Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
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Making a Friend™ [SC0003]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somebody you can actually talk to without punching a friend!
  • Discover the wonderful magic of friendship! :blob_happy:
It's tough to be stuck in a strange universe far away from home.It's even tougher if you're here without anybody you know.Make a friend, and maybe things will get easier? :sweating_profusely: Rewards:
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Ano...a friend, umu. That's someone that can be talked to without feeling the urge to murder them, right? Un, I think I have one then.

So just recently I ran into this interesting girl (@Feathers95) at the tavern, and we shared sandwiches. She ran away right after that, so we didn't really get a chance to talk further but...I have a good feeling about it, you know? I just know we're going to get along swimmingly, like, totally.

Un? What? Magic? Naw, nothing so violent happened, you know? We just got to know each other better through a little game with food on the line, no violence involved whatsoever. Us civilised types never do that kind of thing.

As for the name...uhm, I didn't get a chance to ask, but uh...*vaguely describes Felicia's features*...something like that. Also uses ice magic too. How do I know that she uses Ice Magic? Because we fou---found a lot of common ground, so it ended up being mentioned in passing. Yep, that's it.

Anyway, she's an adventurer as well, so I'm confident we'll meet again eventually!

- Ellania
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Ano...a friend, umu. That's someone that can be talked to without feeling the urge to murder them, right? Un, I think I have one then.

So just recently I ran into this interesting girl (@Feathers95) at the tavern, and we shared sandwiches. She ran away right after that, so we didn't really get a chance to talk further but...I have a good feeling about it, you know? I just know we're going to get along swimmingly, like, totally.

Un? What? Magic? Naw, nothing so violent happened, you know? We just got to know each other better through a little game with food on the line, no violence involved whatsoever. Us civilised types never do that kind of thing.

As for the name...uhm, I didn't get a chance to ask, but uh...*vaguely describes Felicia's features*...something like that. Also uses ice magic too. How do I know that she uses Ice Magic? Because we fou---found a lot of common ground, so it ended up being mentioned in passing. Yep, that's it.

Anyway, she's an adventurer as well, so I'm confident we'll meet again eventually!

- Ellania

Oh... she saw that. She thought that was an attraction, since that person able to catch two sandwich with their mouth.

if they were friends, were they from performer troupe? Could she see another performance?

marking the quest as complete, she shelved the quest.

OOC: Quest completed. reward 100EXP. please mark it as evaluated/appraised.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Report Status: Not Appraised

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Office Work [SC0104]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Being a night shift receptionist has its perks. The less traffic in the night meant that she had to pull a double duty of sorting the quest completion reports, servicing the adventurer that came inside, and making a check on the quest board to see if there are quest paper on the board that need to be refilled. for the quest board, she had ensured each repeatable quest has sufficient copy for it. She didn't know who wrote those quest copies, as there was no hint of typesetter in this world she had found. But, she thanked them nonetheless.

Sorting through the quest reports was easy enough. it was not like she has to mark it for completion or something. Well... if it was something like bringing items as proof of completion like slime cores and rat tails, she could just use that as proof and mark it as complete. But, for others she would need an actual proof from the employer, thus it was not her jurisdiction for that night.

therefore, after all those tasks were completed, she had nothing to do. She had no adventurer in the night, coming to her. She felt lonely...

two person came, coming to the guild to borrow the kitchen. Then, after some time passed, one of them returned.
The person in front of her submitted some kind of meat to her. Well... since she saw the boar skin in the adventurer's hand, she assumed that this was the game meat the man hunted. Thus, she marked it for completion and give the adventurer's reward.

OOC: rewarded 80XP/13G/5 jerky. Please mark this quest as appraised.

The man was saved. She guessed the report should be marked as complete then. Though, somehow this report was mixed with the scribel region's report... must be clerical error, she thought.

then, she just need to deliver it to the spire reef's branch, right? Preparing the adventurer's reward, she marked it for courier service to spire reef. Hopefully the adventurer could get their reward.

OOC: reward: 265EXP/30G. Please mark the quest as appraised.

Right. this one was easy to check. She went to the archive and looked at the pile. it was another quest report she guessed. after she filed them in their cabinet, she confirmed the adventurer's success. Then, the next thing was to mark it as complete. Thus, she prepared 10G of reward, and note for the next day receptionist for when the adventurer come the next day.

OOC: please mark it as complete. Rewarded 10G/35XP.

"Congratulation adventurer, for your successful rank up mission."

Another adventurer had ranked up. Soon, she will be too.

"You can pick the certificate in two days here, adventurer. Meanwhile, please accept this money as our token of appreciation for your hard work."

Taking out 30G, she gave it to the adventurer.

OOC: please mark the quest as completed. 400EXP/30G/rank E certificate given, random egg returned to you.

ah... it was another introductory quest huh. since she managed to arrive here, there was no problem then, in marking it as complete and set it for archive. hopefully the person would appear later.

OOC: 35 EXP rewarded. Please mark it as complete.

Another introductory quest. she filed it as complete. Though... if the adventurer wanted to plot something, he shouldn't write it in the quest report.

OOC: 35EXP rewarded.

after no one came anymore and all report sorted, she waited until the morning, where she was relieved of her task by the next receptionist.
Before heading out to perform her next job, whatever that was, Ellania decided to check the backlogged stash of reports. It took her a while.

"Ah, yep, there it is. The darker side of administration. As long as one has some sort of responsibility, no matter how powerful they are, they'll have to deal with it. They should classify it as one of the world's evils, to be honest."

35 EXP, 10 G


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Report Status: Not Appraised

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Moonlight Water [SC0402]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 4
  • Visit the forest during a full moon.
  • Locate the Moonlight Spring.
  • Collect 5 bottles of Moonlight Water.
Somewhere in the forest, there is a spring that glows under the light of the full moon.
Supposedly, this water has improved healing properties.
The guild would like you acquire some for our stockpile.
Beware — it can be dangerous outside at night.
  • Points: 160 EXP
  • Money: 25 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

watery knew she was uniquely positioned to take this quest. Her flying capability could bypass the danger in the forest at night. The quest said that the spring glowed under the full moon, too. Her hypothesis was either somehow the lunar cycle influence the water body to glow by its own, or the moonlight was reflected on the water. The quest did say that it was glowing under the moonlight. So, she leaned on her second interpretation. Since tomorrow night was one, she decided to take it.

it was annoying. The sky was cloudy, which meant that the moonlight would be touching the water body so faintly. She wanted to see what was special about this water. She want to try to replace her body with it, to see if there was an effect at all. but, in this weather, she couldn't see any glowing spring at all.

she looked around, seeing if there was a spring that glowed on its own. Lowering herself under the tree canopy, she began to search for the mythical water.

as time passed, she submerged herself in every spring she could find. But, none of them was any different than normal water. None of them was special to her senses. she moved toward the east to see if there was any spring in that direction.

She gave up. Even on the eastern part of the forest, she did not feel it. Turning her head to look at the sky, she saw clouds still covering the moon. a faint hint of the moonlight pierced the cloud. Her internal clock said that it was already past midnight.

Thus, she went above the trees once again, toward the sky.

from the above, she looked for any spring which she could see, where the moonlight was reflected. memorizing those locations, she waited for the sky to clear.

