cheerful talkative, single minded man who naively believes in justice & dreams to be a hero someday.

Mercer is a Dark skinned youth with gray hair & black pupils. A quiet man with a few words, despite that he is good at dual swords & logical at most times. He & Jonathan is childhood friends, Mercer regard Jonathan in high esteem he saw him as his leader subconsciously. His dream is to continuesly follow Jonathan & be beside him throughout his escapades.

Theresa is a very beautiful young prodigy she is a genius, Possessing a pretty Golden hair, blue eyes & fair white complexion. no wonder almost all Guard were secretly aiming for her hand. including Jonathan & Surprisingly Mercer too... Theresa have a gentle yet very strict personality she also have a strong sense of Justice. She is a Magic Swordsman she use a Shield & a Rapier magic sword. Her dream which she secretly tells me when we were on a night duty is to build a Matriarchy kingdom & be a ruling queen..... apparently she intensely hates men... Somehow I felt sorry for all the male guards... I wonder why?


They give us some lecture then question & answer test, For example...

What will you do if you're lost in the forest & you no longer have food Supplies?

: Hunt some food!
Mercer: follow Jonathan & hunt.
Theresa: The forest is blessed & have plenty of edible herbs & fruits, knowing each of its kinds is a must.

Me: Eat monsters Eat Everything.

Or question like this.

You're surrounded by a group of Goblins what will you do?

: Fight!! I can defeat them they are just Goblins!
Mercer: support Jonathan with all I have.
Theresa: shoot a Warning Signal, or use any Emergency message as soon as I found Myself in such situations & look for a escape route if possible & don't panic, don't over estimate & don't underestimate them. look for a retreat as fast as possible.

Me:.... Murder them, eat them, torture them & make them regret they exist.

Those were some of the few question they ask...& Somehow I got a failing mark at the question & answer test.

Theresa is the group leader Jonathan want to be leader too. but Theresa mercilessly beat him instead in all aspects of being a good leader. she is strict but she knows how to use our strength & making plans, adjust to it... Surprisingly she manage to utilize me unlike Jonathan who just out right isolated me from the team... He did it without any malice he is just dumb that all.

Theresa Concluded that I'm very hard to use if common sense is applied to me. That what she confirmed after spending a short time with me of course also she got scared when I ate a Goblin that our team fought right before their eyes. But she adapt very quickly unlike the two male. She even very patiently teach me how to cook.... Now I know how to cook a Skewer at the Very least.

Don't know why she is Kind to me. But I think its not because she like me or anything. perhaps its just because I'm a fellow female like her? thats why she is very tolerate with me?.. Dunno Not sure~... I only know is that she really hates men.

With Theresa as the Leader & attacker, Jonathan as the Tank, Mercer for Support, & Me who she left incharge of scouting, when there is a fight she said I am left on my own device attack the enemies in my own accord. in short I'm a all rounder.. but I must still follow her order of course.

Because of that we became a functioning team even thought I'm with them.


Lecture, Team fight coordination pratice, Border patrol, Night Duty, city patrol, Camping in the wilderness & Catching Criminal inside the city.

One week past, our team became more & more coordinated thanks to Theresa Magnificent display of leadership to the point that Jonathan & Mercer is dead head over hills inlove with her. But of course, she Magnificent ignore them outside of duty.

Finally the final exam... The Guard Captain said there is a report of distress Signal.. the message said "Captured by goblins"... The Captain says we must complete this task as our Final exam.

We attack the new created Goblins nest.... at one point or another Theresa find out I'm not a human but some sort of monster or something entirely. I don't know how she knew, but she knows it & not scared of it.

She ask me to scout... entering the shadow I find 20 goblin & the hostage 2 female who is about to be raped. I restrained the 2 goblins who will attack the victims with tendrils breaking their neck. I reassured the victim that they will be saved & return to the team.

Giving to Theresa & Co the full details , the cave Structure & position of the Goblins. we attack them... I remain inside the shadow & provide assistance with My Shadowy Tentacles, & Black magic Bullet that pierced the Goblins. While also directing them to the right way avoiding traps.

Eventually we kill most of the Goblins and reach the boss room. A Hobgoblin its strong but Theresa is very good at giving orders. Jonathan & Mercer have a very good coordination they parry each attack of the Hobgoblin, Theresa attack the Vitals & use magic to damage the enemy. while I use tendrils to grab & pierce him from the shadow. I give the last attack by Theresa's Orders Emerging from the shadow & Decapitated the Hobgoblins head with My Axe & My Cleaver immediately when it lost its footing.

We rescued the two female captive which I covered in shadow By My magic to hide them so that the Goblins won't see them in the dark. in case they use them a meat shield against us, this is suggestion of Theresa towards me which I did. thankfully it actually works the goblin really did not see them.

And so we completed the one week training including the final exam & part ways.

  • I form a team with fellow rookies.
  • Luckily our leader is a prodigy & talented.
  • Our leader makes good use of My Monstrosity.
  • My team leader teach me how to cook a skewer.
  • Our team somehow became more coordinated.
  • We did Night duty, border patrol, Outside camping, & City Patrol as a Team for a week reporting anything we did & find.
  • For the final exam we raid a newly build nest of Goblins in the edge of Biome forest.
  • We Subjugated the goblins including the Boss a Strong Hobgoblin.
  • We Rescued the 2 Female Captive before they got raped by the Goblins.
  • We went back to the city & Report the success of the rescue mission.
"Well done, miss Reciful. I'm glad you got partners that were able to get closer to you and accept you for who you are.

