How to write a op mc goes to school


Apr 1, 2023
I am looking for ways to make a good magic school life especially with an overpowered MC
MC is a regressor /reincarnator/transmigators or has some super cheat power is a master of all kinds of magic, and he even invented his own spell, which was extremely powerful. He gets enrolled in a magic academy but he has to hold back his powers...

Or MC is an op reincarnated sage discovers a world that is indeed peaceful but lacking in the levels of magic he was accustomed to.

Enrolling as a student at the Magic Academy, he sets out to rectify the situation and restore the rightful order.

No I want an academy where they are actually teaching something and have anti-bullying measures set up and strictly prohibited sexual activity within campus (I am looking at all those harem school life novels)

A place of learning not some stage to glorify a third-rate arrogant MC
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New member
Jun 8, 2024
MC is a regressor /reincarnator/transmigators
I don't think the mc could be all three at once as they are most mutually exclusive that may overlap with much of the same results but the effect is not the same as two deal with fix starting points IE a life experience being born reincarnating while the other regression is going back in time. While both may have the MC maintain experiences they are not the same thing. transmigration is when they move from one place to another IE alternate time line differing planes of existence

and if Mc is op and magic is so far and above what they have currently why would he be holding back?
why would he be going to school as a student?

what made magic regress and not stagnate as powers in peace times don't need to advance military might as rapidly and typically focus on maintaining the status quo or make current magic fast and cheaper to manage

a freedom of sexually or lack there of fundamentally comes down to how society view its as a whole as most of the harem school life stuff just most hands waves it with student council trying to and failing at enforcing school rules as strictness does not mean prudence it just means that they try to enforce their rules

what does this mean
A place of learning not some stage to glorify a thire-rate arrogant MC


On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
Make it so that MC starts out as someone who excels in his studies and gets established as an example student. After that, he can start voicing his ideas and causing change to happen.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2019
Well, there's the inherent problem of "why go to school if you know more and are more powerful than the teachers?".

A lot of romcom light novel stories forego a decent explanation.

The sage explanation works, if they're enrolling as a teacher. Though there is the whole having to show your stuff and being accepted as a teacher thing. But it's magic, the MC can illusion as an adult, or even just claim age regression magic. Literally had talking cats and dogs as teachers in some fantasy magic academies, why not some thousand yr old shots/loli looking character.

The drama is usually nobles/teachers trying to keep the MC down to stay on top. If the MC is too powerful that won't matter. So you'd be looking to do a Great Teacher Onizuka route and creating connections by helping the kids mentally. It's repeatable and compelling.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2022
"Shannon, the most overpowered human in the great Ingrasia kingdom, goes to school she wanted to enroll.


Five years later, Shannon finally graduates and continued her adventures"

And that's it, the most peaceful academy arc ever


Apr 1, 2023
I don't think the mc could be all three at once as they are most mutually exclusive that may overlap with much of the same results but the effect is not the same as two deal with fix starting points IE a life experience being born reincarnating while the other regression is going back in time. While both may have the MC maintain experiences they are not the same thing. transmigration is when they move from one place to another IE alternate time line differing planes of existence

and if Mc is op and magic is so far and above what they have currently why would he be holding back?
why would he be going to school as a student?

what made magic regress and not stagnate as powers in peace times don't need to advance military might as rapidly and typically focus on maintaining the status quo or make current magic fast and cheaper to manage

a freedom of sexually or lack there of fundamentally comes down to how society view its as a whole as most of the harem school life stuff just most hands waves it with student council trying to and failing at enforcing school rules as strictness does not mean prudence it just means that they try to enforce their rules

what does this mean
Multiple MC's one is a regressor,one is a reincarnator,one is a transmigator and one is the chosen one

I am trying to figure out how to write an academy arc without these four monsters screwing up every other normal students school life

Like one of them creats a new magic theory and all students have an extra chapter to study


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2022
> I am trying to figure out how to write an academy arc without these four monsters screwing up every other normal students school life

That's the problem. School is banal for an overachiever with robust self-esteem. Especially demigods: "Oh boy, linear algebra, again!"


Apr 1, 2023
What about the student council how to make one that is a bunch of teenagers wielding power worthy of corruption and abuse in the hands of those with evil in their hearts. Council members have unparalleled freedom — they do as they please on campus, invent arbitrary rules that punish the masses, and give themselves and their allies special privileges. No member of the staff dare rebuke them.

