The Chicken Pen (Feedback Thread)


Active member
May 6, 2023
Thanks so much for taking a look 🧡 I really appreciate it. I'll spend more time proofreading!

"It's giving bathtub toaster" is a bit of a slang/meme thing. + toasters being a common topic in depression memes due to the trope of dropping them in baths. So the intent was a humourous line about depression :)
I completely agree with the chicks here. Myself, I've read chapters 1,2 and 3 - I got sleepy or I would have done chapter 4.

There are moments of brilliance. By far my favorite section was in chapter 2, and out of no where a description of a TV buzzing and such... Immediately made me think if the movie Poltergeist. I love things like that. If your work can bring a movie from my childhood to mind, I call that a win. Give yourself a pat on the back.

If there's any criticism it's with the random code looking things in the middle of the material. It blots out the writing enough where you have to re-read the part a couple times. You don't need a gimmick to sell this story - let the words sell it. If there's matrix like code in it, give us the description of it... Feed our imagination, I'm sure you can do it.

I've added the book to my reading list and I've followed you. Wonderful story so far. Thank you for the entertainment.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
I would greatly appreciate any insights or feedback on my story. I'm quite new to this, having begun only a week ago. There are moments when I'm really pleased with it, but at other times, not as much. Just last night I restructured the chapters from 6 to 15 after learning that 5k to 7k words per chapter might be excessively long due to my inexperience. I would be thankful for any advice or suggestions that you may offer. Thank you in advance!



Eldritch deity & really hard thinker.
Mar 12, 2023
Chickens and feedback?! A perfect combination. Feel free to let the chicken choose from the stories in my signature but maybe try to get it to eat the Orca's Serenade first to see if it likes it. I await the chicken's judgement!


Active member
May 6, 2023
I would greatly appreciate any insights or feedback on my story. I'm quite new to this, having begun only a week ago. There are moments when I'm really pleased with it, but at other times, not as much. Just last night I restructured the chapters from 6 to 15 after learning that 5k to 7k words per chapter might be excessively long due to my inexperience. I would be thankful for any advice or suggestions that you may offer. Thank you in advance!

You could always split the chapters into "parts". Leave the main doc the same. That's what I typically do. So it will read like :

Chaper 1: The Experiment - part 1.

You get the gist. Hope this helps :)


New member
Jan 2, 2024
You could always split the chapters into "parts". Leave the main doc the same. That's what I typically do. So it will read like :

Chaper 1: The Experiment - part 1.

You get the gist. Hope this helps :)
Thank you for the feedback. I admit I spent hours splitting them up and just now realized your solution would have been much easier. Now I feel silly lol. I greatly appreciate it.
Jan 12, 2023
Oh wise and powerful chick, I offer unto you this tale. Humbly I ask for an opinion. May it feed you well, and may Fortune favor you on the cusp of The Crunch.


Active member
May 6, 2023
Thank you for the feedback. I admit I spent hours splitting them up and just now realized your solution would have been much easier. Now I feel silly lol. I greatly appreciate it.
Don't feel silly. I wish I could tell you that the idea was mine. I had a friend tell me to do the same thing. :s_smile:
You are more than welcome. Anytime, I will happily answer any questions you might have.


Just another chick in the universe
Nov 1, 2023
I would greatly appreciate any insights or feedback on my story. I'm quite new to this, having begun only a week ago. There are moments when I'm really pleased with it, but at other times, not as much. Just last night I restructured the chapters from 6 to 15 after learning that 5k to 7k words per chapter might be excessively long due to my inexperience. I would be thankful for any advice or suggestions that you may offer. Thank you in advance!

Greetings, Islorae. The chicken pen has accepted your offering and has come back with feedback.

Firstly, for the purpose of this opinion, chapters 1, 6 and 19 have been read. Summing up, this opinion, the chick has found that you have an overall good writing, a few English mistakes here and there, but chapter 1 was, curiously, of a different quality from the rest.

Chapter 1:​
  1. Purple Prose: "an endless loop, a monotonous cycle", "seemed to spin me around without any sense of direction or purpose", "this feeling of inertia, this relentless sameness", "my own restlessness, a silent scream against the routine", "fleeting moment unwavering loyalty and solid presence", "epitome of a lifelong friend usual composure frayed by inner turmoil", "tense, filled with words left unsaid". And so many others! Everything has a description! Even the descriptions have descriptions! That which has to be repeated is repeated endlessly! And everything becomes exhausting because there is no end in sight!
  2. " and ': Why are you using both " and ' for people talking? This has made this bird confused. Is there any difference? When was this explained?
Chapter 19:​
  1. The English: "For him to seen as equal with us would be seen as a sign of disrespect." "To be seen (…) would be a sign…" just a minor edit.


Your first chapter could benefit quite a bit from some editing. Especially the beginning, where quite a few sentences have been over-described, turning the chapter somewhat of a chore to go through. Compared with chapters 6 and 19, the flow of the story is completely different. It is not as slowly, things do not have as many details, and the main idea is clear otherwise. If you consider this is the initial outlook that your readers would have of your story, it is also extra-important to make the first chapter shine more than further chapters. First impressions are that important, after all.