"Cherish this friendship, miss Reciful, for I'm sure you're well aware not all are like this.

"May the gods protect you now and forevermore."

Final Reward:
Money: 20G
Other: City Guard License

OOC: Tag it as appraised please~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
> > >

Infiltrating the Criminal Network [SC0306]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 3
  • Prerequisite: Missing Children
  • Infiltrate a criminal network while undercover.
  • Gather intelligence about criminal activities.
Networks of criminals, thieves, and street gangs are known to operate in Scribel.
In order to stay one step ahead of crime, we need to know what they're planning.
Please infiltrate a criminal organization. Do not get caught.
  • Points: 150 EXP
  • Money: 14 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Hovering in the sky, she observed the Scribel city at night. The clandestine dealing she expected to emerge at this moment didn't happen at all. At first, she followed a man entering one of the alleyway. But, he seemed to take that as a shortcut. Another one did, but he did it to relieve his bladder instead, and emerged to continue to his home. She found two men entered one of the alleyway, but nothing happened beside a disheveled clothes and a slight increase of breathing pace when they emerged outside.

The street, apparently was not a host for criminal activity that night.

Taking back to the sky, she patrolled the city.


The man below her was suspicious, she thought. When she flew over the residential district, she saw the man stood in front of a door. Looking closely, instead of a key, he tried to open the door using some kind of wire and pin. She would have to observe the man to decide whether he was a thief or not.

After several minutes, the man then emerged from the house. Yet, the man didn't carry anything with him. Was the man not a thief? Or was it something small, something that was easily concealed inside of the man's body that was stolen? Thinking that it probably was the case, she followed the man, shunting most of her mass and compacting her body until it was no more than a marble.

Following the man lead her to a bar. The man then sat on the desk. Not long after, she saw someone strode to the man's desk and pulled one of the chair. He then occupied it.

"Is it done?"

"Yes. I've planted it in the house, in their bedroom."

"You made sure to leave no evidence, then?"

"Of course. They'll find no sign of their door being tampered at all. I made sure to lock it back before I left."

"Good. Here's your payment."

He gave some kind of sack to the man, which the man accepted. Then, the man left. At first, she intended to follow the man, but not long after that, she overheard the guy who was talking with the man said to dispose the man. Looking back, she saw the waitress nodded and went outside.

She followed the waitress, and was in time to witness the waitress stabbing the man. As the man fell, the waitress then brought the man's corpse to the large trash can made of metal, then light it on fire. The waitress then returned inside.

Remembering the face of the man and the waitress, she returned to the guild to report it. She didn't know if the man was a part of an organization, or who was living in that house. But, with this she might be able to prevent that person to act on the planted thing in that house.
"Thank you for this information, miss Watery, it is much appreciated.

"Though it is always disheartening to hear about those things happening, at least we could save innocent people from being framed this time.

"May the gods keep guiding you through the right path."

Final Reward:
Money: 14G

OOC: Tag it as appraised please~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
> > >

I'm not homeless, am I? [SC0005]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somewhere to sleep.
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

It was a nice lake. The distance between this lake and the scribel city on the north were considerable. But it was a lake.

She submerged herself within it, extending her senses as she became one with the lake. The place was more comfortable compared to the river. She even had been swept away when she try to sleep inside of a river once, and woke up somewhere in the middle of the sea. Because of that, she had sworn to herself to never sleep on the river again.

Lake was peaceful. It was tranquil. It would never bring her anywhere she did not want. It was... home.


The lake was home, until someone decided to urinate on it.

Why? Why would they sully her body? Couldn't they do it somewhere like on a tree? She hadn't seen any tree spirit around here, so those tree won't take offense, right? Instead, why did they do it on her? Putting that filth inside of her body...

She decided. Of course she wouldn't kill them. But, she could freeze them a little, right? Letting the frost crept upward as that water continue to pour down, hopefully the person realized. If not, well. a little frostbite wouldn't hurt them. Yes, this was the punishment for defiling her body. Stop what you did, or you would be frozen. A rumor like that would be beneficial to her.

The person went away before her ice could reach it.


More of them? Why did they come here? It was not like this yesterday. And why, why did they do it again to her?

This time, she made the ice crept faster. Yet, one thing that she didn't realize before was that when it moved so much, the stream of water became disjointed. Thus, she wasn't able to freeze them.

That was it.

She had enough.

With that, she left, looking for another home.
"... I suppose this counts, since you did find somewhere to sleep... Even if temporarily.

"Good luck finding a different home though.

"May the gods help you in all your endeavors."

Final Reward:

OOC: Tag as appraised please~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Report - Not Yet Appraised
Character: Domenas Stoltrum
> > >
Please Don't Starve (Together) [SC0002]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find food.
  • Hope it is safe to eat.
  • Don't get diarrhea.
Have you ever wondered?
A cthulhu walks into the market and purchases a mysterious meat from a lizardman butcher.
Is it edible? Can you eat it? Will you die if you nibble on a piece?
I hope you're not too hungry...
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Sitting inside the Tavern, Domenas found himself enjoying the ordinary food as if it were precious noblemen's feast. He savoured every bit of his meal as if it was his last, and he made full use of the time he had. Even though there were shouting regarding slime horde invasion outside, Domenas viewed it with total indifference, and he took advantage of this to get more money.

