Why are smut writers getting so much hate?


Friendly Saurian Neighbor
Dec 9, 2020
I don't get the correlation you're making at all. You don't need to be comfortable with writing sexual content in order to write a good story or believable characters. The two things have no connection at all.

If you're not writing sexual content, then you don't need to be comfortable with writing it. It's as simple as that. You're trying to create a wild correlation that is coming out of nowhere where you need to be comfortable with writing about sex to write non-sexual scenes... It makes no sense, and I have no idea what's going on in your head.
I do think there is merit to what @Jemini just said. I think is not about the sexual content itself but about the thoughts and desires of a character. We are used to the "stock Japanese light-novel protagonist" that is a virgin and is very respectful to women but people in the West are completely different. But that's not the point.

The point is that in order to make more believable characters writers should also explore the thoughts and desires of a character. Even if the writing itself doesn't include any sexual content, the mere fact that a character checks out another character's body says a lot about him/her. The way they dress, the way they walk, and the way they talk, all of it sends a message to the people around them, and the characters reacting to it adds depth to a work. For example, a character speaking with double-entendres all the time to mess with another character, and said character reacting to it "Shut up! We have more important things to worry about". It doesn't have to be "every character having sex but their "relationship" with it.

Another example, the typical cute innocent girl with a magnificent body dressed in skimpy clothes can only happen in Japan, or in places where people are extremely respectful. Here in the West, that same girl WILL be bombarded by sexual attention of all kinds, forcing her to develop an assertive personality to reject those advanced she doesn't like, dress more conservatively to discourage unwanted advances or accept her own sexuality and dress even more skimpy to get even more attention. I know it's awful but it happens, and showing it in a work of fiction only adds realism.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
I don't get the correlation you're making at all. You don't need to be comfortable with writing sexual content in order to write a good story or believable characters. The two things have no connection at all.

If you're not writing sexual content, then you don't need to be comfortable with writing it. It's as simple as that. You're trying to create a wild correlation that is coming out of nowhere where you need to be comfortable with writing about sex to write non-sexual scenes... It makes no sense, and I have no idea what's going on in your head.

Being comfortable with it means you become familiar with the way sex motivates a person's thinking and actions.

Again, humans have lived through thousands of generations for only one reason. That one reason is because sex. There is no arguing with this.

Therefore, we are evolutionarally primed to have sex at the core of literally everything we do. Why do we work? To get the resources we need to live long enough to eventually have sex.

Why do we behave civilly to each other? So we don't come off as threatening to other people, therefore ostricizing us from society and denying us of potential mates.

With the possible exception of playing video games, which even that can be argued is a malfunctioning of an earlier motivation in human development that was sex related, literally everything you can possibly conceive of can be related back to it's motivation in sex.

In order to understand this relationship with human behavior, you first have to be comfortable with the idea of sex. After you become comfortable with the idea of sex, you then need to recognize that most of these relationships are very indirect and not consciously in the thoughts of the person being motivated by it. But, even if you are not conscious of that, this motivation is still there.

In order to grasp at this very subtle motivation ingrained in us by evolution, you need to first become comfortable with it. Becoming comfortable with sex as a concept will allow you to seed that very slight "something" into all of your characters that will make them just that little bit more believable.

You will typically see this in the form of a truly great writer's earliest works being very smutty, and then becoming less and less smutty as they improve. This is the typical evolution of the skills of a person training in this methodology of character writing. You do start off putting in too much smut, but as you taper off you get closer and closer to perfecting that balance. By that time, your characterization will be far better than anyone who's never dabbled in writing sexual content.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Define "smut".
Is it a married couple making love?
Is it a 9 yo boy getting spit roasted by two black teachers who are grooming kids because "all white bois are secretly fags for black cock"?

I need more details because one is okay, and the other is a bit... squick.

I don't get the correlation you're making at all. You don't need to be comfortable with writing sexual content in order to write a good story or believable characters. The two things have no connection at all.

As a writer the wider your experience, the more real your writing. On the other hand, desensitization can lead to making it harder to understand things from your audiences point of view. Sex is a part of life and being uncomfortable will limit your range.

Then again, I have no desire to be comfortable with writing interracial pedo porn. I guess I am just limited in this regard.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
I do think there is merit to what @Jemini just said. I think is not about the sexual content itself but about the thoughts and desires of a character. We are used to the "stock Japanese light-novel protagonist" that is a virgin and is very respectful to women but people in the West are completely different. But that's not the point.