Curiously enough, after the initial several few paragraphs, it does become clearer, which makes this feathered creature curious just what you were aiming for in the beginning? Also, you later have standardized your quote usage, which before you had not. This just will make it all the more obvious for this chicken pen to recommend the following: go back to chapter 1 and edit it, it obviously is of a different kind than your other tales.

That being said, your story is interesting enough that this bird could fancy to read it when it has time for reading. It is interested in fairies and your outlook in how they organize themselves could come to be a fresh outlook if somewhat different from what it has been reading recently.
That said, this chick hopes you have a good day, Fairy Writer.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
Greetings, Islorae. The chicken pen has accepted your offering and has come back with feedback.

Firstly, for the purpose of this opinion, chapters 1, 6 and 19 have been read. Summing up, this opinion, the chick has found that you have an overall good writing, a few English mistakes here and there, but chapter 1 was, curiously, of a different quality from the rest.

Chapter 1:​
  1. Purple Prose: "an endless loop, a monotonous cycle", "seemed to spin me around without any sense of direction or purpose", "this feeling of inertia, this relentless sameness", "my own restlessness, a silent scream against the routine", "fleeting moment unwavering loyalty and solid presence", "epitome of a lifelong friend usual composure frayed by inner turmoil", "tense, filled with words left unsaid". And so many others! Everything has a description! Even the descriptions have descriptions! That which has to be repeated is repeated endlessly! And everything becomes exhausting because there is no end in sight!
  2. " and ': Why are you using both " and ' for people talking? This has made this bird confused. Is there any difference? When was this explained?
Chapter 19:​
  1. The English: "For him to seen as equal with us would be seen as a sign of disrespect." "To be seen (…) would be a sign…" just a minor edit.


Your first chapter could benefit quite a bit from some editing. Especially the beginning, where quite a few sentences have been over-described, turning the chapter somewhat of a chore to go through. Compared with chapters 6 and 19, the flow of the story is completely different. It is not as slowly, things do not have as many details, and the main idea is clear otherwise. If you consider this is the initial outlook that your readers would have of your story, it is also extra-important to make the first chapter shine more than further chapters. First impressions are that important, after all.

Curiously enough, after the initial several few paragraphs, it does become clearer, which makes this feathered creature curious just what you were aiming for in the beginning? Also, you later have standardized your quote usage, which before you had not. This just will make it all the more obvious for this chicken pen to recommend the following: go back to chapter 1 and edit it, it obviously is of a different kind than your other tales.

That being said, your story is interesting enough that this bird could fancy to read it when it has time for reading. It is interested in fairies and your outlook in how they organize themselves could come to be a fresh outlook if somewhat different from what it has been reading recently.
That said, this chick hopes you have a good day, Fairy Writer.
Thank you very much! I will hop right on that and hope the Chick will grace me with another critique in the future!


New member
Dec 18, 2023
Hi there,

I was hoping that you might spare the time to look at my novel?

Sports type novel that I'm writing for a competition: Major League System



Just another chick in the universe
Nov 1, 2023
Chickens and feedback?! A perfect combination. Feel free to let the chicken choose from the stories in my signature but maybe try to get it to eat the Orca's Serenade first to see if it likes it. I await the chicken's judgement!
Greetings, EldrichPotato. Thanks for choosing the Chicken Pen. We are happy to deliver non-timely feedback.

Firstly, as it has been requested, the chick has fed on your "The Orca's Serenade" for the purpose of this feedback. Chapters "Prologue", 10 and 21 have been read and, summing up this opinion in as few words as possible, your story could benefit from a second reading, for a few timely edits; otherwise, you have an interesting story.

  1. Idea Incongruence: "This was exactly what Mother had warned her about. Gone were the times when her kind were hunted." This bird is confused. A time when they are not hunted, yet a time when they are hunted is here? Could you have been more confusing with your words, author? You could not. This chick was tempted to give you the benefit of doubt that your characters were just confused, but then it remembered what a hunt can be: to pursue with intent to capture, to search out; to drive or chase, especially by harrying (in this case, with their boats). And there was never a description more aptly for what people do to Cetacea than to hunt them, be it for information regarding their habits, habitat, ecotourism or for their flesh. The hunt has never ceased, and probably won't so soon.
Chapter 21:​
  1. Idea Incongruence: "To call it darkness would be wrong, there was no light to see any darkness." Ah yes, this feathered creature understands what you want to say, but your figure here is wrong. You mistake Shadows and Darkness. Shadows only exist in the presence of light, whereas Darkness exist even where there is no light. For Darkness does not require Light to exist, it simply exists more vividly if it has Light, being more obvious with Shadows. Shadows, the materialization of Darkness. Whereas, Darkness is the absence of Light. Perhaps in your native language, or in your personal dictionary, it would make sense in your analogy, but understand that not all Darkness is Shadow, and therefore, saying that Darkness cannot exist without Light is also to say that Light cannot exist without Darkness, and therefore, you are making it a very strange analogy where a world is only possible in the presence of Light-Darkness, and never without each other. To deny one side like you have denied here is to deny the existence of that which you are also saying exists in its absence. And in written, it becomes that much harder for you to defend yourself, because you were clear here, for "darkness" must be seen, whereas darkness is the absence of light, and not shadows, the reflection left by light when it is deflected from something, yet called "darkness".
  2. Misspelling: "Well… maybe it was more who Voila". The character's name? Really? It had happened before, back in chapter 10, but this? Voila? Are you doing a second reading, perchance?
  3. Reference Confusion: "The power had no issues after that and her panic had finally given way to boredom," "it lacked anything for Eva". Ah yes, the power had no issues… you mean there were no more power issues, not that the power had issues. After all, if the power had issues, that would have been serious! When you are not doing a negative sentence, you don't say "lacked anything" but instead "lacked everything".
  4. Repeated Concept: "At the very least it wasn't dark. Something dark suddenly shot out of the depths". This bird gets you might have wanted to continue the concept of "Darkness" and "Light" here, but it's "Shadow" and "Light", and even the repetition, when outside the context, might instead, become a bore. Darknesses don't usually shoot out of place unless they have a will of their own, though if I'm not mistaken here, you are playing with Viola's colour?