Time passed. The cloud still did not move away. It was still covering the sky. Before dawn... she had to pick one spring among the one she visited, the one whom she believed could be reached by moonlight. She did not know which one among them was the origin of moonlight water.

Or... she could take them all. It was five bottle, so could just took enough water from each spring to fill five bottle each, right? At least, one of them should be moonlight water.

She folded the water from the first spring in her subspace, storing it in the form of ice cube. After storing it in her body, she moved to the second spring, third spring, and so on. After that, she returned to the guild.

To the receptionist, she asked 30 bottles for this task and a basin. She couldn't differentiate between these waters at all. Instead, she just gave it as is. As these ice cube left her body, it was no longer on her domain and unfolded, expanding to its original size. Making a pick with her normal water, she destroyed the ice block and put it into the bottles. Grouping them into six group of five bottle, she gave them to the receptionist.
"Ah, the Schroedinger's Solution. Can't tell which one it is? Just get all of them. Coincidentally, the guild would also like me to pass on their appreciation for that extra twenty-five bottles of regular spring water. I'm afraid there's no extra pay though---that's how capitalism works."

160 EXP, 25 G


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Report Status: Not Appraised

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Slime Subjugation [SC0103]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in Scribel City.
  • Collect 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel City, and they end up in all sorts of weird places.
While they aren’t too dangerous, they can slowly erode and damage structures over time.
They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff.
Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!
  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

She knew she should train her distance as the guardsman recommended. But at this point, she felt no challenge against the slimes in the river.

The quest record on the library mentioned that there was a high chance that she could find a lot of slime on the slimecreek. Thus, she flew there instead of staying at the city. As she arrived, she saw that the report was true, because she found a group of thirty to forty of them. Since she planned it to be an exercise, she flew above.

The only thing that limited her at the 120m altitude was only material. The clear body of the slimes were obscuring them at this distance. To combat that, she made an ice tube attached to one of her eyes, and use two lens made of water to magnify her sight. She then adjusted their shape until she got a clear view of the slime below.

She began to shoot. At first, she was missing a lot. As she learned how to adjust the minute movement of the barrel to align to the target, her attack got more accurate. One by one, the ice bullet hit the slime, bursting their membrane. Some of them needed more than one shot to kill as they managed to recover fast enough, but on the end of the day, she bagged the slime cores inside of her body.
"...Oh dear. If I'm not wrong, Slimecreek was where the slimes were rather docile...oh, well. Think nothing of it. The law of the jungle applies everywhere---the weak become grilled meat meals for the strong. Carry on."

75 EXP, 10 G


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Report Status: Not Appraised

> > >
City Guard Training [SC0401]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 4
  • Report to the City Barracks.
  • Spend one week getting trained.
  • Work together with your team.
  • Pass the final exam.
  • (Optional: Party Quest)
You want to be on the City Guard, huh?
A hotshot like yourself might have done a lot of solo work before...
But here you'll have learn how to work as a team.
You'll be assigned to a team of four rookies (two pairs).
Your entire team needs to work together to pass the final exam.
Either you all pass or you all fail!
  • Points: 250 EXP / person
  • Money: 20 G / person
  • Other: City Guard License
> > >

Day 1

"Your proficiency on each role was pretty average, honestly. Your quest experience indicated that you may fit as a scout. But other than your mobility, I cannot say that your tracking ability is good enough for the role. Not to mention, you don't show any investigation ability. As a sharpshooter too, while you have ranged attack, your accuracy dropped considerably after 60 meters. But, it is the most suitable for you, in my opinion. For field medic, honestly... I shouldn't recommend you this role, as you don't have any experience. But, here we will train you to fulfill these roles." The examiner explained.

Knowing that she took the sharpshooter role. In the future, she probably took this training once again to take the scout specialization. After she confirmed her role to the examiner, she was led to the room she would spend in for the week.

Her teammate were the same, each one having taken the sharpshooter role for that session of training. Two of them wields a bow, while one of them wielded a lance and shield. Apparently the red haired girl could manifest some kind of beam of light to attack the opponent at long range with her lance.

"So..." Annika, one of the archer girl, began. "How about we do a little competition?"

"Not interested." Imca replied.

"Guh... why did you shot my idea down? I haven't even explained it..." Annika paused. Turning to face the remaining two, she asked, "How about you two? We go to archery range and see who can hit the target the most."

"I'm sorry. My ranged attack is rather destructive... I rather not use it without supervision." Riela, the red haired girl, replied.

Seeing that, Annika deflated.


One hour passed, while they talked. Exactly at eight, someone came to their room and told them to gather in the courtyard in 5 minutes. As she had nothing to bring, she waited for the others to get ready, and then went there. At the courtyard, she saw people, most likely the other teams, already gathered. Though, there was no semblance of order there.

One by one, each role was called, for the people with that role to gather around the examiner. She saw the other role being led outside somewhere, while most bowman there remained. There was three teams at that moment, amounting to 12 people excluding the examiner remaining on the courtyard.

"Alright. You guys already accepted the sharpshooter role. So I'll do my best to impart my knowledge to you.

As a guard in Scribel City, you are expected to do your combat in three terrain." The man stopped, then lifted his fist. His pointer finger rose, and he continued, "First. at the city proper and the surrounding village. You are expected to make the shot even in the middle of the crowd. If you are unsure you can do this in one week, you can drop out of the training now and look for another role."

The man waited, maintaining his gaze at them all. He looked from the left to the right. Then, seeing that there was no one who took his suggestion, the man continued as he lifted his middle finger. "Okay. The second is on the meadow. You are expected to be able to make the shot while riding a horse."

Then, after one pause, the man continued with the last part. "Third, in the forest. For hunters, this is a familiar territory. The first two days will be spent on honing your urban combat capability. The third and fourth day we'll move onto the grasslands, and the remaining two will be spent on the north scribel forest. At the end of each day, you will be graded. If in the first two day you cannot manage to get the passing grade, you will be given a chance to do the exam on the seventh day. Any question?"

Seeing that everyone were silent, the man then called them all to follow him.


It was hard. On the range, The guard called the description of the target. Then, each of them must shoot the target described using bow and arrow provided by the guard. After seeing the failure on even using the bow, the guard then sidelined her and the red-haired girl.

"Okay, the examiner must be seeing something when they included you in this class. Please show me how you will attack the target. Riela, the woman with blue eyes and shoulder length, yellow hair. Target its limb. Watery, the man with black eyes and black hair. Target its limb too."

She transformed her right hand. She made the barrel long, with a small diameter. Solidifying it into ice, the next step she did was to make the bullet. Then, she moved the energy from her body to the small water section inside the chamber between the bullet and her end of barrel. As the water in there turned into water vapor, she released the folding on the subspace at that part, letting the air to expand at a rapid pace.

The bullet went out. She missed her target and hit the target behind it.

Meanwhile, at riela's side, the girl emitted some kind of humming noise as she was enveloped by a white light. The white light then moved to the lance she carried, and after it glowed, she shot a beam of light from the lance. The lance that was glowing returned to its ivory color, no longer glowing after she was done. The problem with her was that while the accuracy was good, the number of target broken behind the targeted part was hit too.

