Why so much face slapping? Why so many pointless conflicts? … a bit of a rant.


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
I have recently gotten back into reading Chinese & Korean web novels. But, I am hesitant to continue because of the face slap. Every work I have started the past couple of weeks has had this to some extent. They start off good, but slowly begin to degenerate in to the Magic Era curse. It was in the summer of 2020, when I read End of the Magic Era. iI had okay world building and a good power system, but every character interaction was the same.

1. You look weak, I am rich bow you peasant, &/or you are wrong so I will humiliate you.
2. Look, there is no way I can be wrong.
3. What?! How could that be, you must be cheating/lying.
4. Face slap + repeat of steps 1-4 until the character is killed, becomes a loyal servant, or becomes a love interest/ally.

I realized this pattern pretty early on, about chapter 30, but continued going because of the quality of practically everything else. In the first 100 or so chapters there was a face slap every ~15 chapters, that would last 2-3 chapters. Then it was every 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4… By chapter 1100 there was practically a face slap arc every other chapter and it became extremely intrusive to the good points of the novel. My morbid curiosity could only take me so far, so I dropped it. When ever a face slapping arc begins you know how it is going to end, it is typically unrealistic and emersion breaking, and it can often assasinate a character’s characterization. So why are there so many?

After that, I searched for a while for a good web novel without them, and eventually found this site. Now, I never completely stopped reading said Chinese & Korean works, but I drastically decreased the amount I read. 5~ weeks ago I started getting into them again and am already slightly regretting it. There have, so far, only been three series that avoided this pit trap. The rest have all had a sense of face slappery and/or been drenched in meaningless conflicts. As if the only way for a character to exist is a mortal enemy, a pathetic mortal, or a meaningless love interest who loses all independence when the protagonist is introduced. All friends have to be reminded that the protagonist can crush them under their boot if they step out of line, if the protagonist has friends in the first place. …

This is not even mentioning the over abundance of One Punch Man & SAO hybrid knock offs, the endless cycle of violence reminiscent of the ending of the Odyssey, the system that makes no sense in its existence, the propagation of racist and sexist stereotypes, Homophobia and Transphobia, the glorification of slavery & the general control over other people, meaningless edge, the fact that they have all been MTLs, & so much more. Yes, these issues exist here, but not to the extent of what you will find MTLing for a good novel. Yet, I will probably go back to them because there is nothing else that I have found, so far, and not already read, that is long enough to really satisfy me.

I have spent the past week trying to find something new to read and, when I do, I either drop it because of the amount of face-slapping, drop it because it is boring, or finish it in two hours only to go back onto the quest for something else.

So… what are your opinions on face slapping? Is it novel ending when it becomes more than one arc? And, if you have any recommendations, please leave them, although I probably won’t read anything with less than 100,000 words if it is not completed.

Oh and the thing that sparked this rant was reading this, it is not as bad as the magic era, but this has already become my ‘reverse scale’ for lack of better terminology:
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
The nationalism thing is what really soured me lately on newer CN/JP/KR novels, but they’ve always been flush with slavery/sexism (like a girl cultivator can be strong, but a girl cultivator is 99% of the time weaker than a boy if they’re the same level).

The Chinese face slapping thing is fueled by the culture. In China (and Asian cultures in general) ‘status’ is way way more important than in the United States.

The repetition in the story line is due to market demands for word count+update frequency.

If you want a story with action but not face slapping, and don’t mind a fan fic, I’d suggest this one.



Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
Cathartic entertainment.
A surrogate who crushes petty and serious opposition alike, unquestioned (aside from aforementioned petty people for their own designs) and unrivaled. "But you also did something wrong" and "nice try upstart" would pose unsatisfying roadblocks. There's no success in catching up on what the protagonist should always have been capable of, and real life dishes moral quandaries and proof of one's shortcomings aplenty.
"Better" literature might forego this satisfaction in favor of more complex conclusions, but if that's what you're in for why bother?
It's written that way because it works for people.


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
The nationalism thing is what really soured me lately on newer CN/JP/KR novels, but they’ve always been flush with slavery/sexism (like a girl cultivator can be strong, but a girl cultivator is 99% of the time weaker than a boy if they’re the same level).