The point is that in order to make more believable characters writers should also explore the thoughts and desires of a character. Even if the writing itself doesn't include any sexual content, the mere fact that a character checks out another character's body says a lot about him/her. The way they dress, the way they walk, and the way they talk, all of it sends a message to the people around them, and the characters reacting to it adds depth to a work. For example, a character speaking with double-entendres all the time to mess with another character, and said character reacting to it "Shut up! We have more important things to worry about". It doesn't have to be "every character having sex but their "relationship" with it.

Another example, the typical cute innocent girl with a magnificent body dressed in skimpy clothes can only happen in Japan, or in places where people are extremely respectful. Here in the West, that same girl WILL be bombarded by sexual attention of all kinds, forcing her to develop an assertive personality to reject those advanced she doesn't like, dress more conservatively to discourage unwanted advances or accept her own sexuality and dress even more skimpy to get even more attention. I know it's awful but it happens, and showing it in a work of fiction only adds realism.
Why does my character have to care about other character's way of dressing or specific details of their body? Or specific mannerisms like how they walk? At most I'd highlight that if a character had a physical disability and couldn't walk properly, otherwise this wouldn't even be mentioned.

Why do I need to have a character use skimpy clothing in the first place? I don't need those things in my story... Moreover, I forget physical depictions and clothes depictions in 30s or less when I'm a reader, so why would I bother with trying to give importance to those things as a writer? Seems pointless.

And like... I don't need to use double-entederes either, like... Why would I? Who even uses those in day-to-day life?

The realism you're asking for requires depicting things that many people don't care about while living their daily lives, so like... Why would I give a spotlight to those things when writing? It's unnecessary... Sure, one can do it if one wants to, but it's only if they want their novel to touch those topics, which is something you absolutely doesn't need to.
Being comfortable with it means you become familiar with the way sex motivates a person's thinking and actions.

Again, humans have lived through thousands of generations for only one reason. That one reason is because sex. There is no arguing with this.

Therefore, we are evolutionarally primed to have sex at the core of literally everything we do. Why do we work? To get the resources we need to live long enough to eventually have sex.

Why do we behave civilly to each other? So we don't come off as threatening to other people, therefore ostricizing us from society and denying us of potential mates.

With the possible exception of playing video games, which even that can be argued is a malfunctioning of an earlier motivation in human development that was sex related, literally everything you can possibly conceive of can be related back to it's motivation in sex.

In order to understand this relationship with human behavior, you first have to be comfortable with the idea of sex. After you become comfortable with the idea of sex, you then need to recognize that most of these relationships are very indirect and not consciously in the thoughts of the person being motivated by it. But, even if you are not conscious of that, this motivation is still there.

In order to grasp at this very subtle motivation ingrained in us by evolution, you need to first become comfortable with it. Becoming comfortable with sex as a concept will allow you to seed that very slight "something" into all of your characters that will make them just that little bit more believable.

You will typically see this in the form of a truly great writer's earliest works being very smutty, and then becoming less and less smutty as they improve. This is the typical evolution of the skills of a person training in this methodology of character writing. You do start off putting in too much smut, but as you taper off you get closer and closer to perfecting that balance. By that time, your characterization will be far better than anyone who's never dabbled in writing sexual content.
The problem with your argument is that you're putting sex on a gigantic pedestal for no reason other than "evolutionary subconscious bias", which is like... Hardly relevant once you stop being a teenager and your hormones settle down.

You don't work to get the resources to eventually have sex. You work to pay bills, to get independence, to buy the things you want, to have comfort in life... There are far more pressing worries in life than sex, especially because plenty of people are fine living their lives single, not to mention the countless sexless marriages out there.

This argument just... Doesn't hold. I can use this same kind of crazy logical leap to justify that everything we do is done in order to drink water, because we can only exist to this day because our ancestors drank water... That's just not how it works. Otherwise you'd need to write a story focused on drinking water in order to become a good writer.

Being confortable with the topic of sex does not make you a better writer. It just makes you capable of writing about sex... Which is a fine skill to have, but by no means a necessity to write well.
As a writer the wider your experience, the more real your writing. On the other hand, desensitization can lead to making it harder to understand things from your audiences point of view. Sex is a part of life and being uncomfortable will limit your range.
Yeah, but like... If one doesn't write about sex, then their sex depiction doesn't need to be realistic.

