An Eternal Lifespan.


Primordial sin of Sloth
Jun 9, 2022
Most of the people in churches preach about how this life is inconsequential and how a mere 100 or so years on earth pales in comparison to an eternal life.

The problem here is that the people who say this fail to comprehend the insane length of time that is a hundred years and also don't understand the meaning of 'eternity'.

I'm sure all of you know what it means to be eternal and if you aren't aware Google it. So I was curious, with an eternal lifespan most of us, probably everyone at some point or the other would go crazy and choose to kill ourselves out of heartbreak or sheer boredom, while a rare few will probably find something so interesting that they'd have to devote their eternity to.

Like a quote from one of my favourite webnovels ever " Eternal life isn't something that is entirely grand or unachievable but do you have an obsession or a goal so unreasonable only the length of an eternity will allow you to achieve" . It goes something like that but that isn't it but you get the gist. Only an outrageous goal can support an eternal being.

Me personally I'd like to travel across worlds, meet interesting people and document their stories. Yep I'd love to build a library full of the stories of people I'd meet throughout my eternal existence. The bookkeeper of civilizations.

What about you? What grand goal will keep you from killing yourself out of boredom.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
For millions of years, Milfs?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2023
The fun thing that these stories almost never take into account is attrition. Sure, an elf might potentially live for a thousand years but how many humans make it to 100? How many die from their own body breaking down on its own?
Sure, a lot of immortals have superpowers that make them harder to kill, but still. If they were slumming it on the lower floors of the titanic to save money, they probably died. Most immortals would kinda need to live fairly safe lives or they would eventually die to some tragic accident or another.
As to what I’d like to do? Probably study societies. Work and invest to save up ridiculous amounts of money, buy islands, and try different setups for how societies can operate. See what works. See what doesn’t. See how LONG they work, since an adult who opts into a society might be materially different than a child raised into it. (Source: tons of children of immigrants who hate the country they were raised in)
This is a pretty fucked up thing to do, especially with setups you don’t actually expect to work, but I also assume I’d get a bit weird by 500 years old.


Active member
Dec 29, 2023
The fun thing that these stories almost never take into account is attrition. Sure, an elf might potentially live for a thousand years but how many humans make it to 100? How many die from their own body breaking down on its own?
Sure, a lot of immortals have superpowers that make them harder to kill, but still. If they were slumming it on the lower floors of the titanic to save money, they probably died. Most immortals would kinda need to live fairly safe lives or they would eventually die to some tragic accident or another.
As to what I’d like to do? Probably study societies. Work and invest to save up ridiculous amounts of money, buy islands, and try different setups for how societies can operate. See what works. See what doesn’t. See how LONG they work, since an adult who opts into a society might be materially different than a child raised into it. (Source: tons of children of immigrants who hate the country they were raised in)
This is a pretty fucked up thing to do, especially with setups you don’t actually expect to work, but I also assume I’d get a bit weird by 500 years old.
Vault-Tec would like to know your location


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
The fun thing that these stories almost never take into account is attrition. Sure, an elf might potentially live for a thousand years but how many humans make it to 100? How many die from their own body breaking down on its own?
Sure, a lot of immortals have superpowers that make them harder to kill, but still. If they were slumming it on the lower floors of the titanic to save money, they probably died. Most immortals would kinda need to live fairly safe lives or they would eventually die to some tragic accident or another.
As to what I’d like to do? Probably study societies. Work and invest to save up ridiculous amounts of money, buy islands, and try different setups for how societies can operate. See what works. See what doesn’t. See how LONG they work, since an adult who opts into a society might be materially different than a child raised into it. (Source: tons of children of immigrants who hate the country they were raised in)
This is a pretty fucked up thing to do, especially with setups you don’t actually expect to work, but I also assume I’d get a bit weird by 500 years old.
If immortality is just longevity, then all it takes might just be a millenium for you to get killed by the most unlikely way possible, eg meteor strike.

I don't want immortality if I was to continue suffering IRL. It is the same with me not wanting powers, super or otherwise. I am inherently a bad person, lazy because restricted. If my immortality only covers my lifespan and no protection whatsoever, I will die by 100 to 150.

If I do have protection, I am probably going to turn the world into what AM did in I have no mouth and make its inhabitants into my sick plaything.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2021
Would probably spend next couple hudnred years on trying to write/storytell better and keep at it past that too. But the real goal would be trying to uplift humanity to a point where others can achieve immortality via technology. It might take a thousand years. Maybe ten. Maybe million. But surely it's possible. And if it is, then I wouldn't be alone anymore.
Aug 23, 2022
Perhaps in the first few decades, I will satisfy all my personal interests. After that, I will try to show my greatness with the knowledge I have cultivated in every field from finance, art to sports,... Maybe I will immerse myself in the time That glorious period lasted from 200 to 300 years. Then, when I realize that those things will not last over time, I will start doing my best to help humanity become better until everything becomes nothing. I have always thought immortality was wonderful and will maintain that opinion. I don't think I'll ever be bored with the limitless wonderful things in this universe.


Actual reason behind demographic problems
Feb 13, 2019
Collect souls for Hell across countless realities with very unfair contracts and be an amazing witch?


Well-known member
May 12, 2021
You die, and meet this being, he tells you to go out and explore the universe dont worry bout time or quotas you have eternity after all, so you leave meet new races watch empires rise and fall, elevate and destroy races on a whim, eventually after a few billion years you grow bored and frustrated, you return to the being and tell him I can't take this anymore this is torture this is hell, to which the being replies where do you think you are now buzz off im busy.