The Chinese face slapping thing is fueled by the culture. In China (and Asian cultures in general) ‘status’ is way way more important than in the United States.

The repetition in the story line is due to market demands for word count+update frequency.

If you want a story with action but not face slapping, and don’t mind a fan fic, I’d suggest this one.

I mean it makes sense, but literally all of the good stuff is missing, or has a comparable lack, of the 2nd issue. Think Lord of the Mysteries, Plague Doctor, My House of Horrors, etc.

As for repetition due to demand, I think that it is more an artificial demand than literal demand. In example superheroes sell currently, there are a lot of people, probably more than the people who turn into every or most superhero movies, who want something different. But that isn’t going to happen change is too risky, so until it no longer makes Hollywood money the hero genera will remain practically untouched and without massive experimentation. The same goes with the modern remake push, it is a safe investment that can make money without having to pay many writers. There is sizable demand for something different, but that is too big of a risk in a system where no money = no food.

Thank you for the rec, I will look into it.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2022
Face Slapping can be really annoying to read. Especially when it happens so frequently.

But for me I'm usually fine with it, only really getting bad when I ingest too many of those stories within a period of time (This is pretty much my opinion on most overused stuff).


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
As for repetition due to demand, I think that it is more an artificial demand than literal demand.

I don’t know exactly how it works, but I’ve read in several different places that authors on Webnovel are paid by word count+views. And like, making more chapters helps with both those things.


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
Cathartic entertainment.
A surrogate who crushes petty and serious opposition alike, unquestioned (aside from aforementioned petty people for their own designs) and unrivaled. "But you also did something wrong" and "nice try upstart" would pose unsatisfying roadblocks. There's no success in catching up on what the protagonist should always have been capable of, and real life dishes moral quandaries and proof of one's shortcomings aplenty.
"Better" literature might forego this satisfaction in favor of more complex conclusions, but if that's what you're in for why bother?
It's written that way because it works for people.
Yes, on occasion if it is written well it is okay, but there is definitely a limit IMO. In example:

If every time John talks to someone and those people are actively spitting in his face, only to get crushed 5 pages later, it becomes boring. He goes to the grocery store and a kid trips him, John responds by using his system to curse the kid with the diarrhea for a week. He picks up some milk, and someone goes on a rage because John is wearing a face mask. That person is then escorted out by the police. John takes his grocery cart to the check but the cashier refuses to check his items because the shirt he is wearing indicates that he is super poor. John curses the system for requiring him to where a burlap sack for a shirt but tries to go on. The cashier refuses until their manager appears, the manager calls the police to escort John out. The police show up and recognize John as their chiefs friend, so they arrest the cashier and their manager. The store owner shows up and gives John the supermarket because he realizes he is the fiancé of the young master of the Gates family and we can’t have old Bill trying to squash him.

I think that probably got boring/annoying pretty fast. If we are going by the stuff I have read recently, that would be 1-2 chapters long, each will take up at least 2,000 words, and something similar would happen every 10-20 chapters later.


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
The reason why faceslapping exist is because the CN authors need to create conflict for the MC to solve, but Nooo, MC can't be the perpetrator that started the fight, so some dumbass needs to.

Also, it helps that elitism exist and those that aren't enjoying the fruit of success are often sour at those who do (ie the authors who have to write to pay rent). So they can feel free to say that the wealthy mooks are looking down on their "hardworking" MC/ self-insert and thus they deserve to die.

Occasionally, the author might liven things up by saying that those that are poorer, be it money or manners, than MC are also bad and these folks might or might not be the lackeys of the rich (ie some agressive folks in the net defending the rich). Thus, MC isn't hating on the rich, he hates the "bad" ie those who have beef on him.

Deleted member 54065

I don’t know exactly how it works, but I’ve read in several different places that authors on Webnovel are paid by word count+views. And like, making more chapters helps with both those things.
Ugh...I remember those times when WebNovel, Dreame and Sofanovel offered me a contract. These are the conditions I need to meet every month to stay afloat (be in their payroll), so I refused.