Strangely enough, this bird has found that your first few chapters were more consistently written. Have you perhaps edited them already and your up-to-now latest chapter, 21, have not? There were quite a few things that were odd by chapter 21, but which, having your reader lasted up to them, they have already grown used to your style and probably are not going to fuss as much, at least not so soon.

A few weird choices, either of words or of how you have phrased the sentence, is what has called out to attention the most for this chick. Although the story is interesting in itself, sometimes as you are defining some elements of it, either because you have an odd grasp of the language, or because of how you understand it to be, you let these peculiarities come through giving rise to non-standard writing, either creating confusion or conflict within the text. This is nothing serious, it's something that can be ignored by people who want to read your story, but it is also something that you could iron out if you reread, assuming you are not doing these on purpose, mostly out of distracted thoughts. All seems to indicate these are remnants of your everyday way of thinking, let's call it private language, instead of the normal one you usually employ when writing, and therefore not something you should be overly worried about. If they are not, you could try paying more attention to how you sentence things and ask for a second opinion from someone who is more aware of the language than you are.

All that said, your story is interesting, a welcome reprise from the usual fantasy. It had been a while since this feathered creature had an encounter with a Cetacea-mermaids, and it is glad to see it being used once again.
Have a good day, Magical Potato Writer.
Uhhh... Here's my old and cringey Romance novel
This is in a clear breach of the OP. Therefore, no feed will be given back.


Eldritch deity & really hard thinker.
Mar 12, 2023
Greetings, EldrichPotato. Thanks for choosing the Chicken Pen. We are happy to deliver non-timely feedback.

Firstly, as it has been requested, the chick has fed on your "The Orca's Serenade" for the purpose of this feedback. Chapters "Prologue", 10 and 21 have been read and, summing up this opinion in as few words as possible, your story could benefit from a second reading, for a few timely edits; otherwise, you have an interesting story.

  1. Idea Incongruence: "This was exactly what Mother had warned her about. Gone were the times when her kind were hunted." This bird is confused. A time when they are not hunted, yet a time when they are hunted is here? Could you have been more confusing with your words, author? You could not. This chick was tempted to give you the benefit of doubt that your characters were just confused, but then it remembered what a hunt can be: to pursue with intent to capture, to search out; to drive or chase, especially by harrying (in this case, with their boats). And there was never a description more aptly for what people do to Cetacea than to hunt them, be it for information regarding their habits, habitat, ecotourism or for their flesh. The hunt has never ceased, and probably won't so soon.
Chapter 21:​
  1. Idea Incongruence: "To call it darkness would be wrong, there was no light to see any darkness." Ah yes, this feathered creature understands what you want to say, but your figure here is wrong. You mistake Shadows and Darkness. Shadows only exist in the presence of light, whereas Darkness exist even where there is no light. For Darkness does not require Light to exist, it simply exists more vividly if it has Light, being more obvious with Shadows. Shadows, the materialization of Darkness. Whereas, Darkness is the absence of Light. Perhaps in your native language, or in your personal dictionary, it would make sense in your analogy, but understand that not all Darkness is Shadow, and therefore, saying that Darkness cannot exist without Light is also to say that Light cannot exist without Darkness, and therefore, you are making it a very strange analogy where a world is only possible in the presence of Light-Darkness, and never without each other. To deny one side like you have denied here is to deny the existence of that which you are also saying exists in its absence. And in written, it becomes that much harder for you to defend yourself, because you were clear here, for "darkness" must be seen, whereas darkness is the absence of light, and not shadows, the reflection left by light when it is deflected from something, yet called "darkness".
  2. Misspelling: "Well… maybe it was more who Voila". The character's name? Really? It had happened before, back in chapter 10, but this? Voila? Are you doing a second reading, perchance?
  3. Reference Confusion: "The power had no issues after that and her panic had finally given way to boredom," "it lacked anything for Eva". Ah yes, the power had no issues… you mean there were no more power issues, not that the power had issues. After all, if the power had issues, that would have been serious! When you are not doing a negative sentence, you don't say "lacked anything" but instead "lacked everything".
  4. Repeated Concept: "At the very least it wasn't dark. Something dark suddenly shot out of the depths". This bird gets you might have wanted to continue the concept of "Darkness" and "Light" here, but it's "Shadow" and "Light", and even the repetition, when outside the context, might instead, become a bore. Darknesses don't usually shoot out of place unless they have a will of their own, though if I'm not mistaken here, you are playing with Viola's colour?