The food was clean, and even if he could not distinguish it, Tri-Seven was there to help him make sure about his safety. Even after many years in the position of power, Tri-Seven had never once failed him, and so he had a lot of trust in it. After all, A.I. wouldn't betray him like any humans.
*A certain small boy was seen hastily jumping into the receptionist desk from a hole in the ceiling, stamping this as approved, and then jumping out of the window*

Final Reward:

OOC: Tag as appraised plz~


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2020

> > >
Making a Friend™ [SC0003]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somebody you can actually talk to without punching a friend!
  • Discover the wonderful magic of friendship! :blob_happy:
It's tough to be stuck in a strange universe far away from home.It's even tougher if you're here without anybody you know.Make a friend, and maybe things will get easier? :sweating_profusely: Rewards:
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

After successfully his business at the adventurer’s guild, Sen decided to take a breather and wander the city. He’ll be staying at Scribel, at least for a while, and it’d be nice to familiarize himself with the city.

Not long after he left the guild building, Sen found himself on what seemed to be the city’s market district. It’s relatively big, and also quite well organized, with numerous areas selling distinctly different products. As Sen wandered around the area and browsed various merchandises, he then stumbled upon an old weapon shop on a corner of the market.

‘Ooh! I wonder what kind of weapons they sell?’ Sen thought as he entered the shop, instantly greeted by the familiar smell of oil and iron wafting through the air inside the shop.

‘Aah. It really takes me back,’ Sen reminisced as he surveyed the shop. There weren’t many weapons displayed there, but the variety was astonishing. From normal weapons like swords, spears, and daggers to the less common ones like hammer and maces.

‘Uwaah, they’re really good! At glance they don’t seem very high-quality, but they’re actually quite well-made! The maintenance work is perfect too! The blacksmith must be really good!’ he thought as he inspected each one of the weapons. ‘I wonder if I can meet that guy?’

Right then, a voice called out to Sen, as if answering his wish, “Oi, nii-san, you’re staring real hard at ‘em, huh? Find something you fancy?”

Turning his head towards the voice, Sen saw a woman sitting behind the counter with one hand propping her head, smiling mischievously at him.

Surprised by her sudden appearance, it took Sen a few seconds before he could give a reply, “Oh, uhm, not quite. I was admiring them, yes. Though I’m not eyeing any particular one.”

“Hm? Why not? Something’s not to your liking?” she asked while still maintaining her smile.

“Nope, it’s the other way around. I’m currently broke, you see, so I can’t buy them. I would certainly consider it if I can, though. They’re well-made and maintained, after all.”

“Oh? Mind telling me why you think so?” She stood up and made her way to Sen.

“Well, I only saw a few of them, but the blades have a nice angle to them, and, well, I can’t tell exactly without trying them out, but they seem to be well balanced, too. As for the maintenance, I could tell from the smell. It’s quite noticeable in here, but the blades were clean, so I assumed they were often used. ” Sen answered her honestly.

Hearing Sen’s answer, the woman instantly broke into a smile and laughed, “Hahaha! Nii-san, you’re good! Are you a blacksmith too? What’s your name?”

“Haha, yeah, I am. I only specialized in swords, though, and it’s been quite some time since I got to make one. I'm Sen, nice to meet you,” Sen replied wryly while bowing his head a little.

“Hoho. I see, I see. I’m Cait, the blacksmith and owner of this shop, “The Iron Cat”. Nice to meet you too, Sen!” Cait introduced herself in reply.

"Say, you got some time? I'd like to hear what you have to say about the other ones as well," Cait asked him.

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Nice~. So let's see... how about we start with..... "

That day, their conversation then continued until sunset. It was a rather tiring afternoon for Sen, but he quite enjoyed it, nonetheless.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2020
> > >
Cooking Rations [SC0107]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

After checking the quests for a while, Sen decided to take the cooking quest as his first one and headed further into the building after asking a nearby staff for direction.

‘Kitchen, kitchen… ah. There it is.’ It took a bit of walking, but he managed to find the kitchen: a large room, at least the size of a dining hall, filled with numerous cooks in a white uniform scurrying around while shouting to each other.

Amazed by the view, Sen stood there in a daze until he noticed a young man with a slightly more elaborate uniform approached him.

“Excuse me, do you have any business here? If not, I’ll have to ask you leave, since this place is off-limits,” the man asked Sen with a stern look.

“I do, actually,” Sen replied while handing him the quest paper to him, “I’m Sen, a new adventurer. I’m taking the ‘cooking rations’ quest.”

After briefly checking the paper, the man lifted his head, “I see. In that case, follow me.”

He took Sen to a corner of the kitchen and started explaining, “You can go ahead and use this section of the kitchen. It was a rather modest corner compared to the rest of the kitchen, “only” consisting of a small table, a wall cabinet, an oven, and two stoves, but Sen judged those would be far more than what’s necessary.

“The cookbook is at the bottom shelf,” he pointed at the wall cabinet, then at a wooden door nearby, “and you can find the necessary ingredients on that storeroom back there. Any question?”

“Do I need to hand rations to you or someone else when I’m done?”

“Yes, do notify me when you’re done, but in the case I’m not here, you can go ahead and take it to the receptionist. Anything else?”

“Got it. I think that’s all, thank you.”

“Good. I’ll be returning to my work then. Don’t forget to clean up when you’re done, and if anyone asks, tell them Silas gave you the okay,” he added, before leaving the entrance.