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
Ugh...I remember those times when WebNovel, Dreame and Sofanovel offered me a contract. These are the conditions I need to meet every month to stay afloat (be in their payroll), so I refused.
Dude, I never thought that writers can become a 9-5 job, until CN slapped me in the face.

Then again, mangakas have the same problem with monthly releases and they are worse, having to make the story whilst drawing it out.

Deleted member 54065

Dude, I never thought that writers can become a 9-5 job, until CN slapped me in the face.

Then again, mangakas have the same problem with monthly releases and they are worse, having to make the story whilst drawing it out.
Well, at least mangakas can hold off their works until the last minute. Hence, the plots where a mangaka would hire an assistant to make his work cross the deadline on tight schedule.

Whereas, CN contracts would implore you to cough up a minimum of 1k words PER DAY, with excess words unpaid. You're only allowed two absences per month. And hey, no Sunday and Saturday breaks.

Did I also mention that those '1k' words would depend on the approval of the editor assigned to you? So meaning, if your editor decided that your 1k words submitted needs revision and subtracts around 200 words, you have to cough it up again or it'll count as an absent, or you won't be paid (depends on contract).

And yes, I also got a contract where they'd buy your novel (once, for a small amount). You'd only get to keep your name, and the responsibility for promoting your work to others (though they'd also share some of it...)


Was Divided By Zero: Looking for Glovebox Jesus
Nov 2, 2021
By having a petty character step up to plate to get knocked down by the oh so righteous main character it enables for the author to flaunt some sort of moral superiority and the dominance of their character.

As for the reactiveness of the main character it is just fairly common for them to have a, 'if it doesn't effect me it doesn't matter' personality.

It can be satisfying to knock an fool down, but with the length most these authors go it just reeks of self-centered, self-insert power fantasy.

Deleted member 54065

I also forgot to add, the contracts offered to me puts a cap on how much I can earn for month, even if I got lots of excess words uploaded.

So, for example, my contract stipulates I'd be paid $1 per 1k words/day, and it also says that I can only earn up to $15 a month, it means that they'd only pay for around 15k words of my story.

However, they wanted you to cough up 1k words PER DAY, and a month on Earth is 30 days. End result? They get your 15k words extra for free! Yey!


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
I need more face slapping in my stories. I have been overlooking a valuable resource.
I also forgot to add, the contracts offered to me puts a cap on how much I can earn for month, even if I got lots of excess words uploaded.

So, for example, my contract stipulates I'd be paid $1 per 1k words/day, and it also says that I can only earn up to $15 a month, it means that they'd only pay for around 15k words of my story.

However, they wanted you to cough up 1k words PER DAY, and a month on Earth is 30 days. End result? They get your 15k words extra for free! Yey!
Dude. The lowest I got paid was 6 cents a WORD. $15 a month 30k a month? F.U.

Last job I took was 15 cents a word 80k. He needed it in a month. Don't get many rush jobs these days, but it has happened.
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Deleted member 54065

I need more face slapping in my stories. I have been overlooking a valuable resource.

Dude. The lowest I got paid was 6 cents a WORD. $15 a month 30k a month? F.U.

Last job I took was 15 cents a word 80k. He needed it in a month. Don't get many rush jobs these days, but it has happened.

I'm from the Land of Mr. Marcos' Slave Plantation, I don't have a fucking idea of how much you guys are paid there in the Land of School Shootings. Calm your t*ts.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021

I'm from the Land of Mr. Marcos' Slave Plantation, I don't have a fucking idea of how much you guys are paid there in the Land of School Shootings. Calm your t*ts.
You are being used. Fiverr is better paying. Well, it should. I've been semi-retired. The only steady work I found at the end was basically soft core porn. Wouldn't know what it's like starting from the ground up, but that's slavery, IMHO.

And I hardly ever shoot a school

Deleted member 54065

You are being used. Fiverr is better paying. Well, it should. I've been semi-retired. The only steady work I found at the end was basically soft core porn. Wouldn't know what it's like starting from the ground up, but that's slavery, imho.
Well, I rejected the contract. Tbh, I find it detrimental to my mental well-being, since--while I can write up to 12k words a day--I write in bursts.

And yeah! Fiverr is great for freelancers; I have a few clients there for my chibi illustrations.