Submit a character for my upcoming reader-interactive story!


Every great story needs an author
Jun 19, 2020
Feels weird to do this again, not gonna lie.

So, I'm making a new story. The basic premise is a litRPG novel where people play a full-dive VR game called Project Terra: Alternate Earth. It's a class-less, open-world game that relies heavily on realism. Outside of the ability to magically respawn, characters are bound to face all kinds of consequences that mimic real life.

So not Isekai, but heavy litrpg/gamelit.

What I need from you all is characters! The story will be coming here soon (month-ish at max), and I need characters! Jump in at the start with a character submission before the story begins! Use the below format, and thank you for your help!

Character Real Name:
Character Player Name:
What do they look like in game?
(please note that I write humans and humanoids. small affectations are welcome, but nothing that changes their movement or physicality too much. Cat/Dog girls/boys, and the like)
What kind of gamer are they? (playstyle, gear style, etc)

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?

Thanks again, and I hope at least some of you check out Project Terra when it comes out!


The second coming of CheertheDead
Nov 15, 2022
Character Real Name: Jean Seeya
Character Player Name: Gustave Jr
What do they look like in game?
Have green scales hides on his back, his feet (from the knee down), his arm (from elbow down, scales do not cover the palms). Sensitive scales.
Croc eyes.
Sharp teeth.
Powerful tail.
Webbed feet.
Anything else is human-looking.

What kind of gamer are they? (playstyle, gear style, etc)
No Idea what this means.
Cheeky discord maker (making his enemies distrust and fight each other).
Stealthy gameplay + grappling fighting style
Poor gameboi.
Have only... account to showcase pk.

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?

Mostly hunt solo. Party with enemies to stir up trouble.

Personal Info:
15 years of experience in being child-abused.
Occupation: Cultist - Hierophant of the cult
Patron gods: Sobek, Dagon, Varuna

Weakness: having ptsd when in presence of big, intimidating men
Strength: Overly positive

Special in-game interaction: Due to the troubles he caused, game system put a wanted poster on him. Once every month, other players can dig out his eye ball and receive the consumer-able item, mischievous eyes. Place this item in an area to create an invisible eye that provide vision for the user for 27 hours in the area. Two charges. Jean's character receives a blind debuff for 1 week.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2023
Character Real Name: Sean Mallory
Character Player Name: TuathaDan
What do they look like in game?
Golden skinned elf guy with red hair tied in a bun. Literally golden skinned, with a metallic sheen, if he can get away with it. He has a dozen different sets of equipment that he swaps between depending on his plans for the day, most of which border on cosplay for various non-combat jobs. Miner costume, blacksmith costume, fisherman costume, alchemist professor costume, etc.
What kind of gamer are they? He has a full time job with erratic schedule and multiple kids, so he pops in to play whenever he can. He makes his own goals, mostly involving the crafting system. He can’t reliably make it to most guild functions/raids/whatever, but his focus on crafting means he can make better stuff than most.

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo? He’s in a casual guild mostly so he has friends to pass his completed projects on to, since having them lay around in his bank would be a waste. He is very open to joining small pick up groups when he is hunting for some specific schematic, ingredient, w/e. He’s friendly, but tends to be impatient and focused on the task at hand because he has a limited amount of time to play.


Moth Mommy
Jan 5, 2024
Why not.
Character Real Name: Evelynn
Character Player Name: Kyraa
What do they look like in game?:
What kind of gamer are they?: Tactician/Summoner and/or monster tamer./Electrical Glass Cannon.
Huge ego in-game. Selfish. Will PK.
Solo Player. Could also give you some Lore to make it a boss instead.
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Every great story needs an author
Jun 19, 2020
Character Real Name: Sean Mallory
Character Player Name: TuathaDan
What do they look like in game? Golden skinned elf guy with red hair tied in a bun. Literally golden skinned, with a metallic sheen, if he can get away with it. He has a dozen different sets of equipment that he swaps between depending on his plans for the day, most of which border on cosplay for various non-combat jobs. Miner costume, blacksmith costume, fisherman costume, alchemist professor costume, etc.
What kind of gamer are they? He has a full time job with erratic schedule and multiple kids, so he pops in to play whenever he can. He makes his own goals, mostly involving the crafting system. He can’t reliably make it to most guild functions/raids/whatever, but his focus on crafting means he can make better stuff than most.