For example Kill la Kill exaggerates this to hell and back; Honnouji's student council has created a straight-up fascist state and has the power to annex other schools and execute students, with even the principal being little more than a figurehead. Hell even Kaneo Takarada of the rival Naniwa Kinman High School, controls the local economy of Osaka with his family's personal scrip and bankrolls its citizens as reserves to his school's own student military. And that's not getting into his intelligence network of gossipy Osaka grannies, or the Powered Armor.

A super powerful and rich student council can handle overpowered MC's right?
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New member
Jun 8, 2024
Multiple MC's one is a regressor,one is a reincarnator,one is a transmigator and one is the chosen one

I am trying to figure out how to write an academy arc without these four monsters screwing up every other normal students school life

Like one of them creats a new magic theory and all students have an extra chapter to study
sounds like to many cooks at face value and not much else to go one i feel like the reincarnator and transmigator would most likely have the most to gain from being "normal" students so that they could better understand why things are the way they are. the regressor may be doing something that they want to change no matter what while getting stronger using what ever previous knowledge they've gained and i don't really know how to work with a chosen one type.

but i still feel like my previous thought on still on points with things you want to think about

what made magic regress and not stagnate as powers in peace times don't need to advance military might as rapidly and typically focus on maintaining the status quo or make current magic fast and cheaper to manage

A super powerful and rich student council can handle overpowered MC's right?
that can work in certain settings, money is normally the tipping point for those almost equal in power


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Well, if the focus is on the learning, then you'd better have a kick ass magic system, then take it in new directions.

The transmigrator Ryan spoke aloud as he wrote out his name and title on the chalkboard. He turned around to face the classroom. It was the largest auditorium in The Glorious Empire of the Lunarian Dominion's Royal Magic Academy. It was all done up in hardwood with long tables on the various tiers. It had the feel of a 19th-century school classroom in Oxford. All the students were dressed in dark blue uniforms for the men, but the women were allowed to accessorize with scarves and whatnot. The entire room was standing room only with people crammed into wherever they could fit and still see Ryan. They brought in extra chairs with people of special privilege sitting in the wings.

Ryan would admit, he was hamming it up. He looked like his usual tall self with black hair and brown eyes, but he had a long jagged scar across his left eye. A large pair of red horns stuck out of his forehead with a bit of a sensual swoop to them as they rose up and each came to a point. He was back to having leathery bat wings, but he hooked the first claws of each wing together around his neck, making the wings look more like a mysterious black cape. He was dressed in a fine 3 piece suit he had conjured, all black with a red dress shirt and a black tie. His hair was long and wavy, more dripping down his back than hanging. Somehow he managed to make his hair look 'wet' even when it was dry, giving it a glossy shimmer as it moved.

In short, Ryan looked like Hollywood's impression of the Devil himself.

He carefully placed the chalk down on the tray under the blackboard and walked back to the podium. He gave the room a smile, "Greetings. I am the Demon Lord Yauger. Please address me as Mister Yauger. Try to save your questions for the end." He pointed around the room, "I'm afraid I didn't have enough copies made, so I do encourage people to share. For those of you just arriving, I put together a short summary of the quantum properties of magic. I talked with the headmistress. She'll make the information available to all students and faculty, just as soon as more copies can be made."

He cleared his throat by coughing into his fist then took a sip from his water, "I wish to take a moment to thank Headmistress Hecate for the use of your university for my research. As per our agreement, I will, on a bi-monthly basis, be giving lectures onto the nature of magic and then open it up to any questions involving any sort of science in general." He turned around and gestured. One of the blackboards moved up to reveal what Ryan had taken the time to write out beforehand.

"Today we will be discussing the trinary nature of Monads and the way they combine into metatrons. We will also be discussing how Metatrons can collect in a group of a single type to form what is called a Principle." Ryan then paused to gesture and raise up a second blackboard, "And how multiple principles can combine to form what we call Actinals, or in laymen's terms..." He turned around to face the class



The lecture was for only an hour and everyone hung on Ryan's every word. He wound up spending a great deal of time explaining how a single monad was always a loop, but the loop could be knotted and the layers of knots and how many times the knot criss-crossed itself was limited by proximity to dark matter. People seemed rather confused on how that worked, even with his giving examples. The world of quantum mechanics and how it applied to magic was an unfamiliar concept. They just seemed to have a problem of understanding that something could be and not be at the same time. The effects of observation and the subjectivity of reality was hard for most of them to grasp.

A few did.

Those few were the ones who were taking up most of the Q and A time of the lecture. These few with which Ryan's words clicked sent them into an almost orgasmic state. The banter between them spiraled out of control as they managed to start doing the math on their own, drawing their own conclusions.