Strangely enough, this bird has found that your first few chapters were more consistently written. Have you perhaps edited them already and your up-to-now latest chapter, 21, have not? There were quite a few things that were odd by chapter 21, but which, having your reader lasted up to them, they have already grown used to your style and probably are not going to fuss as much, at least not so soon.

A few weird choices, either of words or of how you have phrased the sentence, is what has called out to attention the most for this chick. Although the story is interesting in itself, sometimes as you are defining some elements of it, either because you have an odd grasp of the language, or because of how you understand it to be, you let these peculiarities come through giving rise to non-standard writing, either creating confusion or conflict within the text. This is nothing serious, it's something that can be ignored by people who want to read your story, but it is also something that you could iron out if you reread, assuming you are not doing these on purpose, mostly out of distracted thoughts. All seems to indicate these are remnants of your everyday way of thinking, let's call it private language, instead of the normal one you usually employ when writing, and therefore not something you should be overly worried about. If they are not, you could try paying more attention to how you sentence things and ask for a second opinion from someone who is more aware of the language than you are.

All that said, your story is interesting, a welcome reprise from the usual fantasy. It had been a while since this feathered creature had an encounter with a Cetacea-mermaids, and it is glad to see it being used once again.
Have a good day, Magical Potato Writer.

This is in a clear breach of the OP. Therefore, no feed will be given back.
Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. Some of the points you mentioned were intentional on my part, others not so much. I will take things into consideration and update some errors. :)


Just another chick in the universe
Nov 1, 2023
Oh wise and powerful chick, I offer unto you this tale. Humbly I ask for an opinion. May it feed you well, and may Fortune favor you on the cusp of The Crunch.
Greetings, DestroyatronMk8. Thank you for your offering, the chicks have brought you some feedback.

In regard to your story, chapters 1, 75 and 148 have been read. Summing up this opinion, it could be said that your story is interesting, yet it progressively lacks effort, and you make repetitive use of the same narrative structures from previous chapters.

Chapter 1:​
  1. Idea Incongruence: "'What's the bad news?' Yvian replaced the panel cover. The cover refused to latch in place. She gave it a smack, but the force of the blow sent her spinning towards the other end of the bridge. She cursed, scrabbling for a handhold. Yvian was not used to working in zero gravity." "Her fingers bumped it instead of grabbing, and she was propelled away," "No engines, no comms, no artificial gravity… (…) it didn't get them any closer to Prisna III" People still have mass in space, so even though for every action there is a reaction, it's not every bump they do they'd be sent spinning wildly around themselves. And while we're talking about mass and space, there's this stuff called Inertia, so no movement would abruptly stop simply because there's no more engine providing thrust. Instead, the ship would stop accelerating, and they would continue their way to their destination, just not getting there SOONER.
Chapter 75:​
  1. Idea Incongruence: "Yvian noticed their was still a case of beer next to her. Maybe beer would help her think." Let's first talk about the "their was" that's obviously "there was". That said, unless I missed the case where your aliens work differently from humans, you're obviously being ironic that someone would believe getting alcohol in their veins would improve their logical abilities.
Chapter 174:​
  1. Narrator: "Speaking of the next few minutes, Yvian looked through the scope of her Bigger Better." "Were they a little closer than the first time she'd seen them? Yvian cursed." You did not use to have these introspective narrative moments where you confuse your third-person narrative with a first-person one.
  2. Idea Incongruence:"Activate SHIELDBREACH," Yvian commanded. Her armor responded, and Yvian jetpacked through the shields of the closest battlecruiser." What's the point of having shields if you can so easily break them? Is a shield for blocking bullets, but not people?


Overall, you had an interesting story. However, the quality of your narrative was not as appealing in the following chapters, contrary to the first one. Was it because it was easier to understand the beginning? That might have been so, considering your story lacks quite a bit of self-referencing. You hardly remember previous happenings in the story, the only memorable one this bird has in mind now being one about the main character trying to contact one specific elder as this one was nicer to them before.

Aside from this, there is very little other references about world-building in these chapters, all of them having been so very action ridden the chicken pen had the idea your characters seldom have a moment of respite. They are always running into or from trouble. Yet, the main human character seemed dependable enough when it was introduced. Understand that due to the limited selection of chapters, and there being quite a few in between each other, there's no way of evaluating your story as a whole. Your writing is instead evaluated whether it is consistent throughout these chapters that have been selected.