As both of them stopped, the man then had both of them paired into one pair, breaking her pair with Imca and Annika's pair with Riela. As her projectile were still affected by gravity and wind, she was still offered the lesson on ballistics, on how to aim in the afternoon class. As for Riela, she was just told to practice whatever she has, to not give the ability of her too much piercing power.


Day 1 passed. After she adjusted her accuracy, she could reliably hit the target at 60m distance. It was still far from the necessary 200m range minimum they had to possess. But for the city proper, she would be able to do so.

Her biological function were nonexistent. Thus, while the others spend their night sleeping, she continued to fire her bullet in the range. Trying out how to comfortably attack at 80m distance was the only thing on her mind right then.

When the morning came, she returned.


Day 2

Day 2 consisted of observation training. All the trainee there were tasked to look at objects for a minute, turn back and then after some time passed, recite the object in their memory. From then on, the guard wouldn't give them target they need to shoot like yesterday. He instead gave them a list containing the characteristics of the target, and were told to memorize it. Only at the afternoon they came out to the range, each to shot their target given on the list.

'Human. Blonde hair, 155cm. Hair worn in twintail. Eye color, blue. Skin, pale.'

Finding the object, she made her first shot.

'Lizardman, black scale. 180cm'

Reciting each target from her memory, she shot those target. After ten of her target shot, she returned to her team.


Day 3-4

"Can you ride a horse?"

she shook her head. Her body were made of water. While she could shift her shape, the physical limitation of her body made it hard to grip on something. She could make her body turn into ice, with joints like those of dolls to allow her to mimic human movement. Thinking about that, it was probably a good idea to do that. Thus, she shifted her body from water to ice.

Riding horse was another thing she would have to improve, she guessed. Once again, she was sidelined. The trainer brought her to horse stable and asked her to train it. As for that day's training, she would just be given the theory.

In the end, she didn't manage to get into horseback archery at all during the two days. Thus, she had to bet on completing the test on the last day.

Day 5

"Alright, for the last two days, we are moving into the forest for training. You'll be given the basics on how to track objects and how to not give away yourself."

Discouraged by her failure, she felt like she wanted to drop out at that moment. Her range only raised to 100m, far from the 200m necessary to shot at the plains. She was not able to gallop. The guard recommended her to use the Asteria village mission, instead before returning to this training. In one month to two months, she was asked to do that mission during her performance review.

That day's material was tracking. It really accentuate on how lucky she was in completing the previous missions. The knowledge on how to track human and animals were given by the lecturer. With each knowledge, she felt like she could shorten the completion time of hunting mission considerably. For tracking, she felt that she was able to learn it easier compared to other materials that week.

The tracking, coupled with the observation training they had to do everyday, made her notice a lot of things. How her teammate made their own track when traversing the forest, how to see the disturbed objects due to the movement no matter how careful they were, how wind and smell could give away someone's presence. She applied that knowledge to see her teammate's habit.

"Well... the theory of tracking is good and all." The trainer explained. "But, if you apply it just as is, you won't catch your target. To do that, we have to understand our target, and place ourselves inside of their mind. Knowing what your opponent will do when they are in pursuit is essential. In the afternoon exercise, we will move you all to three different place. All you have to do is to get the flag from the other teams. Now, use this time to observe them, and in one hour, you'll move to your designated place."


She took it back. Tracking was hard. Her team managed to find one of the team easily and took their flag. But, the second team managed to use that knowledge to make a lot of track instead, and ambushed them. Seeing that that team had made a lot of trail, her team pursued them in haste. The further the other team were, the further they had to pursue. This made them stop when they lost the other team's trail.

At that moment, the ambush sprung. The other team managed to gain an initiative in attacking their team. Their flag bearer's shoulder were tapped, and the exercise ended. Thus, the other team were ranked first, their team were ranked second, and the last team in last position.

"Good work. That's the exact example I want to show you. Team A, you made a sense of urgency to team C and exploited it. For tomorrow, our exercise consist of hiding and stalking your objective. Similar to this day, you are not expected to raise your bow against the other trainee for the session.


Day 6

At least she was able to complete one of... six training? Who was she kidding. She definitely would fail. By making herself as small as possible, she completed that day's exercise. Meanwhile, her teammate fell as they were tagged out. The other complained too when she tag them all, earning her victory for her team.

"Well... in this case, I am also in bind. Simply said, being wary for each dew, puddle, spring, or river is not feasible. Torching the forest is a solution, I guess. But, that is absolutely forbidden for a guard."

"Right... Teacher. So can you disqualify her?"

"I don't see why I should. If you encounter this case on the field, you should retreat and let the higher up solve this for you. They will get a more specialized tracker, like a magician who may be able to track her. Anyway, your evaluation is not only decided by her. The fact that you managed to disable the other three also factors into your evaluation, so don't worry about it. Next, let's pack up and return to the city."


Day 7.

For range, she had ony 110m/200m necesary. While she passed the exam on the city, at the grassland she was unable to pursue the target, making the target able to get away from her. Not to mention she wasn't able to tame the horse at all. Instead, she had decided to fly instead when following the target. The target were getting away when it entered the forest, which disqualify her. The exam at the forest was completed this time as she managed to tag the examiner, making it a success.

The team exam portion was her saving grace. They succeeded in making the target disabled on live exercise in the city. Instead of attacking using bow and arrow, Imca made a paralytic poison and get close to the target before the target able to break their pursuit. How that would be evaluated, she didn't know. But from that part, she knew she should specialize in scouting instead sharpshooting.

The exam done in the grassland were done in the same way as previous. Only, they had to capture multiple targets. Riela immediately asked her to lift her, which she complied. Using that beam attack of her, she targeted the area in front of the target's horses, spooking them. After the delay, the other two in their team managed to catch up and launch the blunted arrow against the first two target. The remaining two were also tagged in this manner. Finishing their exam, they moved onto the forest.

The forest exam were the same as previous. Only that the opponent's team were the examiners instead of other trainee. The examiners showed her how they took her out even with her stealth strategy as they tagged her out when she tag the second one. For the first one, she managed to get away and hide once again. Yet, at the second one, the third and fourth examiner were there, tagging her out.

Then, after that was done, they returned. The examiners said that the verdict would be given later through the adventurer guild. Thanking them for the lesson, she left.
"Hmm, hmm, hmm. Let's see, that's just plain bullying, innit. Tsk tsk...oh, you passed. Congratulations! There's a note addressed to you from the guards. 'Always watch your six.' And I thought my family was cryptic---oh well. Don't let me keep you."

250 EXP, 20 G


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Report - Appraised
Character: Domenas Stroltrum
Tag: Tavern, Room
> > >
I'm not homeless, am I? [SC0005]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somewhere to sleep.
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Looking at the worn-down bed, rigged bed sheet, and a simple, small desk, Domenas walked around the room to see its condition in a clearer detail. A room in the Tavern was cheap, and with prepared meal, Domenas merely needed to pay 10 G for it per day. He could easily live here for hundreds of days and do nothing.

With only a lantern in the room, the dim light would only be able to illuminate one corner of the room. Domenas caressed the surface of the desk and witnessed the dust settled onto his fingers. He felt like he was back to his youth, before he became the Secretary of State, before he worked his way up the ladder of authority.

A young man in search for a happy, stable life.

