The Street Writer topics have been published.


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
Not yet. Its just one asshole. we can still win
If your management is unable to hear even a basic complaint, purely because of their own ego, then how could you possibly win? I foresee a lot of problems in your future.

Deleted member 57675

@Psycholor Try to blank out the others' pfp and names next time in your screenshots for those who you are not directly referring to. (Like the attachments that had others in it). Some of us do not wish to be tied to this drama.
Those weren't harassing dms. I was simply informing you that you may have some mental deficiencies worth looking into.
If your management is unable to hear even a basic complaint, purely because of their own ego, then how could you possibly win? I foresee a lot of problems in your future.
You were not the only who did not like your prompt, but some of us are willing to make the best of what we've got. You on the other hand, stomped your foot, whined, called them retarded and stupid, and expected something great to be handed to you. Sounds childish.
fun non serious competition should be more lenient. if the prompt is not fun for either participants just change it. and lloyd is a bit special you gotta be more patient
He demanded a prompt change just for his team. This breaks the whole concept of being paired with a random writer and a random prompt challenge for 15 others. He's not above everyone and should not get special treatment just because. Try not to feed his ego.
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Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
Try to blank out the others' pfp and names next time in your screenshots for those who you are not directly referring to. Some of us do not wish to be tied to this drama.

You were not the only who did not like your prompt, but some of us are willing to make the best of what we've got. You on the other hand, stomped your foot, whined, called them retarded and stupid, and expected something great to be handed to you.

He demanded a prompt change just for his team. This breaks the whole concept of being paired with a random writer and a random prompt challenge for 15 others. He's not above everyone and should not get special treatment just because. Try not to feed his ego.
Everyone is admitting that the prompt was particularly bad. It's an offensively bad joke most people on here are too young to get in the first place.


A Well-Known Daddy.
Feb 28, 2022
If your management is unable to hear even a basic complaint, purely because of their own ego, then how could you possibly win? I foresee a lot of problems in your future.
dude, you are taking it waay too seriously. As much as this is is supposed to be fun, you can't just be so upset about prompt that blow up like this lol. They kicked you after warning you. Plus you could have just had fun with it


Writing Trash
Nov 8, 2021
It's an offensively bad joke

Then you would have loved it. Fuck off.


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
dude, you are taking it waay too seriously. As much as this is is supposed to be fun, you can't just be so upset about prompt that blow up like this lol. They kicked you after warning you. Plus you could have just had fun with it
The reason I complained in the first place was the prompt didn't allow for any fun. It was a lame joke that railroads the writing into a bad place. It's just poor design that speaks to your unintelligence. Writing is an art, and I don't get excite d to create art for stupid 20 year old memes. Topics should be challenging, nurturing creativity in thoughtful and provoking ways. What you gave me was the literary equivalent of microwaved slop. It really speaks to the disrespect you have for all the contestants that you would even think of giving it as a prompt.

Deleted member 57675

Everyone is admitting that the prompt was particularly bad. It's an offensively bad joke most people on here are too young to get in the first place.
So what? You get bad apples in life. You make it work. But the way you responded, who would want to listen to you?

I had informed them in an earlier comment on one of their threads that their discord and challenge was just confusion and gave suggestions how to improve. So they are open to feedback, when you don't start off the bat cussing them out.

A good author can turn a shitty concept into a readable, likeable thing.

Besides, offensive bad jokes? Lol. Lloyd, that's ironic from you.


A Well-Known Daddy.
Feb 28, 2022
The reason I complained in the first place was the prompt didn't allow for any fun. It was a lame joke that railroads the writing into a bad place. It's just poor design that speaks to your unintelligence. Writing is an art, and I don't get excite d to create art for stupid 20 year old memes. Topics should be challenging, nurturing creativity in thoughtful and provoking ways. What you gave me was the literary equivalent of microwaved slop. It really speaks to the disrespect you have for all the contestants that you would even think of giving it as a prompt.
I audibly snorted. Jesus christ man.

Deleted member 57675

Its alright. You learn. Next time be more concrete when you host challenges. Do not pantsy any challenge you host. Plot, plan, organize, and get some feedback from several others the specifics (rules, prompts) prior the start of the challenge so you can better prepare to make it work. Take up leadership of your event too.
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A Well-Known Daddy.
Feb 28, 2022
Now that is an example of a so bad it's good joke. Not that you would get it.

Literature and writing is a gift from god. Don't take the lord's name in vain.
uh, sorry if I offended you ;-; as if you didn't make a swastika joke though.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Good luck to everyone participating~

I just finished reading through the drama on this thread, so uhn... I have a suggestion for a future contest, I guess?