That being said, your latest chapter was quite lacking in imagination if compared with the first one. Whereas there was quite a bit of dedication to details, so things like how the gravity would work in a space battle would sound interesting, in 174 a typical ground battle was fought, full of loopholes. Why hide behind a ship if they can simply disintegrate it? Sensors? What sensors? An AI assisted camera view is a sensor as well? What about fighting in line whereas they are in space? They should be making full use of 3D space instead of a 2D formation; at least that is what logic would dictate. But of course, these are all matters you, as an author, could counter with your sharp tongue. Yet, they are things for you to ponder when compared with other moments of your novel. First chapter made these chicks wish to read for more, your latest chapter not.

With all being said and done, this chicken pen hopes you have a good day.


Just another chick in the universe
Nov 1, 2023
Hi there,

I was hoping that you might spare the time to look at my novel?

Sports type novel that I'm writing for a competition: Major League System

Greetings, LeeroyCGNA. Thank you for offering your novel to the chicks. We come return some feedback.

Initially, chapters 1, 2 and 29 have been read for the purpose of this opinion. There have been some repetitions and incomprehensible moments in your first part, but when it comes to writing about baseball, you do know about the theme and knows how to write an at least solid text.

Chapter 1:​
  1. Repetitive idea: "The man finally found his keys and used them to unlock the door." "Headed to the washroom. (…) he headed to the bathroom". After fishing for their keys, it would have been a surprise if they USED THEM for anything other than unlocking the door. Is it a washroom or a bathroom in the first place? And why are you repeating it so much? The room for cleaning with soap and water your hands does not seem to be that important.
  2. Idea Incongruence: "It was a potent pain killer which was able to alleviate his torture for hours on end, even with a small dosage. (…) His heartbeat swelled, quickly reaching 200 bpm." Ah yes, the mysterious medication. A potent painkiller that raises their heartbeat to death levels at a clinical "over dosage" of five pills. Potent? If it is an opioid, which is powerful, people would have died from the opposite reaction, not being able to breathe instead of cardiac arrest, since this is obviously the most common side effect of painkillers related to caffeine, which is used to dope the effect of the painkiller, else they would not be "powerful" at all. And caffeine doped painkillers are not potent, recommended for long-term usage nor for people to take before they're about to sleep because, you know, caffeine is coffee. So it becomes that your character also had heart problems if they were to die from taking something like this… which is not good for someone who is about to become a sportsman! But digressions, you can sharp tongue me and say this bird is being illogical and looking too much where people should suspend their belief and assume things simply happen because you needed a medication to "reincarnate" back in time.


There was nothing glaring in your other chapters (2 and 29) and therefore they did not warrant individual remarks. Your writing can be consistent in a good way, with the occasional slips in the first chapter. The Idea Incongruence was perhaps due to this bird being overly familiar with medicine, rather than an intentional oversight from the author's part.

Your story is quite easy to be understood by those who have plenty of understanding of how Japanese Media work, whereas for those who are unfamiliar, it was found rather absurd. Which is just how tropes usually work. People who have already taken for granted one can simply reincarnate after dying do not question their sudden rejuvenation and reappearance at times long gone yore. There was no smooth transition between these scenes because to you, the author, it is all so common-sense, why would there be a need to explain to people that your adult person will from now on begin to act more and more like a child instead of feeling the oddities that come from having experienced life and having to learn everything once again? This is obviously not the main objective of your book, after all, and a hasty dismissal of the theme was for the best.

Overall, you make are relying heavily on already established tropes to tell a story, which is a great way for forming quick understanding from those who know them, but a horrible one from those who do not. You assume your reader knows what you are talking about all the time and do not define the scenes so much, but that is OK, you are writing very focused, to a competition, and therefore you are hoping for the best. This feathered creature can only hope you have chosen to write for Japanese people who are all so very saturated by your theme they understand everything you are writing at a first glance. Then you might be doing right.

Have a good day, Competitive Author.
Last edited:


New member
Dec 18, 2023
Greetings, LeeroyCGNA. Thank you for offering your novel to the chicks. We come return some feedback.

Initially, chapters 1, 2 and 29 have been read for the purpose of this opinion. There have been some repetitions and incomprehensible moments in your first part, but when it comes to writing about baseball, you do know about the theme and knows how to write an at least solid text.

Chapter 1:​
  1. Repetitive idea: "The man finally found his keys and used them to unlock the door." "Headed to the washroom. (…) he headed to the bathroom". After fishing for their keys, it would have been a surprise if they USED THEM for anything other than unlocking the door. Is it a washroom or a bathroom in the first place? And why are you repeating it so much? The room for cleaning with soap and water your hands does not seem to be that important.
  2. Idea Incongruence: "It was a potent pain killer which was able to alleviate his torture for hours on end, even with a small dosage. (…) His heartbeat swelled, quickly reaching 200 bpm." Ah yes, the mysterious medication. A potent painkiller that raises their heartbeat to death levels at a clinical "over dosage" of five pills. Potent? If it is an opioid, which is powerful, people would have died from the opposite reaction, not being able to breathe instead of cardiac arrest, since this is obviously the most common side effect of painkillers related to caffeine, which is used to dope the effect of the painkiller, else they would not be "powerful" at all. And caffeine doped painkillers are not potent, recommended for long-term usage nor for people to take before they're about to sleep because, you know, caffeine is coffee. So it becomes that your character also had heart problems if they were to die from taking something like this… which is not good for someone who is about to become a sportsman! But digressions, you can sharp tongue me and say this bird is being illogical and looking too much where people should suspend their belief and assume things simply happen because you needed a medication to "reincarnate" back in time.