Being uncomfortable with it just limits your range in getting closer to sex-related topics in your story... Which is fine. You don't need to talk about those topics to be a good writer.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
Why does my character have to care about other character's way of dressing or specific details of their body? Or specific mannerisms like how they walk? At most I'd highlight that if a character had a physical disability and couldn't walk properly, otherwise this wouldn't even be mentioned.

Why do I need to have a character use skimpy clothing in the first place? I don't need those things in my story... Moreover, I forget physical depictions and clothes depictions in 30s or less when I'm a reader, so why would I bother with trying to give importance to those things as a writer? Seems pointless.

And like... I don't need to use double-entederes either, like... Why would I? Who even uses those in day-to-day life?

The realism you're asking for requires depicting things that many people don't care about while living their daily lives, so like... Why would I give a spotlight to those things when writing? It's unnecessary... Sure, one can do it if one wants to, but it's only if they want their novel to touch those topics, which is something you absolutely doesn't need to.

The problem with your argument is that you're putting sex on a gigantic pedestal for no reason other than "evolutionary subconscious bias", which is like... Hardly relevant once you stop being a teenager and your hormones settle down.

You don't work to get the resources to eventually have sex. You work to pay bills, to get independence, to buy the things you want, to have comfort in life... There are far more pressing worries in life than sex, especially because plenty of people are fine living their lives single, not to mention the countless sexless marriages out there.

This argument just... Doesn't hold. I can use this same kind of crazy logical leap to justify that everything we do is done in order to drink water, because we can only exist to this day because our ancestors drank water... That's just not how it works. Otherwise you'd need to write a story focused on drinking water in order to become a good writer.

This is not some horny teenage way of looking at the world. This is a serious concept that university level professors will tell you exactly as I have told it. Anyone in the field of evolutionary biology will tell you exactly the same things I'm telling you.

And, once again, you are removing a step. You don't work so you can have sex. You work so you can pay bills. You pay bills so you can have shelter. You seek shelter so you can keep yourself alive long enough to have sex, and then in turn keep your children alive.

Yes, it sounds ridiculous if you remove those intermediary steps. But, if you omit sex from the equation, then your evolutionary line ends. Literally everything does actually relate back to sex.

This is not an argument from the perspective of horniness. This is an argument from the perspective of evolution.

(BTW: Your logic on the everything is to drink water counter-example is flawed, because drinking water is part of keeping yourself alive. And, once again, anything and everything that's done in order to keep yourself alive is based on living long enough to later have sex. Humans, as a K-type species, also live long enough to in-turn raise their children and then grandchildren afterward, which is why we live as long as we do.)

If you are not looking at things from the perspective of evolution, then you are looking at things through a very flawed lens that does not reflect reality. Evolution is a hard science that literally governs everything in our culture and society. There is no arguing your way out of this point, unless you want to go the full creationist route. (If you do, as someone who was raised Catholic and has whole-heartedly accepted and embraced the scientific theory of evolution, I already have every possible counter-argument if you actually do decide to go down that mistaken dead-end route.)


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
All I can say is... don't offend people online... and own up to it if you do. The true friends you have won't care if you write smut, everyone else does because of first impressions.

Writing something depraved has little to do with the person themselves, it's not like smut writers are robbing banks, harming children, or the like. If you like writing it then keep on doing it, if you get bored then stop.

As for the hate for smut... think about all the different categories there are for fetishes. As much as I write I won't understand some of the more popular ones like the foot fetish or BDSM.

It's almost like a very varied sexual preference. If you just write "normal" sex in a romance then most people won't even consider that smut. Hell... the people who "hate smut" still watch the sex scenes on netflix which are often just as or even more graphic.

World is full of hypocrites, myself included.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
And, once again, you are removing a step. You don't work so you can have sex. You work so you can pay bills. You pay bills so you can have shelter. You seek shelter so you can keep yourself alive long enough to have sex, and then in turn keep your children alive.
Except you can totally and very easily remove the sex portion of this from people's lives? Like... From people that are fine living the rest of their lives single, from asexual people, from widows that don't want to re-marry...

Not to mention that the "sex -> keeping children alive" leap has no logic. It's part of a completely separate logical sequence of "seek shelter -> keep yourself alive -> grab resources to keep your children alive", which yes, has similar steps, but has no correlation with sex at all, except for the fact that you "need" sex if you wish to have biological children... Unless you live in modern day era and can use artificial insemination... Or if you just don't want biological children and are fine with adoption, for that matter.
Yes, it sounds ridiculous if you remove those intermediary steps. But, if you omit sex from the equation, then your evolutionary line ends. Literally everything does actually relate back to sex.
Except many people don't care? You don't need to think about evolutionary line to live your life.

