What did you accidentally teach your dog/cat/animal/pet?


The one with fluffy wings
May 20, 2023
I'm specifically referring to things you didn't INTEND to teach them. it should be cute and non-harmful.

I'll start. My dog, when she wants attention, will "pick up" your arm with her teeth, then use her paw to move it, then lay on it.
If that doesn't work, step two is laying directly on you. This wouldn't be an issue, except that she's a husky/pyranees mix, so she's a bit large.
step three is that she'll paw/claw on you where SHE wants you to pet. If she wants chest pets, you're getting a paw to the chest. if she wants her head scratched, or her back rubbed, you get a paw there.

She also does step three if you stop petting her before she's ready for you to stop.


Aggressive-Loving Snowflake
May 2, 2021
I'm a pretty busy person and have little time to eat between breaks when working from home. I guess my dog somehow caught onto my ferocious eating habits, as now she'll literally snatch food or treats out of people's hands when offered. She's usually slow and caring with me, but with others, they're hesitant because she's known to nibble or graze fingers.

It's not like she's a big dog either, only a small Shih Tzu. I find it kind of funny and sort of embarrassing when I explain it to friends, haha.


A bad apple...
Jul 21, 2023
My rescue dog is afraid of loud noises(thunder, gunshots, ect), which I can't really blame her as she has a bb lodged in her face from before I adopted her. I went and took a shower during one storm and she followed me into the room. Closed the door and turned on the vent and realized when I got out that it almost completely muffled the sounds from the storm. Since then if it thunders she tries to herd me into the bathroom.


Just another chick in the universe
Nov 1, 2023
My cat has learned that if she complains enough at my room's door I'll open for her to come in.


Active member
Feb 3, 2022
Once upon a time, we stored the cat's food in a lower cupboard with a door that swung out. Our cat found that he could stretch his paws up to the top, grab the door and walk backwards with his hind legs, opening the door. We moved the cat food to a high shelf so he couldn't break into the bags anymore. But he still knew the trick to opening the door and found that he could then slam the door shut again by dropping his weight against the door. So he learned that when he was hungry, he could start slamming the door until someone took care of him.
Ultimately, his weight on the door broke one of the hinges...


The one with fluffy wings
May 20, 2023
My cat has learned that if she complains enough at my room's door I'll open for her to come in.
I had a cat that did that. He'd howl until I opened it. I tried leaving the door cracked so he could push in or out, but he was a big cat (not fat. 20lbs of almost entirely muscle), and he REFUSED to budge the door. He'd howl until I opened it enough for him to go in and out without touching either the door or the frame. He'd also lay on my chest when I got home from work, as I worked night security at the time, and that was rather stressful.
Once upon a time, we stored the cat's food in a lower cupboard with a door that swung out. Our cat found that he could stretch his paws up to the top, grab the door and walk backwards with his hind legs, opening the door. We moved the cat food to a high shelf so he couldn't break into the bags anymore. But he still knew the trick to opening the door and found that he could then slam the door shut again by dropping his weight against the door. So he learned that when he was hungry, he could start slamming the door until someone took care of him.
Ultimately, his weight on the door broke one of the hinges...
We had a cat that was a hound for catnip. we tried hiding it in a drawer, top cupboard, tying it to a string from the middle of the kitchen. only place he didn't find it was in the freezer (after he "found" 12 different bags).


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2019
I'm pretty sure my GSD can tell time he has what's called EPI basically his pancreas doesn't work and he can't digest his food so I have to add enzymes to his food and let it rest/predigest for 20 minutes at every meal time

Anyway he can tell when those 20 minutes have passed and it's time to eat pretty dang accurately

Edit: Sorry for the half finished post
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Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
I accidentally taught my kid to climb on the kitchen counter to get chocolate. I recently moved the chocolate to a locked cabinet,


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
I'm specifically referring to things you didn't INTEND to teach them. it should be cute and non-harmful.

I'll start. My dog, when she wants attention, will "pick up" your arm with her teeth, then use her paw to move it, then lay on it.
If that doesn't work, step two is laying directly on you. This wouldn't be an issue, except that she's a husky/pyranees mix, so she's a bit large.
step three is that she'll paw/claw on you where SHE wants you to pet. If she wants chest pets, you're getting a paw to the chest. if she wants her head scratched, or her back rubbed, you get a paw there.

She also does step three if you stop petting her before she's ready for you to stop.
When I was in 3rd or 4th grade I managed to teach my dog how to climb up to the top bunk of my bed. I used to have both a room and a bunk bed to myself back then, and insisted on being in the top bunk. When my brothers and I shifted rooms around, she still managed to somehow get up there. I also like(d) to sleep/relax in cramped areas, such as in cupboards, under beds, in boxes, corners, etc. So she would join me, and eventually just hid there by herself.

On the other end, I remember being really sick and seeing her curled up sleeping next to, so I contorted myself to sleep like a dog somehow. It wasn’t comfortable, so I decided to sit crisscross applesauce, and lay forward. And that is how I slept for years, and also accelerated my back pain. I find myself sitting like that every-once in a while still, although I definitely can’t sleep like that anymore…

This was a piece I made to commemorate her when she passed.


I'm a Lazy Writer, So What?
Dec 23, 2018
I don't know if I can call it harmful but all the dogs we own sometimes learn how to be sneaky and ended up developing concealment which one time, a guy was at our home and one dog just walk towards him and simply barked once, that guy almost had a heartattack because he didn't even noticed our dog walking towards him. It kinda proved to be impressive and sometimes scary since we literally also scared shitless whenever I was doing stuff and my dog just latched unto my leg unexpectedly.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
I accidentally pavloved myself into associating ASMR with sexy time because I enjoy listening to it before bed but a previous missus similarly wanted attention at the same time. Took me a while to break the mental association.

I also taught my friend's dog, entirely by accident, how to get into the treats cabinet because I would pull on the towel they dangled around the handle rather than the handle itself.

I've similarly taught a friend's cat how to ring the door bell so now when she wants back in the house, she climbs onto the railing and spams the thing on them. They now have a ring set up so she's started meowing into it while also smashing the actually bell. It's hilarious.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
I have two dogs, and two cats. Somehow, me tying a string from some old gym shorts to my doorknob for my cats to play with (they really like tugging on them, I don't know why) somehow taught them to open doors. I've watched them actually stand up, and with both paws, twist the knob open and go inside rooms. I had to buy guards for the knobs so they couldn't just turn them and go inside rooms when they wanted.

My girlfriend finds it hilarious of course, but she doesn't have to clean up the messes they leave behind either....

Also, one of my dogs has learned that the best way to get my attention when I'm zoned out from coming home from work, (I'm a bouncer so I normally work nights and have the daytime off) is to bite my foot hard enough to zap me to attention.


Hound of hell, lover of girls
Mar 30, 2022
A certain canine will become feral whenever I utter facts, because she hates logic and refuses to engage in it.