‘Silas, huh? He seems like a good guy,’ Sen thought as he took out the cookbook and started reading.

After skimming through a few recipes, Sen decided to make a hardtack, one of the simpler recipes in the book. He then took out a bag of flour from the storeroom and started working on it. He first added some water to the flour and started kneading it to mix it into a dough. After he felt it was thick enough, Sen formed the dough into a large square, then cut it into smaller pieces before baking them in the oven.

A few repetitions and two hours later, Sen finished 40 of them. ‘Phew. That’s the last batch. Now, got to call…’ Sen lifted his head and looked around for Silas, only to find him nowhere in the kitchen. ‘Huh. Guess they’re going to the receptionist, then,’ Sen thought as he started cleaning up before leaving the kitchen.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2020
> > >
Cooking Rations [SC0107]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

Deciding to take the cooking quest again, Sen returned to the kitchen on the next day to cook some more rations. He didn’t meet Silas today, but another chef with a similar uniform gave him the approval and let Sen in.

Just like he did previously, Sen took out some flour from the storeroom and started making the hardtacks. After another two hours, Sen finished today’s batch of 40 rations, handed it to the chef from earlier, and left the kitchen after tidying up.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2020
> > >
Cooking Rations [SC0107]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

Repeating it for the third time, Sen entered the kitchen after getting approval from Silas, made another batch of 40 hardtacks, and cleaned up before heading to the receptionist to hand the rations and reporting the quest completion.
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Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Party Quest Report - Verified

Goblin Subjugation (PQ) [SC0408]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 4
  • Form a party of at least 4 members.
    • Note: At least 2 players; rest can be NPCs.
  • Drive away or repel the goblin group.
  • (Bonus) Slay the goblin leader.
  • (Bonus) Rout all the goblins.
We've received reports of a band of goblins close to the outskirts of the city.
They are too numerous for a single individual to take on.
Assemble a party to challenge this monster threat.
Repelling them is the primary objective, although killing them is preferable.
Remember: "The only good goblins are dead goblins."
  • Points: 225 EXP / person
  • Money: 20 G / person
  • Other: n/a
Liana, Frode, AIEO and Till Wallner came into the guild while covered in goblin blood and wrote up their party quest report before handing it in, along with the spear Till had rented from the guild.
Having fought goblins before, Till feels like they aren't too much of a threat. So he kept eyeing the goblin subjugation quest, but never managed to get together the required group. But today might be his chance, because as he nears the quest board, he notices Liana approaching it as well.

"Ah, Miss Liana!" He greets her as he approaches her and continues before she can reply. "So you are an adventurer as well? That's excellent! I was just looking for a group to start a quest with. Do you want to join?"
Seeing a man coming up to her with an overly-excited face, Liana stepped back a little in surprise and mild fear as her body involuntarily shuddered. However, upon hearing his words, she took in the face of the man and realised it was Till Wallner: the man who had carried Letianna that night.

"Ah, Mr Wallner...yes I work as an adventurer." She put a strand of hair behind her ear as she smiled meekly, "What kind of quest were you thinking of?"

With a happy smile, Till taps his finger against the quest sheet for the goblin subjugation.

"It's this here, the goblin subjugation. Seems like a small raiding party of them appeared near the city - only about ten of them. Too much for myself alone, but with a group of 4, it's no real problem."
Looking at the sheet, Liana's face paled a bit before she turned to look at the man with a wry smile on her face.

"Um...Mr Wallner...I'm kind of bad at combat...Maybe you'd have better luck asking someone else?"

Liana turned to look at the quest board to find a more suitable quest for herself - no longer paying attention to Till.
Till reassuringly pats Liana's shoulder. "Now now, don't be like that. I can teach you how to handle a sword if you want to, and goblins are easy to beat as long as you don't let yourself get surrounded. Even old me can do it, so I'm sure you'll do just fine."
Freezing at the man touching her, Liana shuddered and reflexively nodded her assent, due to her 10 days of training with Alexei, without realising.

"Yes, Sir." She muttered absentmindedly.
After raising an eyebrow at this unexpected response, Till continues - this time slightly less insistent. "Thanks, Lia! I can call you that, right? Also, I'm not trying to force you to anything. Just saying. But still, I'd appreciate it if you joined."
"...Eh?" Liana came back to her senses and realised what she had said. Shifting her gaze from side to side out of guilt, she could only wryly smile - and say out of guilt: "...sure...but please only call me Liana..."

"Oh you two are looking to deal with some goblins? Around Scribel city I'm also looking into doing that I dealt with one major grouping of them recently up in the north and so there is only 1 more and the north should be relatively cleared off." I came up behind the two talking the little map with stickers tucked away in my hand and stored away for safe keeping of course these two might not be that suitable for the endeavour but then I'd just have to go along with what they were planning to do.
"Um...I suppose having someone with experience would be good..." Liana responded while subtly removing Till's hand from her shoulder.

Just then, roots grew out of the ground and wrapped around all three adventurers' feet tightly - with more force put on Liana's. An elf strode out from the entrance of the guild building with a sour look on his face, glaring at Liana before blankly staring at the other woman and man.

"I'll go with you, too. That frigid b*tch of a receptionist said I needed to learn more about teamwork and so told me to do this quest!" He folded his arms as he haughtily stared down at the other three. "Don't get in my way and I'll try not to get you killed."

