How to increase the quality of writing style


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2023
Sentences are too long, especially in the "paragraphs" describing the characters (one sentence paragraphs are fine but not like that).


Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 🎶
Oct 14, 2023
Bruh, I feel out of place here, I must be the only one who thought what he wrote was pretty good T-T

Sorry, Scribble Hub's resident trash author here. The only advice I can give you is to focus on the more important aspects that you want the reader to know, the atmosphere is important but if it's long and drawn out then the reader will feel like it's a chore to read everything. Just build it more like the point of the chapter then Atmosphere and Details after. (not scholarly advice, I know) hope it helps though!
You ain't trash buddy


Not a Klutz
Feb 6, 2021
Bruh, I feel out of place here, I must be the only one who thought what he wrote was pretty good T-T

Sorry, Scribble Hub's resident trash author here. The only advice I can give you is to focus on the more important aspects that you want the reader to know, the atmosphere is important but if it's long and drawn out then the reader will feel like it's a chore to read everything. Just build it more like the point of the chapter then Atmosphere and Details after. (not scholarly advice, I know) hope it helps though!
You ain't trash buddy
Agree. Those who break the rules are trash. But those who abandon their stories are worse than trash. You aren't two of those things.


Oct 6, 2023
Lots of good advice in the previous comments. My only suggestion would be shorter sentences. Shorter, punchier. And forget grade school grammar. Sentence fragments work just fine in real life. Try it for one paragraph and see how it feels to you.

A trick some famous writers have used is to copy pages from other authors. Just write the same words. Absorb the cadences. Supposedly Heminway copied one of Gertrude Stein's novels page by page into a notebook. He is usually credited with "telegraph style", but people who study Stein claim he copied everything from her. Might be worth trying if you have a favorite author. After a page or two you will get a feel for the style.


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Mar 11, 2023
I been trying write a novel, I have the story but I feel like my writing style is very bland.

Like it's more of a report than story, I don't think the readers reading my story will get emotional on a level I feel when I read good story with great writing style.

I tried to do more descriptive languages but all it made the story incomprehensible to many due to tough words.

Any tips regarding it, I would really like to hear more about your opinion on how to increase the writing quality which can enhance reading experience


Seems as some cannot give proper knowledge on what as they don't know what my style is like so here is a small part. Any advice

Destruction…… despair……. Death.

The Sky shone red like a bright ruby, The scorched earth glistened like black obsidian, the mighty mountains lost their contour as destruction chipped away their body, and rivers cried black tears poisoning the land.

There laid hundreds of bodies of men and women of different species and factions, burned, mutilated, and decaying, and in the midst of all these clashed the last two swords.

One was a woman, golden hair that seemed to have replaced the sun in this accursed land, and a face that is so beautiful that it can dazzle a thousand hearts in one glance, her body was the epitome of perfection, like a perfectly crafted doll, her attire was a golden armor that was partially destroyed and there were bruises and the burn mark in her body but it could not dull her magnificence, nothing but the word 'Goddess' can describe her.

The other was a man, with hair as dark as the abyss and eyes that seemed to suck the light out, his face was sharp and chiseled, with a jawline that could cut glass, and his body was like that of a Greek god, sculpted to perfection. He exuded a menacing and demonic aura that made those around him shudder in fear even when he was sitting on a rock exhausted, and injured.

The man's obsidian eyes focused on the beauty in front of him. "You have survived my final attack, Hero. The victory is yours," his voice was deep as the ocean.

She stood there, her face etched with grief and guilt. "Is this what victory looks like?" she mused, her tone dripping with mockery.

He nodded. "Yes, this is what victory looks like – a costly one, but a victory nonetheless!"

She did not reply. Her gaze turned to the man in front of her – the person who took away everything she loved, ironically the one who she fell in love with. "Are you satisfied?" she asked. "Ever since we met on that mountain, this is all you talked about. The Great War that will shake the Heavens and Earth – you had your war. So tell me, are you satisfied?"

