I need your help with something


Active member
Jan 23, 2022
If I put this in the wrong thread im sorry
Anyway I have a question

Is it better to do an act of revenge alone or together with a team

I planning to write a short story (one chapter long ) about an elf that's gonna get revenge on the vampire because they killed her entire family and race.

Is it better for her to wipe the vampires with the chosen heroes of the world or alone


Well-known member
May 7, 2023
With the heroes.

To me, it sounds more fun as we get to see it from the perspective of a party member from what I would guess is a summoned hero archetype.


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
If I put this in the wrong thread im sorry
Anyway I have a question

Is it better to do an act of revenge alone or together with a team

I planning to write a short story (one chapter long ) about an elf that's gonna get revenge on the vampire because they killed her entire family and race.

Is it better for her to wipe the vampires with the chosen heroes of the world or alone
Go with a party.

It is more fun to genocide with friends.

Unless elf is IMBA OP.


The one with fluffy wings
May 20, 2023
alone restricts you to just the Character's thoughts. with a team opens up the idea of banter. and this banter can add humor, drama, whatever.


Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
going alone will make the story darker, as it focuses more on the emotions of the MC, how she felt and the anger festering as the story progresses. Maybe ending the story with the realization of her becoming the very same monster she sought to destroy.


2024 Shovel Duel Champion
Mar 6, 2022
Well, heroes because strength in numbers, but they may try to dissuade her from such a radical course.

Alone is harder, likely more guerilla warfare rather than face to face, but no heroes saying you should have mercy


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
If it's only one chapter, than just the elf.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2021
If the elf is alone:
Grimdark sorry about revenge against the vampires that slaughtered her family
If the elf joins a group:
Me and the bois do a little trolling swatting mosquitos lmao


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
Practically speaking, the more people in your group, the greater the risk of betrayal. For fictional purposes, a group is amazing and you feel all warm and fuzzy thinking about how well they all worked together . . . as long as you're not going for realism in your writing.


May 14, 2021
Why not both? Make the party be attacking the enemy castle and in the middle of the battle mc see the vampire one of the demon king servsntd trying to escape. After that u can show the mc solo fight the vampire that way u can add both in the story


Jun 17, 2022
Utilizing a point of contention as a way to justify violence against one individual/group is a way to bring others into your circle who agree with you. But, if they hate you too, be aware that it opens you up to also being attacked/betrayed later on and now that hateful entity is closer than they were before.

If they are friends/allies already, and you bring forth to them a devious plot, understand that they aren't clean either. Someone who easily agrees with the nefarious likely is willing to go along with more than just your plot.

If these people are up for genocide, they're also down for murder. But that's unlikely to be part of your plot. And war crimes with friends is always fun.


Actual reason behind demographic problems
Feb 13, 2019
If I put this in the wrong thread im sorry
Anyway I have a question

Is it better to do an act of revenge alone or together with a team

I planning to write a short story (one chapter long ) about an elf that's gonna get revenge on the vampire because they killed her entire family and race.

Is it better for her to wipe the vampires with the chosen heroes of the world or alone
What do you mean better? What kind of story do you want to write? Because there is an industrial werehouse worth of wiggle room.

I'd first address the matter of scale of the problem. Here are some suggestions.

1) leave the race alone. Any enemy that can holocaust an entire species is not something a singular entity could realistically enough handle. So your story will end up more silly than anything. Especially with the length of the story you intend to write.

Make it more modest. Some vampire/group of vampires killed an elven family, so mc goes Punisher Blade on them.

2) is the enemy a single vampire or an organisation? Because if it's an entire race, 1) would apply and if it's latter, depending on scale of organisation and taking your story length into account 1) would apply also.

How about this: a vampire organisation of considerable but not overwhelming size killed an elven family, so mc goes Punisher Blade on them.

But since we have established the scale of enemy and damage, we can now imagine the scale of the story. There is no need to write an expansive large world with several races and continentd and countries. Make it a city. A metropolice or a town.

But given this scale, we can now work with the setting:
why did the vampires kill the elves?
a) Was it a spontanious crime of very hungry ferals? Maybe something done by 1 vampire? Then your mc will find allies in law enforcement, adventurers etc.

b) Was it a planned crime of an organised group?
Then why did they target your mc family? Maybe it was motivated by the influence the family had. Elves are traditionally portrait as wise and long-living species, so maybe there was some very long time political feud.
Maybe other circumstances where mc family had considerable influence.
Then there will be allies to mc from former supporters of mc family.