"Sure, Liana. Happy to have you with me."

As AIEO appears behind them, Till nods in agreement with Liana, suppressing the awkward feeling as he forgot to remove his hand from Liana's shoulder.

"Yes, glad to have you abroad. I'm Till, and y-"

However, before he can finish, he gets interrupted by the elf's sudden entrance. With a wry smile, Till just nods - inwardly wishing that there was someone else to take instead.
"Grow a brain dumbass. You are the most likely one to get in the way." AIEO steps out of the vines easily they having not truly grasped around her legs properly. AIEO begins walking away from the building off to kill some stupid goblins. "We have four so let us go and finish this off and xenos don't get in my fucking way."
Not sure what to do, Liana looked at the shrinking back of the woman before staring at Till who seemed to be wearing an awkward face, to then staring at Frode who hadn't removed the roots wrapped around her feet.


Noticing the young woman's gaze, the elf humphed before waving his wand - causing the roots to sink back into the ground - and then stormed off after the woman. Liana looked at the older man and smiled wryly while wondering what she'd got herself into.

"Um...I guess we go, then?" A glum expression revealed itself on her face before she followed after the other two with slumped shoulders - begging internally for none of them to end up bleeding.

"Yeah, let's get moving!" Till agrees, forcing back his cheerful mood as he follows the group once he can freely move again.

Turning to Liana, he whispers: "Don't worry, everything will work just fine."

But only now does he notice that Liana doesn't have a weapon with her, so he quickly dashes off to the guild's armory, painfully parting with some of his money to borrow a spear for Liana. Within seconds, he already is back and offers her the spear.

"I notice you didn't have a weapon, so here you go! Do you want a quick explanation of the basics, or can you handle a spear?"
Feeling a little reassured by the older man's words, Liana smiled meekly before seeing him quickly dash off into the guild building and then rushing back out with a wry smile. Seeing the man holding the large weapon that seemed familiar to her, Liana reflexively grabbed the shaft and squeezed it, feeling the familiar hardness she'd grown used to when training with Alexei. Looking at Till, Liana swallowed a little before asking:

"How did you know I was training with a similar weapon, Mr Wallner? Also, if the stances are the same - or similar - to a billhook, then I think I'll be somewhat okay about the basics. Thank you for the offer, and for giving me your weapon." She smiled brightly before looking at the small figures in the distance. "I guess we should hurry to catch up with them...I don't want them to hate me more than they already do..."

"Oh, you've trained with a billhook? Great! Had I known that, I would've borrowed one of those instead. So I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have a superhuman perception. It's just that, you know, a spear is an excellent weapon anyone can use without a lot of training. But if you've trained before, that's even better! Just remember to thrust and not to hook."

"Now, let's get going!" With a smile on his face, Till starts jogging to catch up with the other two of the group.
"What took you two so long to catch up? Did they leave the vines around your ankles or something?" I say as I hear the two to finally catching up to us the girl is now carrying a spear it seems she isn't that confident in her skills from her stance though oh well.
Liana looked at Frode, who ignored her presence, and just smiled wryly at the woman, "Something like that..." Not wanting to make the woman more annoyed with her, she quickly matched her pace and followed the group to their destination - still unsure of how she'd do in this quest...

The group quickly leaves Scribel and continues marching towards the area where the goblins were spotted. After some distance to the east along the road, they move off northwards, entering the grasslands between the forest and road. It is here that they easily spot a group of goblins at the forest's edge.

The moment he spots them, Till drops to the ground, signaling the rest of the group to follow in an attempt to stay hidden from the goblins and come up with a plan.
Noting that the other man had dropped to the floor I quickly made sure that there wasn't any other goblins around nope only these 10 2 on 1 is fine odds and I can definitely make them better probably kill 2 with bolts before they even reach us. I load the crossbow before talking the plan over. "Make noise we want them coming over to us. You xenos you delay one or two of them and then join us in killing the other 8 when they get over here. This isn't the prey I was looking for but it'll do." I shot a bolt into one of the goblins dozing around on the floor as soon as I stop talking and then draw my dagger ready to fight them.
"Eh?" Liana's eyes widened as she started to register just what the woman had said as she fired her crossbow bolt at a hideous looking creature. "Kyaaa!" Liana screamed as she found the creatures repulsive to look at. When she saw them running towards her with lascivious eyes, she dropped her spear out of fear and hid behind Till - grabbing his clothes as a lifeline with her eyes closed.

Seeing the pathetic young woman being as useless as he remembered her during the City Guard training, Frode clicked his tongue before using his nature magic to entangle the goblin's feet in a mass of thick roots.

I simply smile wrily as everything starts to go wrong. We should still be able to do this... but immediately after I get up from the ground and ready myself, Liana drops her weapon and hides behind me. Well, this is going even worse than I thought it would! Well, time to fight. I draw my sword and go into the day's guard, then call out to Liana:

"Right now, you have two - no, three options. Option one, grab your weapon and fight! Option two, keep your head low, stay directly at my back, and follow me - that way, I can try to protect you. And should we get surrounded, curl up into a ball. It would be if I had a greatsword right now, but goblins have a shorter range than me, so that's fine. And the final option is to stick with one of the others."

With that said, I turn to the woman with the crossbow: "Try to take down the ranged ones first, we lack shields or armor so we don't want to get hit by any stray attacks."

