Why are smut writers getting so much hate?


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2022
It's trash and yet it received 10x the views of a fantasy story I've put my soul into. I thought about the outline, the theme, the worldbuilding, took me 2 years to write and it gets beaten by a smut story that I took 2 weeks to write. But yeah, Imagine if I put the same efforts into my smut. XD
Sex sells?

On that note, I should probably upload my romance here. It's kind of spicy, but definitely not smut. I'm not even sure I'd call it erotic, but it's close.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
To be honest, it's insane the reactions you get from people when you tell them that you write smut, it made me quit for a while. So I decided to not tell anybody IRL about my smut writing habits. Are you guys/gals having the same reactions?
no because I write EROTICA and GOOD erotica. Smut is for those of lesser quality, and those who write smut do so because they cant write erotica.

You see, it all has to do with either innate talent or skil, bothl of which smut writers lack


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
One of the primary reasons smut writers get put on blast is because they keep trying to redeem themselves from their position as smut writers. they're not getting out of the fringe. you write depraved sex. own up to it. the sooner you own up to it, the sooner people will stop putting you on blast because what's the point of telling a homeless man he's homeless? you either hide it or show it to the world. i write\draw my smut alongside my other normal series, it's just a thing I do. if you could just admit to the degeneracy you're involved in, you wouldn't be bothered by the hate.

hell, it's not even hate you're receiving. it's a normal reaction people should have to shit like this. smut is abnormal. you SHOULDN'T be writing stuff like this if you're a normal person. whether you prefer to conform to the normies or be yourself is up to you. if regular normies frowning upon your shit is enough to get you to stop, then you probably should just stop forever. if you want to continue, either keep it to yourself or own up to it, cause' you're NEVER gonna elevate yourself from the position of a smut writer in the eyes of the common reader.

TL;DR: you're not normal. either be normal or stop giving a fuck and keep doing what you're doing.


King of the birds and the fish.
Nov 5, 2019
To be honest, it's insane the reactions you get from people when you tell them that you write smut, it made me quit for a while. So I decided to not tell anybody IRL about my smut writing habits. Are you guys/gals having the same reactions?
Why do you even tell this your IRL Friends?
I would be pretty weirded out and confused If a friend suddenly tells me about it.

Smut literally devolves into the same depravity that fanfics do, on a long time line
Smut appeals to the lowest impulses of man, restricting itself to average writing at best, going down the depravity-lane
I wouldn't hate anyone for writing erotic stuff, but it's a bit creepy to imagine hearing someone telling me about it offline tbh.

Like, I know some people online who wrote erotic stuff, and I already had cybersex with my ex-boyfriends, so like... Well, it's not something I will shame anyone for, but like... Why would you ever tell other people that you write erotic stuff? Like... Wtf?

I don't talk about my sexual preferences with my offline friends, I don't tell them that I had cybersex with my exes, and if I wrote erotic stuff, I wouldn't tell them about it either, like... How does this kind of topic even come up in conversation? I can't even imagine it in all honesty.

It's easier to come up in a forum where stuff like roleplays can happen or discussions about all sorts of things started by third parties and whatnot, but geez, I really can't imagine a situation where this kind of topic would come up offline.
Just a well meaning tipp.
Love can quickly turn into hate so doing this stuff through the Internet can (and usually does) lead to some really nasty results.
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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2020
When you write smut, more often than not, low quality is enough. So most writers don't go above low quality.

But I strongly disagree with the fact that smut is doomed to be trash writing. Some authors actually put the effort and it's a treat to read.
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Jun 6, 2021
It seems like when most people see or hear the word 'smut', they think of all the most terrible tags you can imagine. If you say you write smut, they will think, 'Oh, they like *insert multiple illegal acts*.' Which kinda reflects more on them than you, but that won't make you less hated.

Also anything sexual is a topic that gets evaded in real life most of the time.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2019
In my experience, the only people who hate smut that aren't normies are those who didn't have their peculiar brand of personal autism (aka, their fetish) represented and explored in the smut itself.


King of the birds and the fish.
Nov 5, 2019
It seems like when most people see or hear the word 'smut', they think of all the most terrible tags you can imagine. If you say you write smut, they will think, 'Oh, they like *insert multiple illegal acts*.' Which kinda reflects more on them than you, but that won't make you less hated.

Also anything sexual is a topic that gets evaded in real life most of the time.
Smut is to Stories what porn is to movies.


Crimson Queen Of The Night
May 8, 2021
Are you talking about 50 shades of gray? Cause people hate that smut.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
I don't write smut. I write straight up erotica. I just don't write it here. This is the place where I put my more "wholesome" works.

IMO, I think every writer should write some smut at some point. Sex is part of the human experience, and it is a far more central aspect of it than anyone cares to admit. So, when you try to completely ignore this fact in your writing, it actually hampers your ability to write believable characters.

If you manage to keep in mind that, deep down, the entire reason any of us are alive today is because your mom and dad wanted to have sex with each other and thus it's a part of who you are as well as a human being, and the same is true for everyone else, it will greatly improve your writing. Every single person in your story should have some relationship with sex, even in completely non-erotic works with no smut in it at all. The works that have zero sexual content are just stories where people's sense of propriety beats out their carnal desires during the periods of time they are on scene.

(Also, yes, I really do mean every single character has some relationship with sex.)
Under-age children are unaware of sex. This counts as a relationship with it, even though it's far more distant than others in the story.
Pubescent-age children are trying to figure out the changes that are happening in their bodies, and the new feelings they're experiencing.
Everyone else who's in the more acceptable department for the subject of sex has varying levels of civility that mask their sexual desires, and varying levels of sex drive to go along with that.