"Time passed, and life changed its causes." Sitting in front of the small desk, Domenas placed his book on it and began his daily reading.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Report - Not Yet Appraised
Character: Domenas Stroltrum
Tag: Tavern, Room
> > >
I'm not homeless, am I? [SC0005]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somewhere to sleep.
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Looking at the worn-down bed, rigged bed sheet, and a simple, small desk, Domenas walked around the room to see its condition in a clearer detail. A room in the Tavern was cheap, and with prepared meal, Domenas merely needed to pay 10 G for it per day. He could easily live here for hundreds of days and do nothing.

With only a lantern in the room, the dim light would only be able to illuminate one corner of the room. Domenas caressed the surface of the desk and witnessed the dust settled onto his fingers. He felt like he was back to his youth, before he became the Secretary of State, before he worked his way up the ladder of authority.

A young man in search for a happy, stable life.

"Time passed, and life changed its causes." Sitting in front of the small desk, Domenas placed his book on it and began his daily reading.
hundreds? he was that rich? for one hundred days, he need 1000G to rent it with food... Must be a young master descending from a noble or rich merchant or something.

Since the report mentioned tavern's price, she felt that there was no need to investigate the truthfulness of the report further. With that, she marked the quest as completed and shelve it.

OOC: Quest completed. Reward: 35EXP, 0G. Please mark your quest as evaluated/appraised.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
report status: appraised.

> > >
Customer Service Department [SC0208]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Prerequisite Quest: Office Work
  • Report to duty at the guild offices.
  • Resolve at least 5 complaints.
  • Do not upset the customers.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Every workplace has them — the infamous "difficult customer".
In the Customer Service Department, we get the toughest of the tough.
These are the clients that nobody else wants to deal with.
How will you deal with them? Can you handle a rowdy adventurer?
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Empathizing with people was hard.

The first customer, an adventurer whose report was still in evaluation stage, requested for her report to be processed first. In the first place, some of those reports did need clarification from other party to confirm that the job was well done. But, the person in front of her was desperate, as she had no more money for that day's living, and that 10G was a matter of life and death. She couldn't pay for the room in the tavern, and she hadn't eaten yet that day.

Then, it was just a matter of giving the woman 10G, right? It was not like she need the money at all. Thus, she returned it to the woman. It did not matter if she returned it to her or not. Thus, the woman left.

The second customer, a frequent taker of the office work quest, complained about his workload. He said that he was assigned to another post as clerk in the back office, instead of being assigned as receptionist. Then, the overseer gave him a bad mark for his job that day, even though he did his best in an unfamiliar task. Not to mention no one taught him how to do it. They just expected to get the task done.

She confirmed that to the overseer. After hearing the overseer's reasoning that he underperformed, she asked her to come to the CS desk to explain it to the man. Perhaps, either party could be reconciled.

In the end, the discussion between the two ended up with the overseer keeping her opinion. Seeing that, she couldn't overturn the overseer's decision. Thus, the man's quest reward remain reduced.

Third customer. That person was an alchemist, saying that the adventurer assigned to him destroyed his cultured reagent, which costed 500G of his savings in developing it. Not to mention his research being destroyed by that incident too. She thought it was beyond her paygrade. Returning the man's fund would necessitate the guild to investigate it too, to see whether it was truly the adventurer's mistake or not.

Thus, calling the overseer once again, she handed the task to the overseer. That moment, her job changed from customer service worker to the overseer's assistant as she had to fetch the form requested by the overseer, write what she dictated in triplicate, and send it to the relevant department. After the alchemist case was done, the overseer then returned and she assumed the position of customer service worker once again.

She had the fourth customer complain at her about the inadequacy of the adventurer sent to solve her errand. She tried to look for the adventurer, asking for the other adventurers and receptionists if they had seen the supposed adventurer. But no one has seen that adventurer. The woman then said that the adventurer she requested to fetch a reagent to hadn't returned, but she needed the reagent urgently.

Checking the adventurer's log, that adventurer hadn't returned from the forest at all. No more quest report submitted after the adventurer took the job. Knowing that, there might be something happening to the adventurer. Making note for a search request, she returned to the woman. As for the woman, she couldn't help her at that point, except to suggest her to make a new quest.

Grumbling, the woman did that and left her.

Fifth customer. He had lost a leg during an accident when he did his quest. He was requesting a loan for a prosthetic to be made for him to continue his adventuring work. Another case where she had to get the overseer, she guess.

The man's loan was granted after a discussion between the two, and the man left.

Those were the customers she had that day, and the day would end soon. No other customer was in sight at all. After she waited until dusk, she decided to close the desk, and made her report.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020

Living Wood [SC0702]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 7
  • Prerequisite: Forest Ranger
  • Find a magic tree in the forest.
  • Collect 1 log of living wood.
  • Do not kill the tree it is harvested from.
  • Note: Limit 1 quest per week.
Living wood is a precious resource with many uses. However, many magic trees are very rare, highly aggressive, and difficult to damage. They will defend themselves against any adventurers trying to steal from them. For sustainability reasons, please do not kill the tree; Cutting one branch is sufficient for this quest. Rewards:
  • Points: 240 EXP
  • Money: 40 G
  • Other: n/a

Character: Reciful 'Innocent Malice'
Lvl: 7 Rank E
Class: Villainess
Race: Children of Chaos

Quest name: Living Wood

Quest Report:
Deep within the Forest in the North of Scrible..

[ This must be the tree? ] Reciful said so as she tilted her Head.

[.... Okay~ Let's collect & be done with this ]

She said so & careless stepped near the tree...


something bellowed & Reciful get hit by strong force as she is send flying to a distance large tree.

When Reciful return to her sense after being attacked off guard By a tree branch & crashing. She saw above her is a large Wooden tree trunks about to stomp her & turn her into a paste.

!!! [ Combat Monstrosity!: Berserker!! ]

Seeing that, She hurriedly actives her skill. immediately Her entire body is covered By Pure Red hazy Aura! Strength burst out from within her & she leaps away with mighty force from her spot avoiding the living wood stomps.

*BAANG!!* A cloud of dust due to the large impact. The dust slowly cleared revealing the attackers full view.

Finally having a good look to it.... Its a very old large Tree "a living wood" who almost looks like a Ent but actually not.

[ Mana Gather into me & became Tainted in Darkness. 'Black Bullet... Scatter!!' ]

Reciful immediately Chant & attack the Living wood with her magic.

Unfortunately, its not very effective... Only swallow dents is created on the Tree's Surface.

*Aaarrrgghhhhhh!!* The Living wood bellows in anger & used its branches to Peirce Reciful.

Noticing that, Reciful intercept it By immediately retrieving Her Cleaving knife & Chopping Axe from her Shadow as she parries each of the incoming branches that would certainly puncture her body.

Managing to deflect 7 out of 10 attacks. Her tight, shoulder, & side hips were deeply wounded.

She is in disadvantage. Reciful endure the pain with the help of her "Pain alleviation passive ability" and retreated away from the Living wood entering the Shadow of a nearby tree sneakily.

The living wood is very angry that its foe escaped somehow. after half an hour of searching the Living Wood lose interest & slowly Return to its former position.

[ Mana of the world Gather into me & Be tainted By My Darkness... ] a voice of chanting... A large amount of Mana is Gathering into a single point.