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo? He’s in a casual guild mostly so he has friends to pass his completed projects on to, since having them lay around in his bank would be a waste. He is very open to joining small pick up groups when he is hunting for some specific schematic, ingredient, w/e. He’s friendly, but tends to be impatient and focused on the task at hand because he has a limited amount of time to play.
This seems very inspired by Black Desert Online, and I love it!


Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022
Real name: Larry Johnson

Character name: Xx_LordDeathKiller_xX

Appearance: Black trench coat, black cloak, skull mask, is super short because he accidentally messed up when creating a character.

Play-style: lots of damage over time affects (wow affliction warlock esq), necromancy, uses a scythe as a weapon even if it isn’t very effective. Spends all of his time collecting edgy outfits and taking screencaps.

Other info: Can’t talk to women or people with female avatars

Guild: He plays alone of course, like a true lone wolf outsider.


Human Supremacist African Warlord
Aug 14, 2019
Character Real Name: Richard Parker
Character Player Name: Hassan Al Mooradi
What do they look like in game:
Bearded, wears turban and long sleeved white robe.

What kind of gamer are they? Hassan's playstyle revolves around burst damage. His 'class', according to standard RPG trope, is alchemist. He creates contraptions, specifically bombs, and throw them around when going solo.

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?
He has no qualms about joining a guild or a party when needed. In fact, he enjoys the company. Though, the same couldn't be said to those who are with him, because of Hasan's tendency to strap bombs to the 'tank' of the group. In a situation where the tanks couldn't hold them monster they are hunting, he tends to scream intelligible words that praises his god before the tank exploded in blood and gore.

Also, behind his robe, there's a explosive charges ready to explode at any time. His favorite quote is 'Talk shit and explode'.
Nobody had managed to kill him in PK situations because he'll explode before you can kill him, typically killing everyone around him.


Perpetually Positively Pondering
Jan 18, 2024
This is a neat idea. xD

Character Real Name: Tanya Fraser
Character Player Name: Tankbabe

What do they look like in game?

Standard human (or elf-type) based on the most neutral-looking body-type in the game. The face almost looks like they are perpetually spaced out or with no emotion portrayed. Outside their gear, they have a ridiculous collection of any in-game cosmetic outfits. Especially if it's a dress. Blonde hair (that they change the style of nearly every single week) and Gold eyes (for the ♫ aesthetic ♫).

What kind of gamer are they?
Tank and self-healer. Very much the 'f around and find out' kind of player. If there is a button that can be pressed, they'll press it just to see what it does. But will also own up to being the weak end of a party if they're dragging the others down. Their gear is almost always heavy plate-like (and they don't care if it matches as long as the stats are good) and they use a one-handed weapon with a shield. They also have a hoarding problem. They'll collect unwanted gear (by the rest of the party) that they don't have just because it looks cool. Also, if there are professions, they max out fishing and cooking while piddling away at some other crafting and gathering professions. They will have no problem just fishing for hours even if it is the most boring thing in the game.

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?
They will do whatever. While solo-ing is fun, they will group up for harder content. Usually how they find a guild because they get invited because of the party. Of course, they have bad luck with guilds they find this way because the guild almost always implodes within the next few weeks/months (due to things unrelated to them).

Yeah... I used to play WoW...


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2023
Sounds fun! I can use one of my in-world characters.

Real Name: Unknown (Anonymous)
Player Name: Xitlaly
Appearance: Long black hair braided in a ponytail, purple eyes, violet Witch hat with a rose pinned to it, and a matching violet robe with baggy sleeves, a skin-tight top and black high heel boots. She's a Living Doll, you could make it be a humanoid character but basically she doesn't feel any pain but requires mana to sustain her magic/body. Her background is unknown but she is nicknamed The Anomaly (in my stories, she's the only Living Doll that we know of).

I hope that satisfies the requirements?


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Character Real Name:
The Lord Edgelord, Lord of the Edge
Character Player Name:
Sato Toshi
What do they look like in game?
He's grim. He's Gritty. For Breakfast he chews glass. He looks like the most generic black haired black eyed Japanese Protagonist you ever saw.