So, yeah. Only the pre-pubescent children have zero actual sexual desire. Everyone else is masking it to varying degrees of success. (Some of which are very successful.) If you can keep this in mind and portray it accurately, you will write far more believable characters.


Active member
May 2, 2021
because its a normal thing to hate publicly if they never read smut before or "good" smut stories they will have this negative perception of it. IMO like novels most of them are shit but the ones that are published are already good enough and edited to hell but smut stories are the worst of original works since most of its just repeating everything which makes it boring mind you there are good smut stories out there.

The good smut stories are unique and rarely recycles its contents but if it does the story should be good enough to tolerate it for plot development which is true for any novels lol. Its just easier to repeat it in smut. Sexual content in stories should elevate the story and not revolve around it is the normal thing and having the story revolve around sex is harder to write good about it than writing normally. I mean smut stories are okay if its not a long novel but i prefer reading stories with a lot of chapters.


King of the birds and the fish.
Nov 5, 2019
IMO, I think every writer should write some smut at some point. Sex is part of the human experience, and it is a far more central aspect of it than anyone cares to admit. So, when you try to completely ignore this fact in your writing, it actually hampers your ability to write believable characters.

No thank you.
I think writers should write what they want to.


Queen of Yuri Devourer of Traps
Dec 23, 2018
Meh, harlequin smut used to be the 'goto' option for smut among adult women. While it used to be very much a bestseller, it also got a lot of hate by women. Ironically, the same women who pile hate on it are sometimes also the same buyer of said smut.

So Ai-chan doesn't think people actually hate smut. It's just that people seem to think that smut is something depraved. And since it's depraved, they are by right required, as per society's norms to hate on smut. This is the problem of society, and people who can't stand up for themselves.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Just a well meaning tipp.
Love can quickly turn into hate so doing this stuff through the Internet can (and usually does) lead to some really nasty results.
I've been through three Long Distance Relationships by now. I know what's good for me, and I know which kind of people to trust.

I know way more about how this works then random people online who fear getting closer to others.
IMO, I think every writer should write some smut at some point. Sex is part of the human experience, and it is a far more central aspect of it than anyone cares to admit. So, when you try to completely ignore this fact in your writing, it actually hampers your ability to write believable characters.
This is absolute nonsense and I hope you don't believe it, because it's plain silly to believe it. You don't need to write sexual scenarios to make believable characters, and I honestly have no idea how you even considered writing this paragraph.


King of the birds and the fish.
Nov 5, 2019
I've been through three Long Distance Relationships by now. I know what's good for me, and I know which kind of people to trust.

I know way more about how this works then random people online who fear getting closer to others.

This is absolute nonsense and I hope you don't believe it, because it's plain silly to believe it. You don't need to write sexual scenarios to make believable characters, and I honestly have no idea how you even considered writing this paragraph.
I mean sure it's your life, I'm just some random slav.
I don't say you should't be close to others, just to take care.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
This is absolute nonsense and I hope you don't believe it, because it's plain silly to believe it. You don't need to write sexual scenarios to make believable characters, and I honestly have no idea how you even considered writing this paragraph.

You misunderstand the point. I'm not saying there needs to be sex in your story in order to write believable characters. Rather, that you as a writer need to have written sex related stuff at some point and grown comfortable with the idea in order to later write believable characters even in stories that have no sexual content in it at all.

It is specifically the idea of growing comfortable with the type of content. I've come to this conclusion after watching/reading some of the very best and most highly acclaimed works of fiction in the webnovel/Japanese story-telling space. "The world's finest assassin reincarnated as an Aristocrat." "Mushoku Tensei." "Ghost in the Shell." All three of the ones I just named were written by people who showed signs of being very comfortable with writing sexual content.

Again, it's not because of the sexual content that the stories were good. It's because the writer was comfortable with the idea of writing sexual content which improved even the scenes where there wasn't any of that going on. The mere fact they had that comfort and acceptance with that side of the human experience made it so that they had a piece of the human picture that was lacking in other works.


□■ - I like running in mazes - ■□
Nov 16, 2021
To be honest, it's insane the reactions you get from people when you tell them that you write smut, it made me quit for a while. So I decided to not tell anybody IRL about my smut writing habits. Are you guys/gals having the same reactions?
I don't really write it but my friend does. He's afraid to tell people that he does because he told one person before and they got mad at him and called him disgusting. So yes.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
You misunderstand the point. I'm not saying there needs to be sex in your story in order to write believable characters. Rather, that you as a writer need to have written sex related stuff at some point and grown comfortable with the idea in order to later write believable characters even in stories that have no sexual content in it at all.

It is specifically the idea of growing comfortable with the type of content. I've come to this conclusion after watching/reading some of the very best and most highly acclaimed works of fiction in the webnovel/Japanese story-telling space. "The world's finest assassin reincarnated as an Aristocrat." "Mushoku Tensei." "Ghost in the Shell." All three of the ones I just named were written by people who showed signs of being very comfortable with writing sexual content.

Again, it's not because of the sexual content that the stories were good. It's because the writer was comfortable with the idea of writing sexual content which improved even the scenes where there wasn't any of that going on. The mere fact they had that comfort and acceptance with that side of the human experience made it so that they had a piece of the human picture that was lacking in other works.
I don't get the correlation you're making at all. You don't need to be comfortable with writing sexual content in order to write a good story or believable characters. The two things have no connection at all.

If you're not writing sexual content, then you don't need to be comfortable with writing it. It's as simple as that. You're trying to create a wild correlation that is coming out of nowhere where you need to be comfortable with writing about sex to write non-sexual scenes... It makes no sense, and I have no idea what's going on in your head.