Stories You Enjoy


Miss Direction
Jan 10, 2022
This isn't a survey, but I'm interested in knowing what sort of stories Scribble Hub denizens seem to enjoy. Please write down the following! (I've no idea what to say here, help!)

■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.

■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.

■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.

■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.

■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
  • Fantasy, Adventure, Sci-Fi.

  • Anti-Hero plotlines. Plots that aren't predictable because they follow the cookie cutter tropes. Multi-book spanning plotlines.

  • MCs who are calloused and don't care for the world they're in but exist for the few things they love. Characters with depth and complexity. Characters who react realistically to the troublesome situations they find themselves stuck in.

  • MC dies. MC gets betrayed. MC goes through a lot of bullshit for very little payout.
    • Bonus round: Happy endings not included.
  • Halo, Post-Apocalyptic, Space Combat.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.
Tragedy, Adventure, Comedy

■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.
Isekai, Hero's Journey, Romance

■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.
Lawful, Primordial, Questing

■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.
Determinator, Honor, Redemption

■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.
Western European Ambient, Modern World With Fanatsy/Sci-Fi Elements, Reverse Sexual Morality


I need a vacation.
Oct 7, 2022
■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you
Fantasy, slice of life, sci-fi

■ The three types of plots you most enjoy
Weak to strong, romance, revenge

■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to
One who does not hide their powers, one who is not spineless to confess, and one who is not there to turn enemies into friends but into hood ornaments.

The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy
MC has a band of trusty friends/followers. He/she knows what he/she wants and works for it. Zero real-life issues/politics being mentioned.

The three settings you’d most like to write about
Fantasy, growing up, romance.


How do I anatomy
Jun 13, 2022
Reverse sexual morality, how so?
A world where women and men switch places in terms of sexual morality, or something like that. (Basically, it's a world where men are mostly shy about sexual stuff and women are more aggressive/confident about them.)

1. Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
2. Misunderstanding (not the annoying kind), a Hero's journey, Romance
3. Characters who stick to their beliefs. Antagonists who have actual personalities. Gap moe (of any kind)
4. Misunderstandings, chosen hero/demon lord, over-the-top comedy.
5. Fantasy, Modern, and Sci-fi (haven't written the latter two, but I am interested in writing them someday.)


Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.
Fantasy, Romance, Adventure
■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.
slice of life where nothing major happens, romcom, drama-filled stories with a copious amount of angst
■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.
calm and collective people, competent and know what they are doing, Saturday villains
■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.
political drama, psychological, identity crisis
■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.
Complete psycho, a painful novel where everyone is suffering constantly, a chill and relaxing romance comedy

My taste is all over the place, it's like a roulette wheel.


Mostly formless
Mar 27, 2022
■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.
Hard to decide on only three. Probably something like fantasy, horror, and GL, though ideally if they're together. I rarely like horrors by themselves, unless they're really good plot-wise or character-wise.

■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.
Does romance count? If it does, then romance it is, although I prefer if that's not the single most important part of the story. Then I guess various kinds of survival, and I'm not sure how to name it, but the kind of story where the plot is like the background, or isn't even really visible, and the mc does their own things. It pairs well with survival, but I think it should be mentioned separately.

■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.
Definitely strong mentally and smart, not necessarily to the point they're far above average, but at least I generally don't like naive, weak, and/or stupid characters. Then they're honest and open, and also, in terms of looks, inhuman characters, that's a huge yes.

■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.
Psychological, identity something, and progression, probably.

■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.
I think something like a fantasy with significantly different rules than Earth in various manners, then close sci-fi, like with the beginnings of actual AI and biological/mechanical/cybernetical enhancements and modifications, then an urban fantasy where the MC discovers magic is real and there's no secret magic organization or invasion going on; just magic discovered for the first time.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.
Harem, Drama, Fantasy

■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.
Romance, Conspiracy, Weak to strong

■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.
Lawful Evil, Smart-ass, thoughtful-reflective

■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.
Existentialism, fear of death, men/women against gods

■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.
Afterlife, Grimdark hell-hole, Modern setting