He's dressed like a murder hobo. He wears whatever equipment from whatever part of the game gives him the best bonuses. He has Pink rabbit ears in the head slot. A blindfold over his eyes. His hands look like he's wearing Green Hulk foam fists. His arms have not one but TWO buckler shields strapped to them. His weapon is a massive hammer with a spike in the flat of the hammer that fires when he hits the target. On his feet are flip-flops. His legs have dirty white fuzzy leggings like he was a satyr. He has a Bright silver breastplate that has a zig-zag purple vest draped over it. On the lapel of the vest is a button that reads, "I Like Ike" When asked, he says, "I got it from the easter egg the developers put in the game. If you can't figure it out yourself, you are lame and a noob."

He is a victim of 10th grader syndrome to a degree that nobody has ever recorded in the entirety of human history. Is the most Chunibyo of Chunibyo that ever existed.

What kind of gamer are they?

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?
Do I need to even answer this?
He'd only join a guild if he can get training he can't get anywhere else, then quit when he got it. He'd only join a party if it was a requirement for getting rare equipment. He is so solo, he spells solo with only one 'O'. He is better that you, and people better than you don't work in a team.
Because you are lame.
And suck.
Get gud.


All your jade beauties are belong to I your father
Nov 2, 2023
Character Real Name: "Alphonso" Sima
Character Player Name: Alph6Si9ma
What do they look like in game?
What kind of gamer are they? (playstyle, gear style, etc)
Gear Style: Basic Underwear and Cosmetic Vintage Sunglasses
Playstyle: He is a casual player who specializes in hand to hand combat and grappling, a decision influenced by his outside of the game competitive experience practicing jeetkunedo, bajiquan, piguazhang, and judo. He originally played Project Terra while recovering from an injury but liked it a lot and kept playing after his hospital discharge.
As a roleplay decision, he fights unarmed and unarmored. If the fight is not winnable he is 100% not ashamed to run in the opposite direction.
Since he only fights wearing underwear and sunglasses he doesn't greatly care about fighting bosses or joining raids for materials he won't use to craft equipment. Completing quests, fishing, finding nice areas, and petting his dog are higher priorities.

He does not PK. He will cry if a PKer kills his dog. His dog's name is Big Woofer.

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?
He likes to offer partying up with low-leveled players or beginners if he sees they need help.
If he already knows a casual guild's leader he might join it, and if he ever created a guild he'd offer weekly group meditation and tai chi sessions.


Every great story needs an author
Jun 19, 2020
These all look fantastic! Keep em coming!


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2024
Character Real Name: Ye Fufu
Character Player Name: Fluffypie
What do they look like in game? Small, chibi fox boy, white furry ears, one to nine tails upgrade. :blob_melt:

What kind of gamer are they? Support (Charm, Crowd Control, Exorcism), Weapon: Staff (A branch with two green leafs), Outfit: Shinto Shrine (Red and white)

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo? Joins women only guild as mascot. :blob_uwu:


Every great story needs an author
Jun 19, 2020
Character Real Name: Ye Fufu
Character Player Name: Fluffypie
What do they look like in game? Small, chibi fox boy, white furry ears, one to nine tails upgrade. :blob_melt:

What kind of gamer are they? Support (Charm, Crowd Control, Exorcism), Weapon: Staff (A branch with two green leafs), Outfit: Shinto Shrine (Red and white)

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo? Joins women only guild as mascot. :blob_uwu:
So cute! I love him already!


Active member
Dec 29, 2023
Character Real Name: Emily Rosewood
Character Player Name: Bubbles
What do they look like in game?
What kind of gamer are they?
Uses alchemical concoctions in both offense and defense.
Offensive: Throwable potions that creates poison clouds, explodes and sets things on fire, splatter acid that will melt through steel etc.
Defensive: Healing potions, elixirs with enhancing effects.
Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo? Always looking for new test subjects for her latest concoctions *User experience may wary*

She is completely unhinged and will melt your face off for a snickers :blob_shock:


Jun 6, 2021
Character Real Name: Olivia
Character Player Name: Cypress Arcadia

What do they look like in game?
Plant type humanoid.
Skin changes between black when in sunlight and greenish grey when in darkness.
Hair is always black, but sometimes has flower petals in it.

What kind of gamer are they?
Faux Druid/Paladin mashup.
Prefers to cast nature magic or elemental magic when possible, but also wears black clothing under (fake?) wooden plate armor, with purple accents.
Carries a halberd that doubles as a staff and smacks things that get too close with it.
Strong emphasis on (self) healing and crafting.
Very heavy on trying to help npcs, but not on the roleplay, which can be a little awkward.