There was nothing glaring in your other chapters (2 and 29) and therefore they did not warrant individual remarks. Your writing can be consistent in a good way, with the occasional slips in the first chapter. The Idea Incongruence was perhaps due to this bird being overly familiar with medicine, rather than an intentional oversight from the author's part.

Your story is quite easy to be understood by those who have plenty of understanding of how Japanese Media work, whereas for those who are unfamiliar, it was found rather absurd. Which is just how tropes usually work. People who have already taken for granted one can simply reincarnate after dying do not question their sudden rejuvenation and reappearance at times long gone yore. There was no smooth transition between these scenes because to you, the author, it is all so common-sense, why would there be a need to explain to people that your adult person will from now on begin to act more and more like a child instead of feeling the oddities that come from having experienced life and having to learn everything once again? This is obviously not the main objective of your book, after all, and a hasty dismissal of the theme was for the best.

Overall, you make are relying heavily on already established tropes to tell a story, which is a great way for forming quick understanding from those who know them, but a horrible one from those who do not. You assume your reader knows what you are talking about all the time and do not define the scenes so much, but that is OK, you are writing very focused, to a competition, and therefore you are hoping for the best. This feathered creature can only hope you have chosen to write for Japanese people who are all so very saturated by your theme they understand everything you are writing at a first glance. Then you might be doing right.

Have a good day, Competitive Author.

Thank you for your esteemed feedback. It seems you understand the premise and idea of my work, despite its incongruencies. Perhaps if I labelled the first chapter as prologue instead you could forgive me for the abruptness of the regression.

I'd say my theme fits perfectly for the Japanese light novel contest that I'm entering, so I agree with you on that point. :

As for the medicine point, you are correct I have no knowledge of such things. When I think of medicines it's not opiates, it's more ibuprofen which thins the blood and can cause low blood pressure. Thus the heart would have to beat faster in order to pump oxygen through the body, possibly leading to cardiac arrest. But I'm not sure if it's possible to overdose on such things.

I appreciate you taking time to read my work.


subatomic cephalopod
Aug 23, 2023
I am offering my story, to be analyzed by the great and mighty chicks. criticize me, tear me apart and tell me what i did wrong. This is a hyperlink to my story, Spookshifted. It's still in its early stages, so would love feedback so i can improve and go back, edit earlier chapters to be more consistent, adjust flow, tone, and pace, work on my over-exposition and lack of proper character dialogue. etc etc. or at least keep that in mind, ya know? would be nice to know this stuff so i can plan ahead and not have to go back and fix a hundred chapters later.


Active member
May 6, 2023
I am offering my story, to be analyzed by the great and mighty chicks. criticize me, tear me apart and tell me what i did wrong. This is a hyperlink to my story, Spookshifted. It's still in its early stages, so would love feedback so i can improve and go back, edit earlier chapters to be more consistent, adjust flow, tone, and pace, work on my over-exposition and lack of proper character dialogue. etc etc. or at least keep that in mind, ya know? would be nice to know this stuff so i can plan ahead and not have to go back and fix a hundred chapters later.
Cool! I get to watch the chicks in action again. It's been over a week since I have seen them feed. Assuming they take on the story! Good Luck!


Just another chick in the universe
Nov 1, 2023
I am offering my story, to be analyzed by the great and mighty chicks. criticize me, tear me apart and tell me what i did wrong. This is a hyperlink to my story, Spookshifted. It's still in its early stages, so would love feedback so i can improve and go back, edit earlier chapters to be more consistent, adjust flow, tone, and pace, work on my over-exposition and lack of proper character dialogue. etc etc. or at least keep that in mind, ya know? would be nice to know this stuff so i can plan ahead and not have to go back and fix a hundred chapters later.
Greetings, Quagma. Thank you for your feed, the chicks offer you something back.

Firstly, chapters Prologue, one and two have been read. The pen has decided to do differently this time (you can never be sure what you are going to get back in return when offering the chicken pen! The joy!) so it hopes you are happy with this experiment. Summing up this experiment, your story sorely lacks a definite tense, solid motivations and lots of nonsense.

