Is this worth the write? I think it might be worth the read.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2019

The Celestial of Curiosity and Friendship transmigrated you to a medieval fantasy world, but she tells you upfront that you have a very specific task you need to accomplish.

Specifically, you have to create and lead the best guild in this world, by the metric of popular opinion. All people who die in this universe will be posthumously asked "What is the best guild?" — and the most popular response is the winner.

The Celestial defines a "guild" as any group of people united towards a common cause. The "guild" does not need to be formally registered by any national or international entity, and it can be "unofficial" if necessary. For instance, Robin Hood's Band of Thieves can be considered a "guild", despite the fact that they are an illegal entity under the eyes of local law.

If you fail to create and lead the "best guild" within your lifetime, the Celestial says your punishment is to spend your next lifetime reincarnated in a horribly morbid setting personally designed by the incredibly twisted and evil Celestial of Fruits and Vegetables.

However, if you try your best — and perhaps make it into one of the top 100 guilds in the world the Celestial of Fruits and Vegetables may applaud your effort, lighten the punishment, and even listen to one of your pleas. In either case, it is highly advisable to try your best. The punishment/reward is absolutely proportional the degree of your results.

+ + +

The isekai universe that you have been transmigrated into is a typical medieval fantasy comparable to the average Japanese isekai novel setting or the average villainess novel setting.

There is magic and monsters and knights and demon lords and adventurers — and the standard of living is generally quite good. Unlike other @lychee polls, the setting is not grimdark to any degree. Children happily frolic through the streets and the local bazaar is lively and fun.

Your character is A-rank in terms of ability. You are among the top five hundred strongest individuals in your country, but you are certainly not anywhere close to being the "best". In fact, the top ten (SSS-rank) individuals in your country are easily 50-100X stronger than you are, and the power distribution in this setting is heavily right-skewed. The top celebrity heroes in this setting easily overwhelm everyone else.

Critically, the Celestial has told you that your power potential is capped. You will never get any stronger than you are currently, and you have no ability to "level up" or "grow".

Consequently, you cannot count on moving a mountain all by yourself.

Rather, you will need to form a "guild" or organization of people in order to advance further in your new isekai life.

1. Would you attempt to form a "guild" to fulfill the Celestial's demand?

2. Do you have the leadership abilities to run a guild? How is your charisma?

3. How would you form a guild? What would your guild's purpose/focus be? What could your guild offer or provide to its members that other guilds cannot?

4. What kind of people would you recruit? What kind of people would you avoid? How would you choose your leaders?

5. What factors make a successful "guild" or social organization?

6. IRL, many informal social organizations have "initiation" ceremonies or rituals to make the new members develop a closer bond with each other. Is this effective? What is your opinion on these types of ceremonies?

7. What are the most significant challenges that you would anticipate?

note to self
do this later

edit later came fast

1. Would you attempt to form a "guild" to fulfill the Celestial's demand?
sure. should be easy assuming charisma isnt my dump stat
2. Do you have the leadership abilities to run a guild? How is your charisma?
wait we gotta run it???? uh. charisma is my dump stat?
3. How would you form a guild? What would your guild's purpose/focus be? What could your guild offer or provide to its members that other guilds cannot?
go to an orphanage. have my guilds purpose be giving young orphans a chance for strength even if they dont have a family. uh, training without being born into some clan- instead join the LaLa Guild and get training and education even if you are an orphan!
4. What kind of people would you recruit? What kind of people would you avoid? How would you choose your leaders?
leaders are orphans with exceptional social skills with sub leaders of exceptional strength leading squads and geztting training and maybe also subleaders of exceptional intelligence running data collection missions etc.
5. What factors make a successful "guild" or social organization?
fame and positive rep?? i dunno
6. IRL, many informal social organizations have "initiation" ceremonies or rituals to make the new members develop a closer bond with each other. Is this effective? What is your opinion on these types of ceremonies?
no idea havent been in one
7. What are the most significant challenges that you would anticipate?
being a teacher and getting other teachers. but can be circumvented by first being a teacher to a small group of orphans then holding initaitions where certain orphans can choose to compete for the honored position of official mentor after training in informal mentorhood from orphan to orphan and those who reach offical mentor status can join me to go reccruit more orphanages and then have that same system but with them as the prime authority of that orphanage

hey hey hey i want someone to write a novel like this

This is me remembering the existence of my scribblehub account and wondering where Lychee's scribblehub account is.

sauce here


... well am I? or not?
Dec 2, 2019
@Lurking lol Strength is my dump stat; I'd go high intelligence + personality anyday.


✧ An Attempted Murder ✧
Jan 1, 2019
Alright. How about the question?
*hears a pin drop*
*feels a breeze*


Syro - Aphex Twin
Jul 14, 2019
write first think later, not necessarily in that order

did Hideo Kojima gave a half ounce thought when he wrote Sniper Wolf? didn't think so. now open up that .doc file and get typing


Nyampress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
4. What kind of people would you recruit? What kind of people would you avoid? How would you choose your leaders?

I would choose the intelligent ones. Always the intelligent ones. There is no place for stupidity in a team and there is a reason that SF members have high scores in the intelligence department. Adaptability, initiative, battlefield awareness. That is what I would look for. :blob_evil_two:

6. IRL, many informal social organizations have "initiation" ceremonies or rituals to make the new members develop a closer bond with each other. Is this effective? What is your opinion on these types of ceremonies?

Maybe, but hazing is counterproductive.


That Guy
Jan 22, 2019
To make the best guild in the world, you need to figure out how to be popular. Nothing else matters. This means that you need to be a group that would be both liked and known by common people and also liked and known by governments and people in authority. It's hard to cater to both groups.

The answer to this is simple: Take over the world. Call your new world government "The Guild" and win the game easily.