Have you ever thought what will happen in the future?


Active member
Jan 16, 2022
Have you ever thought what will happen in the future?

maybe most people still think about this and that but forget what will happen in the future and will only think about what he will do now

Everyone's future will definitely be different, find a soul mate or become a Boss in a Big Company or maybe something else

But every person's future will have an end, namely death

I'm not saying this to tell you bad things and so on

but i only ever thought what would happen if i died

what will happen next after i die?

some people may have thought so, what will happen after death?

Maybe everyone is afraid of death and doesn't dare to think about what will happen after they die

Everyone's opinions and arguemen are different

I only convey a few words to gather opinions from all of you

if you like, please give your opinion


Oct 8, 2020
Have you ever thought what will happen in the future?

maybe most people still think about this and that but forget what will happen in the future and will only think about what he will do now

Everyone's future will definitely be different, find a soul mate or become a Boss in a Big Company or maybe something else

But every person's future will have an end, namely death

I'm not saying this to tell you bad things and so on

but i only ever thought what would happen if i died

what will happen next after i die?

some people may have thought so, what will happen after death?

Maybe everyone is afraid of death and doesn't dare to think about what will happen after they die

Everyone's opinions and arguemen are different

I only convey a few words to gather opinions from all of you

if you like, please give your opinion
The cows will say moo.
The phones will be bigger, and thinner. Same with televisions.
Cars will make less smoke.

It's quite useless for us to think about future, we aren't smart enough. Just accept that thinking about future will just lead to depression and anxiety.

Like your question, what happens after we die?
You will find one day, so just be patient. There is no need to waste today for it


Procrastinator Mongrel
Apr 22, 2019
I don't know, I wish I knew so that I can prepare for it. But if I had to guess, my future seems bleak.

I'm not afraid of death, but what comes after that. Do we simply disappear like that? Or will we go to the afterlife?

Do I really want to know? I guess so. I feel like I'm walking aimlessly without a path in mind. Is it fun? No. I wish something or someone could lead me, but it is what it is.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2019
Everything comes crashing down... due to war, ecological reasons, or other reasons... or one thing leading to another... but either way, everything comes crashing down... it might happen in a few years, or few decades, or few centuries at the absolute most... and then either humans go extinct, or we will continue to survive, but in a much reduced, simpler, subsistence level existence only... which is all that will be possible in the desolate and ruined world of tomorrow...

As for Death...

I think, living being are simply a machines of sorts, and being alive is simply a question of whether the machine is running, and doing its thing, or if its stopped working...

I don't much believe in gods out there... Nor do I believe that the thing inside the human skull is a god... Some may like to boast about the incredible, center of the universe level complexity of the human brain, and argue that, its incredible incredibleness, gives it a kind of conjuring magic...

That is... in the morning, when you wake up... it happens *because* your divinely complex brain, oozing with the human awesomeness, utters the magic words: "let there be consciousness", and hallelujah!! Some immaterial, magical cloud called consciousness, rises out of your brain as an emergent phenomena... etc... and once you die, and your divine brain falls apart and disappears, then... obviously, this conjuring magic can never happen again... and so... you cease to exist forever... and so on...

I think, behind this retarded nonsense, lies a simple truth... You, the thing that is experiencing, what you're experiencing right now... are a part of the human brain... You existed before the brain did, just like all the other parts did, and you continue to exist after the brain is long gone, just like all the other parts do, but once you no longer occupy the position of a consciousness in a human brain, you no longer occupy a position of a consciousness in a human brain...


After death you will continue to exist, and you will continue to experience everything you're subject to, and nothing but what you're subject to... just like you do right now... but in the absence of a living, working brain, what you will be subject to, will be chaotic, "meaningless" noise... and there will be no steering system of any kind that could drive you away from the unpleasant and towards the pleasant...

You may end up alone in the void, experiencing nothing at all for uncountable billions of years, or you may end up in situation where you experience nothing but "pleasure" till the end of time, or you may end up in a situation where you experience nothing but unimaginable agony, every moment of every day, until the heat death of the universe or... something... and what ever it may turn out to be... there is nothing you can do about it now, and nothing you can do about it then either...

Or... Well... Right now... I guess you "can" try to delude your self into believing its all OK, and there is nothing to worry about... You get to hand out with Jesus, or Muhammed, or perhaps Thor? or something... Or you somehow blink out of existence, so nothing can hurt ya...
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May 31, 2021
I still firmly believe that people get reincarnated without their memories


Her Highness
Jan 9, 2021
I will gladly welcome death as a friend when my time comes. Death is not the end, it's a release from this hell world we call Earth. Birth is a curse and existence is a prison.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
I simply don't think about it. If I put expectations on the future, I'll either be dissapointed or sorely shocked. I'll only make inferences and very general predictions, and live on with my day.