Chapter Prologue:​
  1. Story time: "Earth just hasn't been the same since Reality broke. It wasn't anyone's fault. The veil between Reality and Unreality has always been fairly thin and leaky on Earth, it was bound to break eventually." Which narrative time are you going to be using? Is it present or is it past? Decide, please.
  2. Idea Incongruence: "On Earth itself, the most eye-catching landmass is a gigantic island, about 250 kilometers across." GI-GAN-TIC? 250 kilometres? 155 Miles? On Earth? ON A PLANET? This is a very small geographic feature for planets, especially for an Earth-size sphere. Just for your information, the Earth has 40,017 km equatorial diameter, and a surface area of 510,072,000 km². Further reading confirms me why it's so eye-catching, it has so many distinct biomes that shouldn't be that, of course, it is eye-catching! This "Long Island" is slightly bigger than the real world Long Island, but has so much more to offer!

Chapter 1:​
  1. Idea Incongruence: "Other than a heavily broken left arm, I’m fine. Bruised, arm broken in three places, but fine." Not many people are able to struggle through having their arm broken once, but thrice? Also, if having their arm broken once is enough for people to despair, thrice is all the more the fun. Joy. Not many are able to understand just how much pain they'd be under. It's A LOT. People would be under a lot of fever for a while if they really broke their arm, and no, this is not "I'll struggle this through with a bit of spit and mud" kind of thing. A broken arm, if it gets worse, is enough for people LOSING THEIR ARM.
  2. Story time: "Shakily, I sit up and look around. It’s pitch black, so I felt for the cell phone in my hip pocket, and used its flashlight to illuminate my surroundings." Decide on your story time. Are you going to "sit" to later "feel for" and "use it" or are you going to be going for the past tense?
  3. Idea Incongruence: "As if! I’ll never trust another human again for the rest of my life, for however much longer that lasts." Guy had been trying for so long to be rescued, but just so abruptly gives up on any hope. A SINGLE PARAGRAPH! Why? This chicken pen does not buy on the shallowness of your motive. So a single human did not want to save them. And the character themselves could find an excuse for why. And now comes reincarnation excuse, of the inhumane kind. Too shallow.

Chapter 2:​
  1. Story time: "He feels like he should be glad about finally escaping that dank darkness, but something didn’t sit right with him." Look what we have here, present tense and past tense on what should be the same tense again.
  2. Narrator transition: "A breeze picks up which tips him over, and he watches helplessly as the ground rushes toward his eyes, and everything slid into black… +×+×+×+ No… not black. Purple?" You have transitioned from 3rd person narrator to 1st person narrator without much of a warning, and it was somewhat confusing.


Three chicks have perused your feed offer. One of them got dissuaded as soon as they saw your info dump in the prologue; something about Cherry Maraschino and Mini Dumps went over their head. The other two chicks were able to finish up to the second (third). Overall, your story, however, was met with resistance, not the good one.

You have a terrible tendency of mixing present and past tense together. As some examples have shown, you should stick to either the present tense or the past tense in this case. This chick is not aware what might be making you go for a different tense change, but some cases might be that you are thinking of talking to someone in real life and are using the example of them being present at the time of the conversation. Know that a narrative and a conversation in person work differently: one happens in loco, the other happens in any moment in time and space, and therefore, might happen with any verb you so desire. It is not improper to use the past tense in these cases.

Another problem was your over-the-top imagination. Sometimes you will break a scene and imagine it has already been resolved (you will transition from first-person to third-person without warning), do things that are not that great seems great (155 miles or 250 kilometres are not that great of an extension at all), try to make the impossible possible without giving a "plausible" reason (explain to me, why should our hero be able to bear a broken arm and not be lame after a month before he becomes slime-person. You could have even explained magic!) which had this not been a request for review would have made this particular chick have dropped your story much sooner than otherwise it did (it only read all it did because it was a request on this thread).

I hope you have a good day, Imaginative Writer.


subatomic cephalopod
Aug 23, 2023
Greetings, Quagma. Thank you for your feed, the chicks offer you something back.

Firstly, chapters Prologue, one and two have been read. The pen has decided to do differently this time (you can never be sure what you are going to get back in return when offering the chicken pen! The joy!) so it hopes you are happy with this experiment. Summing up this experiment, your story sorely lacks a definite tense, solid motivations and lots of nonsense.

Chapter Prologue:​
  1. Story time: "Earth just hasn't been the same since Reality broke. It wasn't anyone's fault. The veil between Reality and Unreality has always been fairly thin and leaky on Earth, it was bound to break eventually." Which narrative time are you going to be using? Is it present or is it past? Decide, please.
  2. Idea Incongruence: "On Earth itself, the most eye-catching landmass is a gigantic island, about 250 kilometers across." GI-GAN-TIC? 250 kilometres? 155 Miles? On Earth? ON A PLANET? This is a very small geographic feature for planets, especially for an Earth-size sphere. Just for your information, the Earth has 40,017 km equatorial diameter, and a surface area of 510,072,000 km². Further reading confirms me why it's so eye-catching, it has so many distinct biomes that shouldn't be that, of course, it is eye-catching! This "Long Island" is slightly bigger than the real world Long Island, but has so much more to offer!

