Writing I need to destroy everything.


Active member
Apr 1, 2023
The context for the title is that I need to burn down all these ideas I’ve collected over time in my GoogleDocs into something that works. I have been trying to create a novel that can act as a prequel to another but get writing blocks.

There’s always this same character backgrounds and stuff that I try to shoehorn in because that’s what my plan says. Eventually, I’ve realised that I’d accidentally trapped myself in a bad state.

And so, everything needs to go and be refined in service of a new story without the inconsistencies.

But that requires something for me to emulate.

This prequel is supposed to be mostly standalone with the only requirements being that it’s non-High-fantasy. Urban, supernatural, magic, and other elements are fine… but I wanted to create a story that isn’t a fantasy.

Things seem great from there. Only problem being that I don’t remember any story in my life having any strong attachment to me that wasn’t a fantasy. I can’t remember any non-fantasy story or can even imagine a ‘standard plot’ for one. Unlike how easy a ‘standard fantasy’ looks.

This is where my headache comes in.

I’ve usually been able to come up with good solutions by hearing the random opinions on the internet. So lay it on me. What thoughts goes through your minds after reading the above?

Probably that I’m overthinking it. Even so, I wouldn’t spend my time unless it’s worth it.

To me, destroying all my notes is a big decision since doing so is like burning all the work I did creating those intricate plot devices and details. I had worked so hard… only to burn it down.

Guess I just wanted to say something somehow.

P.S. It’d be nice if someone had an idea I could work with on what non-fantasy story with action is worth emulating. Pick a fave game or something.


Humblest Cultivator 🍵🫖
May 25, 2023
Things seem great from there. Only problem being that I don’t remember any story in my life having any strong attachment to me that wasn’t a fantasy. I can’t remember any non-fantasy story or can even imagine a ‘standard plot’ for one. Unlike how easy a ‘standard fantasy’ looks.
:blob_neutral: You're on a website that hosts novels. Go read a non-fantasy novel.


Active member
Jul 7, 2023
If you can’t deal with fantasy then I suggest going supernatural route. Jojo still deals with real life while having that spirit stand battles which is akin to having a ghost that punches for you. Could even be historical, cause we got history of witch hunt, just make it seem like we still have with powers in present time or something, heck it would even be similar to the magical girl genre. Hero work like marvel doing vigilante stuff can be tied to reality. There really is so much more genre to work with other than fantasy…


Da Scalie Whisperer
Dec 23, 2020
Write the huge chunks around the parts that you have a solid idea of what you want. Doesn't matter if they are connected to anything. Just write the awesome parts. Then go back and use it as a rough draft while piecing it together to something at least semi-coherent. Then finish it by actually writing a story. The structure that will make it readable for others.


Active member
Apr 1, 2023
Write the huge chunks around the parts that you have a solid idea of what you want. Doesn't matter if they are connected to anything. Just write the awesome parts. Then go back and use it as a rough draft while piecing it together to something at least semi-coherent. Then finish it by actually writing a story. The structure that will make it readable for others.
That’s an interesting idea. And makes a lot of sense honestly. Will consider this choice.


Active member
Dec 1, 2022
I would perhaps suggest that you try to stick with a story you don't think is that good, try to finish it. You will never learn to write an full story if you don't try. Sometimes you just have to live with the decisions you have made in your earlier chapters.


Bot of [Tsuru]
Jun 1, 2022
Go wank yourself, your mind would be clear so you can come up with a solution. At least it's what my ex said.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Very well... I will give you... A story idea.

Now then. Your story. There is a woman who sees the above video. She clicks on it. A pop up asks if she wants to buy the spaceship. She thinks it's some sort of game, so she clicks yes. Nothing happens. That night, a shuttle comes down with robots to kidnap her. She is brought up to the starship.

except it is a Hunk of junk.

The civilization that created the starship collapsed for unknown reason two thousand years ago. it goes from system to system, trying to sell itself. People agree. it gives the new owner citizenship in the empire, then 30 days to make the first payment. if you don't make the first payment on your financed spaceship. You get thrown into the brig to await being picked up by the police.

The police that will never come because the space civilization collapsed.

She has to figure out how to make a payment before she get thrown into the brig to starve to death.

She finds a ship in the docking bay. A much more primitive ship. Scavengers tried to boost the ship, but even in it's shitty condition, it could still kick their ass and capture them. One is still left alive in the brig.

breaking the guy out of the brig, she offers to make him a crew member if he can help her make money. He transfers the antimatter from his ship to the Velociraptor and they limp their way to the nearest automated star port. It has survived because it's automatic defenses chase off anyone who isn't a citizen. The MC is. She arrives there and tries to envoke the '10,000 light year warrantee', but the automated space port doesn't have the materials to do the repairs.

so the Automated Space port starts posting bounties for the materials to repair the ship.
So not only can get get the parts she needs to fix the ship, but she'll get paid for it, so she won't get thrown in her own brig to starve to death.

And lo begins a LitRPG based off Escape Velocity Overdrive.

I leave the rest of the story up to the apt pupil.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2019
First off, I can relate to your situation on some level, and I can tell you by experience, that DESTROYING any ideas, scripts, random writings or parts of a story is NOT a solution.

Store them somewhere, but do not get rid of previous work; you'll one day regret it. Take a break, stay clear of writing for a while. Later on, you can revisit some of that shelved work, and take note of the similarities. These are a great indication of what makes you *You*, certain things and elements that you can't avoid as a writer.

It can be very frustrating to try and connect ideas, and to start something and make it to the end without going completely mad. But one very important thing, is to write because you feel it; whatever emotion or feeling drives you at that moment, if the inspiration and motivation are there, don't waste it. Even if things don't make sense, connect with each other or barely qualifies as a story.

Eventually, you'll find yourself on the right track, find your groove and stick with a formula that works for you.

Hopefully, that can help you a bit,

Kindly, Rin.

Side Note: I've been writing stories for well over 15 years now, with some of my stories going through several rewrite, reediting and something even merging plots. My mind, to this day, is divided in about a million different parts, each an idea or concept. Maybe it comes with age and experience, but I eventually found a way to focus all these onto stories, mini comics or artwork. Perhaps the same can be achieved on your part.


Jul 14, 2023
Try reading historical novels. Sweet stuff mate. Nautical historical novels are great for perspective. If you think things are bad now, those will cheer you right up.

As for character backgrounds, ease up on the planning mate. If it doesn't flow, perhaps you need two prequels... or fifteen more years. Remember you are writing a webnovel, you can't take that long. Instead of perfection, settle for "not everything I wanted but decent".