Sure, you can argue on subconscious bias or whatever because of evolution, but... Not everyone needs children to be happy, and not everyone who wants children needs biological children, and not everyone needs sex regardless of them wanting children or not.

Like, hello? Homosexuality has been a strong part of humanity for as long as humanity has been a thing, and homosexual couples being able to have children is something very very recent... If the only reason people "need" sex is for the progress of humanity like you said, then the argument is flawed by default because homosexual couples have been fine with not progressing humanity since forever.

And again, asexual people exist, and sexless marriages exist too. People's lives don't revolve around sex, geez.
(BTW: Your logic on the everything is to drink water counter-example is flawed, because drinking water is part of keeping yourself alive. And, once again, anything and everything that's done in order to keep yourself alive is based on living long enough to later have sex. Humans, as a K-type species, also live long enough to in-turn raise their children and then grandchildren afterward, which is why we live as long as we do.)
Okay, let's go with this line of thought.

Theory: Everything we do is related to sex.

What do we need to have sex? Stay alive.

Therefore, everything we do is related to staying alive.

With this in mind, the only way to become a good writer, is by writing survival-focused stories where the MC is thrown into an island or whatever and needs to struggle to stay alive, as that is the core of humanity and all our lives revolve around that. As we can't have sex if we're dead, so we need to write about the struggles of survival if we want to become good enough writers to become capable of writing about sex, so that we can write about life.

... Yeah, that's stupid. It's absolutely stupid, but it's using the same line of thought you are using.
If you are not looking at things from the perspective of evolution, then you are looking at things through a very flawed lens that does not reflect reality. Evolution is a hard science that literally governs everything in our culture and society. There is no arguing your way out of this point, unless you want to go the full creationist route.
Evolution is a small part of what makes people human. Culture and Society has a much bigger weight on everything we do than evolution does. And no, they are not governed by evolution.

Like, Evolution is not what decided that "Boys wear blue and girls wear pink", that was society.
Evolution also didn't decide that "homosexuality is a sin", that was also society.

And like... Don't we have body-hair because of evolution? Guess what I do with body hair? I use wax to take it off, because it's disgusting to look at it... And like, I certainly don't think it's disgusting to see body-hair at my leg because of evolution, I think that prooooobably because of societal norms ingrained that in my head as I grew up... Or maybe because that's just my personal taste and I hate it, so I take it off, who knows? It doesn't matter, the important part is that it's not because of evolution, as evolution considers body-hair an useful feature for self-protection.

This argument makes no sense at all. Evolution affects us to some extent on a subconscious level, but that's hardly relevant when compared to what we care about on a conscious level... And even then, the core argument of life revolving around sex for the sake of reproduction kinda falls apart on its own because for as long as humans have been a thing, there have been plenty of people who were fine with not reproducing, and people who were fine not having sex.

Seriously, I dunno how you even think that, but I can assure you that you don't need to write about sex to be a good writer for non-sexual stories. You simply don't need it. You don't need to be comfortable depicting this kind of thing to create good stories with interesting and engaging character interactions in them. That's just not how those things work.


Friendly Saurian Neighbor
Dec 9, 2020
Why does my character have to care about other character's way of dressing or specific details of their body? Or specific mannerisms like how they walk? At most I'd highlight that if a character had a physical disability and couldn't walk properly, otherwise this wouldn't even be mentioned.

Why do I need to have a character use skimpy clothing in the first place? I don't need those things in my story... Moreover, I forget physical depictions and clothes depictions in 30s or less when I'm a reader, so why would I bother with trying to give importance to those things as a writer? Seems pointless.

And like... I don't need to use double-entederes either, like... Why would I? Who even uses those in day-to-day life?

The realism you're asking for requires depicting things that many people don't care about while living their daily lives, so like... Why would I give a spotlight to those things when writing? It's unnecessary... Sure, one can do it if one wants to, but it's only if they want their novel to touch those topics, which is something you absolutely doesn't need to.

The problem with your argument is that you're putting sex on a gigantic pedestal for no reason other than "evolutionary subconscious bias", which is like... Hardly relevant once you stop being a teenager and your hormones settle down.

You don't work to get the resources to eventually have sex. You work to pay bills, to get independence, to buy the things you want, to have comfort in life... There are far more pressing worries in life than sex, especially because plenty of people are fine living their lives single, not to mention the countless sexless marriages out there.