A white arm is peeking out from the inside of a nearby tree's shadow. & From within the Shadow a voice muttered the spell name targeting the Living wood.

[ Black Ballista ]

A rather large ball of pure black Mana manifest in front of the white hand & Shoots out with immense force targeting the Living wood largest Branch...

The 'large black ball of mana' created a black line as it flies & Punctured the Branch part leaving a large hole on the Living wood body cutting the Branch with it.

*Grooooooowll* the living wood Bellowed in pain. As many Black Tendrils immediately Grabs the fallen large Branch Dragging it inside the Shadows.

*AAAAAARRRGGHHHH!!!* The Tree make a really large noise out of anger... unfortunately for it the attacker is already Retreated away.

Thus Reciful Obtain a large Living Wood Branch

[ I obtain a Living wood branch... Is it the right one? ]

Reciful retrieved a large tree branch from her Shadow & place it in the Receptionist table.
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
> > >
Moonlight Water [SC0402]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 4
  • Visit the forest during a full moon.
  • Locate the Moonlight Spring.
  • Collect 5 bottles of Moonlight Water.
Somewhere in the forest, there is a spring that glows under the light of the full moon. Supposedly, this water has improved healing properties.The guild would like you acquire some for our stockpile. Beware — it can be dangerous outside at night. Rewards:
  • Points: 160 EXP
  • Money: 25 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
The plan was simple. Fly in like what she'd seen another adventurer do so a while ago, collect 5 bottles, and fly back out. Pure genius. It would barely take her two hours back and forth for such a simple task, and the rewards weren't bad for air delivery.


Yeah, right.


Hot tip: She was lost. It's been six hours since she'd left the city on foot, following the map, and now she'd no idea where the last turn had been. She'd stumbled through streams, landed face-first in ponds several times and discovered several springs, but none of them was the spring she'd came for. It was creeping closer to midnight.

Ah, forget it. I'll just try spotting it from above.

Taking to the skies, she scanned the grounds below carefully, keeping a sharp eye out for gaps between the leaves. As luck would have it, the fifth spring she spotted fitted the description perfectly. Ellania descended slowly, keeping an eye out for monsters, but there were none. She came right up to the surface of the water.

True to the word, it was glowing. Under the radiance of the full moon, it exuded a sense of tranquillity. She could definitely understand if someone who saw it for the first time wanted to undress and take a dip, and that pissed her off mightily. It was just a magical spring. Qliphats were pickier about personal hygiene.

I'll just collect the water and scoot o---huh?

Something squishy brushed against her hand. Ellania fought off a sudden chill on her spine, and looked down to see the [redacted] clinging onto her arm and rubbing it.



For the sake of keeping it PG, the part where she'd dropped several bomb-shaped constructs whilst screaming obscenities shall be omitted from the report.

The fact that the spring underwent a small, unintended expansion shall also be omitted from the report.

The part where the Qliphat soaked herself in the water afterwards and painstakingly scrubbed every inch of her upper arm, along with her shoulder and basically the entirety of her upper torso shall also be omitted from the report.


"Whew, navigating on foot turned out to be tougher than it looked. Took a bit more out of me than I'd expected."

Wiping a few beads of water off her brow, Ellania secured the five bottles which she'd came for, and took to the skies, heading back to the city with due haste. She'd quite enough of walking for a while.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020

Character: Reciful 'Innocent Malice'
Lvl: 7 Rank E
Class: Villainess
Race: Children of Chaos

Quest name: Living Wood

Quest Report:
Deep within the Forest in the North of Scrible..

[ This must be the tree? ] Reciful said so as she tilted her Head.

[.... Okay~ Let's collect & be done with this ]

She said so & careless stepped near the tree...


something bellowed & Reciful get hit by strong force as she is send flying to a distance large tree.

When Reciful return to her sense after being attacked off guard By a tree branch & crashing. She saw above her is a large Wooden tree trunks about to stomp her & turn her into a paste.

!!! [ Combat Monstrosity!: Berserker!! ]

Seeing that, She hurriedly actives her skill. immediately Her entire body is covered By Pure Red hazy Aura! Strength burst out from within her & she leaps away with mighty force from her spot avoiding the living wood stomps.

*BAANG!!* A cloud of dust due to the large impact. The dust slowly cleared revealing the attackers full view.

Finally having a good look to it.... Its a very old large Tree "a living wood" who almost looks like a Ent but actually not.

[ Mana Gather into me & became Tainted in Darkness. 'Black Bullet... Scatter!!' ]

Reciful immediately Chant & attack the Living wood with her magic.

Unfortunately, its not very effective... Only swallow dents is created on the Tree's Surface.

*Aaarrrgghhhhhh!!* The Living wood bellows in anger & used its branches to Peirce Reciful.

Noticing that, Reciful intercept it By immediately retrieving Her Cleaving knife & Chopping Axe from her Shadow as she parries each of the incoming branches that would certainly puncture her body.

Managing to deflect 7 out of 10 attacks. Her tight, shoulder, & side hips were deeply wounded.

She is in disadvantage. Reciful endure the pain with the help of her "Pain alleviation passive ability" and retreated away from the Living wood entering the Shadow of a nearby tree sneakily.

The living wood is very angry that its foe escaped somehow. after half an hour of searching the Living Wood lose interest & slowly Return to its former position.

[ Mana of the world Gather into me & Be tainted By My Darkness... ] a voice of chanting... A large amount of Mana is Gathering into a single point.

A white arm is peeking out from the inside of a nearby tree's shadow. & From within the Shadow a voice muttered the spell name targeting the Living wood.

[ Black Ballista ]

A rather large ball of pure black Mana manifest in front of the white hand & Shoots out with immense force targeting the Living wood largest Branch...

The 'large black ball of mana' created a black line as it flies & Punctured the Branch part leaving a large hole on the Living wood body cutting the Branch with it.

*Grooooooowll* the living wood Bellowed in pain. As many Black Tendrils immediately Grabs the fallen large Branch Dragging it inside the Shadows.

*AAAAAARRRGGHHHH!!!* The Tree make a really large noise out of anger... unfortunately for it the attacker is already Retreated away.

Thus Reciful Obtain a large Living Wood Branch

[ I obtain a Living wood branch... Is it the right one? ]

Reciful retrieved a large tree branch from her Shadow & place it in the Receptionist table.

Seeing the wood in front of her, the wood still had its vitality even after it was cut? Her senses told her that she could probably plant it and let it grow to another living wood. Though, she asked her higher up if it was the right quest item, as she hadn't learned how to discern the living wood's branch.

After that person okayed it, she prepared 40G and gave it for the completion of the quest.

OOC: Please mark it as evaluated/appraised. Reward: 40G/240EXP.
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Oct 21, 2019
report status: Unappraised.

> > >
Customer Service Department [SC0208]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Prerequisite Quest: Office Work
  • Report to duty at the guild offices.
  • Resolve at least 5 complaints.
  • Do not upset the customers.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Every workplace has them — the infamous "difficult customer".
In the Customer Service Department, we get the toughest of the tough.
These are the clients that nobody else wants to deal with.
How will you deal with them? Can you handle a rowdy adventurer?
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Empathizing with people was hard.

