Dates are wrong messing with statistics


Bad Fiction Author
Apr 16, 2019
I started my latest Novel on May 30, posted new chapters on May 31, June 1st, June 2nd, and June 3rd. Now up to 10 chapters.

However, the "at a glance" publishing stats show 3 Chapters/Week.

A second issue, not sure if it is related to the first or not but my novel never shows up on the NU page like the other novels released around the same time of the day.


ゞ(シㅇ3ㅇ)っ•♥•Speak fishy, read BL.•♥•
May 29, 2019
However, the "at a glance" publishing stats show 3 Chapters/Week.
Stats are the average released chapters within 30 days. X amount chapters / 4weeks = X chapters/week
A second issue, not sure if it is related to the first or not but my novel never shows up on the NU page like the other novels released around the same time of the day.
It always shows the 3 latest updates. Means that people are submitting a few minutes later than you and take your story’s spot :blob_pat_sad:


Bad Fiction Author
Apr 16, 2019
Stats are the average released chapters within 30 days. X amount chapters / 4weeks = X chapters/week

10 chapters released over a 1 week a period of time is 10 chapters per week.

10 chapters released over four weeks is 2.5 chapters per week.

To get the true statistic for chapters released per week for every story you need to made the formula Total chapters written / Total days of Since release = X * 30 = Y / 4 = Chapters per week.

So in my case 10 / 6 = 1.66 *30 =49.8 / 4 = 12 chapters per week.

If I then wrote no chapters for the next week.

10 / 14 = 0.71 *30 =21 / 4 = 5 chapters per week.

As I said, the statistic is currently being calculated in a way that doesn't accurately capture how authors are writing. I wasn't trying to get information about how it is coded right now.

It always shows the 3 latest updates. Means that people are submitting a few minutes later than you and take your story’s spot :blob_pat_sad:

Yes. That's how it is supposed to work, however, in my case, it shows the stories before mine and the stories after mine. It just doesn't show my story.


Currently Lurking
May 14, 2019
10 chapters released over a 1 week a period of time is 10 chapters per week.

10 chapters released over four weeks is 2.5 chapters per week.

To get the true statistic for chapters released per week for every story you need to made the formula Total chapters written / Total days of Since release = X * 30 = Y / 4 = Chapters per week.

So in my case 10 / 6 = 1.66 *30 =49.8 / 4 = 12 chapters per week.

If I then wrote no chapters for the next week.

10 / 14 = 0.71 *30 =21 / 4 = 5 chapters per week.

As I said, the statistic is currently being calculated in a way that doesn't accurately capture how authors are writing. I wasn't trying to get information about how it is coded right now.
The "at a glance" statistic is coded the way it is because it is supposed to reflect how often the author is publishing recently.
This is so stories that used to be prolific, but then are basically drop will show 0 chapters/week, so readers can tell in a glance that it isn't being updated.
I mean sure, Tony can reword it so it says chapters/week in the last 30 days, but that's really wordy and ruins the point of having the quick stats.
That being said, the issue of having the stat out of 30 days right in the beginning will cause a lower than expected value is valid and should be addressed, although you do run into the issue of: The writer publishes one chapter in the first day. Are we going to assume that the writer will do this every day, and put 7 chapters per week?

As for your second issue, well, can't tell without further info. I'm going to assume that this is for your adventum contest entry?


Bad Fiction Author
Apr 16, 2019
The "at a glance" statistic is coded the way it is because it is supposed to reflect how often the author is publishing recently.

Right, which is why I posted the correct math. Math is good, math is your friend. Embrace the math.


Currently Lurking
May 14, 2019
Right, which is why I posted the correct math. Math is good, math is your friend. Embrace the math.
Right, but as i said, you run into the issue of how would you calculate it as soon as you release it?
Your math formula would have a divide by zero issue.
And even if you made that one, it's not very meaningful to assume the writer will write that amount everyday


Bad Fiction Author
Apr 16, 2019
Right, but as i said, you run into the issue of how would you calculate it as soon as you release it?
Your math formula would have a divide by zero issue.
And even if you made that one, it's not very meaningful to assume the writer will write that amount everyday

Joey the Author writes a brand new story and releases 2 chapters over his first week with one on Monday, the second on Thursday.

Day 1 - Monday

1 Chapter / 1 Day = 1 * 30 = 30 / 4 = 7 chapters per week

Day 2 - Tuesday

1 Chapter / 2 days = 0.5 * 30 = 15 / 4 = 4 chapters per week

Day 3 - Wednesday

1 Chapter / 3 days = 0.33 * 30 = 10 / 4 = 3 chapters per week

Day 4 - Thursday

2 Chapters / 4 days = 0.5 * 30 = 15 / 4 = 4 chapters per week

Day 5 - Friday

2 Chapters / 5 days = 0.4 * 30 = 12/4 = 3 chapters per week

Day 6 - Saturday

2 Chapters / 6 days = 0.33 * 30 = 10 / 4 = 3 chapters per week

Day 7 - Sunday

2 Chapters / 7 days = 0.28 * 30 = 8 / 4 = 2 chapters per week


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
I don't think Tony has any intent of changing the way Chapters/Week are calculated.

Getting the average over a whole month works fine.