And then, finally, I address the rest of the group. "Remember, as long as the goblins retreat, we have done our job! Driving them away is enough. Don't go in for the kill, risking your life, if you don't have to!"

As I see the goblins struggling in the roots but trying to get towards us, I steel myself, trying to get rid of the notion of retreating. We can't retreat right now. We can't!
I fire my second bolt off and pull out the dagger this is a relatively simple and routine battle for myself 10 against 1 well not really but at times like this it always feels like it even if I am standing shoulder to shoulder with my companions. The first bolt had taken one through the eyeball and dug right into it's brain killing the thing instantly the second pierced through. The head of another goblin taking it out of the fight. The two humans hadn't moved there asses forward I guess they need some motivation? "GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE. WE NEED TO BE BIGGER AND LOUDER THEN THEM SO MOVE UP YOU SCUM! DO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVER?" That should surely help move them forwards.
Hearing Till's pep talk, Liana came back to her senses and remembered about how she needed to gain combat experience - especially with that slime horde on its way. Releasing her hands from Till's clothes, she bent down and picked up the spear and got into the basic fighting stance Alexei had taught her.

"Sorry about my panicking...this is my first proper fight with a weapon..." Her body was shaking a little in fear as she saw the grotesque goblin getting closer, "I'll try my best to fight with you, Mr Wallner! So...apologies if I accidentally stab you in the back!"

Hearing the woman's shouting, Liana looked at TIll and gave him a wry smile before running towards the goblins with her spear in a ready to thrust position - keeping it parallel to the ground and facing the goblins.

Frode changed up his spell and had the roots turn into sharp protrusions that pierced into the goblins' bodies - killing 2 in one go, with the others shouting in pain but still very much alive.

I let out a loud, confident laugh, much more confident than I am actually feeling, and first shout back to the woman with the crossbow:


Then I turn towards Liana. "Just don't actually stab me in the back, alright? Now, let's move forward!"

With that said I charge forward, taking a position ahead of the woman with the crossbow but not blocking her line of sight to the goblins. Once in position, I let out a warcry. While I appear confident, I am actually everything but - it takes all of my courage not to escape, but as I continue telling myself that we will be fine, the fear slowly fades.

Then the goblins close in. I get into the plow stance, ready to fend them off. The first one doesn't seem to notice I am holding a sword - I easily skewer him. But by the time I kick his corpse off my blade, I am already embroiled in the melee.
Don't know why that guy slotted himself in front of me that was the last bolt I'd have time to fire before they would engage us. Oh well, these guys clearly need a guardian to protect and manage them. It's almost like it's there first time in combat. The first goblin that rushes up on to him he lets get impaled on his sword which means he has to kick the body off from his sword. What does he think this is a leisurely stroll? "Don't let them fall on your blade like that, you fool the sword is your only defence you don't even have a shield! If it gets caught you die." I grab his shoulder and pulls him out of the melee just after he seems to have let himself get caught up in it stabbing the goblin that took the first ones place in the neck and following the blow through it's body making sure nothing gets caught and the nearby goblins aren't all that close there is only 4 now remaining a one on one battle. The knife slides cleanly through the brain and my knee connects to the face of the goblin slamming it back into one of it's compatriots. "DIE FOR THE EMPEROR!" Fear the ultimate weapon against piddly xenos like these.
Liana saw the older man charge into the group of goblins and wondered if doing such a thing was safe - since she recalled Alexei telling her to always ensure you have an escape route and don't leave yourself open to attack when attacking.

Hearing the woman's admonishment of Till's actions, Liana realised that the man really was acting recklessly and so chose not to follow his example.

Seeing the goblin that got hit by the one thrown by the woman, Liana quickly ran closer to it and rapidly thrust her spear into its abdomen before swiftly pulling it out. The goblin blood in the air began to permeate as Liana became more aggressive. Linking her pulling in action to another, she looked like she was doing a graceful dance as she swiftly thrust the spear into the neck of the other goblin. She then pulled the spear out and collapsed on the ground as the adrenaline rush left her - making her feel limp.

Frode clicked his tongue at the young woman and kicked her out of the way before casting his magic to skewer the remaining two goblins between their legs, through their bodies, then through their heads. He crossed his arms with a smug expression on his face as he looked down on Liana and Till before moving to the goblins to cut off their ears. He muttered under his breath as he left their vicinity, "Pathetic!"

As soon as the rewards were given, Frode left the group in a huff and vacated the building.

[OOC: Did this in a Group PM, so if you want me to change the format of the report, I can.
Tagging @Vanus and @Quaesitor since they did the quest.
Frode is an NPC who was mentioned in my City Guard Training quest that was failed.

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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
After successfully his business at the adventurer’s guild, Sen decided to take a breather and wander the city. He’ll be staying at Scribel, at least for a while, and it’d be nice to familiarize himself with the city.

Not long after he left the guild building, Sen found himself on what seemed to be the city’s market district. It’s relatively big, and also quite well organized, with numerous areas selling distinctly different products. As Sen wandered around the area and browsed various merchandises, he then stumbled upon an old weapon shop on a corner of the market.

‘Ooh! I wonder what kind of weapons they sell?’ Sen thought as he entered the shop, instantly greeted by the familiar smell of oil and iron wafting through the air inside the shop.

‘Aah. It really takes me back,’ Sen reminisced as he surveyed the shop. There weren’t many weapons displayed there, but the variety was astonishing. From normal weapons like swords, spears, and daggers to the less common ones like hammer and maces.