The four students who did 'get it' were having what could only be described as a religious experience. A few staff as well, but they were far more controlled in their response. Ryan's Periodic Table of Mana opened up a universe of possibilities for them, whereas most of the crowd tried to follow along. Most understood the basics, but only a select few really got it. To Ryan, it was obvious who was here because they were nobility and attending the university was a formality, and those who were here because Magic was what was important to them.

"And that concludes this lecture. I hope you found it informative. In two weeks I'll be addressing magic circles, magic spheres and the possibility of magical hyper-spheres and the implications of how it could be used to affect higher dimensions outside the usual perception of mortals."


Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
Multiple MC's one is a regressor,one is a reincarnator,one is a transmigator and one is the chosen one

I am trying to figure out how to write an academy arc without these four monsters screwing up every other normal students school life

Like one of them creats a new magic theory and all students have an extra chapter to study
Why would you want to take out all the fun parts and discard a setting that almost writes itself?
If you want your MCs to keep a low profile (and we all know how that normally ends), just let them all show off too much and get them to be wary of each other. Then you can either go the comedy route where they all try to fit into mediocracy but fail terribly, go the drama route and establish friendship/rivalry between your MCs, or just (make them come clean and maybe) establish an outer threat they can't overcome even with their BS OP powersets (student councils are always a good alternative to demon lords or other final bosses, at least in school settings).
Or just do everything at once, it might even work.

If you had only one or two I might have said "Tournament arc that gets interrupted by an evil organization", but with more than two this trope wouldn't work.


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
Why would you want to take out all the fun parts and discard a setting that almost writes itself?
If you want your MCs to keep a low profile (and we all know how that normally ends), just let them all show off too much and get them to be wary of each other. Then you can either go the comedy route where they all try to fit into mediocracy but fail terribly, go the drama route and establish friendship/rivalry between your MCs, or just (make them come clean and maybe) establish an outer threat they can't overcome even with their BS OP powersets (student councils are always a good alternative to demon lords or other final bosses, at least in school settings).
Or just do everything at once, it might even work.

If you had only one or two I might have said "Tournament arc that gets interrupted by an evil organization", but with more than two this trope wouldn't work.
+1000000 (y)
For me i will basically resume my words into : They can have their own series as MC but the series is basically the POV of one of them (or all)

Basically realism. They are real. Put yourself in the shoes of one them. And repeat multiple times, forgetting previous one.
Or very exagerated plot.
(basically same thing as Bearly explained)

PS : Its weird that games are trying to be "too real" or "too exaggerated" and flop, but for novels clearly its what they need but dont do it. Did someone switch the souls of devs and writers or what ? :blob_upset:


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2022
The first thing to do would be to ask yourself what genre this is. An action is going to play very different compared to a comedy or a romance here.

Secondly, pose a problem to the protagonist in which you identify a potential solution thats fits the genre. Whats important here is that, as well as the solution fitting the genre, it fundamentally cannot be solved by brute strength alone. Otherwise the logical thing for the protagonist to do would be, in fact, to solve said problem by brute strength alone. I think it's clear enough to see this doesn't work for OP-MC type stories.

If the story is an action, for example, one way to do this would be, perhaps, to pose some form of detective work. They have all the firepower needed to take down whoevers in charge, but don't know who to aim that firepower at. That way you build around the idea that any conflicts that they do get involved in are solved immediately, but the focus is on the deduction between the conflicts.

again, this would depend on the genre that your are aiming to write a lot. The main premise stays the same, however. You need to find eggshells to throw onto the floor so your characters have to dance around them.

You'd probably also need to make the reason they are attending this academy in the first place incredibly explicit. Ideally this would be explained using some reincarnation/transmigration/regression thing. They clearly aren't going to the academy to study, after all.


a sloth that wants to be great
May 28, 2024
Or MC is an op reincarnated sage discovers a world that is indeed peaceful but lacking in the levels of magic he was accustomed to.

Enrolling as a student at the Magic Academy, he sets out to rectify the situation and restore the rightful order.

No I want an academy where they are actually teaching something and have anti-bullying measures set up and strictly prohibited sexual activity within campus (I am looking at all those harem school life novels)

A place of learning not some stage to glorify a third-rate arrogant MC
If he wants to do that why not become a professor instead? Why always student? He would teach student then pick disciples or something.

Being student is not fun.


Sleep deprived mess of a published author
Jan 29, 2020
Have him struggle with basic shit because he can't control his strength. Make it a semi training arc where the MC has to pick up pencils without crushing them, accept handshakes without breaking hands, and actually get his homework in on time.