Maybe it was done by an invading army headed by the vampires that destroyed the forest where the family lived and mc family was collateral.
Then there is again a tonne of wiggle room.

Maybe the elves were the evil ones.

Etc etc


Active member
Jan 23, 2022
What do you mean better? What kind of story do you want to write? Because there is an industrial werehouse worth of wiggle room.

I'd first address the matter of scale of the problem. Here are some suggestions.

1) leave the race alone. Any enemy that can holocaust an entire species is not something a singular entity could realistically enough handle. So your story will end up more silly than anything. Especially with the length of the story you intend to write.

Make it more modest. Some vampire/group of vampires killed an elven family, so mc goes Punisher Blade on them.

2) is the enemy a single vampire or an organisation? Because if it's an entire race, 1) would apply and if it's latter, depending on scale of organisation and taking your story length into account 1) would apply also.

How about this: a vampire organisation of considerable but not overwhelming size killed an elven family, so mc goes Punisher Blade on them.

But since we have established the scale of enemy and damage, we can now imagine the scale of the story. There is no need to write an expansive large world with several races and continentd and countries. Make it a city. A metropolice or a town.

But given this scale, we can now work with the setting:
why did the vampires kill the elves?
a) Was it a spontanious crime of very hungry ferals? Maybe something done by 1 vampire? Then your mc will find allies in law enforcement, adventurers etc.

b) Was it a planned crime of an organised group?
Then why did they target your mc family? Maybe it was motivated by the influence the family had. Elves are traditionally portrait as wise and long-living species, so maybe there was some very long time political feud.
Maybe other circumstances where mc family had considerable influence.
Then there will be allies to mc from former supporters of mc family.

Maybe it was done by an invading army headed by the vampires that destroyed the forest where the family lived and mc family was collateral.
Then there is again a tonne of wiggle room.

Maybe the elves were the evil ones
Yeah maybe I should edit some things XD

Right the back story as to why the mc want to wipe the vampire is basically because they're at a war.

Mc is a part of the elf's Royal family, the princess to be exact so from little she can't do anything other than to run until her entire kingdom is enslaved and brought down to ruins, from then on she swore to wipe down the vampire kingdom that wiped and killed her kingdom.

Seeing this I think one chapter is not gonna cut it so may be I'll make it longer (10 chapter at most) also what do I mean by what's better? To be honest I don't know too but maybe it's what's more rational in that situation
Okay. Imagine you are the last HUMAN ON EARTH.
What do you do to those who wiped out humanity?
How do you do it?

That's your answer.
Nuke my answer is a nuke but I don't think there's a nuke in mideval times XD


Actual reason behind demographic problems
Feb 13, 2019
Yeah maybe I should edit some things XD

Right the back story as to why the mc want to wipe the vampire is basically because they're at a war.

Mc is a part of the elf's Royal family, the princess to be exact so from little she can't do anything other than to run until her entire kingdom is enslaved and brought down to ruins, from then on she swore to wipe down the vampire kingdom that wiped and killed her kingdom.

Seeing this I think one chapter is not gonna cut it so may be I'll make it longer (10 chapter at most) also what do I mean by what's better? To be honest I don't know too but maybe it's what's more rational in that situation

Nuke my answer is a nuke but I don't think there's a nuke in mideval times XD
Then add surrounding countries and how they view this situation. Boom, you need another ten chapters.
If your elven kingdom has existed before they were overrun by vampires then why did the vampires suddenly end up bringing the kingdom to the verge of extinction? In other words, are elves native americans or polish? Boom, another ten chapters.
I say the scope you want is way too big.


Active member
Jan 23, 2022
Then add surrounding countries and how they view this situation. Boom, you need another ten chapters.
If your elven kingdom has existed before they were overrun by vampires then why did the vampires suddenly end up bringing the kingdom to the verge of extinction? In other words, are elves native americans or polish? Boom, another ten chapters.
I say the scope you want is way too big.
Now that I think about it maybe it is too big it can't be called a short story anymore XD

Ohh well time to put this on the basket of spare stories I should write in my spare time


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2022
Make it more modest. Some vampire/group of vampires killed an elven family, so mc goes Punisher Blade on them.
I agree - it's easier to write a compelling duel or series of fights in a western than a world-spanning war story.

For story requirements the elf just needs to avenge a single family member. It's even better (for the author) if she's wading into a messy, complicated situation, and doesn't have the resources she needs, but is still striving.
with the chosen heroes of the world

Also, your readers are going to be cynical about this bit.