The first customer, an adventurer whose report was still in evaluation stage, requested for her report to be processed first. In the first place, some of those reports did need clarification from other party to confirm that the job was well done. But, the person in front of her was desperate, as she had no more money for that day's living, and that 10G was a matter of life and death. She couldn't pay for the room in the tavern, and she hadn't eaten yet that day.

Then, it was just a matter of giving the woman 10G, right? It was not like she need the money at all. Thus, she returned it to the woman. It did not matter if she returned it to her or not. Thus, the woman left.

The second customer, a frequent taker of the office work quest, complained about his workload. He said that he was assigned to another post as clerk in the back office, instead of being assigned as receptionist. Then, the overseer gave him a bad mark for his job that day, even though he did his best in an unfamiliar task. Not to mention no one taught him how to do it. They just expected to get the task done.

She confirmed that to the overseer. After hearing the overseer's reasoning that he underperformed, she asked her to come to the CS desk to explain it to the man. Perhaps, either party could be reconciled.

In the end, the discussion between the two ended up with the overseer keeping her opinion. Seeing that, she couldn't overturn the overseer's decision. Thus, the man's quest reward remain reduced.

Third customer. That person was an alchemist, saying that the adventurer assigned to him destroyed his cultured reagent, which costed 500G of his savings in developing it. Not to mention his research being destroyed by that incident too. She thought it was beyond her paygrade. Returning the man's fund would necessitate the guild to investigate it too, to see whether it was truly the adventurer's mistake or not.

Thus, calling the overseer once again, she handed the task to the overseer. That moment, her job changed from customer service worker to the overseer's assistant as she had to fetch the form requested by the overseer, write what she dictated in triplicate, and send it to the relevant department. After the alchemist case was done, the overseer then returned and she assumed the position of customer service worker once again.

She had the fourth customer complain at her about the inadequacy of the adventurer sent to solve her errand. She tried to look for the adventurer, asking for the other adventurers and receptionists if they had seen the supposed adventurer. But no one has seen that adventurer. The woman then said that the adventurer she requested to fetch a reagent to hadn't returned, but she needed the reagent urgently.

Checking the adventurer's log, that adventurer hadn't returned from the forest at all. No more quest report submitted after the adventurer took the job. Knowing that, there might be something happening to the adventurer. Making note for a search request, she returned to the woman. As for the woman, she couldn't help her at that point, except to suggest her to make a new quest.

Grumbling, the woman did that and left her.

Fifth customer. He had lost a leg during an accident when he did his quest. He was requesting a loan for a prosthetic to be made for him to continue his adventuring work. Another case where she had to get the overseer, she guess.

The man's loan was granted after a discussion between the two, and the man left.

Those were the customers she had that day, and the day would end soon. No other customer was in sight at all. After she waited until dusk, she decided to close the desk, and made her report.
Everything seems to be in order, I hope you will work with us again.
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
OOC: Please mark your post as evaluated as usual.
OOC: On a side note not really related to you, I'm personally only going to do up too 3 evaluations a day to prevent burnout. I'm also going to distribute the evaluations throughout the day.(If the lack of evaluations wasn't a clue I've been extremely burnt out lately and was taking a break. I was also being lazy but that makes me sound like a sloth.)


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
The plan was simple. Fly in like what she'd seen another adventurer do so a while ago, collect 5 bottles, and fly back out. Pure genius. It would barely take her two hours back and forth for such a simple task, and the rewards weren't bad for air delivery.


Yeah, right.


Hot tip: She was lost. It's been six hours since she'd left the city on foot, following the map, and now she'd no idea where the last turn had been. She'd stumbled through streams, landed face-first in ponds several times and discovered several springs, but none of them was the spring she'd came for. It was creeping closer to midnight.

Ah, forget it. I'll just try spotting it from above.

Taking to the skies, she scanned the grounds below carefully, keeping a sharp eye out for gaps between the leaves. As luck would have it, the fifth spring she spotted fitted the description perfectly. Ellania descended slowly, keeping an eye out for monsters, but there were none. She came right up to the surface of the water.

True to the word, it was glowing. Under the radiance of the full moon, it exuded a sense of tranquillity. She could definitely understand if someone who saw it for the first time wanted to undress and take a dip, and that pissed her off mightily. It was just a magical spring. Qliphats were pickier about personal hygiene.

I'll just collect the water and scoot o---huh?

Something squishy brushed against her hand. Ellania fought off a sudden chill on her spine, and looked down to see the [redacted] clinging onto her arm and rubbing it.



For the sake of keeping it PG, the part where she'd dropped several bomb-shaped constructs whilst screaming obscenities shall be omitted from the report.

The fact that the spring underwent a small, unintended expansion shall also be omitted from the report.

The part where the Qliphat soaked herself in the water afterwards and painstakingly scrubbed every inch of her upper arm, along with her shoulder and basically the entirety of her upper torso shall also be omitted from the report.


"Whew, navigating on foot turned out to be tougher than it looked. Took a bit more out of me than I'd expected."

Wiping a few beads of water off her brow, Ellania secured the five bottles which she'd came for, and took to the skies, heading back to the city with due haste. She'd quite enough of walking for a while.
Seeing the previous receptionist, she took out the water bottles. If it has healing properties, then, she could test it? Calling out an adventurer, she asked.

"Excuse me, can I have a little bit of your time? I'll give you 10G."

"Oh... sure. What do you need?"

"I want to test this, can I?"


"It would only take a moment... can you give me your hand, please?"

The adventurer hesitated. She wondered if he needed another incentive to be given.

"Please..." she pleaded. She had nothing but money on her hand, so she couldn't do it.

"Uhh... what do you need me to do, exactly?"

She made a needle from ice in her hand.

"I'm just making two small prick in your hand and see if this water has a healing properties. Just a little prick to see the difference."

"Oh... Okay then...?" The adventurer seemed to lose his hesitation as he gave her his hand.

She inserted her ice needle into the man's hand, enough to draw a small wound. Then, after she did it the second time, she applied a drop of the water on one of the wound. It took the water-applied wound 30 seconds faster to heal compared to the other one.


"Sorry to make you waiting. I need to test the water first. Here's your reward." She gave the person 25G.

OOC: please mark it as evaluated/appraised. Reward: 160EXP/25G.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Report status: Appraised

> > >

Office Work [SC0104]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

The first thing to do, before she could track those thieves was to get their general location. To do that, she had to investigate the reports and the rumors. Therefore, she went to the guild first. She needed to know their target and where they operate, and what they sought. For that reason she asked to be assigned to the archive for that day.

The overseer allowed her to do so, as long as she got her work done. Thus, she set out to file the reports from the adventurers into the archive. The task for the day that she had was to receive the evaluation report from the receptionist, and sort them into the archive.

The day passed as she moved between the receptionist desk and the archive desk. First, she received the receptionist's evaluation report and the adventurer's quest report. On a slow hour, she waited for one hour and did not get even 15 of those report. In the afternoon past two that day was when the number of adventurer rise. During these busy hours, the receptionist's work pace increased. As a consequence, she had to pick up the pace too.

When it reached dusk that day then, that she could rest for a little. The number of adventurers in front of the receptionist no longer overwhelming. Thus, after the shift change and she completed her task, she started on her own project.

Reports from SC0310 and SC0407 were her primary source. Taking out three weeks of data, she read the report to see if there was incidents of thief attacking the wagon or caravan.

