[Vent] For Authors who just need a moment to let it all out


On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
Welcome to Corty's Office of Mental Health!

Did someone stupid barge in, comment something on your hard work, slapping your mojo around and back before dropping a fat dump and leaving? Come here and vent! I'm here to listen.

We all have THAT guy once in a while who knows it better, knows more about YOUR story, and can predict the future that you haven't even written yet. They are just too busy to start writing it for you.

Sometimes, we need a moment just to vent, complain, and let the stress flow out and feel better. In my office, you are free to do so IF you follow these simple rules:

  • No literal name-calling.
    • You can't drop the names of others, the commenters, reviewers, users, followers, voices in your head, or anybody you are here to vent about. This is meant to let you cry into the ether and have a place to air out your frustrations about things that happened to you and your story. If @NotCorty commented that "ur stori iz stoopid, poopiehead" this is not the place to drum up a crusade to take back the holy land of weebs. I'll report you and ask for the thread to be locked and deleted. (It is against the forum rules, dummy, I will 1v1 your ass)
  • No hating on others.
    • This is a continuation of the above-mentioned rule. I made this thread because I know how it feels when someone misunderstands your work and you can't even explain it for a multitude of reasons. It is bad to keep it in, so I'm here to listen to your woes. Hey, if you want, we can discuss the issue and see what's what. I'm game if you are.
  • Don't be THAT guy.
    • Please refrain from excessive cursing. Once again, the forum rules forbid it. You are an author; be creative. Think about it.
Besides these three, there should be no issues. You can also take it as a thread where, if you want, you can advertise yourself. Why not? Maybe you will get proper feedback on whether the criticism you received was valid and not a rouge basement dweller on a keyboard rampage.


This doesn't mean this is a feedback threat. Even if you leave your stuff here, there are no guarantees that anyone else or I would take a look at it.

I think that is it.

Oh, and this is for authors. Readers, you have your spaces, you are constantly venting anyway, calling stories and authors stoopid all the time. Now the turntables are scratched, and I'm DJing, waka-waka-waka!

Let me start:

My biggest woe is the type of readers who come in and start commenting on what the MC should do. Constantly. Telling that this is STOOPID, that he should have done this, or this, and kill that and that because he is STOOPID. Like... man, he is not you, it's not your self-insert, it's mine! In my eyes, your ideas are STOOPID, and I think that your thought process is equivalent to a primary school bully who got told his mom is the best pole dancer in Moe's XXX Bar at the exit of I-95.


Grind, Future, A Beautiful Star
Aug 8, 2023
To that one dude who keeps calling all the characters annoying and saying I should kill them off: I hope the next time you eat ramen, it does not come with seasoning packs.

P/S: It's not a serious vent. I don't even mind this guy, and my comment sections are quite peaceful most of the time.


Once a horny writer, now a happy writer
Feb 2, 2023
My work has gone out of progress when it comes to reader's view and statistics. I try not to care about them, but this little ego of me bothers me from it.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
"interactions between characters are terribly written and awkward"
You are awkward, [censured].🤬

"really weirdly written smut piece with little story to it. It is more like a 2-3 star novel"
I'm not interested in your opinion. Show me what you wrote instead, [censored].🤬

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
To the dumbasses that think my "fights are way too long", learn to have patience you fucking retard, I'm not going to start an epic battle just to end it right away in the same chapter. Seriously, some readers want instan gratification and whole arcs in a single chapter. They cant just FATHOM to wait for the next chapter for a conflict or fight to continue. MAYBE just MAYBE you shouldn't read ACTION novels of youre such a pissy baby for not wanting to see ACTION.


On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
I have posted chapters every weekday for the past month. It has now been 28 days without a comment. I wonder if my writing is secretly terrible. Or perhaps even worse, forgettably mediocre.
I'll need to binge another book, huh? :blobsip:
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When? :blob_hmm:
Seriously, some readers want instan gratification and whole arcs in a single chapter.
Too real.
He said that time travel should be linear and stuff. Well shit, somebody actually corrected me as if he has a theoretical chronophysics degree
Ask for a thesis for proof next time :blob_salute:


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
My work was killed in a crib by myself, so I have no haters.

But here is something I always find myself hating when comment reading.

"Urgh, what a stupid author, if I was him, I would #@&>*<"

- Dear reader, you are neither the author nor understand fully the machinations. Also, please go write a work out yourself.

Lost a work that I liked because of such comments so I hate them.

Don't like don't read.

This also applies to real life with backseat drivers/ nagivators.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
Not an "author vent" but years ago and I still remember it.

Constructive feedback with a director

Him: What is this? What is that line?
me: Ra-radiant sunlight?
Him: Why? It doesn't add anything. Just write the sun, you are wasting words. It's like you are writing a book, if you want to be an author, go write a fucking book.
*Gives me back the script*
Him: Write another draft and take out all the fat. Hell. Go write a book first, get it out of your system. THEN write it again, you are not an author, stop being an author.

*Me dying a little inside*

Him: I love the concept tho.

*Me still dying*


New member
Jun 8, 2024
من یک نویسنده تازه کار هستم
انگلیسی من شمردن از یک تا ده است
من چیزی در مورد این انجمن آنلاین نمی دانم، بنابراین از هرگونه کمک، انتقاد، فحاشی و منفی استقبال می شود.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2023
I will never stop being annoyed by people whose complaint in my giant smutty power fantasy with a system (my first ever story btw) is
1. The MC is starting out “weak” in that he’s *merely* a prodigy in the use of holy magic that gets big tired if he instantly obliterates someone. I’m sorry. I wanted him to have room to grow and have to actually rely on that harem he’s collecting.
B. That the MC focuses on engaging with his mission system instead of “focusing on getting stronger.” Like. What. Did you want constant back to back training montages instead of him going out and earning power ups by trying to punch above his weight? I’m sorry, that doesn’t sound like a fun story to write so idk why you think it would be thrilling to read. Not to mention that I’ve written my MC as something of an impatient little shit who wants magical get rich quick schemes.
iii. Calling the isekai protagonist who thinks with his dick sometimes an idiot for making small tactical errors that bite him in the ass. Like. Dude. There is nothing in his stated or implied backstory that implies that he has any military or espionage training.

Basically people who are upset that I wanted my MC to face literally any hardship and have any weaknesses. I wasn't power fantasying hard enough for them, apparently.