Chapter 1:​
  1. Idea Incongruence: "Other than a heavily broken left arm, I’m fine. Bruised, arm broken in three places, but fine." Not many people are able to struggle through having their arm broken once, but thrice? Also, if having their arm broken once is enough for people to despair, thrice is all the more the fun. Joy. Not many are able to understand just how much pain they'd be under. It's A LOT. People would be under a lot of fever for a while if they really broke their arm, and no, this is not "I'll struggle this through with a bit of spit and mud" kind of thing. A broken arm, if it gets worse, is enough for people LOSING THEIR ARM.
  2. Story time: "Shakily, I sit up and look around. It’s pitch black, so I felt for the cell phone in my hip pocket, and used its flashlight to illuminate my surroundings." Decide on your story time. Are you going to "sit" to later "feel for" and "use it" or are you going to be going for the past tense?
  3. Idea Incongruence: "As if! I’ll never trust another human again for the rest of my life, for however much longer that lasts." Guy had been trying for so long to be rescued, but just so abruptly gives up on any hope. A SINGLE PARAGRAPH! Why? This chicken pen does not buy on the shallowness of your motive. So a single human did not want to save them. And the character themselves could find an excuse for why. And now comes reincarnation excuse, of the inhumane kind. Too shallow.

Chapter 2:​
  1. Story time: "He feels like he should be glad about finally escaping that dank darkness, but something didn’t sit right with him." Look what we have here, present tense and past tense on what should be the same tense again.
  2. Narrator transition: "A breeze picks up which tips him over, and he watches helplessly as the ground rushes toward his eyes, and everything slid into black… +×+×+×+ No… not black. Purple?" You have transitioned from 3rd person narrator to 1st person narrator without much of a warning, and it was somewhat confusing.


Three chicks have perused your feed offer. One of them got dissuaded as soon as they saw your info dump in the prologue; something about Cherry Maraschino and Mini Dumps went over their head. The other two chicks were able to finish up to the second (third). Overall, your story, however, was met with resistance, not the good one.

You have a terrible tendency of mixing present and past tense together. As some examples have shown, you should stick to either the present tense or the past tense in this case. This chick is not aware what might be making you go for a different tense change, but some cases might be that you are thinking of talking to someone in real life and are using the example of them being present at the time of the conversation. Know that a narrative and a conversation in person work differently: one happens in loco, the other happens in any moment in time and space, and therefore, might happen with any verb you so desire. It is not improper to use the past tense in these cases.

Another problem was your over-the-top imagination. Sometimes you will break a scene and imagine it has already been resolved (you will transition from first-person to third-person without warning), do things that are not that great seems great (155 miles or 250 kilometres are not that great of an extension at all), try to make the impossible possible without giving a "plausible" reason (explain to me, why should our hero be able to bear a broken arm and not be lame after a month before he becomes slime-person. You could have even explained magic!) which had this not been a request for review would have made this particular chick have dropped your story much sooner than otherwise it did (it only read all it did because it was a request on this thread).

I hope you have a good day, Imaginative Writer.
Thank you for the feedback. I am, of course, well aware of my infodump problem. I will be going through things and editing them with this in mind. I maaaay have gotten a little bogged down in the details. To explain the different tenses, mostly experimenting to see which works best. Sorta forgot to fix that. I am, of course, extremely inexperienced. While I do feel that i've gotten much better in later chapters, my earlier chapters certainly leave much to be desired. I will absolutely be fixing the info dumping, and I hope that the next time this one requests a review, that it will be much more favorable.
Those first chapters are really bad, in retrospect.
My research indicated that was the size of Ohio/greenland, and was under the impression that those were large landmasses with numerous biomes. You're right, a more accurate statement of size would be comparable to australia. No sense of scale, smh. I will also be focusing much less on the arbitrary descriptions and math. I really need to go back and edit the chapters for their consistency. My conversions were extremely off... too used to using imperial. Thank you.
You tore me apart quite well, and your external critique has given me much to think about. It helps to have an outside perspective, sometimes.
A broken arm doesn't make one lame (unable to walk), iirc, and I personally have walked around with a broken arm, unaware of it being broken (it was my non dominant wrist, and i didn't even notice i couldn't even use it until it was pointed out. I may have an abnormally high pain tolerance, in retrospect.) I'm not sure I understand this one, sorry. Could you also clarify what you mean by "you could have even explained magic?" and "not that great an extension at all"?
As for character motivation, completely agree. That was lazy of me. It is something that I struggle with greatly, having little experience to draw on. That is, in fact, why i picked up writing in the first place. If you don't practice, you never learn. The purpose of me writing this novel is to get better at understanding other people, and me doing that was a copout bc i was rushing through it.
While I, personally, am a fan of lore dumps, I do understand why others wouldn't. While my hope was that the pen would examine the first, middle, and end chapters, as per usual, the experiment did produce some interesting results. Tell the pen thank you. You've all pointed out numerous things I need to work on, and I clearly need practice. I've gotten way too rusty at this, and clearly need an external editor. Much appreciated.
Due to medical issues, I get pretty bad brain fog sometimes, and it affects my writing. Very often I cannot remember basic words, or even what I've just written. I try my best to keep it organized. Combined with an overactive imagination, the pen recieved bad feed. And for that, I apologize taht you had to suffer through it.
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