She found her target. Reports of thieves attacking the wagon to asteria village could be seen in those SC0310. After a week, the number of SC0407 report raised, mostly in accordance with SC0310.

Then, the next thing was to check SC0504, to see if those thieves has been subjugated. After seeing none, she got her lead.
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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
> > >

Office Work [SC0104]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

The first thing to do, before she could track those thieves was to get their general location. To do that, she had to investigate the reports and the rumors. Therefore, she went to the guild first. She needed to know their target and where they operate, and what they sought. For that reason she asked to be assigned to the archive for that day.

The overseer allowed her to do so, as long as she got her work done. Thus, she set out to file the reports from the adventurers into the archive. The task for the day that she had was to receive the evaluation report from the receptionist, and sort them into the archive.

The day passed as she moved between the receptionist desk and the archive desk. First, she received the receptionist's evaluation report and the adventurer's quest report. On a slow hour, she waited for one hour and did not get even 15 of those report. In the afternoon past two that day was when the number of adventurer rise. During these busy hours, the receptionist's work pace increased. As a consequence, she had to pick up the pace too.

When it reached dusk that day then, that she could rest for a little. The number of adventurers in front of the receptionist no longer overwhelming. Thus, after the shift change and she completed her task, she started on her own project.

Reports from SC0310 and SC0407 were her primary source. Taking out three weeks of data, she read the report to see if there was incidents of thief attacking the wagon or caravan.

She found her target. Reports of thieves attacking the wagon to asteria village could be seen in those SC0310. After a week, the number of SC0407 report raised, mostly in accordance with SC0310.

Then, the next thing was to check SC0504, to see if those thieves has been subjugated. After seeing none, she got her lead.
"Thanks for the hard work~ here's your rewards~"
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a

OOC Mark as completed~


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
Quest - Evaluated

> > >
Copper Mine [GH0504]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Gelderholm Mines
  • Required Level: 5
  • Go to the copper mine shafts.
  • Collect 5 Copper Ore++ (excellent quality)
Gelderholm copper is some of the finest in the continent.
Good bronze starts with excellent ore, unblemished in quality.
These ore veins are this heart of the city, but they are unusually quiet.
With the war underway, the mines are short of manpower.
Beware of cave monsters in the tunnels.
  • Points: 180 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Looking at the state of my equipment I can tell it’s slowly deteriorating from the nicks and scratches. At some point I would need to get a new set, I would have to start making or buying new equipment. I can’t really afford new equipment which means my only viable option is the former.

I remember a whole bunch of mining jobs at the guild; it’s a good place to start than any other.

“Iris, I’m gonna need your help on mining.”

She just nods in approval and just follows me, I had to take two mining jobs but I’ll have to finish one first before doing the other. We head over to the mines, borrowed two pickaxes then went over to the copper section. Even in any other day, the tunnels echoed the sounds of mining despite the current war the city is in. I had Iris carry three wooden boxes one for submission while the rest for my stock.

I picked up a decent vein that no one was mining at; needless to say I pretty much did the mining. The vein was pretty thin at first glance; once I dug deeper, a bulkier vein appeared which was a lucky if not anything. I hauled pure looking copper ores and piled them in one the boxes; they should be good for submission. That was quickly dried so we had to search for other veins for my personal use, I quickly spotted other copper veins but weren’t as flourished as the last one I got; it didn’t matter much since it was for my personal stock.

With all three boxes filled we head back to the guild and submit a box of our findings. Iris went back to our inn to store the other two.

Greetings to you Guild

I present to you a box of our findings with these copper ores. I assure you as these are the purest that I could obtain with our time in the mines. May you seem them deemable.

At service to you, Lancer Reival and Lady Iris

Evaluation Report
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Report status:appraised

> > >

Tracking the Thieves [SC0406]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 4
  • Prerequisite: Forest Ranger
  • Follow the trail of the thieves.
  • Locate and scout the thieves' hideout.
  • Do not get spotted.
A group of thieves have been terrorizing the countryside again.
We need somebody to locate their hideout.
How good are your tracking skills?
Please be covert, or else the thieves will move their camp.
  • Points: 175 EXP
  • Money: 15 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

She felt bad about the wagon. She felt like having deceived the merchant guild, with her submitting driving the wagon quest. She still intended to deliver them intact, of course. But for then, she made herself and the wagon as bait. At least, she declined the horse when the merchant guild offered. Instead, she transformed herself into one with its shape in front of him, saying that she intended to pull it herself. The merchant guild employee seem to accept her reasoning, and let her carry it.

The second part of the disguise for this arrangement was someone to drive it. To sell it, she needed it to give the illusion that she died if the thieves decided to attack her. First thing first, she bought a dress for her, costing her her 90G. After that, she constructed her body by using ice, made of a woman and a horse, connected by the horse rein.

If they look closely, they'll find that something was strange with either the horse or the girl's joint. Hopefully, traveling in the night would make it less visible. She had no other solution at this. Though, she couldn't do anything with that as in the ice form, her body was rigid and impossible to move, except by making it using doll-like parts like this. She was thankful for the doll maker she encountered in the past to give her the idea of constructing her body like this. As for the color, she was able to get the color of pure white for her girl and horse skin, and blue for the girl's hair and iris by refracting the light in a certain way with the ice particles in her subspace. Consequently, if her connection to the horse were cut, the horse would burst out as her subspace were no longer there holding the ice.

Her disguise complete, she set off from the city after night came.


"Look here, men." The man said with a grin. "A girl traveling alone... in the middle of the night. Are you adventurer, girlie?"

She nodded slightly. Looking at her surrounding, she could count twelve of them, riding on their horses.

"Oh... I see. Say, you're going to Asteria village, right? Let's say that, if you do something for us, we'll let you go with your life intact. How about it?"

She kept her silence. seeing that, the man continued.

"Well... why do you keep silent? It is just a yes or no question. Here's my offer. You can entertain us for the night, and we'll let you go. The other is that we'll kill you here and now. So, which one do you choose?"

It was tempting. She could just follow the man to their base and pretend that she'd do what the man asked. But after she undressed, they would obviously saw her. Thus, she persist in her first plan. She moved the reins and the girl's hand. Then, she made the horse body in a running motion. She had to lead them to the river first.

Charging through the thieves encirclement, she increased her speed. She broke through them.

"After her!" that person yelled.


she made a good time on the riverbank. she estimated that the thieves would arrive one minute from now. For that moment, she made a noise on the water to make the illusion of her escaping with the horse, and then compacted her body. Then, she hide herself and her clothes in the wagon.

After a moment passed, the first of the thieves came.

"Boss, we lost her! She seem to escape with the horse!" The guy reported.

"Tch... At least we got the wagon. Alright men, bring it to our camp! Klein, check inside if the woman would sneak inside."

"Roger that, boss!"


In the end, she and the wagon arrived at their camp. The next thing she needed to do was to find out where the items were stored, getting the layout of this place, and then waiting until most of them sleep. She attached herself to one of the supply in the wagon, as it was carried out. The grunts then brought it to some kind of building, which she supposed was the storage of this camp.

Next, she sneaked out of the place, and take an aerial view of the place. Buildings made of wood filled the camp. She saw that the building in that place was arranged in a circle, with two gate leading to the north and south. The number of building was seven. With one of them being the storage at the south.

