SHF High-school Fanfic

Sep 8, 2022
So all those times you were not trying to make me vomit no? :blob_blank: me feels pleasant now, me hair feel burning and me spine feels lighter...
No, I wasn't trying to do that. I thought you've seen other people get headpats. And why does your spine feels lighter? :blob_frown:


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
No, I wasn't trying to do that. I thought you've seen other people get headpats. And why does your spine feels lighter? :blob_frown:
Me thoughts it's like a ritual people do, let me hair be burn by you hands and me will become smarter :blob_blank:
me no know how explain... But when me head gets patted, my upper back less ache me think.
Sep 8, 2022
Me thoughts it's like a ritual people do, let me hair be burn by you hands and me will become smarter :blob_blank:
me no know how explain... But when me head gets patted, my upper back less ache me think.
Cool, didn't know that.
*pat pat*
But you actually need to learn to become smarter.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Would be very interested. We would require more information on Ssemouy (Heroine) and her place of origin.
Responding to this only now(cause then was a pretty busy morning and later I kind of forgot to reply):

Ssemouy(Heroine) comes from a place that doesn't exactly exist in a conventional manner, think platonic concepts. I'm tentatively calling it the Utopiasphere, due to the fact that all things in there are abstract concepts, so they are all equal regardless of what they are. Things like time and dimensionality don't exist as any meaningful measure. In the forum canon, character sheets can be found within it, though obviously they can't be affected unless you have permission from the author. That's important because it relates to Heroine Ssemouy's conception.

Corty described Scribble Hub High School as all the multiverses converged into one. None of them exist where Ssemouy is a heroine or has the traits of one. One time Matcha went missing(because of Watcha) and someone tipped Ssemouy off that there was a place she could find him. She somehow got there, but couldn't get out, so she had to call out for anyone to help her. Something answered. And that was the "Heroine", the impossible idea that Ssemouy could be a hero. The idea clung to Ssemouy, and from there it acquired the power of Imagination, which could make even impossible things 100% probable and ignore contradictions. Through hijacking Ssemouy's existence, it can project into SHHS, since it isn't built in a way that can contain the true form. Though it only chooses to do so under very specific conditions... or well, as of recently to attend her own wedding >_>

Anyways, I thought it would be very interesting for her and Quagma to go on an adventure. Since she's a being of philosophy and logic, while Quagma(to me) is one of pure mathematical truth. Combined with their personalities I think they would get along and find each other's paradoxical natures relatable. They could both travel around their respective "hometowns" unbounded and visit some very strange places. It would make for a fun mind-fucky chapter. :blob_evil_two:

Though that's just an idea for the future since I still have to write a few chapters to make her canonical existence possible.


Intruding Person's account, yes.
Aug 10, 2023
She sounds like Demoman.

"Ayy. Me bottle is scrumpeh!"