More styling/formatting options in the description


@Agentt found a key in the skeletons.
Jan 3, 2021
Could styling/formatting options be allowed in the description? Of course, not a lot. But maybe boldening words or italicizing them.

Currently, you can only write the description in plain text.

As for why I wish that this were to be implemented, it would help to show readers what the author's writing style is like.

After all, some might write exaggeratedly in drama, comedy, or other forms of writing not considered the "norm."

Not only that but being able to read a flavorful blurb allows the readers to be more interested in the novel. It creates a better sense of 'dedication' if you read the blurb and become invested in the plot. As for the rest of the story... who knows. But the reader could at least try to read it, creating opportunities for themselves and finding new novels they might like, and the author gets to have a potential long-lasting reader.

Besides, many hard-cover books and novels also have unique blurbs (with the font size, text color, font types, stuff like that).

Below, I provided an example of a simple, but the type of "formatted" blurb that I was talking about.


Of course, I'm not asking for the novel title, as that might get hard to read in situations, but just the description. You can see above that there was a change of colors for the quotation, a probably centered body of text, and italics.

This isn't a huge request, but just one that might make "creating a unique-looking description" easier.