It is my belief that you shouldn't dream about your future, but invest your focus in paving the way instead. Having an ideal means reality will never match up with your perceived efforts. Instead, let your efforts take you wherever. When you feel as though you've made it, savour the delight, then keep working. Having a dream makes you stop once you get there, at least that's what I think. If I keep doing what I'm doing, who knows how far that'll take me?


Deleteriously devilish, deliciously dumbfounding
Feb 13, 2019
About me: I will die one day and live till then. I have long become comfortable with the idea of dying and it doesn't terrify me like it used to. Our lot in life is to suffer, suffering brought by desire and illusions we harbour about the world around us, in particular, that its around us not that we are in it. Having realised it, I learned to accept that I am powerless in many ways. The Sun will rise and will set without caring for my opinion, I will meet and part with things and people I will either like or dislike, mostly due to circumstance and not my input. I almost feel at peace.
For humanity: I fully expect the modern western society to collapse some dozens of years into the future, either due to environmental, political, demographic or some other issues. Seeing the birth rates, the next chapters of history will be written somewhere in middle Africa, while the human world we know will slowly burn out like a cinder. Sooner or later humanity will die, never leaving our planet.
For the life on Earth: it will adapt to all the changes that will have happened to it.
For the rest of the Universe: it will continue as always.

Deleted member 54065

Have you ever thought what will happen in the future?

maybe most people still think about this and that but forget what will happen in the future and will only think about what he will do now

Everyone's future will definitely be different, find a soul mate or become a Boss in a Big Company or maybe something else

But every person's future will have an end, namely death

I'm not saying this to tell you bad things and so on

but i only ever thought what would happen if i died

what will happen next after i die?

some people may have thought so, what will happen after death?

Maybe everyone is afraid of death and doesn't dare to think about what will happen after they die

Everyone's opinions and arguemen are different

I only convey a few words to gather opinions from all of you

if you like, please give your opinion
I only think of the future if it's something I can control or do something about it. As for my death threats, I live like it's my last, so I don't give a damn. 😂

Otherwise, it's a waste of my time and braincells.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
I only think of the future if it's something I can control or do something about it.

Otherwise, it's a waste of my time and braincells.
i'd like to think that you feel like an all-powerful mage summoning spirits to control your fate and destiny each time you decide what to have for dinner.

Deleted member 54065

i'd like to think that you feel like an all-powerful mage summoning spirits to control your fate and destiny each time you decide what to have for dinner.
Nah, I'm talking about the threats in my life. I made a lot of political enemies, so I'm not going to be surprised if someone would gun me down someday.

Do I have any control about my (potential) killers? No. So why should I bother?


Departure of Motivation led me to want water
Sep 26, 2021
I'm low key looking at my future self in her future world of a broken end.


Active member
Feb 20, 2021
Yeah i do sometimes, tbh i always more or less lived into the future. I'm not like the most positive person and is positive i'm gonna completely fail my studies and the concours while my best friend is here and is saying that I am likely to be in the best student in the country so yeah not positive.

On the grand scheme on thing my life would never have any incidence whatsoever, I'll not revolutionize the world or discover a brand-new mathematic theorem in my career so my life is pretty pointless. Our civilization/specie is doomed by its own issues but give a few millions years to the planets and the Humans and their impact on the planet would be just a memory. The biodiversity will slowly rebuild itself, the ecosystem regenerate and re-balance, yeah things will be different but we will not cause the end of life on Earth.

We're not likely to see any technological breakthrough other than the one that can be used for profit by companies and governments and in and all nothing count.
Ok that's depressing but here's my thought.

And one thing matters, making my best friend happy she's so cute when she's happy lol.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2021
I always think about my future. It’s called “daydreaming”, dear~ lol
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Deleted member 22388

I can guess that I have bad news for my future? Well I'm still thinking about it... but from my shattering self I want to move away from all of this. And yes there are good news.

So death. I believe in one-ness of Allah, and so the religion I was chosen for was Islam for its evidence. Hence I also believe there is afterlife. Where do we go, either heaven or hell. I am safe knowing I have a place to go to which is heaven. Where there is someons whom I shall meet. My wife basically. All I can say about hell is not to get in there even just a second for the horror, excrutiating pain it has is nothing compared to our imagination. Same is said for heaven but its better, every desire comes true with Allah's permission. With religion task done then I shall be at peace, knowing my old self wouldn't have to lift more then 100kg all day and cry. I know Allah is mercifull and I'm happy to return back.

Have a good day/night.