Looking to read again, but writing is too much fun.


Dense Writer of Lewd
Dec 24, 2022
I keep wanting to read novels again, but I have a couple issues I'd like other authors ideas on.

First, I'm having a hard time finding the time to read with all the work I'm doing on my own novel. With planning and then writing it out, I find it hard to use my brain after. I feel like if I read before writing, I won't want to do my writing for the day.

My other problem is I worry since I write so actively, that other people's characters and situations will worm their way into my writing. I don't want my characters to change based on something that didn't happen in my story. I guess I'm just worried I'll have a hard time separating my reading from my writing. If that makes sense.

This is my first time uploading a story anywhere, so some input from more seasoned authors will be valuable. :blob_paint:


Bluetooth 7 Enabled Holy Blade w/ Red Dot Sight
Jul 17, 2019
Honestly, there isn't anything wrong with implementing things from other stories. 'Just focus on your story' is honestly easier said than done, because in truth, it's very easy to get swept in by other stories. Hell, I watched a few episodes of some dumb anime and I was like "Damn, I'm already imagining my characters in that situation."

One way to deal with it is to mark down that situation, and include it a small cameo/event later. If they worm in, make sure it doesn't compromise the story itself. Make it a small event. Something fun. Reading and watching other medias actually helps my own writing, cause it pumps me up thinking 'I want something like that. Let me finish what I'm writing and lead up to a small event like that later.' Or 'I like that development! Let me try to build up to something similar!'.

Consider it a treat, because there's nothing wrong with adapting what you see, so long as you can refit it into your story nicely and in a way that makes sense. As authors, we're idea generators, but we don't create ideas from thin air. We like to take what we see, remould it, and spew it into words.

It's a matter of taking inspiration rather than allowing it to take over your story. I think that's the most important distinction you need to make.


Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
As far as ideas are concerned, I'm a pretty shameless thief, so take this as such, but I don't necessarily see anything bad in others' ideas "creeping in".
Make sure they behave for what you want your story to be about, and if you care more about intellectual authorship than me maybe to add your own takes to it, but if you're already worried before even trying I don't think the risk is particularly high.


Active member
Apr 12, 2022
I’d say Embrace the ideas you see, it feels good having ideas now then having none in writers block, struggling to write even a sentence after 3 hours passed by. Usually authors adapt things other authors use in there story, and scribblehub has a nice plethora of ideas to take what you want and add it subtly into your story
As long as it fits your story like a puzzle piece, your good


NO, U.
Oct 7, 2022
First, I'm having a hard time finding the time to read with all the work I'm doing on my own novel. With planning and then writing it out, I find it hard to use my brain after. I feel like if I read before writing, I won't want to do my writing for the day.

I only follow one story actively right now, reading the daily chapter if it's up. I put every other stuff on my "plan to read" list and binge on one of them on Sunday or multiple Sundays. Depends on their length. I made myself a rule that on Sunday, I'm not working. (only if I have some idea that I need to get down ASAP). That was the only way I could keep reading and keep writing at the same time. And squeeze some vidya or movie/anime sessions in too.


What is a custom title?
May 2, 2021
I keep wanting to read novels again, but I have a couple issues I'd like other authors ideas on.

First, I'm having a hard time finding the time to read with all the work I'm doing on my own novel. With planning and then writing it out, I find it hard to use my brain after. I feel like if I read before writing, I won't want to do my writing for the day.

My other problem is I worry since I write so actively, that other people's characters and situations will worm their way into my writing. I don't want my characters to change based on something that didn't happen in my story. I guess I'm just worried I'll have a hard time separating my reading from my writing. If that makes sense.

This is my first time uploading a story anywhere, so some input from more seasoned authors will be valuable. :blob_paint:
Reading for examples goes both ways. I find that stuff that I don't like in other's novels is a good lesson to not do the same thing in mine.

For example, when I read the mech touch Vess did this thing for creating a spiritual thingy for the mech called a design spirit. There was a bunch of imaginary constructs that fought it out and the resulting winner became the design spirit by consuming the rest. However, the result was just a glow for the mech. Most of these mini-arcs were 3+ chapters. And with the result just being a glow that inspires pilots spiritually it comes across as word salad. I could just skip the mini arc and get back to the main plot and not feel like I missed anything.

It is a good reminder to not have things keep going for too long.


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
Procreate, and then you'll be reading board books to the little crotch goblin for three years.


Dense Writer of Lewd
Dec 24, 2022
Procreate, and then you'll be reading board books to the little crotch goblin for three years.
That's one of the reasons why it took me so long to get started with writing in the first place. My kids are the best, only other people's are crotch goblins.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
I've learned to keep all of my writing solely for the weekend. More specifically I do the bulk on Saturdays, so if I want to read or otherwise I do it on other days.

Definitely don't cut reading out of your hobby list entirely if you can help it. Find time to wiggle some into your days or just take a day or two every so often to sit down and enjoy a book, even if you need to take a little break. Immersing yourself in another's work is good both for relaxation purposes and for learning, as you'll learn new ways to use old words, different ways to describe things, and other literary quirks. While you may not find adapting them all to be worthwhile or fitting for your own novel, seeing how other people do things will help you develop your own skills as well.

In addition to learning how other people do things, you might find inspiration as well that you might want to explore later on.


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
My suggestion is finish a story arc or the story itself then read again. Most good writing will be able to be found again somewhere on the web.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
I used to read a lot, I mean really a lot but when I started writing I enjoyed it more than reading.
it escalated so much that If someone ask what is my hobby, the usual answer of reading became writing fiction
Jan 15, 2019
In my case, I think my writing itself is pretty unhinged. If other works inspired me, it's probably in form of fucking over their ideas.

For example, if I read Shield Hero, I might actually write him trying to lick everyone in the throne room, when he got isekai'd.