New author here.

Nov 9, 2021
Hi, I've been a long-time reader of RR and Scriblehub novels and now I'm turning myself into an author while keeping my status as a consumer :D. I've never been too involved in forums or discussions, more of the keep-to-myself type of guy. Now though, I find the need to get out there, to attract more eyes to my new novel, The Crppled Lord.
I barely get views and I'm not sure what to do. It may be obvious to some of you but I really need to know how to get more eyes on my writing. Any tips, no matter how obvious are, are appreciated. Thank you.


Active member
May 13, 2022
You're chucking your chapters out too fast, for one thing. You can get away with daily releases but anything beyond that you're pretty much asking to fade into background noise.
Then, most importantly, nice clinical one-word chapter titles are great - for finished novels on Amazon.
On SH there's really only two ways people will see your story: Either by searching one of the tags or genres and sorting by Recently Uploaded or because it appears on the front page as a newly released chapter. And nobody will feel inclined to randomly click on "Chapter 8c - Resolute".
Give the chapters provocative titles. My first big viewer spike was on a chapter titled "Go F*ck Your Elf". And anyone who clicks the story thanks to a clickbaity chapter title is still a potential reader. Same thing for the story name. When people scroll through the front page they only see the story's name, it's cover and the chapter name. You can have the best synopsis in the world and it won't matter because it doesn't show up on the front page.
You already have a cover, so that should help, but other than that? Get yourself some more tags and use more provocative chapter titles.
Another tip? Your story has a content warning for "Sexual Content", right? If there are sex scenes and they are at all frequent, add the "Smut" genre. That always gets a ton of clicks.
And finally, and I mean this in the most constructive of ways: Check your grammar. Just in your very first chapter's very first paragraph there's an egregious tense error.
Other than that, just give it time. The clicks will come eventually.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
You're chucking your chapters out too fast, for one thing. You can get away with daily releases but anything beyond that you're pretty much asking to fade into background noise.
You can get away with daily releases but anything beyond 3 chapters per day and you're pretty much asking for the system to tag your story as spam and hide it from the main page.


Vagabond and traveller
May 22, 2021
Rather than chapter speed and names, I would say is that at least your first chapter is... exhausting to read.

1 - Your protagonist isn't being a protagonist. He spends half of first chapter moping about his current life and the last part of the chapter reacting to his maid. This alone is hurting the flow of your story. You want readers to know what protagonist himself is acting toward so that they can anticipate and look forward to his future actions. They can't do that if he is a figurative floor rag.

2 - Overall mood of the 1st chapter. While it is fine to touch on the topics of depression and negative moods, your readers haven't gotten invested in your story in the first place yet. for them, climbing into the shoes of the MC means that they are perceiving negative emotions he is describing. If you are on a free website with thousands of free stories, you are not going to force yourself through slow and muddy first chapter hoping that it will get better eventually. You need to make your readers interested in the story asap not question why they are reading it.
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your cool weird auntie
Oct 19, 2021
Use all of your tags. Each tag is an opportunity for readers to find you in search. Try to use relevant tags that people are likely to search for. If you're having trouble choosing tags, go check out some stories that are similar to yours and look at the tags used by the more popular ones.

When readers find your story through a tag search, you'll see that in the referral field in your stats. If certain tags are never getting you views, you can change them to something else later, but get them all filled in with something for now.

Also, if you plan to have anything in your story that might be seen as controversial, tag it. This will save you from people getting mad at you if they're blindsided with something they don't want to read (and attract people who do want to read it.)


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
Don't procreate until you are ready to give up writing for several years.


Aiming to be a better person.
Feb 9, 2023
I dont like the way ur putting b d c on ur chapters it just doesn't feel right and makes people think there is a book 2 or smthing, or a part 1, also I cant say much but i saw that there are some words on ur chapter 1 that didn't make sense to me
Nov 9, 2021
Thank you everyone for your answers. I can take something from each of them, outside of one who for some reason decided to insult me personally.
I appreciate it.