This argument just... Doesn't hold. I can use this same kind of crazy logical leap to justify that everything we do is done in order to drink water, because we can only exist to this day because our ancestors drank water... That's just not how it works. Otherwise you'd need to write a story focused on drinking water in order to become a good writer.

Being confortable with the topic of sex does not make you a better writer. It just makes you capable of writing about sex... Which is a fine skill to have, but by no means a necessity to write well.

Yeah, but like... If one doesn't write about sex, then their sex depiction doesn't need to be realistic.

Being uncomfortable with it just limits your range in getting closer to sex-related topics in your story... Which is fine. You don't need to talk about those topics to be a good writer.
You don't have to include those descriptions if you don't want to. I'm just saying it adds depth. Some writers do add those descriptions, and you can tell people's personalities from the way they walk. Some people do check out others and do talk with double-entendres all the time. It doesn't have to be your MC, it can be a secondary character, a villain, or just a random background character.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
Evolution is a small part of what makes people human. Culture and Society has a much bigger weight on everything we do than evolution does. And no, they are not governed by evolution.
Ok. The very moment you said this, you automatically lost the argument. Evolution is literally 100% of everything that makes a person a person, it permeates every last aspect of who we are and what we do, and a lack of the ability to see that means all arguments that are based on this foundation automatically fall flat.

You just stated a scientifically inaccurate fact here. Therefore, the mere act of pointing out this flaw is really all I need to say against that last set of points.

The only conclusion we can reach at this point is that you simply do not understand evolution and need to become more educated on the subject.


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
Anyway now that they’re done, back to smut writing discussion on why people give hate to us, and I was thinking about this a bit.

I keep an anonymous name for publishing smut on scribblehub and I now understand why. It’s because smut is a controversial subject.

Whether normal or abnormal people usually get polarized over the subject. Most either love it or are disgusted by it. In real life you don’t know who will like what but online people can choose to read/visit your story or choose not too.

Which is why online it feels the environment is more tolerant for smut writers, but only because the people who read my smut are looking for it in the first place.

I guess that’s why it feels right to call others my fellow people of culture. :)


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
You don't have to include those descriptions if you don't want to. I'm just saying it adds depth. Some writers do add those descriptions, and you can tell people's personalities from the way they walk. Some people do check out others and do talk with double-entendres all the time. It doesn't have to be your MC, it can be a secondary character, a villain, or just a random background character.
Ah, that's fair. It's a way of adding depth to characters that I don't deem necessary at all, but it's definitely a way to go about it~
Ok. The very moment you said this, you automatically lost the argument. Evolution is literally 100% of everything that makes a person a person, it permeates every last aspect of who we are and what we do, and a lack of the ability to see that means all arguments that are based on this foundation automatically fall flat.

You just stated a scientifically inaccurate fact here. Therefore, the mere act of pointing out this flaw is really all I need to say against that last set of points.

The only conclusion we can reach at this point is that you simply do not understand evolution and need to become more educated on the subject.
Uhn... I think you're trolling by now, so I guess we'll just agree to disagree.
Anyway now that they’re done
You didn't need to wait for that! People can hold multiple discussions at the same time on the same thread! xD
Whether normal or abnormal people usually get polarized over the subject. Most either love it or are disgusted by it. In real life you don’t know who will like what but online people can choose to read/visit your story or choose not too.
I think there are a fair number of people who are indifferent to it (I'm indifferent to it for sure), but like... Well, it's definitely hard to know who is and isn't okay with the topic offline, so it makes sense that you prefer to upload smut stories anonymously instead~


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
Ah, that's fair. It's a way of adding depth to characters that I don't deem necessary at all, but it's definitely a way to go about it~

Uhn... I think you're trolling by now, so I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

You didn't need to wait for that! People can hold multiple discussions at the same time on the same thread! xD

I think there are a fair number of people who are indifferent to it (I'm indifferent to it for sure), but like... Well, it's definitely hard to know who is and isn't okay with the topic offline, so it makes sense that you prefer to upload smut stories anonymously instead~

On the internet is probably the only place I find people who are completely indifferent, but in real life almost everyone I know has an opinion.

However, I will give you the fact that I don’t openly broadcast that I write smut online, so I don’t actually know who is indifferent in real life and who isn’t.

I do say it’s polarizing because you can get one person disgusted by it who tries to make you look bad, online the culture is different and most don’t care.