‘Uwaah, they’re really good! At glance they don’t seem very high-quality, but they’re actually quite well-made! The maintenance work is perfect too! The blacksmith must be really good!’ he thought as he inspected each one of the weapons. ‘I wonder if I can meet that guy?’

Right then, a voice called out to Sen, as if answering his wish, “Oi, nii-san, you’re staring real hard at ‘em, huh? Find something you fancy?”

Turning his head towards the voice, Sen saw a woman sitting behind the counter with one hand propping her head, smiling mischievously at him.

Surprised by her sudden appearance, it took Sen a few seconds before he could give a reply, “Oh, uhm, not quite. I was admiring them, yes. Though I’m not eyeing any particular one.”

“Hm? Why not? Something’s not to your liking?” she asked while still maintaining her smile.

“Nope, it’s the other way around. I’m currently broke, you see, so I can’t buy them. I would certainly consider it if I can, though. They’re well-made and maintained, after all.”

“Oh? Mind telling me why you think so?” She stood up and made her way to Sen.

“Well, I only saw a few of them, but the blades have a nice angle to them, and, well, I can’t tell exactly without trying them out, but they seem to be well balanced, too. As for the maintenance, I could tell from the smell. It’s quite noticeable in here, but the blades were clean, so I assumed they were often used. ” Sen answered her honestly.

Hearing Sen’s answer, the woman instantly broke into a smile and laughed, “Hahaha! Nii-san, you’re good! Are you a blacksmith too? What’s your name?”

“Haha, yeah, I am. I only specialized in swords, though, and it’s been quite some time since I got to make one. I'm Sen, nice to meet you,” Sen replied wryly while bowing his head a little.

“Hoho. I see, I see. I’m Cait, the blacksmith and owner of this shop, “The Iron Cat”. Nice to meet you too, Sen!” Cait introduced herself in reply.

"Say, you got some time? I'd like to hear what you have to say about the other ones as well," Cait asked him.

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Nice~. So let's see... how about we start with..... "

That day, their conversation then continued until sunset. It was a rather tiring afternoon for Sen, but he quite enjoyed it, nonetheless.
"I'm glad you found someone you could easily talk to.

"May the gods ensure your relationship is protected for years to come."


OOC: Please tag your report as appraised in some way~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
After checking the quests for a while, Sen decided to take the cooking quest as his first one and headed further into the building after asking a nearby staff for direction.

‘Kitchen, kitchen… ah. There it is.’ It took a bit of walking, but he managed to find the kitchen: a large room, at least the size of a dining hall, filled with numerous cooks in a white uniform scurrying around while shouting to each other.

Amazed by the view, Sen stood there in a daze until he noticed a young man with a slightly more elaborate uniform approached him.

“Excuse me, do you have any business here? If not, I’ll have to ask you leave, since this place is off-limits,” the man asked Sen with a stern look.

“I do, actually,” Sen replied while handing him the quest paper to him, “I’m Sen, a new adventurer. I’m taking the ‘cooking rations’ quest.”

After briefly checking the paper, the man lifted his head, “I see. In that case, follow me.”

He took Sen to a corner of the kitchen and started explaining, “You can go ahead and use this section of the kitchen. It was a rather modest corner compared to the rest of the kitchen, “only” consisting of a small table, a wall cabinet, an oven, and two stoves, but Sen judged those would be far more than what’s necessary.

“The cookbook is at the bottom shelf,” he pointed at the wall cabinet, then at a wooden door nearby, “and you can find the necessary ingredients on that storeroom back there. Any question?”

“Do I need to hand rations to you or someone else when I’m done?”

“Yes, do notify me when you’re done, but in the case I’m not here, you can go ahead and take it to the receptionist. Anything else?”

“Got it. I think that’s all, thank you.”

“Good. I’ll be returning to my work then. Don’t forget to clean up when you’re done, and if anyone asks, tell them Silas gave you the okay,” he added, before leaving the entrance.

‘Silas, huh? He seems like a good guy,’ Sen thought as he took out the cookbook and started reading.

After skimming through a few recipes, Sen decided to make a hardtack, one of the simpler recipes in the book. He then took out a bag of flour from the storeroom and started working on it. He first added some water to the flour and started kneading it to mix it into a dough. After he felt it was thick enough, Sen formed the dough into a large square, then cut it into smaller pieces before baking them in the oven.

A few repetitions and two hours later, Sen finished 40 of them. ‘Phew. That’s the last batch. Now, got to call…’ Sen lifted his head and looked around for Silas, only to find him nowhere in the kitchen. ‘Huh. Guess they’re going to the receptionist, then,’ Sen thought as he started cleaning up before leaving the kitchen.
"I'm glad everything went smoothly.

"May the gods ensure your days remain peaceful."

Money: 10G
Other: 5 Rations

OOC: Tag it as appraised please~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Deciding to take the cooking quest again, Sen returned to the kitchen on the next day to cook some more rations. He didn’t meet Silas today, but another chef with a similar uniform gave him the approval and let Sen in.