Jun 6, 2021
■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.
Fantasy, Scifi... Um. Freespace, I guess.
■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.
Exploring a new world.
Learning how shit works- magic, systems, whatever. Once the learning stops, the story does too.
Putting right the world's wrongs, preferably with long-term solutions that won't crumble apart when the MC turns around for a few seconds/ in the sequel.
■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.
Three is way too few. I guess I'll prioritize thoughtful, compassionate, determined, and relaxed sorts.
■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.
Family, Triumph of Good over Evil, and Triumph of Self over 'Reality'.
■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.
:sweating_profusely: Write... If I wanted to write I wouldn't be here.
I guess since I read retribution engine, I've been curious about how my attempts at a cultivation novel would pan out.
And I've always felt like a story about a therapist helping people work through their issues would have an endless amount of potential.
Really I just wanna write in my setting for once.
(Edit: Actually, I have a very tiny desire to write out the entire story of Genshin Impact. That would be so, SO much work though, and the desire is so, SO tiny.)
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Deleted member 54065

This isn't a survey, but I'm interested in knowing what sort of stories Scribble Hub denizens seem to enjoy. Please write down the following! (I've no idea what to say here, help!)

■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.
Romantic-comedies, fantasies, science-fiction.

■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.
Political conspiracies, military last stands, epic-style plots.

■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.
Smart, pragmatic, principled characters.

■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.
Isekai, harem, adventure.

■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.
Other worlds, space, medieval-early modern settings.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Reverse sexual morality, how so?
Take the morality of the world as far as sexuality is and reverse it. Not 100%, mind you. Just the morality, not the physicality of it. So there have to be accommodations.

See my sig file "I Was Summoned" and "Flip The Script" for examples.

FTS is the more traditional version. IWS has a more in universe reason for the Morality flip. So FTS is a mirror version of the "real world", whereas IWS is a world where there is a reason that gender roles were reversed.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.
Fantasy, Adventure, GL
■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.
Dark or tragic, slice of life with adventure and whimsy, ancient beings with too much free time to create.
■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.
Determined, evil, cute
■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.
Love, betrayal, and growth
■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.
Isekai (already doing), dark fantasy world with lots of suffering, and a sci-fi adventure


Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022
■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.
Fantasy, Adventure, and Genderbender because I’m a degen, I’ll throw in the GOAT Western for good measure
■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.
My favorite type of plot is a story that has several slow paced slice of life chapters, that lead into several fast paced action chapters, back to slice of life in a repeating cycle. Don’t find many stories that do that, but I usually like almost all that do.
■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.
I get a hard on for characters who make heroic self sacrifice.

I like characters, especially villains, who are weak, but have so many things and plans in place, that over powering them isn’t an option, batman has a lot of characters like that, like the joker, riddler, maybe penguin.

I like overpowered female characters that are not the mc. No real reason, just find I generally enjoy them, and outside of a certain few troupes it isn’t all too common.
■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.
Romantic Subplot, revenge, something else idk
■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.
I’ll just say what I’m writing. Probably won’t release any of it for a long time because I’m doing illustrations for it.

One is a fantasy weak to strong story, set in a fantasy world more equivalent to the late 19th century than medieval Europe.

Another one is a fantasy magical girl story set in a 21st century inspired fantasy world that I can only describe as ‘Sailor moon meets operation Iraqi Freedom with added genderbender elements for ultimate degen.‘


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
■ The three genres or novel types that most interest you.
Fantasy, Romance, Action.
■ The three types of plots you most enjoy.
Romcoms, character development, like a personal growth, maybe kingdom building? I don't know.
■ The three types of characters you’re most drawn to.
I like basic characters. Not one-dimensional, but a character that can be described in a few words. I like charactres with pronounced flaws, and I like characters that have development.
■ The three themes that appear most often in the stories you enjoy.
I have no idea.
■ The three settings you’d most like to write about.
Slavic, cultivation, and fantasy detective set in one big city.


Miss Direction
Jan 10, 2022
:sweating_profusely: Write... If I wanted to write I wouldn't be here.
I guess since I read retribution engine, I've been curious about how my attempts at a cultivation novel would pan out.
And I've always felt like a story about a therapist helping people work through their issues would have an endless amount of potential.
Really I just wanna write in my setting for once.
(Edit: Actually, I have a very tiny desire to write out the entire story of Genshin Impact. That would be so, SO much work though, and the desire is so, SO tiny.)
Relatable. I used to play magia record, and in that game I liked Mitama a lot. Her mannerisms were interesting, backstory, her gameplay and even lore as a void type magical girl. So, I wanted to turn her magical girl story into a short novel; I began by jotting down the dialogues. However, I sorely underestimated how much 30 minutes of content entailed—gave up halfway through, and never looked back.
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