Why don't you allow a pair of writers to change their prompt to a different random prompt once per round? This would allow people that really hated their prompt (assuming both people hated their prompt) to have a chance of getting a new prompt, but it would still maintain the spirit of the competition... With it being about writing about random topics and stuff.

The main issue with this is that you'd probably need to prepare some backup prompts to make sure no prompt is reused throughout the competition while also making sure no prompt appears twice even if it's rerolled.

But still, I think it might be worth the trouble? I mean... Writing on random prompts can be fun, but sometimes one can get a prompt that they really really don't care about and don't enjoy, so they might not like writing for it at the competition at all.

Just my two cents, I guess. I'm not really on the Scribblehub discord, and I'm not the one in charge of managing a competition with 16 writers, but I figured I'd just give a small suggestion.

Once again, good luck to everyone participating! I hope everyone can have fun in the competition! ^^)/


The One who has the Eyes
Dec 10, 2021
The reason I complained in the first place was the prompt didn't allow for any fun. It was a lame joke that railroads the writing into a bad place. It's just poor design that speaks to your unintelligence. Writing is an art, and I don't get excite d to create art for stupid 20 year old memes. Topics should be challenging, nurturing creativity in thoughtful and provoking ways. What you gave me was the literary equivalent of microwaved slop. It really speaks to the disrespect you have for all the contestants that you would even think of giving it as a prompt.
What you could do is take a joke of a prompt and turn it around and make it serious through clever thinking and ingenuity. For example, the first two paragraphs of my submission on the prompt:

In one of the billions of trillions of universes, there exists a tale as old as the existence of a certain religion. When the souls leave their mortal chains, they drift down into the soil holding them up. They’ll go down and down and down, until they find themselves drifting into a chasm. Inside that chasm, the soul will find a river made of lost dreams, hope, and ideals. Floating upon the discarded waste of humanity, is a robed figure standing on a wooden boat that looks like it’ll crack if it so much as bumps into a pillow. That robed figure’s name is Charon, and out of all religious views, the people who came up with that man rowing a boat full of souls, were the ones who got as close as possible to the truth of the afterlife.

So what is the truth? Well, it all starts with me, the real Charon. But, Charon isn’t my real name. Then what is the name of an immortal, all powerful being such as I? Well, I actually don’t have a name. In fact, it was only recently that I acquired a name. Due to incidents of me killing people for the man above, so he can send them off somewhere else for his own amusement, I have been baptized a name that shares between all those events. They call me Truck-kun, the embodiment of death and rebirth.

This took me five minutes to come up with.
Feb 6, 2021
He demanded a prompt change just for his team. This breaks the whole concept of being paired with a random writer and a random prompt challenge for 15 others. He's not above everyone and should not get special treatment just because. Try not to feed his ego.
eeh it's not that serious. this whole ordeal could've been over with in 2 minutes but the mods are stubborn and lloyd is stupid


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
What you could do is take a joke of a prompt and turn it around and make it serious through clever thinking and ingenuity. For example, the first two paragraphs of my submission on the prompt:

In one of the billions of trillions of universes, there exists a tale as old as the existence of a certain religion. When the souls leave their mortal chains, they drift down into the soil holding them up. They’ll go down and down and down, until they find themselves drifting into a chasm. Inside that chasm, the soul will find a river made of lost dreams, hope, and ideals. Floating upon the discarded waste of humanity, is a robed figure standing on a wooden boat that looks like it’ll crack if it so much as bumps into a pillow. That robed figure’s name is Charon, and out of all religious views, the people who came up with that man rowing a boat full of souls, were the ones who got as close as possible to the truth of the afterlife.

So what is the truth? Well, it all starts with me, the real Charon. But, Charon isn’t my real name. Then what is the name of an immortal, all powerful being such as I? Well, I actually don’t have a name. In fact, it was only recently that I acquired a name. Due to incidents of me killing people for the man above, so he can send them off somewhere else for his own amusement, I have been baptized a name that shares between all those events. They call me Truck-kun, the embodiment of death and rebirth.

This took me five minutes to come up with.
Yeah, but now instead of being just stupid it's boring and stupid.
eeh it's not that serious. this whole ordeal could've been over with in 2 minutes but the mods are stubborn and lloyd is stupid
Not stupid, ADVANCED


Writing Trash
Nov 8, 2021
That was idea ;-;
The idea to allow a veto once per round was dropped when we transitioned from the idea of using five random tags + genre to a prompt.

Then why didn't you do that?

See above, and even if we are inclined to take @AliceShiki 's advice for future rounds, your attitude throughout all of this has been entirely unacceptable.