What do you think about suicide?

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
It's a ligitimate way out, but unless you're in for the attention, make sure you do it right.
Also, try to do it in a way that inconveniences the least people, I'm tired of people jumping under trains and causing delays for hundreds or thousands of others.

I also want to ask for advice from depression survivors. But I held back.

The facade I built for years, my cheerful personality won't allow that. Infact, this truth is only known to me clearly. I am also bad with expressing feelings. When too restless, I will just asks in websites for advice. It had worked out several times.

I only talked with one random internet person diagnosed with depression, but apparently talking about it (or writing through chat as it were) anonymously with someone completely unrelated hepled. Not asking for advice, but actually talking about the issues.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2019
To me, suicide is the option to go to for when you have nothing but suffering left. And I'm not talking standard "normal" life suffering. I'm talking "every moment of existence is pain" levels of suffering.

Some call it cowardly. I say, you bought into the social engineering soup too much. The fact that a person overcomes their fear of death is very impressive to me. Even if it's driven by wanting to skip out on continued suffering till they die anyway. To me it's far more cowardly to force people to live just because one can't handle the reminder of one's own mortality.

My grandmother died of ALS. She was stuck in a paralyzed body that felt like it was on fire near the end. She begged to die until she couldn't speak anymore, then all she did was cry till she died. My mom has always said she's going to off herself if she gets a terminal illness before she's too handicapped to do it. I GET it, but for a different reason. Let's just say I'm in a category of people who have a 40% suicide rate.

I also understand most of the JP and CN suicides. Constant pressure to conform and no escape in site. Doesn't help that most people who go that route also can't escape poverty. Which means they can't just move countries. The feeling of being in prison and everyone else is a jailer while just wanting to live your own life is quite soul crushing.

To me, it's infinitely crueler to force someone who is suffering so much to live, than letting them off themselves. There is no getting better or hope of getting over it.

I'll never disparage a suicider. They know their life far better than me. Instead I rather be pissed at the cause of such actions. Be it illness, abuse, or just rich people wanting to have slaves by not paying them enough to escape poverty, and the paid off politicians who don't care.

At any rate that's my position. As realist as I can be. Cause my GD doesn't let me just live in sunshine and rainbow land. My exploration of various sciences and religions lead me to try and see the world for what it is instead of scapegoating. Suicide is the end result. It's easy to blame the dead. But the scientific theory and Buddhism forces me to try to see the cause of that result. As it would be a disservice to do otherwise. To learn the why and how, is how I keep myself from ending up at the same result myself or with others who can see what I'm saying. Even if I'm tricking myself to believe building good karma will allow me to escape a similar next life, there is no harm from helping others should it be bull.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
i think about killing myself at the pettiest subjects imaginable

parents arguing and discussing divorce: it's alright it's gonna be okay

thinking about the imminent future and how bleak it is: it's fine everything'll be fine

person I admired for years backstabbed me to kiss some guy's ass: you can make it through, ben

mom nags me about how I didn't make my bed this morning: man my neck feels itchy let me scratch it with this rope and this ceiling fan

if I do end up killing myself don't bother looking for a suicide note it's probably because I accidentally left an unwashed sock on the staircase and my mom wouldn't stop bitching about it


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Worked suicide prevention for years.

I was the best. Maybe they killed themselves after they hung up, but my success rate was amazing. I was the guy you put on the line as a second voice if you had a call and you thought you were going to lose them. Give me 15 seconds and I will hypnotize you. I will pull you back from the brink.

Then... I got a call.

Back then we didn't have caller ID. If you didn't tell me where you were, I couldn't send help. People used to call thinking we had caller ID or their address, but nope. You don't tell us, we don't know where to send the paramedics.

And I asked where she lived.

I should have asked, where she WAS, but she wasn't home. She was somewhere else. So she gave me the address where she lived and I sent the paramedics there. It wasn't until much later as she was dying I figured out my mistake and it was too late. The paramedics got the address from her home where she might be and I heard them on the phone as they broke in to get to her.

She had been dead for over ten minutes at that point.

There was a review. They said not my fault. A mistake anyone could have made. They said any time I wanted to get back on the phones, I was welcome. I said I needed some time off.

I never went back.

I have prevented suicide many times since, but in different capacities. I never could get back on the cold call line again. I've talked people down face to face many times since, but the phone... I can't do it. I can't do it over the phone anymore.


I did my job.

To be read in the advent of my death:

So I'm Dead.

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Not entirely certain how it happened. I like the idea I went down swinging my resignation letter locked in mortal contract negotiations, but I suspect it was something far more mundane.

Death is usually boring.

That's the problem with modern media today. We over dramatize death. We give it front row status. There is only so much bandwidth in the world that a person can absorb, and as of late, it has been consumed with death. Real death is usually a pointless accident. Or a senseless murder. Or someone's body finally just gave out and they stopped living.