His lips twitched, but in the end, he found the right words to speak. "I do not have any regrets,"

His words were like sharp swords to her, cutting open old wounds deep inside her heart, "Not even for what you did to me? " her voice filled with discomfort.

He sighed, "Your king warned you!, your friends warned you!….. I warned you, that what you seeking from me is something I am incapable of giving"

"Why? I never wanted you to cleave the moon in two. All I yearned for was for you to abandon this fake facade of being a Demon King, and embrace a life with me as a family." Tears streamed down her face as she argued, "We could have escaped from all of this, exchanged vows, and grown old together... we could have forged a blissful life. That's all I desired, to be by your side." Her final words hung in the air as she knelt before him, her eyes brimming with sorrow, and her captivating countenance marked by torment and anguish. "Even now, I am prepared to relinquish everything to be with you. So why do we have to end it like this?"

Her words brought a wry smile to his lips, he brought his right hand to her cheeks, slowly caressing them "I am a Demon King, Aurora, splitting the Moon is a much simpler task for me" he childishly remarked, which did not soothe the Hero before him, so he slowly stroked her head, "I did not choose to be a Demon King, neither did you choose to be a hero, it was fate's will, and the destiny of Hero and Demon King is to be each other demise because that's how fate crafted it to be, no matter what choices we make this is the ending we will come to because that is also what the fates wills."

He took a breath looking at the red sky, "You see for no matter how powerful we became, in the end, as long as I am the demon king and you the hero, we both will always be the puppets that fate strings, to move as those strings command us to move"

A pregnant silence was born. The undeniable truth started to sink into the mind of the Hero, that the love she has cannot be fulfilled

He heard her mutter, "You're right, we could never be together in this life"

With lightning-fast speed, she suddenly slashed her hand, tearing through his skin, shattering his bones, and piercing his heart, leaving him gasping for air. "Let us be together in a life where you are no longer the Demon King," she whispered into his ear. Blood gushed out from the wound she inflicted, and with a swift movement, she cradled him in her lap. "After I put down the mantle of the Hero, I will find you, and we can finally be together," she promised.

"And if fate tries to deny me again, I will sever her strings and hang her with them," she vowed.

The Demon King coughed up blood, his vision starting to blur. He knew he was dying, "Auror…" He whispered her name, his voice barely audible, and reached out to touch her face one last time

Aurora looked at him with tears in her eyes, regret and sorrow filling her heart. She had never wanted to hurt him, but she couldn't bear the thought of being his enemy in every life they lived. She had to find a way to break the cycle of fate and be with him, even if it meant taking drastic measures. As the Demon King's life slipped away, Aurora knew that this was their final moment together. She gazed at him with tears streaming down her face, feeling a deep ache in her heart.

Aurora brought his hands to her face and leaned in, pressing her lips to his in a soft and tender kiss. At that moment, nothing else mattered except for the two of them, wrapped up in each other's arms.

As they parted, tears streamed down Aurora's face as she whispered her final goodbye."I promise I will find you, no matter where you may be. I will find you!"
Don't know if you're still asking for advice or if this might've been said already but:

The details you want to describe is sensations and emotions.
The part with, wrapped up in each other's arms. You can change it to tangled in each other's arms. Or add something like feeling their body heat or how they smell like flowers or fruit

I'd say, write your chapter like you normally do and come back. Ask yourself what faces the characters are making at certain points. What they smell, feel. In love? They lean into each other and observe everything about their lover.

That part with the demon lord, what emotion are they showing? Anger? Then change their dialog, instead of fate strings, change it to fate strangles. If the demon lord is sad, you can write about their tone of voice being almost a whisper or hollow. If they're bored then mention how lazily they move, a wide unguarded stance or slouched on their throne cleaning their nails.

You can evn be simple and write in a character looking away, biting their lip or narrowing their eyes.