Just like he did previously, Sen took out some flour from the storeroom and started making the hardtacks. After another two hours, Sen finished today’s batch of 40 rations, handed it to the chef from earlier, and left the kitchen after tidying up.
Repeating it for the third time, Sen entered the kitchen after getting approval from Silas, made another batch of 40 hardtacks, and cleaned up before heading to the receptionist to hand the rations and reporting the quest completion.
*stamps approval*

Money: 20G
Others: 10 Rations + Permission to use Kitchen

OOC: Tag as appraised please~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Liana, Frode, AEIO and Till Wallner came into the guild while covered in goblin blood and wrote up their party quest report before handing it in, along with the spear Till had rented from the guild.
As soon as the rewards were given, Frode left the group in a huff and vacated the building.

[OOC: Did this in a Group PM, so if you want me to change the format of the report, I can.
Tagging @Vanus and @Quaesitor since they did the quest.
Frode is an NPC who was mentioned in my City Guard Training quest that was failed.

"Well, miss Liana, what can I say...? I'm glad you all returned safely, and you did well in not letting the heat of the battle take over your head.

"I can't say I approve or hope you get used to it and stop trembling in fear, but I wish for your safety regardless of what actions you decide to take.

"May the gods forever protect you all."

225 for each
Money: 20G for each

OOC: Remember to tag it as appraised~
*also pokes @Quaesitor and @Vanus


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
> > >
Forest Ranger [SC0301]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 3
  • Prerequisite Quest: Hunting Mission
  • Serve as a guide for civilians in the forest.
  • Protect civilians from harm.
Many of Scribel's citizens are afraid to enter the forest alone.
It is easy to lose your way if you are unfamiliar with the trails.
As an experienced woodsman, help guide citizens through the woods.
Protect our people from coming to harm.
  • Points: 140 EXP
  • Money: 15 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

The citizen whom she was currently escorting wanted to search for ingredients for her salves. Yet, while she could offer protection for her, being a guide was simply impossible as she had no knowledge on where the ingredients could be harvested. The woman insisted, saying that it was fine, because she just needed an escort for that. The woman said that a lot of adventurer she had hired were not that knowledgeable too. Therefore, she insisted on going herself with an escort instead of entrusting it to an adventurer. Meanwhile, she had opened a quest a long ago, yet she had no supply of the Anra fruit she sought.

With that said, she and the woman went to the forest.


She knew that what the woman said went over her head. The woman extolled the benefit of Anra fruit. How it could reduce the fever, curing cough and rockjoint. But, she was not a human. She never felt sick, so she could not understand her at all. Meanwhile, she instead paid her attention at her surrounding, to see whether there was a threat at all around her.

"Well... the fruit has a sour taste. So, not many people wanted to eat it raw. But, you can use its skin to cure burns. For its meat, you can grind it and mix it with honey to create an antidote for some poison. Even my patient, paralyzed due to touching that tri-flower, recover using this when I apply it as a salve. It is painful enough though, but you adventurer types can tough it out, no?"

She nodded once or twice, hearing the woman talk. The journey went like that until they arrived on some kind of tree.

"Okay. I'm going to climb it. Can you help me open that sack? I'll throw it from above." The woman said. She removed her footwear and folded her sleeves.

"I can, but I can fly. Why don't I gather them instead?"

"Well... sure. You can do that." the woman replied.

As the woman confirmed that, Watery flew above, picking up the fruits on the tree. After harvesting a few of the fruits, enough to fill one sack, both she and the woman returned to the city.
Last edited:


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
> > >
Forest Ranger [SC0301]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 3
  • Prerequisite Quest: Hunting Mission
  • Serve as a guide for civilians in the forest.
  • Protect civilians from harm.
Many of Scribel's citizens are afraid to enter the forest alone.
It is easy to lose your way if you are unfamiliar with the trails.
As an experienced woodsman, help guide citizens through the woods.
Protect our people from coming to harm.
  • Points: 140 EXP
  • Money: 15 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

The citizen whom she was currently escorting wanted to search for ingredients for her salves. Yet, while she could offer protection for her, being a guide was simply impossible as she had no knowledge on where the ingredients could be harvested. The woman insisted, saying that it was fine, because she just needed an escort for that. The woman said that a lot of adventurer she had hired were not that knowledgeable too. Therefore, she insisted on going herself with an escort instead of entrusting it to an adventurer. Meanwhile, she had opened a quest a long ago, yet she had no supply of the Anra fruit she sought.

With that said, she and the woman went to the forest.


She knew that what the woman said went over her head. The woman extolled the benefit of Anra fruit. How it could reduce the fever, curing cough and rockjoint. But, she was not a human. She never felt sick, so she could not understand her at all. Meanwhile, she instead paid her attention at her surrounding, to see whether there was a threat at all around her.

"Well... the fruit has a sour taste. So, not many people wanted to eat it raw. But, you can use its skin to cure burns. For its meat, you can grind it and mix it with honey to create an antidote for some poison. Even my patient, paralyzed due to touching that tri-flower, recover using this when I apply it as a salve. It is painful enough though, but you adventurer types can tough it out, no?"

She nodded once or twice, hearing the woman talk. The journey went like that until they arrived on some kind of tree.

"Okay. I'm going to climb it. Can you help me open that sack? I'll throw it from above." The woman said. She removed her footwear and folded her sleeves.

"I can, but I can fly. Why don't I gather them instead?"

"Well... sure. You can do that." the woman replied.

As the woman confirmed that, Watery flew above, picking up the fruits on the tree. After harvesting a few of the fruits, enough to fill one sack, both she and the woman returned to the city.
"It's a good thing you found no dangers in your quest, miss Watery.

"May the gods ensure your days are always peaceful."

Money: 15G

OOC: Tag as appraised please~