No, I suspect that if you are listening to this, it's because of some senseless and pointless death. But only because all death is senseless, and I doubt that I was one of those rare individuals who figured out how to die with a point.

Albert Camus once said that the only true philosophical problem is the one of suicide. In the end, ultimately, everything we do is meaningless. So if it doesn't matter if you die now or die in a hundred years, why put it off? He was a victim of his time, in my opinion. He missed that original flaw in his logic. The belief that just because everything is temporary, it doesn't matter. To follow his logic, if nothing matters, then everything is of equal value. Therefore, every choice you make is the most important choice in the world, it just happens to be tied for first place.

Now, some would argue, that some choices are more important than others. The choices the president makes might me just a little more important than yours. If you agree with this, like I do, then you are stating that choices do have some value over others. If choices have value then life has value, and the world isn't meaningless.

The problem is accepting the concept of limited duration.

Camus called this The Absurd.

Life is absurd, if you look at it close enough. The universe is inherently a place of chaos. Life seeks to subvert that chaos and create order and patterns in the chaos. Because of this, we have a desire for understanding a world that is built on something that by the very definition of what it is, cannot be understood.

In this way, life is absurd. It's this absurdity that cause people to lose hope and give in and simply wish to die. We can endure almost any amount of pain if we believe there is a good enough reason. The universe has no permanent reason, fundamentally.

So you are left with two choices: Denial and Acceptance.

Denial comes in three flavors. The first is ignorance. You simply ignore the absurdity. Everything is fine. Don't think about it. Just keep your head down and move on.

The second is anger. You decide that you will rage against the absurdity and try to impose your order on it.

The third is bargaining. You try to make a deal with the absurdity. You create a narrative. You make sacrifices. You try to "work it out." And as soon as you work it out, everything will be fine.

In the end, these are all just denial. The Absurd is what the absurd IS. If we could change it, then we would change it and there's no point in getting angry or trying to make a deal. In case you are trying to understand what I'm saying, basically, it comes down to the five stages of grief.

Life is absurd. Death is absurd. Dealing with what we cannot change is part of life. We struggle against everything because that's the point. It's all temporary, but temporary things can have meaning. I like to think I had a meaning. Maybe I didn't. Doesn't matter. I know that I was, and so while on the grand scale of the universe, I was next to nothing, I was still MORE than nothing.

You are more than nothing.

Accept this and move on. Stop getting caught up in the absurd pursuit of determining the value of your life against other values that are also next to nothing. The only value you have to compare yourself with is what you are now, against what you used to be. Maybe if you do that you can plot a course into the future and try to be more than you are right now.

We are all temporary things living in a temporary thing that means something and may some day no longer mean what it did. My meaning is over. Your meaning continues. Maybe I meant nothing to you. However, you all meant something to me. Every person who hears my voice, every life I have touched, every drop of rain that landed on me instead of landing on the dry, parched earth.

I had an influence that extends out into the eons that I will never understand. Nor do I need to.

You don't need to know either.

You are. You live. You Exist. You have meaning. Do not waste your time on me. Move past the stages of depression and denial and move onto acceptance. There are things we cannot change and things that we can. Focus on what you control. Relax about what you cannot.

Enjoy this state of temporary meaning for as long as it lasts.

Then try and enjoy it, just a little bit more.
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Level 34 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
If you are religious/spiritual, suicide is the ultimate insult to the creator. Life is a gift, and to reject that gift is the worst possible thing you can do.


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2021
To me, suicide is the option to go to for when you have nothing but suffering left. And I'm not talking standard "normal" life suffering. I'm talking "every moment of existence is pain" levels of suffering.

Some call it cowardly. I say, you bought into the social engineering soup too much. The fact that a person overcomes their fear of death is very impressive to me. Even if it's driven by wanting to skip out on continued suffering till they die anyway. To me it's far more cowardly to force people to live just because one can't handle the reminder of one's own mortality.

My grandmother died of ALS. She was stuck in a paralyzed body that felt like it was on fire near the end. She begged to die until she couldn't speak anymore, then all she did was cry till she died. My mom has always said she's going to off herself if she gets a terminal illness before she's too handicapped to do it. I GET it, but for a different reason. Let's just say I'm in a category of people who have a 40% suicide rate.

I also understand most of the JP and CN suicides. Constant pressure to conform and no escape in site. Doesn't help that most people who go that route also can't escape poverty. Which means they can't just move countries. The feeling of being in prison and everyone else is a jailer while just wanting to live your own life is quite soul crushing.

To me, it's infinitely crueler to force someone who is suffering so much to live, than letting them off themselves. There is no getting better or hope of getting over it.

