What got you into reading? How did your tastes change over time?


Da Scalie Whisperer
Dec 23, 2020
Animorphs for its warcrimes and character developments. Taste hasn't changed.


Active member
Oct 13, 2023
My parents read to me every night before bed.
My aunt was a school librarian, and she gave me a lot of books. Now she's retired and giving my son books.
During summers in elementary school, my dad took me on bicycle rides to the local library a lot.
I started hanging out in my middle school library every day after school.
My middle school library had a book exchange at the end of every year, and that's how I got stocked up on fresh things to read over the summer.

Animorphs was my favorite in elementary school.
I discovered Ray Bradbury in middle school.
My boyfriends introduced me to Asimov and Heinlein.
I also read a lot of fanfiction on Fanfiction.net.
I love that you're pretty much surrounded by people who love books :blob_evil_two:
My mother would read to me before I went to sleep. They were seasonal tales, religious ones, parabolas, whichever she had at hand. When she did not, she would leave recordings for me to listen.
By the time I learned to read, I would read everything I could get my hands on: children's book, encyclopedias, scientific experiment books, medicine journals, informatic journals, etc
I've known 'stories' ever since I was a toddler, so it is a bit hard to tell you which one got me into it. I was just raised with an extreme exposure to written media, traditional ones, and it naturally came to me to enjoy it.
Edit: I always forget something these days. About scribblehub. I've known it for years, I never bothered to join. I've joined it not for reading, but for my writing though.
Found out about scribblehub when it was launched.
Your mom sounds like a sweet lady!
In middle school it was mostly to get away from other people. I would just sit in the library reading during free periods. At first it was just to get away like I said, but eventually I fell in love with reading.

I stopped reading after highschool, and I remember watching an anime. That anime made me want to pick up reading again.
I also hung out a lot in the library in middle school (and high school) :blob_happy:
When everyone hates the sheer sight of your face, sometimes all you wanna do is bury it under something really sturdy. Eventually the words on the object may or may not pique your interest.
Damn :blob_teary:
Believe it or not, it started with Sword Art Online for me. atleast when it comes to web novels. Back when the first season finished, I wanted to know what happened next so, I ended up reading the translated web novel.

As for reading Manga, it was actually all the Naruto filler episodes.

Yeah I'm older than most of you, what of it? lol
that's fair. I remember reading SAO too after watching the anime :blob_happy:
I actually struggled a lot just learning HOW to read
it wasn't until was like 9 that it all began to click in my head and the thing that really did it was video games and having subtitles on everything
All hail subtitles :blob_sir:
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【Human Savant of True Almighty God】
Aug 31, 2020
Question: What I got from reading?


How did your tastes change over time?​

I was a normal and decent guy who loved to explore more about the world-building. But every single time that I read a Japanese, Chinese, and Korean series, I started to get corrupted enlightened to add yanderes, lolis, and milfs.

I know it is a taboo concepts, but humans love the forbidden things. It tastes like beef and chicken. :blob_cookie:


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2019
I started to get corrupted enlightened to add yanderes, lolis, and milfs.

I know it is a taboo concepts, but humans love the forbidden things. It tastes like beef and chicken. :blob_cookie:
humans taste like pork regardless if they are lolis yanderes and milfs


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
The thing that got me into reading was not being able to read. I have dyslexia so I was unable to read in kindergarten, even with a year of pre-k. I got tutoring and eventually learned to read but I’m pretty sure that lead to me liking reading so much. It was a challenge to overcome, then I got hooked and kept going.

My tastes have been fairly monotone I’d say. Although, until a year or so ago I would have said no to webnovels. Funny I’m writing one now. Anyways, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear got me into web novels. I dunno how it spiraled from there, but now I’ve read at least 100 webnovels. I think? Although they are at various levels of completion. (Also I have a problem with completing things. I’ll start to read a novel, then go to another after 50 chapters, then go back. Very few I read hundreds of chapters in a row (*cough* Kuma Bear) and this leads to me having 110 tabs in safari on my phone.)


Feb 5, 2019
Was it your favorite anime or manga that got you into stories? Was it a tv-show? A novel? Fanfiction? How did you find yourself in scribblehub looking for more stories to read? I'm curious :blob_sir:
r/MartialMemes - Cartoon network Pokemon Anime Manga Manhua/ Manhwa Light novels Webnovel Pirated Novel sites MTL novels Google translate Learning Chinese just to read Novels made with mematic


Active member
Aug 29, 2023
My dad would read old comics to me before bed, like Asterix or Tintin. He was really good at doing voices.
The first novels I remember really getting into were His Dark Material trilogy. I was probably about 10 at the time and didn't fully understand what the hell was going on, but I thought they were super cool. Then I started reading the Redwall series, and then all my friends began getting into manga, so it was all Bleach and Naruto and whatnot for a bit.
After that, my tastes kind of just exploded out into all directions. My various English tutors and teachers all had their favourite authors, so I got influenced by them, and my interest in learning other languages got me reading non-English media. I still love languages so I've got quite a few light novels and manga/manhua/manhwa that haven't been translated into English.
My tastes haven't changed hugely. Always been a sucker for fantasy.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2021
Sorry, but I really can not remember what got me into reading stories. But at least I remember how I found myself on scribblehub. I was reading a story known as DREADWOLF on literotica.com. After catching up to the story on literotica.com, I began to browse for the story to see if there were more chapters for it online. Shortly after I set about searching for the story, I happened to click on the story's link that led to the site sometime (all this happened sometime during the early years of 2021). And after catching up to the story, I browsed the site for more stories and read even more books by other authors.