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?
Almost exclusively plays solo, but will ask for help or offer help if she's nearby.
Will only join a party or guild if it's necessary to progress or optimize her crafting.


Feb 6, 2023
Feels weird to do this again, not gonna lie.

So, I'm making a new story. The basic premise is a litRPG novel where people play a full-dive VR game called Project Terra: Alternate Earth. It's a class-less, open-world game that relies heavily on realism. Outside of the ability to magically respawn, characters are bound to face all kinds of consequences that mimic real life.

So not Isekai, but heavy litrpg/gamelit.

What I need from you all is characters! The story will be coming here soon (month-ish at max), and I need characters! Jump in at the start with a character submission before the story begins! Use the below format, and thank you for your help!

Character Real Name:
Character Player Name:
What do they look like in game?
(please note that I write humans and humanoids. small affectations are welcome, but nothing that changes their movement or physicality too much. Cat/Dog girls/boys, and the like)
What kind of gamer are they? (playstyle, gear style, etc)

Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?

Thanks again, and I hope at least some of you check out Project Terra when it comes out!
Character Real Name: Fal
Character Player Name: Laf
What do they look like in game?
- Pure human
- messy brown black hair, grey eyes
- 5 ft 11 inches tall(hehe just short of that 1 inch)
- skin lightly tanned or European origin
What kind of gamer are they?

'f**k it, we ball' type
Tank player as his play style causes him to take a lot of damage, thou he's acting like he's fighter
He would usually hold 2 shields, one tower shield and one small shield, and a back up war hammer.
Tower shield to defend against large AOE damage, arrow rain and heavy attack
Small shield to defend against daggers, swords, rapier, sniping marksman, or other quick attacks that can't be defended with a tower shield
His main method of attack will be shield charge, shield bashing, or shield throwing.
As for armor, he would wear medium weight armor to fit his play style of charge in hit a few times and run away
Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?
Teams aren't fond of him as he tends to ignore strategies. But once a blue moon, he will listen to reason and be a proper tank.
Because of his nature he will be hopping from team to team if he gets kicked
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Every great story needs an author
Jun 19, 2020
Character Real Name: Fal
Character Player Name: Laf
What do they look like in game?
- Pure human
- messy brown black hair, grey eyes
- 5 ft 11 inches tall(hehe just short of that 1 inch)
- skin lightly tanned or European origin
What kind of gamer are they?

'f**k it, we ball' type
Tank player as his play style causes him to take a lot of damage, thou he's acting like he's fighter
He would usually hold 2 shields, one tower shield and one small shield, and a back up war hammer.
Tower shield to defend against large AOE damage, arrow rain and heavy attack
Small shield to defend against daggers, swords, rapier, sniping marksman, or other quick attacks that can't be defended with a tower shield
His main method of attack will be shield charge, shield bashing, or shield throwing.
As for armor, he would wear medium weight armor to fit his play style of charge in hit a few times and run away
Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?
Teams aren't fond of him as he tends to ignore strategies. But once a blue moon, he will listen to reason and be a proper tank.
Because of his nature he will be hopping from team to team if he gets kicked
Shield Bro. Nice!


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
Character Real Name: Virola Caligula
(I just make them genderless, if you have a problem with it make them female.)
Character Player Name: Centrogen
What do they look like in game?
A poison dragonoid.
OPEN] Poisonous Dragon - Monster Girl Adopt by Sokine on DeviantArt
What kind of gamer are they? (playstyle, gear style, etc)
They try to always specialize in status effects, they use builds that can either apply the most status effects, builds that have status effect that synergize (like a poisonous gas that can explode when set ablaze) or builds that can spezialize in one status effect like poison, bleeding or acids. Thus she has good AOE and DOT attacks but nothing that does a lot of damage.
They play mostly solo and love potion crafting but they like to use more magical ways to apply status effects.
They are rather eccentric, can be sadistic if in control and they are an absolute try hard.
Is absolutely obsessed with the idea of causality, she can't stop thinking about causes and effects, she only thinks like that.
Are they the type to join a guild, party up when needed, or go solo?
They would join a guild but keep themself out of most guild business.
(They would definitely tag team with Bubbles.)
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