I'll never disparage a suicider. They know their life far better than me. Instead I rather be pissed at the cause of such actions. Be it illness, abuse, or just rich people wanting to have slaves by not paying them enough to escape poverty, and the paid off politicians who don't care.

At any rate that's my position. As realist as I can be. Cause my GD doesn't let me just live in sunshine and rainbow land. My exploration of various sciences and religions lead me to try and see the world for what it is instead of scapegoating. Suicide is the end result. It's easy to blame the dead. But the scientific theory and Buddhism forces me to try to see the cause of that result. As it would be a disservice to do otherwise. To learn the why and how, is how I keep myself from ending up at the same result myself or with others who can see what I'm saying. Even if I'm tricking myself to believe building good karma will allow me to escape a similar next life, there is no harm from helping others should it be bull.
Thank you so much brother. Reading your words, I felt like crying. My heart feels fluttery. Thank you so much. That's literally a small part of me!
Worked suicide prevention for years.

I was the best. Maybe they killed themselves after they hung up, but my success rate was amazing. I was the guy you put on the line as a second voice if you had a call and you thought you were going to lose them. Give me 15 seconds and I will hypnotize you. I will pull you back from the brink.

Then... I got a call.

Back then we didn't have caller ID. If you didn't tell me where you were, I couldn't send help. People used to call thinking we had caller ID or their address, but nope. You don't tell us, we don't know where to send the paramedics.

And I asked where she lived.

I should have asked, where she WAS, but she wasn't home. She was somewhere else. So she gave me the address where she lived and I sent the paramedics there. It wasn't until much later as she was dying I figured out my mistake and it was too late. The paramedics got the address from her home where she might be and I heard them on the phone as they broke in to get to her.

She had been dead for over ten minutes at that point.

There was a review. They said not my fault. A mistake anyone could have made. They said any time I wanted to get back on the phones, I was welcome. I said I needed some time off.

I never went back.

I have prevented suicide many times since, but in different capacities. I never could get back on the cold call line again. I've talked people down face to face many times since, but the phone... I can't do it. I can't do it over the phone anymore.


I did my job.

To be read in the advent of my death:

So I'm Dead.

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Not entirely certain how it happened. I like the idea I went down swinging my resignation letter locked in mortal contract negotiations, but I suspect it was something far more mundane.

Death is usually boring.

That's the problem with modern media today. We over dramatize death. We give it front row status. There is only so much bandwidth in the world that a person can absorb, and as of late, it has been consumed with death. Real death is usually a pointless accident. Or a senseless murder. Or someone's body finally just gave out and they stopped living.

No, I suspect that if you are listening to this, it's because of some senseless and pointless death. But only because all death is senseless, and I doubt that I was one of those rare individuals who figured out how to die with a point.

Albert Camus once said that the only true philosophical problem is the one of suicide. In the end, ultimately, everything we do is meaningless. So if it doesn't matter if you die now or die in a hundred years, why put it off? He was a victim of his time, in my opinion. He missed that original flaw in his logic. The belief that just because everything is temporary, it doesn't matter. To follow his logic, if nothing matters, then everything is of equal value. Therefore, every choice you make is the most important choice in the world, it just happens to be tied for first place.

Now, some would argue, that some choices are more important than others. The choices the president makes might me just a little more important than yours. If you agree with this, like I do, then you are stating that choices do have some value over others. If choices have value then life has value, and the world isn't meaningless.

The problem is accepting the concept of limited duration.

Camus called this The Absurd.

Life is absurd, if you look at it close enough. The universe is inherently a place of chaos. Life seeks to subvert that chaos and create order and patterns in the chaos. Because of this, we have a desire for understanding a world that is built on something that by the very definition of what it is, cannot be understood.

In this way, life is absurd. It's this absurdity that cause people to lose hope and give in and simply wish to die. We can endure almost any amount of pain if we believe there is a good enough reason. The universe has no permanent reason, fundamentally.

So you are left with two choices: Denial and Acceptance.

Denial comes in three flavors. The first is ignorance. You simply ignore the absurdity. Everything is fine. Don't think about it. Just keep your head down and move on.

The second is anger. You decide that you will rage against the absurdity and try to impose your order on it.

The third is bargaining. You try to make a deal with the absurdity. You create a narrative. You make sacrifices. You try to "work it out." And as soon as you work it out, everything will be fine.

In the end, these are all just denial. The Absurd is what the absurd IS. If we could change it, then we would change it and there's no point in getting angry or trying to make a deal. In case you are trying to understand what I'm saying, basically, it comes down to the five stages of grief.

Life is absurd. Death is absurd. Dealing with what we cannot change is part of life. We struggle against everything because that's the point. It's all temporary, but temporary things can have meaning. I like to think I had a meaning. Maybe I didn't. Doesn't matter. I know that I was, and so while on the grand scale of the universe, I was next to nothing, I was still MORE than nothing.