Deleted member 70892

To be honest, it's insane the reactions you get from people when you tell them that you write smut, it made me quit for a while. So I decided to not tell anybody IRL about my smut writing habits. Are you guys/gals having the same reactions?
Because people hate horny writers. Well, that's just my opinion; their sheer amount of readers gained usually comes with their haters.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
Uhn... I think you're trolling by now, so I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

Meh. Not my fault if you didn't pay attention in highschool biology and wish to remain willingly ignorant.

That said, you've now exposed your core misconception on this issue. Therefore, the discussion cannot be continued until you've corrected yourself on this key issue. If you refuse to do that, then this discussion really cannot be continued.

(BTW: About your absurd survival island rational. Less than 1% of people alive today were born because their parents survived in an extreme and challenging environmental situation. That's very far back on the generational chain (although admittedly not that far by evolutionary standards.) We have developed better methods now. So, no. What you've said is an irrational interpretation. Meanwhile, literally 100% of people alive today are only alive because their parents had sex.)


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Sigh sigh sigh, I suppose I'll have to step into the middle of this argument. @AliceShiki @Jemini

What Jemini said wasn't wrong per se, but it was an extreme example.

Alice-chan, you were right in what you said in saying what they were saying was insane, but you could have phrased it better. In a way that wasn't so blunt.

*grabs both your hands and puts them together* You were both right, what you did was not wrong, just the way that you did it. Friends again?


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
Sigh sigh sigh, I suppose I'll have to step into the middle of this argument. @AliceShiki @Jemini

What Jemini said wasn't wrong per se, but it was an extreme example.

Alice-chan, you were right in what you said in saying what they were saying was insane, but you could have phrased it better. In a way that wasn't so blunt.

*grabs both your hands and puts them together* You were both right, what you did was not wrong, just the way that you did it. Friends again?
Can we argue about something next? I need a partner to indirectly insult over a period of posts about smut writing too. :(
Just wanted to add, it’s funny because the reason people get into arguments on a public forum (at least in my opinion) and never take it to DM is because there is an audience.

Whether or not the audience is acknowledged, subconsciously no one wants to look foolish or be insulted without defending themselves…

I guess I could say reputation is an evolutionary trait.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
Alice-chan, you were right in what you said in saying what they were saying was insane, but you could have phrased it better. In a way that wasn't so blunt.

Since you sound as though you have more awareness of what evolution actually entails, I would like for you to explain exactly how what I said was insane.

I think what I said started off with a shocking statement, but I immediately tried to follow that up with putting it into a more reasonable perspective. Sex is evolutionarily necessary, and the principles of evolution all revolve around whether or not you are able to reproduce. Therefore, the mechanisms behind reproduction are very psychologically significant. That would be the more grounded but far less attention-getting way to phrase it.

It is also true that I have seen from observation that writers who are comfortable with sex and have a mature relationship with it (not a horny teenage perspective, and not a puritanical perspective, but rather that they are able to talk about the subject comfortably and accept that it is a part of the human condition) tend to be far better at writing overall and it is in the characterization where this shows the most.

I didn't pull this out of nowhere. It is based on real observation.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Sigh sigh sigh, I suppose I'll have to step into the middle of this argument. @AliceShiki @Jemini

What Jemini said wasn't wrong per se, but it was an extreme example.

Alice-chan, you were right in what you said in saying what they were saying was insane, but you could have phrased it better. In a way that wasn't so blunt.

*grabs both your hands and puts them together* You were both right, what you did was not wrong, just the way that you did it. Friends again?
I already said I'll agree to disagree, didn't I? Jemini doesn't seem interested in trying to answer my points, so there is no more discussion to be held.
Just wanted to add, it’s funny because the reason people get into arguments on a public forum (at least in my opinion) and never take it to DM is because there is an audience.
Not really? Why would I ever argue with someone on PMs over something that was started on a public thread? I don't even see the point of doing that.

I have fun discussing things, but I don't really have a reason to go to PMs over it, I just stick to threads because it is where the discussion was being held in the first place.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Yeah, but like... If one doesn't write about sex, then their sex depiction doesn't need to be realistic.
Of course. If I only write children's stories, I don't have to worry about it. If I only write guides on how to min/max d20 3.0/3.5, then who cares? If I want to write a story that people go, "thank makes sense", well... There's a difference between artificial restrictions and your limits. If I choose to limit myself to something less that what I can achieve, then it isn't a problem. If I want to push my limits and grow beyond myself, then you have to take risks.