[Mafia] However I Say FM - MAFIA VICTORY


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2019
However I Say FM

General Rules:
0. Rules can be added and removed when deemed necessary.
1. Follow this Forum's General Rules for posting.
2. Do not discuss the game outside the game thread while the game is ongoing.
3. Do not edit your posts after writing them, period.
4. Do not act against your win condition. Voting yourself is considered as going against your win condition.
5. Do not use any sort of code or encryption during the game. Signals are allowed (e.g. when I say "x" I mean "y"), but any sort of hidden message that requires a cipher to read, or otherwise hidden message is not allowed.
6. Do not quote, screenshot, or otherwise post any messages received from the game master or anything related to the game anywhere as long as the game is ongoing.
7. This is this game's hosting color. It’ll make GM posts more noticeable. Do not use that color unless you absolutely need to.
8.1. Pretending to break any rule will be treated as if you broke that rule.
8.2. Breaking any rule intentionally will result in an instant modkill and getting blacklisted from my future games.
9. All warnings are of the same kind. Gather three warnings, and you will be either subbed out or modkilled.
10. No angleshooting. Obtaining and using information from outside-game sources (e.g. "last activity", "last seen", "likes") are forbidden.
11. All who has made less than 10 game-relevant posts at EOD will gain a warning.
12. All who does not vote at EOD will gain a warning.

Mechanics and Game Details:
  • The game starts whenever it is filled, at any Saturday 4 PM EST.
  • Day Phase lasts 48 hours. Night Phase lasts 24 hours.
  • Mafia have a Private PM. They can talk there during both Day and Night Phase.
  • All faction kills are mandatory but they don't need to assign anyone, i.e. they don't have to choose someone to do the kill. If the Mafia choose to not kill anyone, I will kill one of them instead.
  • Every player is expected to make at least 10 content posts every Day Phase. If a person doesn’t meet the required amount of content within the first 24 hours, they will get a warning by getting tagged by the hosts, asking whether they can still play the game.
  • Executions are decided by Plurality (i.e. "who has the most votes at EOD") and Majority (i.e. "kill someone if they have >50% of all living players' votes"). In case of a tie, execute random in tie.
  • There is a last will mechanic in this game, limited to 1000 characters excluding spaces.
  • In case Majority is reached, players will be granted 30 minutes of Discussion Time which will count towards their Night Phase.
  • Town win condition: Eliminate all mafia, and have at least 1 Town alive.
  • Mafia win condition: Eliminate all town, or ensure that nothing prevents you from doing so.
Special Rule:
  • This is a closed rolemadness. You don't know the exact details of the setup other than the fact that everyone has Power Roles.
  • Neutrals may or may not exist. However, Jesters do not exist.
  • Very restricted forms of conversion may or may not exist.
  • In the event that nobody has been executed for two consecutive day phases, a random town will be executed instead.
  • Whenever [No Exe] occurs, Mafia may opt to store their faction kill of the following night. The stored faction kill must all be released in the next night phase, unless another [No Exe] occurs.
How to vote:
  • Write [x] [player name], /vote player, or copy-paste the entire vote count. Tagging the host is optional, but advised.
  • Votes inside quotes or spoilers do not count.
  • [No Exe] is a valid option to vote, and will always win when tied.
How to join:
Say "I am... in!"
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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2019
Player List:
  1. @Agentt - Executed D1, Mafia Cyclone
  2. @TheHaoboSpatula | @Creme - Victorious, Mafia Forgetful Townie / Vigilante
  3. @Jailbreak571 - Executed D2, Town Joker
  4. @Aaqil - Endgamed, Town Agent
  5. @Awasti - Killed N2, Town Cohost
  6. @Plus1 - Executed D3, Town Boxer (Others)
  7. @Nep - Killed N1, Town Shroom
  8. @Mellohwa | @Lissi - Endgamed, Town Boxer (Self)
  9. @Hasty - Killed N1, Town Tooth Fairy
  1. ...
Spectators (Uninformed-Only):
  1. @Anon2021
  2. @GreenHexagon
Thread Summary:
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Oct 8, 2020
I am.....in!!!

Whenever [No Exe] occurs, Mafia may opt to store their faction kill of the following night. The stored faction kill must all be released in the next night phase, unless another [No Exe] occurs.
Also, could you explain this?
  • Like
Reactions: Nep


Well-known member
May 1, 2020
I Nep hereby enlist to this game of betrayal.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
I am... in!
How does the discussion time work btw?


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
Aha... interesting. A good time for town to decide who to use their pr on at night