You are more than nothing.

Accept this and move on. Stop getting caught up in the absurd pursuit of determining the value of your life against other values that are also next to nothing. The only value you have to compare yourself with is what you are now, against what you used to be. Maybe if you do that you can plot a course into the future and try to be more than you are right now.

We are all temporary things living in a temporary thing that means something and may some day no longer mean what it did. My meaning is over. Your meaning continues. Maybe I meant nothing to you. However, you all meant something to me. Every person who hears my voice, every life I have touched, every drop of rain that landed on me instead of landing on the dry, parched earth.

I had an influence that extends out into the eons that I will never understand. Nor do I need to.

You don't need to know either.

You are. You live. You Exist. You have meaning. Do not waste your time on me. Move past the stages of depression and denial and move onto acceptance. There are things we cannot change and things that we can. Focus on what you control. Relax about what you cannot.

Enjoy this state of temporary meaning for as long as it lasts.

Then try and enjoy it, just a little bit more.
Thank you so much. These words meant more than my life to me. Thank you.
It's a ligitimate way out, but unless you're in for the attention, make sure you do it right.
Also, try to do it in a way that inconveniences the least people, I'm tired of people jumping under trains and causing delays for hundreds or thousands of others.
Ey, I don't have any plans to make it difficult for other people.
If you are religious/spiritual, suicide is the ultimate insult to the creator. Life is a gift, and to reject that gift is the worst possible thing you can do.
I am not an ardent believer like the people around me. But I am trying to believe harder. Maybe faith can do the miracle. The thing is I cannot do it. I force myself to, but sometimes my mind go out of control, all seems to be in vain
I know it's not a place to ask, but I couldn't help it. Like the title, I want to know your thoughts and beliefs on suicide.

Please don't say I am seeking attention (I am SICK of it) , I damn don't want that.

The more scary it is, the better.

Thank you
Okay, thank you everyone. I have pulled it through. No need for more post. I express my gratitude to everyone who posted here. You guys aided me, otherwise I don't know how much more time I will have to suffer. Thank you very much. I am really grateful.
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Jun 27, 2021
My view on suicide is that it arises from people being in environments they aren't meant to be in. Humans aren't meant to live in stacked concrete boxes staring at glowing screens all day, and expect to not suffer some ill consequence.

The industrial revolution and its consequences.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2019
It sucks.

Just think about this, everyone who has done it never did it again.


Da Scalie Whisperer
Dec 23, 2020
As someone who has dealt with 4 so far in life, the people who go ahead and do so and not just try, are assholes. It's not like they loose the ability to think. Yet, they decide to think that it doesn't inconvenience everyone around them after they are gone.

The first one wasn't rather close to me. Still a cousin that I constantly interacted with but nothing else. Their family had to move because of the funeral costs. Second was a schoolmate that we did try to talk to but if they don't put in any effort to acknowledge that we were here for them. The others is when I developed this current annoyance with them. Having to fish them out of a cliff? Few thousand in emergency personnel for that one. Scraping their face off their car, ruining an apartment and killing a teen that was sleeping in their room? I was more angry at them than anything. They could have gone to the middle of nowhere and not made it everyone else's problem.

It's like they tell the world to go fuck themselves and become the most selfish fucks in existence.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2019
As far as I can tell, based on my admittedly limited knowledge of physics, biology, etc... Every single "actual" component of which my body is currently composed, existed before I was born, and every single one of them will continue to exist after I am dead as well... barring some fairly unlikely scenarios anyway... like encountering black holes, antimatter, etc... in which case all bets are off...

And I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe that the "I"... The thing that is experiencing, what I am experiencing right now, is an exception to the rule, and that "I" somehow inexplicably blinked into existed after the conception of my body, and will similarly, equally inexplicably blink out of existence upon death...

And also... While there will certainly be no coherent and structured "show" without a brain to generate it... No memory, no thinking, etc... I see absolutely no reason to believe that what is actually causing the experience at a fundamental level, is some special magic phenomenon that only happens inside of the skulls of living beings...

Basic raw feelings like pain and pleasure might be caused by simple, non living systems... and it might be possible that after death, "I" will end up a component of some system that just so happens, generates the exact same experience causing phenomena which in a living human brain is generated if one were to plunge their hand into a pot of boiling water...

That would be unfortunate... There would be absolutely nothing to do about it... And if the system or structure weren't a living structure... It might not be fleeting thing... Nasty for a moment and then over... The situation could go on and on and on for billions of years or more... Just pure agony forever... Without a living brain, there is certainly no steering mechanism of any kind to get away from such nastiness...

In general...

I don't see Death in positive enough light that suicide would seem like a reliable escape hatch from miseries of life...
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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2019
Sorry but this isn't the place to discuss these type of topics.

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