It was circled by a kind of wall made of wood logs.

Then, she waited.


The thieves that was vigorous at night was then sleeping in the day. The sunlight made it harder to sneak, but since she was inside of one of the building, she began her next step.

At this time, she had to suffocate a lot of them, leaving some for bandit subjugation quest. She put water inside of their airways and let them drown. She must ensure that no one was screaming when she killed them. From one bed to another, she put the water through their mouth and nose, and encase their head inside of a water.

After that, she continued to the next building.


Her task was not bandit subjugation, but just tracking them all. As she got to the final house, she changed her modus opperandi. Some of them she stilll killed them by suffocating them. Then after, she had less than five, she broke her stealth. It did not matter at that moment. The first of the remaining five she let alive. It was the leader of yesterday's team who captured her.

Instead of killing them, she first cut their leg and hands. The first one screamed, waking up the others. Then, she entered a fight with them as her opponent.

By cutting their legs, she could prevent them from escaping. Thus, they won't be able to change their hideout. As she was able to cut them all, the battle ends. The next thing to do was to return back to the city to report and then back here to continue to deliver her packages.

She returned.
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
Quest - Evaluated

> > >
Iron Mine [GH0604]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Gelderholm Mines
  • Required Level: 6
  • Go to the iron mine shafts.
  • Collect 5 Iron Ore+ (good quality)
The mine shafts to the iron veins are deeper than those to the copper.
While Gelderholm is famous for its bronze, its iron ore is still decent.
In either case, it is better quality than ores found around Scribel.
Rock mites are deadly threat to miners who do not watch where they step.
  • Points: 200 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
With our copper mining done, Iron was next on our list. I got a new batch of boxes for irons, and with that we headed back to mine with our pickaxes. The iron veins were much deeper than the copper veins, the deeper the tunnels go the risk there is to danger with monsters. Luckily the iron veins weren’t that deep in the tunnels.

Arriving at the firsts sight of a silvery metal vein, it was obvious that there were less miners than before; not a whole lot but noticeable enough. It was easy to pick a spot for us and then we started mining. Getting our first batch of ores, I noticed when observing a couple of iron ores that they weren’t as pure as the copper ones I got; most of them still looked pure enough but noticeable on the lacking department.

As I was mining sometimes I would hear the walls crumble, in the corner of my I would see something crawl by occasionally. Maybe it’s the monsters that come along with the iron mines. I hurry up with the mining and filled up the boxes with irons ores. We didn’t waste much time and quickly headed to the exit.

Before we headed to the guild, I had to sort out the ores on which are the purer looking ones in one box, the rest were put on the other two. I had Iris carry the two boxes to the inn we’re staying at while I submitted the purer findings to the guild.

Looking up to the all I saw was an earthy ceiling. I can’t tell how long we’ve been down here or how long we’ve worked, judging the frailty of my body I’d say close to a day. Iris must be starving now, I better have us eat something and call it a night.

I just noticed that she just carried the boxes while I’m the one who mined all day. Why did I even get two pickaxes then?

Greetings to you Guild

On our second rounds with the mines, we had procured a box of the finest iron ores we could obtain. May they deem fit to your criteria. During mining we could occasionally hear critter behind the walls of the tunnels, I fear they are the rock mites that plagued the tunnels. If they are as such then I will subdue them in the future.

At service to you, Lancer Reival and Lady Iris

Evaluation Report
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
First Mate [SR0901]
  • Sponsor: Pirate Captain
  • Location: Spire Reef
  • Required Level: 9
  • Prerequisite: Hanging from the Gallows and >5 Pirate Quests
  • Tell the captain what you think it means to be a pirate.
  • Have a practice duel with the captain.
  • Listen to the captain’s criticisms of your weaknesses.
Come, have a drink with me. Let’s have a chat.
What qualities do you think make a good pirate?
What is your creed? What do you stand for?
Why do you seek this way of life?
  • Points: 280 EXP
  • Money: N/A
  • Other: Promotion to First Mate
Quest Report (51)
: Felicia El Freliti Ari Fiel
Level: 9 (10300/9000) ???
Quest: First Mate
  • Talked to Captain Raeliana about being a pirate
  • Sparred with her for half a day, before being promoted to First Mate
After a night of enthusiastic drinking, partying and cheering for the successful rescue of Old Larry, with Ari hailed as a hero for her amazing stealth right beneath the enemy's noses, Ari and Rae were the only pair left conscious at midnight. Swigging a bottle of hearty beer, Rae spoke up first as Ari went round with blankets for the dead asleep drunkards.

"Didn't think yer had it in ya kid." She grinned at her, her face flushed from all the alcohol she had drunk that night. Ari actually hadn't seen her without a bottle in her hands today, causing her to silently wonder how amazingly tolerant her liver was.

"Yer did all of us an amazing feat, we will never forget today!" She laughed rambunctiously, suddenly pulling Ari towards her and suffocating her in a fierce, but warm hug. Woozy from all the alcohol she drank, Ari abruptly fell asleep whilst leaning on her captain, as Rae continued to chat to her about seemingly random stuff.
The next evening, after recovering from an awful hangover in the morning and cuddling with Kian, Rae suddenly approached Ari, acting as if she hadn't drunk a single sip yesterday at all.

"Ay Riri, what d'ya think it means ta be a pirate?" She asked vaguely, wrapping an arm around Ari's shoulder and pulling her away from Kian as she asked. Ari vaguely noticed the two signalling to each other, but she didn't pay much mind to it as Rae's rancid breath was absolutely killing her...

"A novel explorer of the seven seas, a discoverer of the depths of the ocean and the undoubted kings. Us pirates cannot be faint at heart, as only we know of the true danger lurking beneath the waters, and how to conquer it." She rambled as she pushed Rae away from her, who burst out in laughter at her words.

"Ari, you're killin' me 'ere!" She exclaimed as she smiled fondly and amusedly at the puzzled brown-haired youth that was Ari. "Come spar with me again, it's been a while hasn't it?"

"Er, sure?"

Suddenly, Ari found herself in that same position many months ago, facing off against Raeliana as a crowd of pirates watched excitedly around them. This time, however, she felt far more at ease. Each of these pirates are her brothers-in-arms after all, hence she felt much more confident and relaxed than before.

Raeliana struck first, her great axe swung towards her with exceptional vigor and speed, a feat one wouldn't expect based on her appearance. Dodging the blade, as well as it's altered pathway after watching her move, Ari leapt out like a snake, weaving towards her opponent with an excited smile on her face. Stepping back and blocking her blade, Raeliana returned her smile with a devilish grin of her own.

This back-and-forth battle continued for a long time, causing Ari to feel an itch to use her frostfire abilities, but she knew very well that would be stupid of her. After half a day had passed, Raeliana finally called off the battle.

"Alright alright that's enough Riri, you are strong, probably stronger than me, but I can't feel a single bit of bloodlust from ya. Yer need to get that intimidatin' presence if ya want to be a true pirate ya hear me?" She guffawed as the crowd smiled knowingly at each other. Feeling something was off, but not sensing malice from the folk around her, she calmly yet puzzledly awaited Rae to tell her what was going on.

"Congrats Ari, yer now ma first mate!"
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